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Instrumental in the repair of 121 electronic components and the Wire Test Set (WTS). Wc_~/c51W4rj;%{CNjz-{yHt(:Yty[*^:N~3V!CS(h@C =`pO I hI14 The USS Constitution is a tour that is very unique in experiencing Navy heritage and history. The system may show an application gate not allowing the member to apply. LUv%"A GYvb8k/ W4p=7]-VSj+QkPJgm#oaz\99jgRJ,R:7Hw,i|T.YaaXgR2liLhu{_>*x@m0#M&4}dV)8bE_lG)_*}B;Ul%+vI !=@fu. hb```0 @q@` b($ k\`C?$VCZ Her drive and dedication resulted in a grade of "PASS" during the pre- and mid-deployment Material Condition Inspections. - As CRSP teammember, he inspected over 400 sea bags, 225 footlockers, 2700 weapons, 2200 tri-walls and inspected more than 225,000 total items. duties performed in a position, along with complete task descriptions, skills and abilities, and experience required to . EFFECTIVELY LEADS FAST PACED EXECUTION: As EOD forces commander in Bahrain, CDR Smith expertly lead over 120 sailors comprised of seven different units covering four geographically dispersed locations. His tenure on the Strike Group Staff is marked by enormous contributions to our Nation. Why? Now . There are countless ways you can help protect your nation with NAVAIR. The expert leadership LT Smith continued to display resulted in an extremely high degree of success for the unit and the gaining command. SELECT FOR CHIEF NOW!! Successfully completed two multinational exercises, TRICRAB 2001, SEAHAWK 2001, and one multinational MCM training evolution with the Canadian Fleet Divers. -Not usually, since many overseas jobs are advertised as soon as the member enters their first negotiation window. \e`dq $ - Committed to development of subordinates. Recommended for advancement. What's the current job market like for transitioning officers, and how can you improve your chances of getting hired? How does this new spouse colocation process work? List of 3-4 references (not letters of reference, just a list of names with contact info), Personal Statement (expressing your desire/fit for position), Letter(s) of Recommendationfrom Commanding Officer/SupplyOfficer, College/Graduate Transcripts (unofficial will suffice), Personal Statement and why you didn't interview with NR as an Ensign at NSCS, Any other career information not yet posted on OSR/PSR. Dynamic trainer and thorough systems knowledge yielded six Collateral Duty Inspector s,one Plane Captain, and six Fuel Cell Entrant/Safety Observers. 7. The sea/shore flow chart can be found at: Will a request like this be approved? The officer billet designator codes are four-digit numbers used to identify the primary naval specialty qualifications required of the billet incumbent and to administratively categorize officer billets for proper management and identification. Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 49. She ensured an astounding 100 percent CCI accountability, ZERO Practices Dangerous to Security (PDS), and ZERO Communication Security (COMSEC) Incidents. The HR Community provides operationally experienced uniformed leadership and core human resource expertise to define, attract, recruit, develop, assign, and retain America's best and brightest. In 2012, there were 14,095 empty at-sea billets, but by 2016 the Navy was able to drop that number to just 792. A total of 500 scholarship grants, each for $2,000, will be awarded for the 2023-24 school year with at least one recipient selected at every commissary location where [], MARCH 2, 2023 All resumes serve the same purpose but arent all the same. These highly-trained Sailors perform formal ceremonies for the President of the United States, SECNAV, CNO, and. Sign up for a free membershipto have job postings, career fair listings, guides and advice, and more delivered directly to your inbox. 9. Your so-called resume. The responsibilities during this tour are to receive, transport, store, transfer and account for highly classified and time sensitive material. I want to do special programs (Navy Drug and Alcohol Program/Detailer/Recruiter/RDC), but my detailer is telling me no? This billet is very career enhancing because these Sailors get to build their programs from the ground up and that gives them a sense of ownership over their equipment. said Chief Petty Officer Eric Spisak, Sea Special Programs Detailer. LT Smith security mission was responsible for securing 25 square miles of land and enabling the first . endstream endobj 713 0 obj <. endstream endobj startxref There are duties not specified to a billet or office that remain very important; we are after those that are trivial, have outlived their usefulness, are implicit in primary billet. PDF 1000-010 CH-13, 30 Apr 2020 Page 1 of 9 RESPERSMAN 1000-010 - Navy You don't have to do it alone, though. 