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Thank you!! Due to my fear and the bad experience I had the first time. Spent much of the night leading up to my 8:15am colonoscopy trying hard not to throw up, Yeah, this is some nasty-tasting stuff. He struggles daily. Thank you again for sharing your experience. May everyone have it as easy as I did. Ive had At least 5-6 colonoscopies . I only get 5 minute warnings that cannot be ignored or out come the emergency change of clothes. Bottom line, I was afraid and waited. Suprep does it's job but has extreme side affects! YES, put it over ice! The taste was ok. A little salty but also a little sweet. I never did get nauseous or cramps, so I repeated until I had downed 3 liters. We cannot offer medical advice, so we recommend that you check in with your doctors office to ask this question, and ask them what their experience has been. Suprep did not. The taste was fine to me. Hope that helps someone! Mag citrate at 2pm, lots of liquids, then 4 senna tablets that I crushed up and added to Powerade zero; then lots of liquids, at 7 pm I took 4 dulcolax pills that I crushed up and added to protein enhanced water. I had my first dose at room temperature and I renamed it Hot Cherry Garbage Juice. Sending you light and positive thoughts. Your doctor will tell you how much medicine to use. In my experience, the split dose colonoscopy prep makes the diarrhea slightly easier to tolerate. I write this now as I was searching for something somewhere to tell me that it wouldnt be the end of the world that I wasnt able to choke that last little bit down. Odd thing was I almost didnt feel like I needed to go but once the 1st small (hard-still) poop went through, my bowels pushed out a couple more times of soft watery poops within a minute. Dont forget to tell your family about your results! Suprep is not that bad at all! After 30 mins I vomited and now I have stomach cramping but no bowel movement. Many people with chronic constipation have long, tortuous colons, which are more difficult to empty completely. I will be better prepared this time. Some survivors say creams and oils can help either prevent or soothe irritation. at all. I want to thank everyone for the encouraging tips. This last appt got delayed bc of the virus. Also 10 mins after the first sip I went to the bathroom right away. Can I just say I dont know what the big deal is with people? Did my 4th colonoscopy today, and this was the 1st time I had to do a split prep. Mor. Begin drinking slowly over the next one hour. Now 1 hour until blast off part 2. I just finished bowel prep and the worst part for me was the taste of the drink. The prep is not that bad, just different. Wait until they have to do it, and they will know what it is all about. Again, I was able to accomplish that. Wasnt hard to drink Almost immediate need to hit the toilet. Im a small figure who ways 95lb and my body reacts quickly with laxatives and anything that doesnt sit well in my stomach. Sadly, he never got a colonoscopy. Then they told me that they use separate ones. Thank you! I told her I asked for a short form prep. She asked me what I like to drink. My question is this: The nurse gave me the option to either stay up late and clear or wake up early and clear. . Wishing you ease of prep. Woke up at 6am. A few examples are listed below. tabs in the morning, took an anti-nausea pill at 3pm, started the nuLytely prep solution at 4pm. The bottom line (no pun intended) is this: Thank you for the suggestion. Thanks for the quick reply I am currently putting down the miralax and may take ya up on the phone number! I am having my colonoscopy Tuesday. provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. I didnt eat the day before (OK- woke up and ate four cherries then forced myself to stop). Of lemonade to mix with the prep liquid. Thanks so much for the tips! Hope this helps someone. Good luck, Bob! The afternoon before the colonoscopy, between 4:00 PM & 5:20 PM I drank one-half gallon of Trilyte. If your fears are based on your last colonoscopy prep, you may be pleasantly surprised by your next one. You do need to be aware that when this stuff hits, you will have trouble making it to the toilet in time. Reluctantly got 16 oz of ice water #1 and managed to force that down. The 2nd time/no go (pun not intended); when I woke up the dr said he had just ordered another gallon and that he would try a 3rd time later in the afternoon. For some reason, drinking it with a straw helps me.. 6Oz mixed with 10oz water, to make the 16oz mixture. Ultimately I was able to successfully complete my colonoscopy on my second try. If your procedure is scheduled between 7am and 11am ONLY you will take the second prep dose at 10pm the night before. Thanks for sharing! I read about all these people who set up movies in the bathroom and were in there for hours. Normally, I can't down any liquid in that quantity that quickly much less one that tastes as bad as that. For me, this prep was so much better than the Gatorade and Miralax Prep. It could save your life. Certainly not unbearable and you have the benefits of a colonic. Thank you for encouraging people to forge on with their colonoscopies, even when challenges arise along the way! Please start