The other two Bandidos members were jailed for 4 years each, with the requirement to serve 2 years. - People judge us by appearance.- Media portrays us as the boogie man.- Law enforcement arrests US for existing.- And the courts judge and jail us based on the patch we wear.- So from the straights in the world and the judgmental ones, we: - Bandidos Motorcycle Club ~ United States of America. BIG FAT CONGRATS TO BANDIDO ALLAN 1%ER FOR YOUR WEDDING, WE WISH NATIONAL PRESIDENTE BIG TONY 1%ER AUSTRALASIA A HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAVE A GREAT DAY BROTHER. Copyright Ownership: All logos, brands and designs regarding Bandidos MC are trademark-protected (TM). See more ideas about bandidos motorcycle club, motorcycle clubs, mcs. [148] The raid was part of an ongoing police investigation involving large-scale drug trafficking; twenty people were arrested and accused of synthesizing and dealing of hard drugs, extortion and money laundering. The Bandidos main rival has always been the Hell's Angels. . BIG FAT CONGRATULATIONS TO LAAX 1%ER FOR EARNING YOUR FULLPATCH! [98][99], Members of the Bandidos' Marseille, Montpellier and Metz chapters organized the 7 May 1995 shooting of two members of the Apocalypse Riders, a Hells Angels support club, in Crancey which left both men wounded and one, Jrme Parent, paraplegic. Editors It was yet another glorious moment for the Bandidos motorcycle club: On October 8, 2016, the bikers celebrated the founding of their first chapter in the Republic of Ireland. Bandido . A motorcycle shop in Alnabru, Oslo, where two Bandidos members worked, was bombed on 13 March 1997. #BANDIDOSMC #BANDIDOS #BANDIDOSMOTORCYCLECLUBDeputies conducted a stop on the SUV they believe fled the scene. [13] Under Hodge's leadership, the Bandidos became an international motorcycle club when the first foreign chapter was established in Sydney, Australia in 1983. [77] Kai Tapio Blom and Andrei Antoni Jensko, both recently paroled from prison, killed Hirsma during a gunfight in front of his home in Helsinki on 20 October 2001. abduction. Contact. Today the Bandidos Motorcycle Club is the largest 1% club in the Western Hemisphere, with 1100 members in Northers, Central and South American Countries. [146] Ramakers is furthermore a suspect in several murder investigations. [5] Patches denoting a member's rank and chapter are worn, as are various other patches which have specific meanings. Three were given prison sentences and another eleven were handed down suspended sentences at a trial which took place in Hanover on 16 December 2008. [205], The Bandidos and Hells Angels remained the dominant gangs in Sweden until the mid-2000s when street gangs began to appear, challenging the bikers' monopoly over the country's criminal rackets. The Vietnam War was a bad decision, and the victims on American soil were the returning soldiers who got no benefits of recognition for their services. In the years that followed, the Bandidos MC spread world-wide to more that 80 countries, but as time wore on, differences of opinion between the United States, Europe and Australia about the club values and definitions, prompted changes to be made. #BANDIDOSMC #BANDIDOS #BANDIDOSMOTORCYCLECLUBDeputies conducted a stop on the SUV they believe fled the scene. [77] On 12 February 1996, two grenade attacks were carried out against the Hells Angels; two people were badly injured when a restaurant in Tapanila belonging to a Hells Angels members was bombed, and in a second attack a motorcycle garage in Hernesaari owned by a Hells Angels member was also targeted. Officers were called to the incident in the 21000 block of U.S. 59 near Hamblen Road about 10:30 a.m. After the first day of a related lawsuit on 17 December 2007, riots between the two gangs and the police had been reported. These events resulted in the Bandidos attempting to assassinate the Rock Machine Sweden president on the premises of the Rock Machine's Klippan chapter clubhouse in September 2014; he would survive the attempt, and two members of the Bandidos in Helsingborg would be arrested and charged for attempted murder after police executed searches of the headquarters of the Bandidos the Southern Bikers MC support club. A Bandidos member was arrested and imprisoned in Rennes in connection with the haul. [34] The Australian Bandidos are allied with the Diablos,[7] Mobshitters,[8] and Rock Machine,[9] while their rivals include the Comancheros,[8] Finks,[15] Gypsy Jokers,[17] Hells Angels,[8] Mongols,[8] Notorious,[22] Rebels[8] and Red Devils. [210], Bandidos Sweden president Mehdi Seyyed was sentenced to nine years in prison on 14 January 2009 for two counts of attempted murder. BIG FAT CONGRATULATIONS AND WELCOME BACK TO THE NATION, BANDIDOS MC GREIFSWALD-IRON EAST. On July 17th, 2007, the club was split. 