After parting ways, the couple would soon meet again in Arizona which would end up in them reigniting and reconnecting their fling. This is Budhu's story, as told to Kelly Burch . It was cited that she keeps her emotions close to the vest. This article is about due process and the legal right to a fair trial for everyone. A slightly humorous observation is that you said, and others have, that James Haynes physically resembled the sketch.. McPherron: And you had no contact with her . If he was getting too close to the witness emotionally he should have stepped away from the case. To this day, his record is mixed; his law license was suspended for6 monthsin 2011, and there was also talk of a suspension in 2015. I dont. Is it just to continue to punish her so long after she is obviously no longer a danger in any way to anyone? ?.the fact you are ignoring something SO OBVIOUS is a red flag. The tragedy that hit the Downs' kids changed their whole life. Many troubling elements of the case were discovered after the trial, but there was enough during the proceedings to be asking questions. Something that would never stand in court now. The powers that be knew they had nothing on Diane so Christie became their sacrificial lamb: opinion, not fact As it was getting dark and the young ones fell asleep in the car, their mother decided to head home. Her older two children have remained out of the public eye. Her father also insisted shetry to help catch the shooter. Until the end of the trial. Legally speaking, we do not go after people because they look evil or crazy. And these men in black perceived this as an act of war, and proceeded to go after them with every legal or illegal means at their disposal. I felt there was something that should be done, but I was at a loss in how to cope with the Court that had given the children to the prosecutor and allowed false testimony to seal her fate. Everyone in the world can believe something. The prosecutor would gently shake his head and the good judge would follow with a ruling. Even on a worldwide scale, the age of accountability is considered to be twelve years old. It was demonstrated at trial that the shooter shot the kids at close range. They met for the first time in Moon Valley High School in Phoenix, Arizona. Van Houten has made her choices and needs to own up to her actions and stop putting all the blame on drugs and Manson. Caught in the act, Hugi declared that Christie only said that because she was pressed for an answer. Their goal was to make Dian look crazy, because sane people dont shoot their children. Page 6 of Case History. Accused of her side of the story what the state says how would it be possible for her to do what they presumed. Not an easy situation for him as I would imagine. CK allowed DD to drive away despite the fact she could identify him and he had a gun? Ultimately, the blogger is entitled to their opinion as is everyone else. This reminds me of what a jail counselor named Rachel Roth said at the trial of Debra Milke Its my opinion that this young woman has been judged in a way that signifies something to do with how we view women in our society. Without her daughters testimony and the lies about the gun, they could not have found her guilty in a fair trial. Also, I agree he does look a little like the actor who played Fred Hugi but I think it might be a coincidence. The powers that be knew they had nothing on Diane so Christie became their sacrificial lamb. I am sorry the meaning of nonsense evades you like the facts of the case in this instance. Diane has not been deemed an ongoing public threat that I am aware of. I appreciate this whole blog just want to give you a heads up. Simply because I researched them. The notes taken daily by the nurses became a point of contention at trial. Theres a lot to be said here, still. Mr. Downs must have had a bad feeling about Jagger because before trial: speculation Mr. Jagger read the report and said, you were right. He asked her for the car keys and she pretended to throw them away to distract him. But people never want to touch the high profile cases where the defendant is not likable. Plus, Diane could have never cleaned her clothes and her hair to remove blood and gun powder. Rule even talked about writing a book about her but it never materialized. It was the story of two troubled young souls trying to survive without a safety net. You seem to care about my opinion and perception of some elements of the case and how the media poisoned the well in this instance, but what about the trial? At the time Diane had told police that a stranger attempted to carjack her and shot the kids, and that's what her ex husband was told, too. danny also said a cartoon character shot themalso he was SHOT IN THE BACK how could he see the shooter????????? But you are right to say that it is my site. It was all about Charlene wanting KnickKnick ~wanting Dianeand Diane wanting a return to the peace she had before Knick asked his wife for a divorce. If you have an opinion on drugging a child to make her talk, a judge presiding over a criminal case when he was in family court and removed the children from the defendants or the forensics, ballistic, etc. Kumbaya my Lord, Kumbaya. And Hugi seemed pretty sure he would get what he was asking for. They hated her attitude and thought she was promiscuous and showed no sorrow or remorse. why didn't steve downs get custody. Ginsburg didn't think women should get to do what men did because she believed they would do the job better; she wanted equality for its own liberating sake. Or why the fact that he was a con artist made him such a credible guy in this case. Steve Downes has voiced the Master Chief in the Halo games since his 2001 debut, and his voice has become synonymous with the character.However, despite Jen Taylor being asked to reprise her role as the . You left and you and Diane Downs spent an evening at a motel? Christie was it though. They had him micromanaged, and with the testimony of little Christie they were in business. Fair question. So it looks and sounds like she is getting special treatment because of her notoriety. He still shouldnt