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Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012, / wr i r, wr yr, wr i r, wr yr /. I hope they will pass all they know on to you. Carrionplace - A Twoleg dump in the forest territories that in human language is called the North Allerton Amenity Tip. This phrase(s) will describe what your cat is doing in their current state. Deputy: The Clan deputy is also a high rank in the Clan. This might be implied by "perms to drag?-//" or "permission to blind? Deputies: Like a secondary leader to the clana warrior with special privileges that is higher than all cats . Whenever your cat is talking, you should use quotation marks and/or some other way for people to know when you are talking in roleplay. They organize patrols and make reports to the leader, and are known to be frequently given apprentices. ); similar to "Darn it" or "mouse-dung.". Before becoming a warrior, they are fully assessed in their skills. It's important to be respectful of others while they are roleplaying. Be aware of everyone around you, and make sure to give people a chance in the spotlight. An exclamation of surprise or disbelief. Biography (Bio): In WCUE, your biography describes the basic appearance and/or personality of your OC. Life giver: [Touches nose to the top of deputy's head] [Deputy's name], I give you a life for [gift). Similar to mousedust. See the most commonly confused word associated with. The apprentices in the Clan take fresh kill to them, pick out their fleas, and change their bedding. However, Dawn is still used for example in the phrase "Dawn Patrol. What you do not want might look like this: {attacks}, {she was blushing}, {sniffs air}. I don't give a mousetail/They wouldn't give a mousetail - An exclamation meaning that the cat does not care. Finalized original character- Magpie by Diablo. Used inThe Sun Trail. Fuzz-brain - A (friendly, but harsh) insult. Somewhat like the human phrase, When pigs fly! May the Sun warm your back and the fish leap into your paws - A blessing used in RiverClan used to wish good dreams or, in some instances, to say farewell to a dead cat. Skeletons hint that ancient societies had women warriors. They usually play with the kits during their spare time. (15 m). Always end in kit, except for the exception of a few "crazies. Into Warriors; Forest Territory? This is the 'migrated' version of the Warrior Cats Name Dictionary to allow for fast and continuous updates on Eclipse. Scaredy-sparrow - An expression also similar to scaredy-cat, in cat terms. Create your own Warrior Cats, and your own story. Choose the path of a Warrior, a Medicine Cat, or perhaps even a Clan Leader! Explore the Forest Territory and the Clans who inhabit it Develop friendships, alliances, and identify your foes! - An insult used when a cat (or cats) are acting crazy. Severity of the insult is almost always decided by tone. Name: The name of your OC is the first step in your character description. (as in That's fox-dung!). Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition is a Roblox roleplaying experience based on the best-selling novel series Warriors (also known as Warrior Cats). The Starpedia consists of all you need to know about the Clan territories, resources, and lore. But the proud stone lion that once stood atop the tomb, as Peristeri has often maintained, suggests a male occupant and a warrior. Bat-blind- an insult to a cat's eyesight, similar to the phrase "as blind as a bat". a person engaged in, experienced in, or devoted to war, What the Meadow Teaches Us - Issue 90: Something Green, Women like Mulan didnt need to go to war in disguise. : she padded over to the fresh-kill pile:. Thundercat - Used to describe a ThunderClan cat. You may also name your OC after something in the physical world (e.g. A kit may choose to become a medicine cat apprentice at six moons, and usually trains longer than warrior apprentices. Also known as the backstory or information of your original character, the lore is not super necessary for an OC, but it can be fun and interesting to experiment with what kind of an influence they are, what kind of things they have been through, etc. 2. First of all, what I mean by "style" is the kind of wording you use, symbols, etc. (1.25-2.5 cm), Tail-length - About the length of a cat's tail; approximately a foot. Details: Cats who eat this often become sick afterwards. Used in The Sun Trail. Then you start acting like you are the most important part of the roleplay at the time, when others are trying to have their own roleplay. Half-Moon: around 2 weeks or half a month of time. Used by Yellowfang in Into the Wild to Firepaw after realizing he was a kittypet. A she-cat is considered a warrior when she is not currently expecting or nursing a tom's kits. - A similar expression to scaredy-cat, referring to a cat easily frightened. Border patrols have a few warriors and apprentices who go out to set borders and patrol the territory. Another variation is I would ____ for a couple of mousetails meaning that they are willing to do the inserted action for no real reward. Silverpelt: the cluster of stars in the night sky, also known as Starclan's territory. However, if they were not a fit leader and/or didn't make it to StarClan yet, it will be the one before them. Hunting parties consist of several warriors and apprentices who go out and hunt for the Clan. Also used as an exclamation (as in Mousedung! ", What in StarClan's name?- A exclamation similar to "What on earth?" Also used as an exclamation. Rogue A usually hostile cat who does not have a permanent home, roams around, and does not care about crossing Clan boundaries. This shows grade level based on the word's complexity. Pain in the tail - An insult meaning a cat is irritating or lazy. Used by Lionblaze in The Fourth Apprentice. . Sorry if its all squashed up. Who ruffled their fur?