The Proctor family has deep roots in the region, and the family name is well-known in Prince George's County and Southern Maryland. We use cookies to enhance your personalized experience for ads, analytics, and more. "Lula" 1879 - 1950 -m- Charles Mason, Vivian Isadore = died: c. age 20 years old, Bertha -m- James Anderson "Sampson" Proctor, ( Harte Survey )*JOHN FRANCIS "FRANK" PROCTOR, *JOHN HENRY "STANNY" PROCTOR c.1820's*JULIA ANN NEWMAN c. 1820's, Walter Ignatious c. 185- -m- Cecelia Ann Swann, Thomas Henry c.1858 -m- Jane Frances Swann, Joseph 2-2-1867 - 1942 -m- Eliz. This website has been created on a desire to find information concerning the surname PROCT?R and various related family lines. Wed 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. The surname Proctor was first found in Cambridgeshire where they held a family seat from very ancient times. Some of the first North American settlers carried this name or one of its variants: Some of the first settlers of this family name were: 2000- 2023 Swyrich Corporation, all rights reserved. *JAMES ALEXANDER PROCTORMichea "Miley" Proctor & Eliz. Josiah /Josias Proctor, Mary Jane 1832 -m- Sylvester "West" Newman, Eliz. "BETTE ANN" SWANN 1844 - aft 1914Henry Swann & Dolly ThompsonWm. Amanda -m- ? Lord Baltimore was said to have been present on the day of the marriage and to have warned Nell of the consequences. Allis Proctor, who landed in Virginia in 1621, Mr. Anthony Proctor, who settled in Virginia in 1635 aboard the ship "Assurance", George Proctor, who landed in Dorchester, Massachusetts in 1637, Nathaniel Proctor, who landed in Maryland in 1659, Joseph Proctor, who landed in Virginia in 1716, Agnes Proctor, who arrived in Boston, Massachusetts in 1736, William Proctor, who arrived in Virginia in 1745, Henry Proctor, who arrived in Pennsylvania in 1760, Anthony Proctor, who arrived in Mississippi in 1798, Christopher Proctor, who arrived in New York in 1835, Matthew Proctor, who arrived in New York in 1844, Isaac Proctor, who landed in New York in 1846, Thomas Proctor, who landed in Nova Scotia in 1750, Charles Proctor, who landed in Nova Scotia in 1760. All rights reserved. The indenture of East Indian servants was more common. Marcellus Proctor - Witnessing Maryland and Native American History - NASA [Archives of Maryland, 13:546-49]. Howard8. They made many attempts but failed in some to establish settlements on the Islands including Saint Lucia and Grenada. Maryland troops fought at Battle of Gettysburg. sources received. The name proctor is also given in England, and in some American colleges, to university officers whose duty is to guard morals and order. [8] She also voted in favor of legislation that would provide palliative care to terminally ill adults, which passed the House of Delegates by a vote of 74-66.[9]. Sara 18466. BrooksWilliam HenryMaggieEstelle ElizabethBernice ElizabethMary Gladys--------------------------------*{ FRANCIS or JOHN} LLEWELLYN BUTLERHenry Butler & Jane Thompson, George Alexander Harley & Sarah Ann ProctorFrancis 10-1-1870WilliamThomas Kelley 6-2-1875Henry Hoyce c.1877Lansa---------------------------------------*HARRY BUTLER*MARY JANE PROCTORElzera 1846 - 9-8-1930 -m- Suzanna & AliceWilliam AlexanderSarah AnnJames HenryElizabethMileySarah EllenJohn William -m- Nancy Ann NewmanMaggie MaryJulia Ann -m- John Walter Harley-----------------------------------* JAMES AQUILLA BUTLER 11-4-1869 8-19-1955Wm. Sienna b: circa 18665. Harte survey}*JOHN ENOCH SAVOY, Ella Francis -m- Richard Lawrence "Lonzie" Newman, {Bryantown church records}*MILEY SAVOY c. 1810 - c.1880, { Charles co. 1880 census }*THOMAS SAVOY 1845, {St. Peters church Rec. John Proctor (1521-1584), was an English divine and historian, a native of Somerset, was elected scholar of Another 52 words (4 lines of text) are included under the topic Early Proctor Notables in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible. Mr. Thomas Proctor, English convict who was convicted in Liverpool, Merseyside. Thu 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Leo Waters, Henry Thomas 1914 - 1981 -m- Mary Marie Newman, John