the first dose of Suprep at 2:00pm 1. The makers of the drug need to figure this stuff out and get it together, My advice: have a lot of Depends at the ready (I had some, but ran out), and demand a different prep. Starting at 4 I drink 16 ounces per hour. But I know Id rather just pay extra on my own and drink less next time. After I just downed 10 oz. I requested the smallest one possible for the IV and it still hurt like hell. Attaching a photo Anytime you introduce foreign objects into your body you risk infection and injury. mixture. Mixing it with your favorite sports drink will make it easier, IMO. LOL! Your Satans butt comment is really funny and relatable! The submit button will be disabled until you complete the CAPTCHA. I realize colonoscopy saves lives and for that I think we should be grateful we have such a test, but for the life of me I cannot figure out why, in the 21st century they have not developed a way of cleaning out the colon without having to drink gallons of water and solution. It lasted 2 hours and I had maybe 6-7 trips to the bathroom. Hi Gabriela, Thank you so much for your comment! In the end, it didnt matter that I drank the stuff early they said its all good as long as you are pooping out liquid. They gave me the option of a no-sedation procedure and after a conversation, I decided to give it a go. Showered, got dressed and went to apt. I dont have an issue with the cleanse as Ill actually like having to do it. Taste was like a sweet tart- not my fav but drank some mixture then take a sip of ginger ale, etc over 20 min until gone. I am having my test today at noon. They are lifesaving. And the ladys suggestion above about strong ginger or peppermint tea as a chaser is brilliant! People, PLEASE get your colonoscopy!!! The morning of the colonoscopy, you must complete the second dose of 12 tablets. Be honest and tell them that you may not be able to complete the prep because you dont like citrus. Read the reviews and was completely freaked out. Also I didnt hate the drink as much as everyone else. The suprep is 2 stages one at 5pm and the 2nd at 1:30am for a 7:30am procedure. Colorectal cancer found early is preventable and treatable. It began working in about an hour. I dont want to be on the toilet all night long, but it seems like I might be if I start the prep that late in the evening. I drink 2 bottles of Magnesium citrate on the day before, one in early morning and the other in early afternoon. Sign up now and get a FREE copy of theBest Diets for Cognitive Fitness. I have a question. Heres what they said: Eating smaller portions and low-fiber foods a few days before you plan to do colonoscopy prep can help the evening go smoothly. After seeing accounts of the horrid taste, I was pleasantly surprised. It is very important that you complete the recommended dose of Suprep. We appreciate it! Great job! It made me feel bloated and full for the first 45 minutes or so but once it started coming out, that decreased also. It took 70 minutes to start to work. Years ago, my cousin had one and was traumatized so much that I chickened out. I got a pkg of depends and wore them under a sundress just for piece of mind and ease off/on. Shop our online store to raise awareness everywhere you go! The day before a colonoscopy, patients must stick to a liquid diet i.e., no solid foods. Then, I had ginger ale ready for the follow up chaser of glass one 16 oz. That was perfect for me because I really didnt think Id be able to handle the taste of the liquid prep! Last time I was so hungry, so this time I am trying to have a snack every few hours and also drink both regular and sparking water (I read somewhere the bubbles help stave off hunger.). He said the polyp likely started before I was 50, and that its a good thing I came in when I did. Please see someone for your irrational thoughts of being assaulted with a colonoscope. The makers of this drug need to get it together and figure this out--this medication will drive people away from getting the screenings they need. I take the first bottle at 6:00 PM Thursday and the second bottle 4:15 AM the day of my scope (check in time is 9:15 AM). DO NOT STRAY far from the toilet. 64 oz. I downed first dose at 6 PM and was done three hours later. I got a little full by the end but not bad. I pulled the plug on my colonoscopy and prep, but I still wanted my planned endoscopy. So i took 4 litres, 2 the night before and 2 the morning of the procedure. The actual medical procedure was seamless. Sutab Experience. We understand your frustration with the prep, and we are sorry that you have had such a horrible experience with the prep and colonoscopy. I took 3 ducolax after 3 hours of nothing. I started with 2 ducolax at 4:30pm, and at 5pm I drank the 16 oz of S**tstorm. Hope this helps you. We appreciate your authenticity and that you shared your experience KNOWING that colonoscopy prep is not a joy, but something that absolutely needs to be done. It may help to keep in mind that colonoscopy can save your life. Tastes better too. I scheduled the procedure on a Monday, giving me two full days to be gentle with myself. Suprep Bowel Prep Kit: Uses, How it works, Dosage, Side Effects, Coloprep Bowel Preparation Kit: How To Use, Side Effects. Its strange but