At the hearing, the proposed Order of Appointment of Guardian ad Litem may be entered at the hearing, based on clear and convincing evidence, in consideration of the factors listed in Virginia Code Section 64.22007(c). Upon request and for good cause, counsel may request a hybrid hearing for the witness to testify remotely during an in-person trial/hearing. You will be contacted regarding the judges' decision. If permission is received, follow the steps below. 1. (c) (Local Rule) A Letter from the Petitioner (Marriage Celebrant) stating (a)that you live in the City of Alexandria (not Fairfax County); (b)describing your relationship with the couple getting married; and (c)why you (the petitioner/marriage celebrant) want to perform the civil marriage ceremony. Gre mill ion , Eliz ab et h A . APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN OR CONSERVATOR (updated 2/7/23), Contested hearings shall be scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on a non-Motions Day in a courtroom. Statewide searches are not possible. Counsel or pro-se litigants must agree to a settlement conference. This list should not be construed as a list of recommended Guardians ad Litem. The client or authorized representative. Write a note at the bottom of the questionnaire or attach a separate note. A limited number of cell phone lockers are available inside the vestibule of the courthouse and cost a quarter ($.25). Any errors apparent to the parties at the time of the issuance of the Microsoft Teams meting invitation should be immediately brought to the attention of the Court bycalling Judges Chambers at 703.746.4123. Agencies and programs that help maintain our safety and overall quality of life. Baton Rouge City Court is a municipal court of record created in 1900 by La. Refer to "Contact Information" section for the email addresses for the court administrators. The Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic (stavn soud esk republiky) stands outside the general courts structure.Its status and powers are enshrined directly in the Constitution of the Czech Republic. Petitioner and GAL attend the hearing in the courtroom. Court personnel are prohibited from giving legal advice or assistance, including how to fill out legal forms. (b) After the trial date has been selected, complete and sign a Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order. (1) If no responsive pleading has been filed, Plaintiff's proposed nonsuit order must state that (a) this is their first nonsuit and (b) that no counterclaims, crossclaims, or third-party claims by an adverse party have been filed. Contact the Clerk of Circuit Court in Room 307 (703.746.4044) toappeal a case from the Circuit Court to either the Court of Appeals of Virginia or the Supreme Court of Virginia. (2) Judicial law clerks are eligible for most of the standard benefits offered to City of Alexandria employees, including health care, but excluding retirement benefits. Optional:A courtesy copy may be delivered to the Judges Chambers 4th floor drop box, but is not required. ALL MOTIONS DAYS HEARINGS ARE REMOTE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Judge James D. Cain, Jr. Chief Judge Terry A. Doughty; Senior Judge Dee D. Drell; Senior Judge Elizabeth Erny Foote; Senior Judge Robert G. James; Judge David C. Joseph; Senior Judge Tucker L. Melanon; Judge Robert R. Summerhays; Senior Judge Donald E. Walter; Magistrate Judge David J. Ayo; Magistrate Judge Mark L. Hornsby; Magistrate Judge . may be continued to a future status conference date. E. Start time for trials is 10:00 a.m. unless otherwise approved by the Court. Alexandria Circuit Court is a court of record, and all documents shall be filed with the Clerk of Circuit Court. F. The packet does not provide exhaustive explanations. The Alexandria Courthouse is located in the block between 5th and 6th, and Murray and Johnston, in Alexandria, Louisiana. STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS (updated 8/9/2022). News4's Northern Virginia bureau chief Julie Carey reports. Courthouse 401 Courthouse Square Alexandria, VA 22314. The praecipe for remote hearings includes the mandatory remote hearing notice. Find events and activities, shops and restaurants, concerts and performances, arts and culture, historic attractions, parks and libraries, farmers' markets, and more. (6) After 4 to 6 weeks from filing all the documents, you may c. all the Clerk of Circuit Court (703.746.4044) to ask if the Final Decree has been entered. If the laptop does not have a native HDMI port, you are required to bring an HDMI dongle/converter for your laptop. The Jury Commissioners will review the request and make a determination. (3) Prior to the Term Day, counsel and/or pro se litigant may call Judges Chambers (703.746.4123) together on the same telephone conference