- A similar way of saying "who got under their skin?" A "better" biography could look like this: [ A loyal, loving she-cat with a gentle nature ] or, [ A confident and steadfast tom who is very tall ]. 12. Carrionplace - A Twoleg dump in the forest territories that in human language is called the North Allerton Amenity Tip. [ A ] Acorn Adder Amber Ant Apple Arch Ash Aspen [ B ] Badger Bark Beech Beetle Berry Birch Bird Black Blizzard Blossom Blue Bounce Bracken Bramble Brave Breeze Briar Bright An exclamation of surprise or disbelief. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. This remains true if the one in green is a warrior or a lord. Used by Leafstar in SkyClan's Destiny about Harveymoon and Macgyver. `Gather around for patrols!` ``Yes, you will be fine.`` Tundra`Dusk, just listen to Blizzard`Sight, alright? These are a few ways to speak in roleplay. An experienced leader is very important, especially if you are aiming for a realistic roleplay. Similar to Oh my god! Other medicine cats: Cheer new apprentice's name. Medicine Cat: Medicine cats in the Clan are very important. This is just one example, and there are many more ways to powerplay. Medicine Cat: Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your true name as a medicine cat. To be a warrior, a cat must be generous and must understand self-sacrifice, because the foundation of the Warrior Code is, essentially: The Clan comes first. Thundercat - Used by ShadowClan to describe a ThunderClan cat. Another example could be a warrior having a conversation with another cat. For example, a Clan cat would almost always have a prefix and a suffix (e.g. Pain in the tail - An insult meaning a cat is irritating or lazy. Click to reveal You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Foxpaw is called this by Sandstorm in Eclipse. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Four seasons equal a year. Medicine cat: [Apprentice name], is it your wish to enter the mysteries of StarClan as a medicine cat? No warrior may scorn a kit in pain or danger, even if the kit is from a different Clan. Used in Crookedstar's Promise. Crowfood or crow-food: A dead prey animal that has begun to rot; can also be used as an insult. - An exclamation used to signify extreme surprise or anger. 3. Greeneyes, Whitenose, and Leafshimmer - Medicine Cat of Shadowclan, Spottedberry, Cloudspots, and Loudwhisker- Medicine Cat of Thunderclan, Stoneberry and Shineheart- Medicine Cat of Riverclan. )).". An online RPG where players can play as their own character in the Warriors universe with others. However, most people that do not read the books do not know how to realistically play the game according to the lore. [Extra: A tip for being leader is do NOT choose medicine apprentices without the medicine cat knowing, it can be annoying. This is not only about creating a personal morph, there are a few other steps. They are treated with great respect in the Clan. The same applies vice-versa (Clan cat becoming rogue, rogue becoming Clan cat). It's warm, nice, and leaves are bright and green. Snake-hearted - Similar to the term "fox-hearted," generally used by RiverClan. This can also be done instantaneously, by giving your fellow roleplayers a heads-up before you move on. I blew it! WindClan: All cats old enough to run the moor gather beneath the Tallrock for a Clan meeting)! The game was first released on August 15, 2019, for beta testing and was officially released on May 7th . or "What in the world?". If you choose to be a rogue, you might want to ask permission before attacking a Clan member, or even attempting to do other things, like coming into a Clan camp. (i.e. ), or suggesting that they eat it (as in crowfood-eater ). Tail Length: About the length of a tail, so about a 30 centimeters or a foot long. They are normally shy, and can be frightened at the thought of getting lost, or leaving their Twolegplace. Medicine cat - A cat who heals injuries and/or illnesses, who is skilled with herbs, leaves and natural cures and sometimes receives special signs or prophecies from StarClan. The death of Harcla, the keenest and ablest warrior in141 England, did not remove the difficulties from Edward's path. This is one of the most entertaining steps in creating an original character. Moon - The time between one full moon and the next, spanning about 29 days, a month. Details You fight/hunt like a kittypet! They know about clans, but are generally non-aggressive with them (Ex; Barley, Ravenpaw), Monster: The large creatures known as "cars" which twolegs or humans drive across a thunderpath (see thunderpath). It's a clever way to keep up with trespassing cats and keep the borders fresh. Or saying that a patrol didn't catch anything. Mouse-hearted - An insult that describes one who is cowardly. Can also mean that a cat would be stingy enough not to share a mousetail. Leader's den - The den in camp that belongs to the Clan leader. Camp - The place where a Clan makes their permanent home. Used by Curlkit in Mistystar's Omen. The elder then joins the rest of the roleplaying elders. They can also be former Clan cats that were exiled. SCP: Roleplay is a game created by the SCP | Roleplay Community group owned by MetatableIndex. in usage and to the fact that they both have mention of a higher force. Any warrior that has mentored at least one apprentice (see warrior apprentice) can become deputy. Clan deputies also go on patrols, not only organize them. Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (WCUE) is an open-world, free-to-play, 3D roleplaying game on Roblox. An example of powerplaying as a Clan cat could look like this: {she attacked them forcefully with her laser eyes}. One thing that most people misunderstand is if you don't use certain symbols, you are considered inexperienced. Leader: I, [leader], leader of [Clan name], call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. Fox-hearted - An insult meaning cruel, cold-hearted, or evil (as in fox-hearted Twolegs). Before starting a roleplay, tell everybody what the plan is. Moonhigh: the time of night the moon is at it's highest: normally midnight. Consider creating an account! For example, a Clan leader might be in the middle of a meeting and a rogue/loner, kittypet, or other Clan cat comes in, interrupting the meeting. Sometimes referred to as the medicine den. Finding your roleplay style is not a necessity, but it can help in a couple ways. [use of gift]. Or saying that a patrol didn't catch anything. Mouse-dung - A (somewhat harsh) insult comparing the recipient to mouse feces. That can't be right!). Doormouse - An expression or exclamation used against a cat who sleeps a lot. #warrior-cats. Half-moon - About two weeks, half a month. You should either wait until said cat isn't busy, or ask if you can join the conversation. There are also many other proper ceremonies. ), Fox-hearted - An insult meaning cruel, cold-hearted, or evil (as in fox-hearted Twolegs). I don't give a mousetail/They wouldn't give a mousetail - An exclamation meaning that the cat does not care. They are restricted to not eat any prey while hunting, as they are to only bring it back to camp. VC: Tom Holland). Rogue: A particularly hostile cat who lives outside the Clans and never spends too long in one place. Doesn't matter a whisker/Doesn't catch so much as a whisker - An exclamation meaning the cat does not care, (i.e. Used in The Sun Trail. Grant them your wisdom and insight so that they may understand your ways and heal their Clan in accordance with your will. [1], The autumn map and Tailfur in RiverClan territory. (as in That's fox-dung! This is known to be many cats' favorite season. These stars are a direct representation of StarClan. By my authority as Clan leader, and with the approval of our warrior ancestors, I give this cat a new name. I ask you now to take away the name from the cat you see before you, for it no longer stands for what they are. Dark Forest: An evil cat who has died, they do not go to StarClan, but to the Dark Forest. It is what your character would sound like (ex. The first thing a deputy is expected to do is organize patrols. Fighting here is against the warrior code. Rogues tend to stray from the Clans, if you want to stay as realistic as the books. Daisy, Ferncloud). Instead, you might see names written like this: "Salamander'foot," "Cloud/Star," "Sea ` Paw," etc. That's a load of badger droppings - A harsh exclamation saying that something is nonsense. As much use as a dead fox - A (harsh) insult, meaning the recipient is useless. Sara Goleman, CC-BY-SA, via Flickr. Similar to mousedust. It is very similar to a warrior, but has higher tasks and is more "important" at certain times. (80 cm), Kittenstep or kitstep - About the length of kit's step; approximately an inch or a half inch. Sometimes used as an exclamation if a cat is hurt. 8. This is not true, but some people believe it is. If they become too elderly to perform warrior duties, they will become an elder per request. Can also mean that a cat would be stingy enough not to share a mousetail. Are your language skills up to the task of telling the difference? Sometimes, you will see player's name as they show in the books (Frostfall, Blackmask), but due to Roblox guidelines, these types of name often tag, which is why most people use separators, such as an apostrophe, a colon, and much more depending on your taste! For example, something like this: Hi, can I join your roleplay?// (( Sorry, I have to go! )) Let's find out! Doesn't matter a whisker/Doesn't catch so much as a whisker - An exclamation meaning the cat does not care, (i.e. Chickfeed- Alternative of crowfood, used before the start of the Clans. Moonstone The place in the Forest where medicine cats and leaders shared tongues with StarClan. Used by Longtail in Into The Wild on Rusty when he was joining ThunderClan. Before fighting, or doing something in general to/with another cat, it is important to yet again ask permission (shortened to perms). For example, you don't want your biography to look like this: [ She/cute/shy/has demon powers/m8:none ]. William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 HarperCollins You may become friends with cats from other Clans, but your loyalty stays to your Clan, as one day you may face them in battle. An online RPG where players can play as their own character in the Warriors universe with others. When hedgehogs will fly - An exclamation style statement that shows disbelief that a certain event will likely occur (as in That will happen when hedgehogs fly), used in many variations. Fuzz-brain - A (friendly, but harsh) insult. There's a very specific reason why Warrior cats are given the names they have, and it's much more obvious than people make it out to be. Each wild cat is part of a different clan and has their own skills, abilities and beliefs. Cleanpaw- An (scornful) insult used for someone who sticks to the rules closely. Also used as an exclamation (as in Mouse-dung! May the Sun warm your back and the fish leap into your paws- A blessing used in RiverClan used to wish good dreams or, in some instances, to say farewell to a dead cat. Remember to make yourself understandable while talking in and out of roleplay. Snow blankets the ground after about a half-moon in. Used by Mapleshade in Mapleshade's Vengeance. or "What in the world?". Used by Stagpaw in Tallstar's Revenge. Even though they heal, medicine cats and their apprentices still need to know basic fighting skills, and they do hunt. Used by Rowankit in Yellowfang's Secret.