5,214 likes. With a 54-year history, the Bandidos have many stories to tell. The climax of the series and the book was the 1984 Fathers Day Massacre, known as the Milperra Massacre. [153] A second chapter was established after the club patched over a branch of the Rock Machine in Christchurch in November 2013. As a. [77] Since the end of the biker war, the once-rival clubs have operated in parallel rather than competing with each other. On behalf of the BANDIDOS MC TOP END CHAPTER AUSTRALIA, BANDIDOS MC MID-EAST CHAPTER AUSTRALIA WOULD LIKE TO SEND A BIG FAT RED AND GOLD CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR BROTHER BANDIDO PROBATIONARY MITCH MID-STATE CHAPTER ON HIS NEW STATUS, Congratulations to Bandido Simon 1%ER Midstate chapter Australia on 5 years in the red and gold nation well done brother. The image of most one-percenters is such that men would always be queuing up to join the brotherhood, and women will always want their share of bad boys. On 13 February 1994, fifteen Danish Bandidos members were ambushed by Hells Angels associates at a club in Helsingborg, resulting in 13 gunshots being fired and Hells Angels-affiliated Rednecks member Joakim Boman being shot dead. Over the years, people in the one-percenter world would tell me their stories of how they had ended up being a Bandit or a PBOL (Proud Bandido Old Lady), and I . The Bandidos, the second-largest biker gang in the world . [135], On 20 June 2015, Road Tramps member Andrew "Odd" O'Donoghue was shot dead by Alan "Cookie" McNamara, a member of the Caballeros a Bandidos prospect club. You should have at least some experience riding before joining a club like the Bandidos Motorcycle Club. Support Gear. The Bandidos MC, however, does allow for both Caucasian and Hispanic members, probably because the very name is Mexican in origin. from Hong Kong The series itself was based on the eponymous book by Lindsay Simpson and Sandra Harvey. With a 54-year history, the Bandidos have many stories to tell. He had been found in possession of nineteen-and-a-half kilograms of hashish in November 2005. BIG FAT CONGRATS TO OUR BROTHER ANTONIO 1%ER SDA AND HIS WIFE FOR THE BIRTH OF THEIR BABY. [141] The explosion not only left Ramakers' house badly damaged, but also surrounding houses and parked cars. Most of the members that Donald Mother Chambers recruited were also Vietnam war veterans sourced from bars in Houston, Corpus Christi, Galveston, and San Antonio. The club was prohibited in the country in 2017, however. Bandidos on the street, NATIONAL RUN 2022. Our chapter president at the time had previously traveled with other members to the U.S.A whilst members of the Comanchero MC. He currently writes news, features, and listicles for HotCars on anything that has any number or kind of wheels. Desperate to belong to a band and be given their dues, many of them founded MCs or signed up for one, looking for the lost brotherhood they never really found. Another attack on the same location a week later, 18 May 1996, also failed when two drunken men neither of whom were Bandidos members blew themselves up while attempting to throw hand grenades into the clubhouse. Waco shootout: who are the Bandidos motorcycle gang? Five club members left the scene in a car which was later found at the Bandidos' clubhouse in Borge, where seven people were arrested. [147], On 27 May 2015, a large police operation and raids on thirty locations across Limburg, Brabant and neighboring regions in Belgium and Germany, including several homes of club members, led to the discovery of five rocket launchers, many automatic weapons, explosives and illegal fireworks. Crawford, a member of the Red Chiefs Motorcycle Club, was dragged underneath the van for nearly a kilometre on the A38 at Plymouth. CONGRATULATIONS TO CHAPTER JUTLAND DENMARK FOR THE 25 TH.ANNIVERSARY IN THE BANDIDOS NATION: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BANDIDO KOK 1%er. [34] Club bylaws state that any member who commits suicide will not receive a Bandidos funeral. [35][38] The Bandidos' "mother chapter" is based in Houston, Texas. Rabies later patched over to the Bandidos, while the Customizers joined the Hells Angels. A member of the Hells Angels was subsequently imprisoned. [35], At the request of Dutch authorities, Belgian police searched a property in Borgloon in May 2015 as part of