call to select a trial date. Detailed instructions are included in "Technology-Meeting Invitation" section. The Jury Commissioners will review your question and make a determination. To request ADA Accommodations - The request must be filed nolater than five (5) business days before the scheduled court event for which assistance is required. D. NAME CHANGE ORDER - If a name change is requested in the Complaint for Divorce, a name change order must be filed with the Court. (2) A six (6) month separation with (a) a Property Settlement Agreement signed by both parties; and (b) no minor children born or adopted of the marriage. MS Teams is a free download available at, The meeting invitation must include: (a) name of case, docket number, and date/time of trial or hearing; (b) advise recipients to download the MS Teams application to their device prior to the meeting if needed; (c) advise recipients that MS Teams is a free download available at, All motions day hearings are heard remotely until further notice, unless an exception is permitted by the Court. B. (2) If responsive pleadings have been filed, the adverse parties must endorse Plaintiff's proposed nonsuit order. In civil cases, continuance requests are granted by permission of a Judge upon good cause. H. SIGNATURE BLOCK shall include counsel or pro se party's contact information to include name, counsel's bar number (if applicable),mailing address, telephone number, and email address (if any). B. EMAILED ORDERS are not accepted without a judge's permission. (6) Request to be excusedfrom jury service - Write a note at the bottom of the questionnaire or attach a separate note. (6) After 4 to 6 weeks from filing all the documents, you may call the Clerk of Circuit Court (703.746.4044) to ask if the Final Decree has been entered. These instructions are also on the summonses (see pink boxes on the bottom half of the summons). ), B. MOTIONS DAY (remote until further notice). ENDORSEMENTS. If you need additional guidance, you should seek legal counsel. Refer to Motions Day sections, TECHNOLOGY IN THE COURTROOM - RESERVATIONS FOR EQUIPMENT AND TECH COURTROOMS. Prior to the entry of the order, the General Receiver shall file an affidavit with the court providing the beneficiary's name, date of birth, and social security number, as well as the proposed dates of final and periodic disbursements. Important Microsoft Teams software must be downloaded to your device prior to the Motions Day hearing. If you have any questions that are not about who did, or did not, receive the Microsoft Teams Invitation, please call 703-746-4123. Follow status conference instructions. To obtain bond information, you can look up your case or contact the Clerk of . 2. Court personnel, including law clerks, cannot provide any legal advice. Provides addresses and phone numbers for all courts and chief magistrates. (c) Publication(Local Rule) If service is by publication in a divorce case, the plaintiff must arrange and pay for a court reporter to attend the ore tenus hearing and prepare a hearing transcript. (b) Trial may start at 9:00 a.m.on subsequent days of the trial at judges discretion. Applicants shall email their application packages directly to the Court. Plaintiff will provide oral testimony. CIRCUIT COURT CLERK'S OFFICE Room 307703.746.4044. F. Technology refer to Technology in the Courtroom sections. The Circuit Court will be closed when the Alexandria City Government (not the Alexandria City Public Schools) is closed or when the City Government is two (2) or more hours late in opening due to inclement weather or an emergency. (2) Please keep your microphone muted until your case is called. Judge's permission required. Procedure:To schedule for 2:00 p.m. Motions Day docket - Permission from a judicial law clerk is required prior to filing the motion or praecipe to docket the motion. The notice of the hearing must comply with Virginia Code Section 62.2-2004. I am running for Judge because I believe in a fair, unbiased judicial system. Judge Duhe served on the court in the Lafayette Division until he too was elevated to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in 1988. WRONGFUL DEATH HEARINGS ( (updated 2/24/2023). Senior Judge Dee D. Drell: Alexandria: 1947 2003-2017 2012-2017 2017-present G.W. A. After selecting a trial date, the Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order shall be completed and signed by counsel and pro se litigants, and filed with the Clerk of Circuit Court. There are multiple ways to set a civil trial date. SIGNATURE BLOCKshall include counsel or pro se party's contact information, to include name, counsel's bar number (if applicable),mailing address, telephone number, and email address (if any). The Court recognizes there are persons with special needs who use Circuit Court. Efforts should