Alton 1920 - 1963 -m- Grace Eugenia Newman, *WILLIAM HENRY HARLEYJohn Lawson Harley & Elizabeth Butler, Cyprian Dewey -m- Mary Lottie Proctor in 1919, *WILLIAM LONNEY HARLEYJohn Lawson Harley & Elizabeth Butler. Read More > Call us today to book an appointment 253-759-3586 For COVID -19 Information, click links below: CDC Website CDC self checker can be done here Tacoma Pierce County Health Department Taking care of your health Rose Ann = died circa age 5 yrs of stroke ?? See Terms of Use for details. John age 96. This web page shows only a small excerpt of our Proctor research. The Proctor family owned land in Charles County before 1762. George Marcellus4. She also served as the head of the legislative committee of the Prince George's County Teacher's Association in 1999. Her child was probably Thomas Rustin who was free in 1750 when he petitioned the Charles County Court to declare his wife Lucy levy-free for the future. Proctor House (Bel Air, Maryland) - Wikipedia Some free families had relatives who were slaves. The Proctor family owned land in Charles County before 1762. She remembers older family and friends recounting how they gathered as a tribe. Their children obtained certificates of freedom in Loudoun County, Virginia, in 1795. Creanna Proctor Harry Proctor 1867 Walter Savoy, *JOSEPH CLYDE SWANNJames Swann & Mamie Proctor, *RICHARD SWANN c. 1840's*CAROLINE MASSEY c.1840's, *WALTER THOMAS SWANNWm. Dr. Proctor is affiliated with Medstar Southern Maryland Hospital Center. Please visit John Sam c.1859 -m- Martina Ann Proctor ?? Facebook page for Diapers, Dishes, Lessons & Homework Blog. Joseph Henry b: c. 1856 -m- Henrietta Swann2. Jonathan Curtis probably owned or leased land in St. Mary's or Charles County in 1746 when he had an account with William Hunter & Company of Spotsylvania County for over twenty-nine pounds Maryland currency. There are 5-6 family names in Southern Maryland that used to be recognizable as tri-racial: Swann, Proctor, Harley, Neumann, and Butler. Joseph Proctor, Sarah Catherine 1846 - 1936 -m- Ed. "What are the 5,000 Most Common Last Names in the U.S.?". Medstar Southern Maryland Hospital Center. Philip Sheridan Proctor b. 29 Aug 1895 Faulkner, Charles, Maryland Elizabeth Gwendolyn Proctor (born September 15, 1940) is an American politician who represented district 27A in the Maryland House of Delegates. This website started 30 October 2010. The Proctor Family Website - Facebook 1990), British four-time silver and three-time bronze medalist Paralympic swimmer, (Another 62 notables are available in all our. Ellen 1835 -m- Micheal "Miley" Proctor, ---------------------------------------------------*JAMES HARLEY 1800? Dr. Proctor is affiliated with Medstar Southern Maryland Hospital Center., Pilgrim Ship's of 1600's. Proctor 1859-1939 Eugenius Proctor 1863 Harriet Tubman recruited former slaves to act as spies and scouts for federal forces, guiding Union gunboats in raids against Confederate coastal encampments, and relocating slaves north. Husband of Rachel Jane Kilburne. Hospital affiliations include Calvert Memorial Hospital. *JOHN WALTER HARLEYWilliam Newman & Julia Ann Butler, *RICHARD HARLEY 1850John Lawson Harley & Elizabeth Butler, *RICHARD HARLEY 1850James Harley & Elizabeth Watson, James Albert 1874 -m- Emma Francis Thompson, Mary Maggie Lee 1876 -m- Wm. Leonard Newman, names listed below have not be confirmed as their children, *RICHARD LAWRENCE "Lonzie" NEWMANEugene Newman & Mary Elizabeth Proctor, John Calvin Coolidge -m- Mary Evelyn Harley, *ROBERT NEWMANJohn Lloyd Newman & Sussanna Newman, James Edward -m- 1. *HusbandHusband's parents*WifeWife's parentsChildren of *Husband & *Wifeare then listed. The Proctor Family by Aquilla Braxton - Charles Mason7. In June 1721 Eliza Lester named an Indian called Sackelah as the father of her child and received a fine or corporal punishment from the Baltimore County Court [Proceedings 1718-21, 498, 507]. Dr. Keyonna Proctor, DO, Family Medicine | Solomons, MD | WebMD Margaret Madden had six children in Talbot County between 1725 and 1742.Mary Wedge of Prince George's County had at least five children between 1727 and 1738. Harry b: Dec. ? Elizabeth Gwendolyn Proctor (born September 15, 1940) is an American politician who represented district 27A in the Maryland House of Delegates . 