would certainly be more intuitive, but alas is the correct way to accept long-form input from users. This is the most basic input types. Applying CSS Style to textbox, textarea, dropdown box and submit button will enhance the user interface. Estoy tratando de aumentar el tamaño de la letra del formulario. This attribute was not supported in previous versions of HTML. $(‘:input’, this)//<– Should return all input elements in that specific form. El ultimo añade una línea de estado, que se puede animar vía css con los estados del input, pero yo prescindiría de ella y usaría pseudos para lograr el mismo efecto. But of course, there are ways, my friend. There are two key changes in the above CSS: input:required:valid applies a success state only to required inputs. Number of rows. Browse other questions tagged css css-selectors sass or ask your own question. Depending on what you use, you may have to change the type attribute selector. #myForm input[type=text] Notice: This is not supported by IE6, so if you want to develop for IE6 either use IE7.js (as Yi Jiang suggested) or start adding classes to all your text inputs. Deprecated. One frequently used form control is textarea, which is used to get multi-line input from a user.It's different from a normal text input, which allows only single-line input. Without applying style, these input elements won’t looks more catchy. The HTML