an operation against the Bandidos that also included raids carried out in the Netherlands and Germany. The Bandidos MC was founded by Donald Chambers in Houston, Texas, in 1966. The Morbids were later offered a path to Hells Angels membership on the condition that they merge with the Rebels, a rival club with whom they had previously clashed. He was sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison. Formed in San Leon, Texas in 1966, the Bandidos MC is estimated to have between 2,000 and 2,500 members [5] and 303 chapters, located in 22 countries, [4] making it the second-largest motorcycle club in the . The Undertakers established relations with the Bandidos in Denmark and became a probationary chapter in August 1995 before being patched over on 5 October 1996. Three Hells Angels members were indicted for the shooting, but were acquitted of attempted murder in December 1996. Recent blog posts - Bandidos MC - Official Site - Bandidos News [179], Police carried out a raid at the Bandidos' clubhouse in Randesund, Fredrikstad on 11 April 2014 and arrested two men and a woman. Bandidos MC - Rocker zwischen Party und Gewalt (Doku).Abonniere den Dokunator: Teilen, Liken & Kommentieren! [12], The Bandidos Motorcycle Club is organized by local chapters, with state and regional officers, as well as a national chapter made up of four regional vice-presidents and a national president. [46], On 8 February 2005, a motorist was run off the road and kidnapped by several men before being taken to an undisclosed Winnipeg address and tortured for several hours. From their Texan roots, the Bandidos have grown to encompass more than 5,000 members, comprising over 200 chapters in twenty-two countries. [133][134], A nationwide ban on wearing the emblems of the Bandidos and eight other motorcycle clubs including the Chicanos, Diablos and X-Team in public came into effect on 16 March 2017. This affiliation drew the Bandidos into the conflict, which reached Norway on 19 February 1995 when there was a shooting involving members of Rabies MC and Customizers MC in Oslo. Buy It Now +C $13.54 shipping. Hirsma reestablished his former club Undertakers MC after being expelled from the Bandidos that year, and also made contact with the Outlaws. [16] Subsequent expansion into the Nordic countries in the 1990s led to a violent feud with the Hells Angels. He was arrested upon arrival at Stockholm Arlanda Airport on 20 March 2017 and was subsequently turned over to Finnish authorities. [60][61] Not all members approved of the "patch over". [53], Four Bandidos members and prospects Cameron Acorn, Pierre "Carlitto" Aragon, Randy Brown and Robert "Bobby" Quinn pleaded guilty to partaking in the killing of drug dealer Shawn Douse, who was beaten to death at the apartment of Bandidos prospect Jamie "Goldberg" Flanz in Keswick on 6 December 2005. PORT ORCHARD, Wash. Investigators said two suspects who were arrested Monday for the 2017 murders of a Kitsap County family were members of the Bandidos Motorcycle Club, but the lead . During the arrests, a member of the Bandidos support club Bomber-Raiders was wounded after opening fire on police in Saint-Dizier; he was subsequently charged with attempted murder. A feud emerged between the Rock Machine and the Bandidos after several Bandidos members reportedly patched over to the Rock Machine. The Sheriff's Office says the SUV's driver, Ju. [17] The third Bandidos international president, James Edward "Sprocket" Lang, as well as his successor, Charles Craig "Jaws" Johnston, were each sentenced to ten years' imprisonment on drug charges in November 1998. The Bandidos Motorcycle Club has been designated an outlaw motorcycle gang by the U.S. Department of Justice. Hostilities between the Bandidos and Hells Angels formally came to an end on 25 September 1997 when a truce between both groups was brokered. [120] Delegates from the Bandidos and Hells Angels met at a Magdeburg hotel on 10 December 2008 to discuss a peace treaty between the clubs, although no agreement could be concluded. [26] In addition to the "Fat Mexican" and diamond-shaped "1%er" emblems, club members also wear other patches on leather or denim vests known as colors. [27] However, the Frito Bandito was not developed until 1967, the year after the Bandidos' foundation. When Bandidos Finland president Marko Hirsma arrived at a Helsinki court house for the trial of Blom and Tapani on 27 September 1995, he was attacked and beaten by Hells Angels and Cannonball members. George Wegers Crimes / In The Media. His dream is to drive around the world; even if it takes more