14. 8u>e?1$tc 'FY0P)44c"k3IxCm6&P| DEDICATED TO MENTORSHIP. %%EOF _L6#RI)yUl+! "My latest version shows words like mentoring, efficiency, and work load planning. We Get special job alerts, offers and insider tips on making the most of your military experience in the civilian workforce. SEA FA billets teach the future Senior Enlisted Leaders of the fleet. HM 0000/L03A, please apply for jobs that meet your current pay grade only. a. 2 0 obj Her aggressive influence in the command, increased retention by 55% during this reporting period. I see seven choices to the same job for the same rank and NEC, should/can I apply to all seven of them to better my chances to get exactly what I want? %PDF-1.5 % Nominative Billets Nominative billets include NSCS Instructor Duty, Flag Aide, Presidential, Naval Reactor or PEP. 1169 0 obj <> endobj endstream endobj 4166 0 obj <> endobj 4167 0 obj <> endobj 4168 0 obj <>stream "I really don't think I will get a good job until I finish my degree but I'm trying," said Lapple. According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, free military, financial assistance, and resources are []. Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Award Do you Qualify? - Command involved. This included mooring-to-a-buoy and underway refueling never attempted before with this crew. Nominative billets include NSCS Instructor Duty, Flag Aide, Presidential,Naval Reactoror PEP. RL - Special Duty Officer - Cyber Warfare Engineer. Communication with the detailer is ideal for situations such as this. The only thing standing in your way? Must be between the ages of 18 and 39. -Every job advertised in MyNavy Assignment has to be filled each cycle. From Military to Civilian: Resume Translation, By In this area, the morale of the Sailor and, in many instances, the family, are affected. - Gifted leader and mentor. LONG RANGE VISIONARY: John set TSD up for long range success. I want to make it better in order to be competitive," said Gary Heinstrom, a U.S. Army Specialist who currently serves as a medic with the 554th Military Police Company based in Germany. USS Constitution is the oldest Navy ship still in commission. -No, all requests which affect the distribution of a Sailor should be complete the month prior to their first negotiation window. - Technical expert. Marine Air Support Squadron-6. Hospital Corpsman - Navy Actively ensures all new arrivals are quickly indoctrinated and receive first class, red carpet treatment. Having a successful career in the military is a major accomplishment. This is not the official recruiting website of the U.S. Military. can help. 712 0 obj <> endobj If you are targeting a job outside of the defense world, then you most certainly need to translate your skills, experiences and accomplishments into the English Language. A complete list of requirements and billet descriptions can be found on MyNavy HRs website or by contacting your detailer. Translating the military words on your resume into civilian ones can be challenging. BRIEF JOB DESCRIPTIONS This document serves to provide a brief summary of the responsibilities of each billet in order to inform your . Will a request like this be approved? PDF Department of The Navy Office of The Chief of Naval Operations 2000 stream Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 773. endstream endobj 1170 0 obj <. Is there a number to contact MNCC? Participates in numerous volunteer activities including umpiring for Virginia Beach Little League and donated numerous hours in the construction of Kids Cove Activity Center at Mt. Additionally, she managed the CCI loadouts of four SDV platoons in support of the execution of six National Taskings. SELF TAUGHT: Without a chief LTJG Smith took his 20 man Deck Division through the basic phase training cycle. Unflagging efforts lowered attrition rate to zero. LCDR Smith lead the Manning, training, and equipping of 14 mobile and three shore platoons while supporting four Combatant Commanders and two Navy Regions. 