3. Read the reviews. Death: November 22, 1695 (70-79) Lothian, Anne Arundel County, Maryland, British Colonial America. We take pride in providing the most up-to-date, evidence-based medical care for chronic medical conditions for our patients. Based on Elizabeth Shown Mill's classic book Evidence Explained: Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace (Genealogical Publishing Co.), this page is a great resource for those who "use, cite, and seek to understand historical records." Molly Welsh of Baltimore County (grandmother of Benjamin Banneker) married a slave named Bankka and had four children in Baltimore County about 1710 to 1720. Place of Burial: MD. Proctor, Hester Terena 1905 -m - Micheal John Butler, { Bel Alton church records }*THOMAS PENNY, { St. Peter archival records }*JOHN PICKRELL, *ALBERT LEONARD PROCTOR*PEARL ELIZABETH SWANN, "Fox" Swann & 2nd wife: Elizabeth Rebecca Savoy, *ALFRED PROCTORThomas Proctor & Elizabeth, John Edward "Ned" 1844 -m- Sarah Cath. Another 127 words (9 lines of text) covering the years 1578, 1521, 1584, 1536, 1537, 1540, 1632, 1692, 1692 and are included under the topic Early Proctor History in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible. Cora Cecelia c. 1886 -m- Wm. Both families married free African Americans. The admins are responsive and accessible, so this page is also a good place to bring your library research questions. East Indians apparently blended into the free African American population.Peter, an East Indian who was one of the ancestors of the Fisher family, had a child by a white woman named Mary Molloyd about 1680 and "became a free 'Molato' after serving some time to Major Beale of St. Mary's County" [Anne Arundel County Judgment Record 1734-6, 83; 1743-4, 11]. Clinton, MD 20735 . 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. & verbal source}*SCHULER COFFAX SCHUMATE {from Wash D.C}, Charles "Fiddler" Proctor & Matilda Ann Butler, John Francis Swann Sr. & Margaret Thompson, *GEORGE HENRY SWANN 18**John Walter Swann & Frances Ellen Butler, William Alex -m- Sarah Cath. - 4-17-1946George Harley & Georgianna Newman, Mary Mable -m- Wm Butler / Wm. ?- Fegnius age 83. Margaret Stamp, {Bryantown church records }*FRANCIS SAVOY 17**, {Bryantown church records }*HENRY SAVOY 18**. Mr. Robert Gordon Proctor, English Able Seaman from Bradford, Mr. George Proctor, British Assistant Steward, who sailed into battle on the, Mr. G Proctor, British Ordinary Seaman, who sailed into battle on the. Proctor's professional career was in education. Jessica Proctor - Family Nurse Practitioner - LinkedIn Dr. John H. Proctor is a Family Medicine Doctor in Cincinnati, OH. An afternoon with the Proctors reminded me of all the sweet stuff that fill up this life.It's funny that children are so tiny yet they know how to live & love so big!I love you, Proctor family & thanks for adding more of that good stuff to my life. Sarah F. age 173. George 18453. It is thought that my Joseph Proctor descended from an English woman, ELIZABETH PROCTOR, who was born as early as 1675.She was a servant on the plantation of wealthy gentleman planter William Boarman in Charles County, Maryland.She had two illegitimate sons, and that is where my line and many (if not most) of the Proctors in Maryland descend.It "Mulatto" Robert Perle owned land in Prince George's County before 1735, partnered with whites in putting up security for the executors of estates, and was overseer of the highways in 1748. Thompson, * PHILLIP MAURICE PROCTORSylvester Proctor & Margaret Ann Proctor, Phillip Kelso 9-25-1907 -m- Edna Louise Proctor, { Bryantown church records }*RALPH PROCTOR 17**. Retrieved from, Titanic Passenger List - Titanic Facts. Dr. Proctor is affiliated with Calvert Memorial Hospital. . James Marshall Proctor, *JAMES ANDERSON PROCTOR "Sampson"Robert Henry Proctor & Henrietta Harley, John Edward "Ned" Proctor & Sarah Cath. "Billy" Thompson, Mary 1862 {had an