than eighty days. [89], In January 2008, two Bandidos and five X-Team members in Espoo were among twenty-one people charged with importing and distributing amphetamine. Among these 1%ers is the Bandidos Motorcycle Club. Two people associated with the Bandidos were charged in the case, and police believe the shooting was a retaliation for the killing of Jan Krogh Jensen. Clashes are common and bloody and disrupt the peace, law, and order of any area, enough for charges to be pressed on either side. Irish newspapers were filled with articles about, what they labeled, the international, violent, and criminal motorcycle club from Texas, USA, which had now planted its flag in Ireland . A car bomb exploded outside the Hells Angels clubhouse in Oslo on 30 October 1996; no persons were injured. Bandidos MC New Mexico. It has been speculated that Lerche Olsen, a former member of the Hells Angels' Copenhagen chapter who was expelled from the club and later went on to become president of the Bandidos' chapter in Kattarp, near Helsingborg, was the intended target. [39], The Criminal Intelligence Service Canada (CISC) has designated the Bandidos an outlaw motorcycle gang. A big fat happy birthday to Bandido Kok and also big fat congratulations to Jutland on 25 years part of the best Motorcycle Club in the world. [123] Around fifty Hells Angels armed with clubs stormed a bar frequented by Bandidos in Duisburg's red-light district on 31 October 2009, leaving the bar destroyed and several people injured. robemike-0 (3) 100%. - People judge us by appearance. Carrying Harley Davidson manuals instead of Bibles, that is exactly what the brotherhood did, honoring Big Al the outlaw MC way, NEXT:15 Things You Didn't Know About Gotham Garage's Constance Nunes. [3], The club has 303 chapters worldwide, located in twenty-two countries in North America, Oceania, Europe and Asia. [51][52], The German department of the Bandidos was chartered in 2000. [47] The first European chapter opened in Marseille in France in 1989. The Bandidos Motorcycle Club is one of eight groups listed on the Department of Justice's website as an "outlaw motorcycle gang." Albuquerque police said they're well aware of the Bandidos in the . "Bandidos leader gets nine years in jail", Hr r Bandidosledarna som sitter i fngelse, Hr vrker polisen MC- gnget Rock Machine, Bandidos-toppen frias efter stora vapenfyndet, Bandidosmannen mrdade tillsammans med vnnerna, Dmda Bogere-brderna vgrar acceptera straffet, 400 dagar sedan bombddet i Linkping s jobbar polisen vidare, Sprngningen i Hageby MC-ledare mltavla, Ytterligare tv mn anhllna fr ddsskjutning i Norrkping, Jetzt spricht der Hells-Chef ber den Rocker-Krieg von Belp, Nach Rocker-Krieg in Belp BE: Bandidos-Schtze seit einem Jahr in U-Haft, Australian bikies Hells Angels and Bandidos club members own nightspots in Thailand tourist centres, Danish biker gangs setting up in Thailand, Svenska maffian mitt bland semesterfirarna, Bandidos Member Kim Lindegaard Nielsen Free in Three Weeks, Police to launch crackdown on foreign criminal gangs including Samui and Phuket Bandidos, Australian and Dutchman Arrested on Extortion Charges in Chiang Mai, "Dangerous driving arrest after rider killed on A38", "Biker murdered for wearing 'his colours in rival biker gang's turf', "Van driver cleared of murdering grandfather David Crawford", "Trio found guilty of manslaughter of grandad hit by van", "Live updates as three men sentenced over A38 biker killing". Marko Hirsma was sentenced to nine months in prison on 12 July 1996 after being convicted of orchestrating the attempted attack. And when I was in the Club I was one of the world leaders of the club. They're also a One-Percenter club, one of the so-called . Homietos MC VS BANDIDOS MC. Copy and paste this HTML code into your webpage to embed. The government was not fair to the Vietnam War veterans, but neither were the civilians. The Houston Chapter or Mother Chapter was soon followed by the Southwest Houston Chapter. [90], The Southwest Finland District Court convicted and sentenced several Bandidos members and associates to prison terms on 4 October 2013 for their part in a drug ring. Both detainees were placed at the disposal of the Judicial Authority to be extradited to Belgium and Germany respectively. The waitress answered, "That's DC and his American Bandidos" - hence the name. 51 of 63 52 of 63 03/09/1970 - Members of the Bandidos motorcycle club were called to testify before a Harris County grand jury investigating the Jan. 23, 1970 death of former Bandido Patrick . The Bandidos' Canadian chapters