735 0 obj <>stream Marine Corps Enlisted MOS Descriptions - USMC Hangout If your applications were submitted successfully wait for results to post, before contacting your detailer. {25&yxLT``\p HC,h 09 @`TS - RECOGNIZED EXPERT: A dedicated hospital corpsman, maintains focus on primary job providing best possible medical care to Navy members and their families, he is often sought out by junior personnel for advice and counsel. If found not to be a good fit for a specific job, location or platform, applying to it repeatedly only wastes other options for the Sailor to be selected for another career enhancing assignment. PDF Department of The Navy Headquarters United States Marine Corps 3000 Dynamic leadership of Communications/Watch Department throughout the ship's first Persian Gulf deployment, safely traversing 12,000 nautical miles, can be summed up in one word: Magnificent! There is a screening process, IAW MILPERSMAN 1306-920. Integral to the delivery of over 30M gallons of DFM fuel to more than 1,000 ships annually. Millington billets are very similar to those in Washington, D.C. in requirements and often work hand-in-hand. Why can't I go to a C-school after Ive been selected for orders? Comments or Suggestions about this website? If the scheduled duration is 140 or more days (20 weeks), then it is a permanent duty assignment. From Military to Civilian: Resume Translation | Building Manager. There are two MCA's (MCA-F) which controls most operation/deployable. Can an encrypted 1306 be submitted to ASKMNCC? c. Chapter 3 coding and descriptions were updated and functional areas were validated. Cover page(include PLAD, official address, work and home numbers, and work e-mail), Letter(s) of Recommendation (O6 Supply Corps Officer preferred), Personal statement (i.e., "Why I want to be an instructor" 1-2 paragraphs). - Skilled technician. -A self-assured manager, he has the courage to state his opinion and the patience to present his views logically. PDF Appendix C Navy Enlisted Billet Classification (Nebc) Structure NON-SPECIALTY SPECIFIC BILLETS 2021 BRIEF JOB DESCRIPTIONS This document serves to provide a brief summary of the responsibilities of each billet in order to inform your . Impeccable demeanor and role model. He is considering staying in his career field, but he wouldn't rule out getting his foot in the door to federal employment in any field either. Marine Corps Enlisted MOS Descriptions 01 - Personnel and Administration Primary MOS's 0121-- Personnel Clerk 0151-- Administrative Clerk 0161-- Postal Clerk 0193-- Personnel/Administrative Chief Secondary MOS's (See Note Below) 0171-- Manpower Information Systems Analyst 02 - Intelligence Primary MOS's 0211-- Counterintelligence (CI) Specialist Additionally, because sea duty is limited for the majority of HM's, those serving on sea duty should not apply for back to back sea duty unless in a critically manned "sea going" NEC (i.e. -As long as members have applied each cycle in accordance with NAVADMIN 276/19, they will roll to the next cycle and still have options. The desires of the individual, although listed third, are extremely important. Best practice is to have all OTEIP requests submitted in ample time ahead of Sailors negotiation window to prevent any issues. - Meticulous program manager. endstream endobj 4169 0 obj <>stream Copyright 2023 and job description General descriptions of the. - Exemplary leadership. For more information about any Sea and Shore Special Programs please visit www.MyNavyHR.Navy.Mil or contact your detailer. 0 He is the true image of Navy Core Values. A complete list of requirements and billet descriptions can be found on MyNavy HRs website or by contacting your detailer. For example: OUTSTANDING LEADER: Lead a 25 man platoon into Afghanistan for a 60 day security mission. sea duty. The USS Constitution is a blend of traditional leadership styles linking back into all the traditions the Navy is built upon. BRILLIANT ON THE BASICS: Achieved 100% PTS applications, processed x awards, x reenlistments, and processed $$ in SRB, while excelling on five TYCOM directed inspections, to include EODGRU-2s only ABOVE AVERAGE score on the 3M assessment. -Yes, still apply if you desire the job. While every detailer strives to select Sailors for their number one preference in MNA, the needs of the Navy and desires of the Sailor dont always align. "On my resume, I try to show that I am a well-rounded package of education and expertise," said Lapple adding that it continues to be a work in progress. He established MILCON proposals for both TSD spaces and the IHEODTD Robot Range, formalized TSD military and civilian manning, and established exploitation training