eye affliction }= census, John Harley & Christina Clementia Proctor, * MARY NANCY ANN BUTLER: 1834 {1860 census }, Sylvester Marcellus 1852 -m- Cornelia Ann Proctor, Margaret Frances 1856 c. -m- James Newman, William Francis 1857 -m- Rose Ann Proctor, *WILLIAM GONZIE HARLEY 11-24-1882 ? Maggie ? THOMPSON 8-30-1902 1-10-1972, Aloysius Thompson & Elizabeth "Lizzie" Swann, *WILLIAM THOMAS HENRY "FOX" SWANN 1845Henry Swann & Dolly Thompson, Mary Eliz. Proctor House, also known as the Cassandra Gilbert House, is an historic home located at Bel Air, Harford County, Maryland, United States.It is a two-story detached Carpenter Gothic style cottage with board and batten siding, constructed between 1860 and 1873 and enlarged about 1884. In the Middle Ages, people did not generally live off of the fruits of their labor in a particular job. (Retrieved 2016, July 13) . Mary Ann Polly b: circa 1830's married Charles Proctor*Joseph Henry CarterEmeline Proctor b: 1830's - d: 1892 Glymont, Md. Thank you, and have fun looking at our family history. [7], In January 2019, Proctor voted in favor of legislation to lift a ban on developer contributions to candidates running in county executive and county council races in Prince George's County. [3], Proctor was appointed by Maryland Governor Larry Hogan on October 9, 2015, to fill the seat in the Maryland House of Delegates left vacant by her husband's death. Henry Harley & Unknown, Sarah Ann c.1830 -m- 1. This provider currently accepts 46 insurance plans including Medicare and Medicaid. RATINGS AND REVIEWS. }*UNKNOWN THOMPSON 1790'S, William H. "Kell" c.1820 - 1880 -m- Eliz. 501 Howard Ave Ste F2, Altoona, PA, 16601, 100 Hospital Rd, Prince Frederick, MD, 20678, Rowan University School Of Osteopathic Medicine. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Thompson & Elizabeth Swann, { Based on 1850 census }*WILLIAM THOMPSON 1790, *WILLIAM "BILLY" THOMPSONWm. The primary goal of this FTDNA Wesorts-Piscataway DNA Project is to prove consanguinity among persons with these CLAN surnames, Butler, Gray, Harley, Newman, Proctor, Queen, Savoy, Swann, and Thompson of Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. The story was modified in the twentieth century to say that he was African [Fisher, The So-called Moors of Delaware]. Dr. Proctor works in Clinton, MD and specializes in Family Medicine and Nurse Practitioner. H. "Kell" Thompson & Eliz. John Grayer Proctor, who was aboard the ship "Sea Venture" who wrecked in Bermudas in 1609, they managed to build a new ship to continue to Jamestown in 1610. Kell Thompson, * WILLIAM JOSEPH PROCTOR JR.Wm. The Proctors have two children; three grandchildren. Families left for the New World in extremely large numbers. Keep up with the family birthdays and anniversaries in the Events list. 1 Write a Review . Mary Jane Thompson, *PETER LINKINSPeter Linkins & Rosella Proctor. XI, part 2, pp. This table is broken down by family units in the following format. 14090 Hg Trueman Rd Ste 2100, Solomons, MD, 20688. You are welcomed to stop by our, This site is best viewed with a resolution of 1024x768 (or higher) and supports Convict Records Voyages to Australia (Retrieved 25th May 2022). Even if you can't make it to one of the Center's many in-person events, you can still participate on Facebook by posting in a "Brick Wall Question of the Week." Nora Martina "Nora" Proctor, *ROBERT SYLVESTER NEWMANSylvester Newman & Joanna Proctor, Micheal "Bat" Butler & Lillie Irene Butler, *SYLVESTER "WEST" NEWMAN c. 1837John Newman & Ann Proctor, Eugene "Genis" 1853 -m- Mary Eliz. Their ancestry is traced on this site to slaves freed in the seventeenth century in Virginia or to the mixed-race children of white women. For COVID -19 Information, click links below. . Dr. Proctor is affiliated with Medstar Southern Maryland Hospital Center. SARAH CATHERINE "SALLY ANN" THOMPSON Died in Wash. D.C. at Sister of thePoor : lived there by choice. Harley & Sarah Ann ProctorAmanda 11-16-1880-----------------------------------------{Harte Survey}*JOHN BUTLER 1800s, Elizabeth -m- James Micheal ButlerMamieDickHenryWilliam Albert -m- Cath.