went defunct due to infighting, law enforcement efforts, and pulled status from the club's American leadership. Two members of the Bandidos' "Downtown" Helsinki chapter, chapter president Bjrn Isaksson and Sakke Pirra, and Black Rhinos member Juha Jalonen were killed, while three others were wounded. [44][45] They claim to have more than a dozen patched members and prospects in the Christchurch area. [77] The Nordic Biker War, which began in January 1994 between Morbids MC and the Hells Angels in southern Sweden and later escalated into a war over control of the drug trade in the Nordic countries between the Hells Angels and Bandidos after the Morbids aligned with the latter, saw several violent incidents around Helsinki in 1995 and 1996. [151] However, on 24 April 2020, the Supreme Court of the Netherlands ruled that, while the national branch of the club remains banned, local chapters are permitted to continue. Upon joining the Bandidos, each member must sign their motorcycle over to the club. BANDIDOS MC ALLERSBERG FRANKEN 1ERS. [40], The Bandidos expanded into Canada following a merger with the Rock Machine Motorcycle Club in Quebec in 2000. Ten Bandidos members and associates were arrested in connection with the attack in Alsace and Haute-Marne in February 2019. [234] 59-year-old David Crawford, from Ivybridge in Devon, died at the scene. September 1997 in unserem Dnemark? Four Swedish bikers with criminal records were arrested and deported, three Norwegian members were arrested for drug possession, and six others five German and one Polish were refused entry to the country upon arrival at the airport. Was geschah am 25. [24], The Bandidos' insignia, known as the "Fat Mexican", consists of a caricature of a Mexican bandit wearing a sombrero and holding a sword in one hand and a pistol in the other. He was convicted of O'Donoghue's murder on 31 September 2017 and was given a mandatory life sentence. After several months on the run, the pair were apprehended in Malaga, Spain in July 2019 and subsequently extradited to Sweden. Then, on 28 September 2018, Bandidos attacked a Freeway Riders member, who escaped in his car, with batons and firearms. A wave of violence and threats was carried out against a substantial number of drug dealers in the area. - Media portrays us as the boogie man. [204] On 6 December 1995, a shootout involving two vehicles took place on a motorway outside Helsingborg, leaving a Hells Angels member with a leg wound. [97] While membership is predominantly Thai,[226] Australian,[227] Danish[228] and Swedish[229] club members are also active in the country. Two members of the probationary Bandidos chapter in the city Ronald Charles Burling and Jason Llewellyn Michel and another two men Josh Adam Curwin and Billy Jo Ducharm whom police were unable to identify as connected to the club were charged with aggravated assault and HOPE YOURE HAVING GREAT DAY WITH FAMILY FRIENDS AND BROTHERS! Bandidos MC South Seattle. Both men survived but were badly wounded. In January 2020, detectives and FBI special agents, announced that members and associates of the Bandidos Motorcycle Club were directly involved in the murders of the Careaga family. [50] It was agreed, however, that even though the Danish branch of the Bandidos were responsible for the Canadian branch as their sponsors, the American branch would supervise the Canadian Bandidos. We would like to wish El Secretario Bandido Grant 1%er Vida Miembro a very Happy Birthday. [224] Thirty-four people were arrested.[225]. Since he had already entered a guilty plea for manslaughter, he will be sentenced for that lesser charge. Two faces of the Bandidos: Weekend road warriors or criminal gang? He was declared to have out with bad standings later. Criminal incidents involving the Bandidos Motorcycle Club, Bandidos MC criminal allegations and incidents, Bandidos MC criminal allegations and incidents in Australia, Bandidos MC criminal allegations and incidents in Denmark, Bandidos MC criminal allegations and incidents in the United States, Hells Angels MC criminal allegations and incidents, "Law agencies prep, keep watch, as outlaw biker club rides in for holiday weekend | St George News", Number of Hells Angels charters and Bandidos chapters worldwide, "Bandidos: 5 things to know about second-most dangerous motorcycle gang | USA Today", Report: Motorcycle gang running criminal training school, Bikie nation - the outlaw gangs in your backyard, Australian Bikie Gangs: Complete List of Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs, Canadian outlaw motorcycle gang Rock Machine expanding into Australia, Police raid biker club houses across Germany, Preventing organised crime originating from outlaw motorcycle clubs. Juan Martinez, leader of the El Paso chapter of the Bandidos biker club, died after he was shot during a bar fight with a rival club. [55] These murders closed the chapter on the Bandidos Canada "No Surrender Crew" and ended any hopes of Bandido dominance in the country. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BANDIDO KOK 1%ER PRESIDENTE EUROPE! Madisonville police officers first responded to a shots fired . [69], According to the National Center of Investigation, the Danish Bandidos are involved in a wide range of crimes, including drug dealing, extortion, fraud, tax evasion, robbery, weapons trafficking, money laundering, the sale of stolen goods, and violent crimes. [85] This expansion provoked a war with the Hells Angels, who were already established in France. [173], The Bandidos' clubhouse in Drammen was reduced to rubble on 4 June 1997 when a van bomb was detonated outside, killing Irene Astrid Bkkevold, a fifty-one-year-old woman who was driving past in her car. [187], Three former Bandidos members were acquitted of anti-organized crime legislation charges, but were convicted of extortion and accepting money to carry out contract killings along with a fourth man by Jren District Court in July 2013. [128], The Bandidos have been involved in a conflict with the Rock Machine in Ulm and Neu-Ulm which started after Suat Erkse, a former Bandidos member, formed a Rock Machine chapter in the area in early 2011. Customizers fired at Rabies members riding in a car, leaving one man wounded. Within the club, he bore the nickname Mother.. Although investigators were unable to prove who fired the weapon, the trio were convicted of assisting in murder and assisting in attempted murder and were each sentenced to fourteen years in prison in October 2019. The original clubhouse was based at the world famous Sydney harbour. [84][85], Bandidos Helsinki chapter president Pentti Tapio Haapanen and vice-president Harri Tapio Reinikainen were convicted of shooting and wounding a Rogues Gallery member and a member of the Lepakko Gang in Srninen, Helsinki in July 2005. [4] The Bandidos partake in transporting and distributing cocaine and marijuana, and the production, transportation and distribution of methamphetamine. Bandidos Motorcycle Club United States MC USA SIZE T-SHIRT S M L XL 2XL 3XL. [78] This signaled the beginning of the Nordic Biker War, a turf war involving the Bandidos, Hells Angels and numerous support clubs which escalated into Finland, Norway then Denmark and lasted for over three years. 00:00 BANDIDOS MC PRESIDENT FURIOUS AT HOMICIDE, 00:53 BANDIDOS MC PRESIDENT DIDNT MINCE WORDS, 01:45 They want the reputation but not the repercussions, 04:47 You have to answer this before you go do dirt, 08:49 This is some very interesting stuff, Insane Throttle Support Club Become a member Now, Insane Throttle/Motorcycle Madhouse Radio YouTube and Audio Disclaimer, Meet the Insane Throttle Contributing Columnist James Hollywood Macecari, Motorcycle Clubs Riding Clubs and Associations Near Me Index & Listings, Our Policies here at Insane Throttle Publications. RELATED:15 Friendliest Motorcycle Clubs We Want To Join. Members must abide by various by-laws, such as not wearing the club patch while riding in a car or truck, and are required to attend meetings (known as "Church") four times per month. Rogues Galleryn jsenet ovat syyllistyneet muun muassa huumeiden (amfetamiinin, ekstaasin, hasiksen, yms.) [167] Hells Angels Oslo chapter president Torkjell "Rotta" ("Rat") Alsaker was found guilty of shooting Harnes and sentenced to three years in prison in November 1998. [160], Three Bandidos members British nationals Peter Watkins-Jones and Crispin John Grandvil Papon-Smith, and Danish national Kim Lindegaard Nielsen were arrested by the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) in Koh Samui in July 2006, suspected of money laundering and bribery. The incident . Become a Bandido "Known Associate" and get access to hundreds of historical club photos and exclusive gear only available here. A simultaneous bombing of a garage used by Bandidos supporters was also carried out. [60], Like other major motorcycle clubs,[61][62][63] the Bandidos also have a number of "support" clubs. [164] The war started in southern Sweden in January 1994 when the Morbids Motorcycle Club, a small club with only six members, refused to capitulate to the Hells Angels and instead aligned themselves with the Bandidos.