across EOD Group ONE and TWO. He provides expert strategic level guidance and has earned my complete confidence in his judgement. To become a Navy Culinary Specialist, there are specific requirements and qualifications that you must meet: Must be a member of the US Navy. NATURAL LEADER: During the recent Underway Demonstration ENS Smiths leadership ability as EOOW resulted in USS NEVER SAIL receiving the score of OUTSTANDING from the PACFLT N82 inspection team. BSP Coordinator. Highly recommended for advancement to Petty Officer First Class. His unprecedented actions during these major back-to- back disasters directly enhanced the USS NEVERSAILs capacity to respond to joint-interagency operations. Navy EVAL Bullet Examples. -Volunteered to serve as Naval Gunfire Liaison Officer, an O2 duty; provided failsafe coordination between Fire Control Party and multiple firing platforms. Trained 10 Sailors on the troubleshooting, repair, and safety requirements for the Infrared Receiver Test Program Set, improving work center proficiency by 45 percent. Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal (MOVSM) - Do you Qualify. Officer Fitrep Bullets - FITREP & Eval Writing Guide Management and supervisory skills command maximum performance and ensure combat readiness. I have looked in FLTMPS and I see that someone has the same PRD as me at the command I want to go to, but I have not seen it advertised in MyNavy Assignment. PDF DESIGNATORS PART A BILLET AND OFFICER DESIGNATOR CODES - -MILPERSMAN 1306-604 governs the required OBLISERV time per course length. Comments or Suggestions about this website? Foresight and preparation led to the Command receiving outstanding results during CART, READIMPT, and FEP, and the successful completion of 23 FXPs during a demanding COMPTUEX. I am also a certified Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), and that is the same in or out of the military," said Heinstrom. PO1 Smith is a dedicated team player who possesses outstanding leadership and management skills that are the driving force behind the detachment's success. You want to land a good job that pays well. I would like to submit a NAVPERS 1221 to archive my NEC. Aggressiveness as Aircrew Division Officer resulted in all assigned personnel attaining First Crewman designation and simultaneously recording 64 percent of all helicopter AW advancements in the West Coast. For your own research the following websites offer excellent military-to-civilian translation tools: You can also get ideas on how to effectively translate your military experiences by looking at the civilian job descriptions or vacancy announcements for the jobs that interest you. United States Navy ratings are general enlisted occupations used by the U.S. Navy since the 18th century, which denote the specific skills and abilities of the sailor. -1-833-330-6622 His/Her dedication and keen technical skills have contributed significantly to the success of the X Division during an extended combat deployment. Its also very important to the Navy to man these new ships with motivated Sailors to ensure their warfighting capability.. Except in the case non-reciprocal assignments . Calibration Technician. - Lead technician. LCDR Smith takes a personal interest in the personal and professional development of his workforce, and looks for every opportunity to provide guidance. You've served your country proudly and now it's time to move on professionally. 8. Quality Assurance Rep (QAR) Eval Statements. EXCELLENT TRAINER: Developed a comprehensive user-friendly NAVOSH training program for Officers and Work Centers which promotes NAVOSH training throughout the Command and ensuring 100% compliance on all command programs. Actively involved in the professional and personal growth of subordinates, ensuring completion of critical training. Set a new standard of excellence while performing as a special assistant, for such high visibility events as Naval Helicopter Association Conference, VIP visits and Change of Command arrangements. His/Her effective use of available resources, ability to prioritize, and exceptional foresight resulted in a decrease of outstanding maintenance discrepancies by XX percent. You can too, by following these critical steps. Please be advised, per NAVADMIN 276/19 Detailers will attempt to find a match using the desired selections of the Sailor first. - Active Community Member. l qBG2Hy0L?0:a'&&a5 1egg0bjvhXwmZZu,/T There has been an influx of calls right after submitting applications in MyNavy Assignment. Navy MOS List | MOSDb Flawlessly inventoried and tracked 66 Individual Material Readiness List (IMRL) items, valued at over $312K. Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Contact Disclaimer & Privacy Information. This is where the Military Skills Translator comes in, and you must decide what needs to be translated and what doesn't. Thorough knowledge of ordnance and avionics procedures were evident while attached to the Integrated Weapons Team, where his expertise greatly contributed to full mission capable combat ready aircraft. Member onboard less than 10 weeks. -The education requirements are not negotiable, and are determined based on the school accreditation. Devoted 30 off-duty hours supporting Cooke Elementary School's "Back to School" activities. Over the last twenty years the Navy Reserve has accomplished much, all the while optimizing reserve equities to thrive in a post-9/11 conflict. The online Guide for getting the Performance Grades you Deserve. Lapple understands that he needs to translate specific words in order to make his resume work. %PDF-1.5 Each naval rating has its own specialty badge, which is worn on the left sleeve of dress uniforms of enlisted personnel. endobj 0 Motivated and resourceful technician who performs well in a demanding environment. With the help of these services, military members can cover costs and make ends meet in difficult times. remaining billet fields to include, but not limited to: change in paygrade, change in rating or designator, and add or remove Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC). DEVELOPMENT OF SUBORDINATES. Command: NAVY RECRUITING COMMAND Billet Title: MEDICAL REVIEW AUTHROITY Billet Location: Millington, TN Billet Rank: O-5 to O-6 Tour length: 3 years Or will you be targeting employers outside of it? I have looked in FLTMPS and I see that someone has the same PRD as me at the command I want to go to, but I have not seen it advertised in MyNavy Assignment. MISSION FOCUSED LEADER: LCDR Smith keeps his eye on the ball; he is a mission focused leader who expertly manages a 125 person military and civilian organization with 25 deployment requirements and a 5MIL annual budget. If the job is advertised in MyNavy Assignment, attempting to extend on station would negate assignment of another Sailor who faithfully negotiating for the job during their negotiation cycle. Why do I have to apply for seven jobs? Navy Expands Billet-Based Advancements to E-9 - What You Should Know General . - Attention to detail. 1845. W8ltk{ To highlight his skills without over emphasizing equipment operation, he puts strong emphasis on leadership. A complete list of requirements and billet descriptions can be found on MyNavy HRs website or by contacting your detailer. Strength, endurance, and flexibility are important for long hours on your feet whilst carrying heavy equipment. If Heinstrom does indeed try to stay in the medical field, he may find that the level of translation needed for his resume differs from those needed by Lapple. SEA develops stronger leaders by preparing them to fulfill their expanded and ever-widening roles as global leaders. Completely revamped his work center's Tool Control Program, dramatically improving the material condition and accountability of required tools. A complete list of requirements and billet description can be found on MyNavy HRs website or by contacting your detailer. Often, skills, experiences and accomplishments get lost in translation or in the lack thereof. In the meantime, he is working on creating a basic master resume that he can tailor to individual job opportunities as they arise. Get your resume critiqued by experts, and seen by companies that are seeking veterans like you. OTT is used when the NEC has a Selective Reenlistment Bonus(SRB) (found on the most up to date SRB NAVADMIN). - Volunteered to organize and review training records, his proactive analysis revealed several qualification problem areas which led to revising the training program and ultimately produced the best overall certification rate in Group. Furthermore he achieved an 86% reduction in incident rates and avoided injury related costs of over $1,000,000. Contact me if you are interested insharing experience, professional knowledge and doctrine with foreign military services to enhance inter-service relationships. 12. 