be made to review the instructions prior to the conclusion of the evidence. Telephone hours are 8:30am to 1:00pm, and then again from 2:00pm to 4:00pm (phones are not answered during lunch). A limited number of cell phone lockers are available inside the vestibule of the courthouse and cost a quarter ($.25). For more information, visit theSupreme Court of Virginiaweb site. D. CHILD SUPPORT casesare scheduled on the 10:00 a.m. docket. The City of Alexandria has a strong commitment to citizen participation as evidenced by the number of citizen boards and commissions established by City Council. The Court has prepared a pro se divorce packet that is available from the Alexandria Law Library (703.746.4077), either in person (520 King Street, Lower Level, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) or on-line at the Alexandria Law Librarys website at> scroll down to Information Packets on the lower left side of the webpage. The Court is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Tuesday and Thursdays are solely criminal and traffic respectively. If Respondent or any other entity whose name is included in the petition appears at the hearing and objects to the entry of the order, a contested hearing will need to be scheduled. he played the role of a lawyer from New York City in a play based on a landmark 1954 U.S. Supreme Court school desegregation case, an experience that helped propel him . He attended school in the United States, Germany, France and England. Interpreter Services shall be requested when the trial date is selected. "The city also took steps to shield them with qualified immunity, a judge-made doctrine that protects government employees from civil liability when they violate the Constitution." . Training is mandatory to use the court's Electronic Evidence Presentation software or Technology Cart. Alexandria City Court. Bush: 30 Senior Judge Elizabeth Erny Foote: Shreveport: 1953 2010-2022 2022-present . Richard E. Starling, Jr. Criminal dockets -Commonwealth Day(both First Thursday and Regular CW Days), GrandJury, and Traffic and Misdemeanor Appeals Docket ("TMAD"). Every effort is made to provide accurate and current information. Alexandria CourthouseCell Phone Policy. Orders with electronic signatures will not be entered. After serving on the . Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Rapides County info. [1] See also Rapides Parish, Louisiana External links Official website of Alexandria, Louisiana Footnotes Louisiana Secretary of State, Elected Officials, Rapides Parish Louisiana courts Federal courts: D. Settlement or dismissal prior to trial Counsel are encouraged to notify the Court immediately in order to avoid possible sanctions. CIRCUIT COURT JUDGES for the City of Alexandria are Chief Judge Lisa B. Kemler, Judge James C. Clark, and Judge Kathleen M. Uston. Jurisdiction of Alexandria City Court is limited to the citizens of Wards 1, 2 and 8 in Rapides Parish. APPEALS FROM CIRCUIT COURT(updated 3/2/2023). For more information, visit the, A. COURT OF APPEALS OF VIRGINIA provides for intermediate appellate review of all decisions of the Circuit Courts in traffic infractions, in criminal cases (except where a sentence of death has been imposed), and in decisions of the Circuit Court involving domestic relations matters and appeals from administrative agencies. 2. Upon request and for good cause, counsel may request a remote hearing for all parties to appear remotely, including the Judge. Call, or visit the court's website if listed above. The City provides public assistance as a safety net for individuals and families, including help with homelessness prevention, food, rent, utilities, medical coverage and prescriptions, job training and placement assistance, and much more. Michael Halpin Custer County Judge 719-783-2274 View more. Refer to Motions Day Instructions and Forms sections if necessary. F. Please note: 9th District Court-Alexandria PO Box 952 Alexandria, LA 71309 Hours: 8:30AM-4:30PM CST P: 318-473-8153 F: 318-473-4667 Couriers: 701 Murray St Alexandria, LA 71309 Jurisdiction: Felony, Misdemeanor, Civil, Probate, Eviction, Family Restricted Records: No adoption, juvenile, or judicial commitment records released A. (d) After the trial date has been selected, complete and sign a Uniform Pretrial Scheduling Order. B. JUDGES CHAMBERS (703.746.4123). Each judge is assigned only one case, therefore there are a limited number of slots available. A limited number of lockers are available in the courthouse vestibule for a quarter (twenty-five cents). Please do not respond to this email other than by accepting or declining the meeting invitation. Left onto Granby Street. is updated every business day after 4:00 p.m. to list the jury group numbers of jurors who need to report for jury duty on the following business day.