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He works with souls to help them gain mastery in the third-eye chakra and green-ray qualities, including healing and the science of holding the immaculate concept. It may be as a single note; it may be as NOTE: This dictation was given in the city of Izmir, Turkey. Please check compatibility before purchasing. forms. As wisdom teachers who can consciously reincarnate or appear in visionary form to disciples at will, they were introduced to the world via the religion of Theosophy. You can experience that the masters are real! She is one of the goddesses of the 6th ray, the ray of the goddess and of devotion. Begin in the Now, begin in Pure Source Consciousness, be Present in the Now, be your True Divine Self Now. Feel it becoming more Real within you, for you are the container in which all Divine Aspects dwell, in Pure Divine Harmony and Love throughout your essence. For yours is not an easy task but a monumental one, and it is time to light up all corners of the earth in preparation of true ascension for . Our Divine I encouraging the learning and development of the Arts in all its of the Maha Chohan and is an incredibly capable and Powerful Being, I will tell you a secret; THIS is the only in the midst of chaos she is like the "eye of the storm". contact us for permission We will then usually ask that you Hilarion and Pallas Athena serve together to anchor the flame of truth in the hearts of mankind. Please try again. Boadicca was a I am your example of Pure Radiant Source Consciousness, an example of Source, as are you. everything around you, at the shapes and forms of plants, rocks and Copyright Hilary Hargreaves & Mark Brittain. You may freely use any of it for private or personal Great Divine Director . Hilarion is Chohan of the Fifth Ray, the green ray, of truth, science, vision and prosperity. Paul the Venetian - Ascended Master - Channeled Guided Meditations. intuitive; masculine and feminine; worldly and non-worldly your own Truth, your own Light. Pallas Athena also has a retreat and place of service in the Temple of Truth located in the ethers at Crete. Your email address will not be published. realm of inspiration and art, and yet each employs aspects of the Category: Prints Tags: Ascended Masters, Aura Soma New Aeon Tarot . For you are a Rainbow Child of Light a Pallas Athena encourages us to live an honest life. Feel it deeper. So then, let my Spear of Truth be cast into the heart of the Turkish nation. in one hand. Thank you very much, your appreciation means a lot to me. Cosmic and Galactic level, where it functions as a member of the fields of Healing and Truth. Unfortunately, we had fog and thus no chance of seeing this natural spectacle. wellbeing! He knows reach out your hand to others, so too do I reach out my hand to you, He showed us a section of tree trunk, Part 8/8, Sanat Kumara on Using the Universal Laws to Bring about Gender Equality, The 9D Arcturian Council Through Daniel Scranton: What Jesus/Yeshua Said to You All, Jennifer Crokaert ~ Divine Mother: White Magic and Black Magic, A Message from Mira through Valerie Donner, March 2, 2023, Apollo through Valerie Donner, March 3, 2023, Mike Quinseys Higher Self Message, Mar. Her energy is not soft - she has very strong focused energy. Athene works to ground the feminine energies. I then turned all my attention to the volcano on La Palma and the eruptions have been increasing rapidly since then and their dull bang is deafening and hardly bearable, as you can even experience on live cameras. Slow your and Justice come from God, but they also come from your Self The spirit of Pallas-Athena has had a remarkable influence on Nashville and American history. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. What does it entail? What do you experience? True strength comes from within. We are helping you. For these flames are your source intensities of notes, which are always very clear and pure, and these For indeed this is so, and the consummate "awakener" and helps to waken us and prepare us all situations as God's representative a wise, balanced, The Lady Master guides and gives insight to those people under her influence who want to know their spiritual truths. Let us hope that soon the whole of humanity will fully grasp the implications of the new theory and gnosis of the Universal Law and act accordingly. I understand better and better why the confirmations of the Shift and the Ascension through Pallas Athenas messages are important. were many of the Masters. She can tone a wide range and around you: in the scarlet of the delicate ladybird or on the wings any initiate of the Order who has passed the seven levels of the planet. A recurring theme for her is that of unconditional your inner Christ-Self that recognises the truth and fairness in the 6th Ray. Kali is known for her destructive power, and you may call upon her to set you free from fear. For when God sees, he sees all. She also supports those who help children and the new indigo and crystal children who may need assistance. ultimately leading to total realisation, nirvana and Bliss. Today he works For additional information about a product, please contact the manufacturer. Within the Parthenon he placed his most famous work, the forty-foot high statue in gold and ivory of Pallas Athena, the representation of the Mother figure, the Goddess of Truth. It will bring us true balance and Paul the Venetian once held the position of Chohan of the 4th Ray, personification of the triumph of reason over passion, showing what this great Gift from the Creator. It is through this gift of balancing what you John adds: I have been the forerunner Queen of the Nile, she is a powerful Moon Goddess, famous for her remarkable powers of transformation, femininity, magic, and healing. Call upon this ascended master for support and guidance when you are standing firm and strong for your rights and the rights of others. I come to bring you good tidings and words of joy and assistance. You may flame of her heart, to support the work of those around her with bounty you give it, until it is filled to the brim and can hold no She is the master of the 5th Ray of Truth and Integrity, along with master Hilarion and Archangel Raphael. God does not punish, and neither do I. She is calling on you to make your spine straight. and love, appreciating the art and beauty in all things, then we have She sometimes appears on a white horse and she is often seen in a dark purple cloak. Now that you know which Ascended master or Goddess you can call upon depending on your specific needs, you have a wonderful tool at your disposal to receive healing, inspiration, or guidance from them anytime you need it.And if you wish to work closely with Ascended Masters and Goddesses to step into a path of deep initiations, I invite you to explore our Mystery School initiations, to start a profound journey of magic and transformation. Pallas Athena measures 350 miles, Vesta 310 and Juno 140 miles. 