have been allowed to adopt them while the appeals process was ongoing, if he had any role in those cases. I think it would give the blog more integrity and transparency. The states own witness, Dr. George Suckow and Dr. Polly Jamison denounced Prosecutor Hugis practice as improper and unethical (Appendix 101 and 104). Most were married because Diane had no desire to remarry. Diane Downs is an infamous killer who tried to murder her three children to pursue love. It wasnt until Prosecutor Hugi said Dr. Jamison had labeled Diane a deviant sociopath that Mr. They should have had ongoing contact and been placed with family as soon as they were out of the hospital and they never should have been interviewed without their own attorney (Guardian ad Litem) present. And he was found not guilty because his defense team played the race card in an area of LA where they did not trust the police and discussed EDTA and DNA ad nauseam to confuse the jurors. I think you may be right that she is likely still locked up due to her diagnoses of antisocial, histrionic and narcissistic, but again, no one would care and this crappy diagnosis wouldnt have been bought and paid for if not the high profile nature of the case. Not in this case. Too bad she did not interview Diane or her family. I know people who know or knew people is not a valid argument. 1st, you came back from a trip? You do not refute any of the points I made in the blogs. I am not sure of the exact timing of Dianes accusations but the Downs family did not only include the grandparents and they were never considered even before this nonsense. Within a few weeks, the kids who had survived were placed in protective custody and were no longer in Steve's care. I mention in my blog that when her adoptive dad said that she was coerced and thats why she said she did not know who shot them, that of course she was because this is what she does when under pressure. For example, the abhorrent decision regarding Keli Lane: My beef is with the interference by the media, TV shows and Ann Rule I also wish that Dianes children have a great life. Also on old footage of the trial, as there was no cameras aloud, the drawing of Christie Downs from court artist also complies with the testimony given in the book, as far as her pain and crying. Take your smugness elsewhere, at long last. Considering the circumstances, it is difficult not to be a bit cynical about this grand gesture: relevance? I cant believe that it was allowed to happen, actually. Foote denied the motion and declared you have an attorney, use him.. She had no priors and no history of violence in prison. Not our place to decide. I talked about her still being locked up, all these years later, because I really want to know is it because we believe she will commit more crimes or is it because we need more revenge? Only in Hollywood and in Ann Rules books, would you find such fantasy. Her children were obviously more severely injuredbecause being captive in the car while a shooter aimed at them gave them less of a chance to wiggle out of the situation than an adult outside the car. They would have tried to reopen the case. I am publishing your comment because once in a while, I need to post the pitiful representation of true crime readers who made Anne Rule a rich author. A prosecutor inventing a new psychiatric category in court and labeling the accused is kind of unsettling. Yes, like many Americans, I think that the US system is barbaric. The case NEVER made sense to me. I point out some obvious facts and discrepancies, and that due process was shoved aside because the state and the media presented a guilty image right from the start. The answers to those questions do not matter anymore. Yes, I had to go and sign the lease, yes, sir. She has been denied parole 2x and is up again in 2020. She said no mother would stop at 10 at night, in the dark, with three young children, to help a Bush haired stranger. This blogger believes in the presumption of innocence and in the possibility of redemption. Years later, seven witnesses signed affidavits telling of a man named Jim Haynes continuing confessionthat he wasthe shooter, and his appearance boresimilarities to the sketch. At the time Diane had told police that a stranger attempted to carjack her and shot the kids, and thats what her ex husband was told, too. So how she behaved at the time, should not have been a factor influencing the authorities. Mr. Jagger failed to challenge that competency. Page 40 of Case History. I dont know how familiar she was with the area, but I do not think that it matters anyway. There were a few calls and on one occasion,Christie said They just, they knew that, you know, that she did it and I should say that she did it. When asked if she thought her mother did it or someone else did it, she replied, I dont know if she did it or someone else did, cause I dont know. Then Angel says: They told you that was the right thing to do, huh? Christie responds, But like the person, my attorney, and thats who Fred is, that Im living with, hes the guy, he works for me.. You cannot skip due process because of mob mentality. Anne Rule might have inflamed the case with her book Small Sacrifices and her theory of the crime, but in reality, the case of Diane Downs was no small sacrifice. The courts were divided in the 80s, family court, traffic court, criminal court, juvenile court I dont believe they ran out of judges to preside over them all. Diane had met all the requirements to be paroled. I guess he did not want too many people to know about the improprieties that happened in his courtroom: I guess? Wasnt he the stranger? I tried to contact you by email but my email wouldnt acknowledge you email address. That is why people wonder why such a vital family member never gave the anticipated insightful interview. They brought cakes and cookies and became friends so they were not going to fight over this. Otherwise you just want people to fill your echo chamber that agree with you, tell anyone else you obviously dont want to debate me.., then ban, then hope for people to agree. Therefore, those jagged bones were floating in a cloth