18. Officer. -A valid application is defined as the right rank/NEC in accordance with the members sea/shore flow. In some military career fields, such as those in the medical field, there may not be as strong a need to translate some of the skills, abilities and experiences for the civilian counterpart. Repaired two Electro-Optical Sensor Units and three Consolidated Automated Support System Test Stations during COMTUEX deployment, ensuring uninterrupted support to four F/A-18 squadrons. List of United States Navy ratings - Wikipedia (N13) via the chain of command, including a billet description (enclosure (4)) and justification for the proposed exchange (enclosure (5)). hb```,@(q;|A,[X' 62 b`-`Q:`@>!@S>&`f y$PCX Detailers cannot promise Sailors will not be detailed while in their window to "wait for a billet, but communication proves to help in every situation. Best advice is to reach out to your detailer and discuss options. An official website of the United States government, All Hands Magazine is produced by the Defense Media Activity for U.S. Navy Office of Information. A few requirements for Sailors are to be E-5 or have been selected to E-5, have mature judgement, have no physical condition that prevents travel onboard an aircraft or lifting heavy objects. -Rate/rank/NECs play a large role in sea duty availability. <> 3. Enlisted Sea and Shore Special Programs provide great opportunities as well as unique and rewarding Navy experiences to Sailors. v1/b@U)DK#/Rhfl6G8Bx 3 The Constitution being Old Ironsides and one of the first ships in the Navy is kind of the birth place of our roots there said Petty Officer First Class Nicholas Belflower, Shore Special Programs Detailer. Please route all HM Community 1306s with valid CO designated signature and accompanying printed/stamped signature block to only vice 1306P407 to ensure processing in a timely manner. 10. Ratings most often needed are YN, PS, IT, ET, CTI, CTM, CE, BU, UT, and MC. hbbd``b`~$sC` Enlisted - Navy 3 0 obj OUSTANDING VOLUNTEER. 1. Examples can contributed using this form. To modify these billet fields, the gaining command's Operational Support Officer (OSO) should coordinate a manpower change request via their BSO Manpower Department. Led 8 personnel in completion of 518 maintenance actions, resulting in a 14 percent reduction in backlog while maintaining a 95 percent repair rate. LT Smith inspires positive teamwork within the DET, he focus on improving processes through team interaction. - Independent and effective night shift crew leader. Ready to polish your resume, and connect with employers looking to hire veterans? PDF MEDICAL CORPS NON-SPECIALTY SPECIFIC BILLETS 2021 - Joel Schofer's Exceptionally talented and versatile technician, dedicated to mission accomplishment. Serving the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and National Guard. )uy`.#@ "rYZ Billet Listings - United States Marine Corps Some NECs have longer shore requirements than others, and some NECs have zero sea duty opportunities. -Helped reorganize section into efficient, streamlined shop--zero late reports for all training requirements. PDF Shared 2100 Billet Job Descriptions - Joel Schofer's Career Planning Blog Rejuvenated the Command Sponsor Program. Keep in mind that there are a lot of people who work in the industry who have never worn a uniform and may not fully understand what you've accomplished. The site you are on is run by Sun Key Publishing, a private company, and is not endorsed by or affiliated with the U.S. Military. -An email will be generated to the email address(es) on the 1306 request. Being that the ship is made of wood, part of your primary duties will be to maintain her and her bright work. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 13 0 R 14 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> As Division Officer for the United States Navy Sea Cadet Corps, Battleship Missouri Hawaii Division, Petty Officer *NAME* was charged with the character development and education of 25 sea cadets. RL - Special Duty Officer - Cyber Warfare Engineer. Why do I have to OBLISERV when I am not eligible for an OBLISERV-To-Train (OTT)? Site Support New Orleans. Lapple wants to switch career gears completely and get a job in business. His/Her efforts resulted in a grade of "on track" during the workcenter s most recent Quality Assurance Audit. 13. What constitutes a "valid" application for orders? PDF Navy Manpower Analysis Center Furthermore Greg held responsibility over 10 international exercises building relationships between our Middle East allies and the American Military.