not really uncomfortable. I am 37 years old and I was sent for my first colonoscopy at age 35 after having some blood in my stool. What really made my event was the discovery and removal of a polyp. I pushed back as I was worried about having an accident on the way in, and was told to do 5 pm and midnight. Clear Liquids Before Colonoscopy Really Necessary? This plan is not just for Fight CRC, but for everyone who is willing to champion this cause. line on the container and mix. I drank 2 cups in 40 mins and I had horrible nausea. Had my 5th colonoscopy this morning and its over and done with. If you begin drinking the colonoscopy prep in the evening, start a few hours earlier to prevent running to the toilet all night. Assaulted?? I have also read studies that say miralax is more effective than suprep, but I have no experience and it was only one study. Nausea, bloating, I end up with a few dry heaves. This doesnt mean it will work for you and you should talk to your GI doc. Pretty standard stuff, these are the instructions I . Not a taste Id choose (exactly like the description, it was syrupy and salty). Its a horrible way to die and very preventable, but knowing that still doesnt make this any easier. She notes that polyps that lie flat against the colon wall are especially difficult to detect if stool or liquid coat the bowel wall. Colonoscopy revealed all good - not even a polyp, and this was after a positive Cologuard test (but that's another story. Not fun. then running to the bathroom for the next 3 hours. Can I mix Suprep with Gatorade instead of water? Just know that we are here for you and sending you strength and our love. The drink isnt too bad, the pooping eventually ends and the procedure isnt as bad as you think. Its sorta light salty lemonade with a slight fizz. By the time I went to bed at 10:30, I was not passing anything. If you have had this problem previously, then discuss with your prescriber whether an anti-nausea tablet would be an option. Did your small bites ruin the test? I am doing a spit prep of the intense cherry-flavored-salty-chemical cocktail that I like to call S**tstorm. Take 12 tablets with 24 ounces of clear liquid 3 to 5 hours before your colonoscopy. A ginger hard candy or lemon slice may be helpful. Love the tips! I know my insurance company was not happy with the 1.2 mill they put out to keep me alive! I chose to use PLENVU prep again because the taste is tolerable for me, and it's a low volume bowel prep. But the prep sucks. As far as the prep goes, my doctor prescribed Prepopik. fun, I am sad thinking of my 56 year old nephew jusr diagnosed with advanced colon cancer who never had a colonoscopy. Was much worse than my first one exspecially with small children to attend too. I expected hoover dam to break open, but only got a water show each time. Both daughters are doing awesome now . I was in bathroom off and on for the next 3 hours. I have a family history of cancer, but those who suffered from it also suffered from stomach problems forever before they were screened and diagnosed. Good for you for having a few days before prep to figure out what will work for you! Step 2: Add cool drinking water to the 16-ounce line on the container and mix. (They must not have been making budget and needed to shove through some more expensive tests). Super thirsty but they said no liquid no nothing after the prep on colonoscopy day. every 15 minutes. Have a history of colon cancer in my family so my PCP suggested I get one asap. My diarrhea stopped the evening before at about 9pm and i slept all night until I had to wake up and drink the other half of my solution. ", Positive experience with first time use of suprep for my 3rd colonoscopy, I am almost 61 with genetic history of CCancer in family. I think the reason it was so easy was a few days before I changed my diet. Read More Read Less, After reading so many reviews regarding this prep, I made two calls practically begging my doctor to order something else. (We agree with you that the colonoscopy nap is absolutely delicious.). 1st day Monday- light breakfast then 2 entire bottles of magnesium citrate at separate times, liquid diet until colonoscopy on Wednesday afternoon at 3:15 pm. Next morning, coffee, Desitin, prep, and about another hour on the toilet. The other people on this site sharing their experiences helped me through this. I stopped the high fiber foods, nuts, raw veggies, etc 5 days ago. When Can I Start Eating After Magnesium Citrate? Hi, I came here looking for tips. I think this has something to do with my anal history. I did a leading dose of bisacodyl at 3:00 pm, the day before the procedure. Learn How Genetics Make Some Fans of Fear, Dr. Whyte's Book: Take Control of Your Cancer Risk, How Breast Cancer Changed My Life and Me, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox. It took me about 35 minutes to drink all 16 oz's. Youll be glad you did. I am not going to soft sell this product, it is VERY difficult to swallow and I had to fight with myself to keep it down. But I have zero trust in the medical profession. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. This is new to me. I have ME/CFIDS/FMS. I was given a lemon flavor packet to use and there is no way I can possibly drink that.