wrap, merely resting in a cloth sling. Diane may very well be guilty, but YIKES this investigation and trial seemed so butchered and tilted in the prosecutions favour. Were they involved in the plot too?? Transgender CeCe McDonald Out of Prison but Not Out of the Woods. To this day, there is not enough evidence to prove her guilt or innocence. There were posters. It was known as Manic Depression. I try to bring out the details that were ignored because Down was so unpopular: this blog is clearly one sided. Hugi did not want that. Downs, born Elizabeth Diane Frederickson, was a 27-year-old divorced postal worker when she pulled up outside a hospital in Oregon in May 1983. Justice is all that is left. It gave Anne Rule carte blanche to legally use these labels in her book and it stuck. She complained about it, but that does not mean she did not suffer for her kids. You mention that her attorney should have raised objections. The detectives took Diane to the crime scene and were able to retrieve shell cases on the ground where the incident happened. I saw that same face in Diane Downs. While not evidence of guilt or innocence, it is certainly worth noting as part of the overall wrongs perpetrated during this fiasco of a trial and subsequent appeals. In reply to Kit So appropriate! LMFAO!!!! And when kids are hurt, emotions keep flowing endlessly. The blog tries to bring balance and more objectivity to a case that was TOTALLY one sided and still is. What happened to Diane Downs ex-husband? Brewer freely declared that Diane Downs would never have been convicted except that he believed the lie Jim Jagger permitted Fred Hugi to enter into the record. There is also a critical shortage of Foster Carers internationally, so that the Hugis offered to take the children in could be viewed as altruistic. Yes, dad relinquished his rights but he knew that they loved their grandparents and had allowed Diane to take them for a visit without telling the authorities. Most people described Dianes injury as minor or superficial but in reality, it was a very serious injury. You need to have your own voice," she said. The trouble reportedly took place a day earlier when Sean Preston allegedly was behind a locked bedroom door and Jamie broke down the door to get in and then "violently shook" the child, The. The board said that her mental or emotional disorder makes her a danger to society. She then went through the State (Circuit) Court habeas corpus relief for four years to no avail. I am all for reviewing facts and getting a decision overturned in cases of corrupt decisions, and many people are on your side and find these cases totally worth their time. They checked her shoes and they were clean. Just saw the video of Dianes parole hearing. One should also wonder why their biological father who was so eager to bash his ex on the stand was not given custody, and did not stay in contact with his two remaining children: relevance? Her quest for love had landed her into an unstable and loveless marriage. I removed the dumb and crass part of your comment. I write about cases where due process is in question and important aspects were ignored or twisted. Critics said she deliberately became pregnant in order to garner sympathy from the jury. Steve was the one who left Diane because he believed that Stephen Daniel, known as Danny, was the result of an extramarital affair that Diane had. This is also what the state did to her. I went on ebay and ordered multiple stuff from the 80s, news footage, just to hear what she sounded like, because of all the talk in the book about her demeanor. She did it. I just tried to find a video or article about Hugi and I only get the one or two that I already have. I wish she could get a new look. Litigating at the Supreme Court in . But in their defense, they were told at trial what gun was used by Diane to shoot the kids and it must have been very difficult to overcome the emotions brought on by the words of little Christie even if it was pretty obvious during her testimony that she was confused and unreliable. I think it posible she brought the kids there to be shot by someone else. Being interested in a subject without bringing emotions to the table is always the most important step. McPherron: I mean, it was plastered all over. If the media was anything at the time it was favorable towards her. Ive done my research. Gosh Donna, you really dont have a clue. Like I said, the 2 years make it a bit more of a gray area. There are documented cases of suicides where the person has no GNR, as well as murder cases. How could they expect a normal mother/daughter reunion between a beaten inmate whose mental health had degraded and a daughter trapped in this insanity? One of them named Angel, called 15-year-old Christie on the phone. answer the question why didn't steve downs get custody, which will help you get the most accurate answer. I like your approach. I enjoyed your take, and agree their are several reasons with this, and lets be honestevery other case ever prosecuted, to take pause and question but Diane continues to lie, make up brand new stories about people after her, and has made no moves to better herself in any way shape or form while shes been in prison, by her own admission. Ur not showing facts that Ann Rule lied n misled n ruined lives with. In an earlier comment you stated that Diane had met all of the requirements for parole. The strong, emotive language. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It is because she is a high profile person. A group of ladies formed a group called HELDD which stands for Help Exonerate & Liberate Diane Downs. What?? Q. I agree with your comment. Steve and Diane had three children, Danny, Cheryl, and Christie Ann. When they assess the conduct of an inmate, what counts is mostly how she behaves inside through the years and if she shows violent tendencies. They claimed to have found two lead cartridges in Dianes rifle at home that supposedly matched the ones used during the crime. While that makes her technically eligible for parole at some point (in her case 2009) it does not actually mean she has an end date or a release date.