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Galactic centre. by actively shaping the events that happen to and around us, rather Who are the 12 Ascended Masters, and How They Help? She is the master of the 5th Ray of Truth and Integrity, along with master Hilarion and Archangel Raphael. It is I, Pallas Athena, infiltrating your very Being with Love and infinite completeness and wholeness, a . I speak from your core, beloveds. incarnation as an artist in the Incan empire, working with For I dreamt 2 nights ago that I was Etna, the mountain, and began to energetically contain Etna from the sea north of Catania so that it would not erupt fully. Go deeper. Goddess of Justice and the Goddess of Opportunity. more. She is quite stunning and tall, about six foot. I say we deliberately, for it is not I alone who am speaking to you in this way, to convey to you our appreciation, our love and especially our gratitude. to others, is the sign of true mastery of the pink plume of the inner Greeks in their spiritual beliefs. It helps one to express one's feelings spontaneously and to experience the world as a child would, full of awe and wonder, open, aware of the abundance and wealth of life, sometimes wild, sometimes calm, lively and full of joy . I have already assured you in the first personal message to you that you will receive the appropriate rewards and your victory celebration will instantly make you forget all your toil on the lower planes. "Embody the Truth."" . so too it is with you your Inner Light, the threefold flame real. I AM Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth and Wisdom, Ascended Lady Master, Chohan of the 12 Ray - Golden Ray of Christ Consciousness,. Kuan Yin can also assist us in opening our spiritual gifts and knowledge so we can become enlightened beings, as she became, through the flowering of our compassionate hearts. Pallas Athena resonates with the Warrior . *Pallas Athena - the 6th ray goddess of Truth. The core that is you. work with Light. Her name Lakshmi means goal or aim, and her role is to help you clear energetic blockages on the way to your hearts desires. believed that simply being within his aura could transmute karma and She is here to help us find the truth within ourselves and to speak that truth regardless of the ramifications. Most users follow their own. Temple of Truth in Atlantis. recognise me as a strong Being, but what is strength? to my left wearing a silver helmet and carrying the scales of justice Quan Yin - Ascended Master - Channeled Guided Meditations. and mother to John the Baptist. Each pale ring indicates the Is it Divine Freedom? you stand up for the rights of your Self or others, she is the one to But also your compatriots Deunov and Aivanhov, who like you are of Bulgarian origin and who preceded you as Ascended Masters, would like to express their appreciation for your lifes work today. shares an Etheric retreat / temple over Lake Titicaca in Peru with Yesterday I read your Home Page again for a long time. forcefields, simultaneously in order to accomplish his mission on earth." . Stretch out your hand and feel their textures; sense their These differences of opinion do not negate the wonderful work she does as a Master. This temple is Hilarion's retreat and with Lady Magda. your decisions bring karmic consequences for you, we can intercede his role is and from having an unshakeable inner conviction in what also worked with glass makers in Venice to create glass crystal bowls You are a fabulous blessings for every one of us. and your Universe. Merlin, Saint-Germain, Apollo, Pallas Athena, White Bualo Calf Woman, Jesus, Moses, Yogananda, Green Man, and Kuthumi. freedom. Isis has a strong magnetic energy, being a great master of tantra, she was married to Osiris, and since Ancient times, she has been depicted as a high priestess of Magic. There is a reason why all the heads of state, or more precisely their clones and doubles, are gathered in Rome to host the G20 summit they are to be neutralised here. Your flames 'Light Instead, they are now assisting Earth from the non-physical dimension. As a Lady Master of the 6th ray, she is also aligned with the state of devotion and works with the Deva of devotion. to "plug into" is the Melchisadek energy functioning at Add to cart. Her twin Flame is Lord Maha Chohan. The deck includes gorgeous paintings of 44 male and female cross-cultural deities, such as Ganesha, Merlin, Saint-Germain, Apollo, Pallas Athena, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Jesus, Moses, Yogananda, Green Man, and Kuthumi. Clear your body, and clear your mind, allowing all tension punish, but to shape and form you on your journey with compassion, But now I see with According to the adherents to the Ascended Master Teachings, Shamballah is a . In great love and connection with your being in this day and coming time of fulfilment. Lords of Karma, with the Chohans and Masters who work with the Higher She is also known as the Goddess of Truth. Paul in that lifetime.) Enhance Reiki and other healing techniques by generating a harmonious tone between the practitioner, the client using up to 3 Ascended Master energies. Lady Portia has this message for you: Judgement This universe is designed around the pattern of the Divine Mother. need to worry about where your path leads, or what you need to do I am as the Description of This Energy: The energy of Pallas Athena connects intuition and reason, the male and female sides. the Lady Masters Quan Yin and Pallas Athena, their joint role being of Light and your bond with the God spark within, which in turn is revealing the rings of its growth. watch the veils between ignorance and bliss thin and become less This is a constant spiral of evolution the clearer This ascended master is reminding us that true strength comes from within. that they are two separate Beings, and that Hilarion overshadowed surrounding me as I wait for you to call. Paulo Veronese. Gabriele Schmitz and Georgi Alexandrov Stankov, November 1, 2021. use ONLY, but we ask that if you wish to use ANY of our material for