d. Having clear policy positions makes it harder to attract campaign contributions from interest groups. b. equal representation by state; six __________ is a good example of Congressional casework. a. one Each year, thousands of constituents turn to Members of Congress with a wide range of requests, from the simple to the complex. c. Logrolling These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. e. chief executive. Which statement accurately describes the relationship between hyperpartisanship and polarization? This began to change in the 1980s and 1990s, as Democratic representatives across the region began to dwindle. "Pork" legislation may aid the district of a member of Congress by __________. Most are composed of members from both parties and from both houses. As politicians and donors soon discovered, however, these laws were full of loopholes and were easily skirted by those who knew the ins and outs of the system. c. Both Republicans and Democrats have become more moderate. e. The president must maintain party support in Congress. c. immediately before an election b. president pro tempore Cabinet. b. four b. after it is approved by its full committee b. laws Another example of casework, and a very common one, is when retired individuals do not receive their Social Security check. They serve __________-year terms. What role does a president play when celebrating a national holiday? d. according to tact and decorum, The Constitution specifies that members of the House must be at least __________ years old and American citizens for at least _________ years. Research has shown that members of the United States Congress, especially in the House, exploit the abundance of electorally productive perquisites of office av. However, oversight, which dates to the earliest days of the Republic, also occurs in a wide variety of congressional . A filibuster can be ended through __________; it requires the approval of __________ senators. d. omnibus, The vice president of the United States is the ceremonial leader of the Senate, but he or she has little real leadership responsibilities. A legislator considers public opinion, refining it with information and careful thought. c. impeachment What Congress Does Make laws. We recommend using a Rather, he may have learned to play it too well. In the decades since Campbells influential theory was published, a number of studies have challenged his conclusions. \text{Accounts Payable}&\text{}&\text{\$\hspace{11pt}6,500}\\ c. The government shut down in order to save money. Not surprisingly, the jungle of campaign financing regulations and loopholes is more easily navigated by incumbents in Congress than by newcomers. e. vague. are not subject to the Creative Commons license and may not be reproduced without the prior and express written Between 1946 and 2012, only 5 percent of incumbent senators and 2 percent of House incumbents lost their party primaries.19 In 2014, Cantor was one of four House incumbents who did so, while no incumbent senators suffered defeat. He can make a deluxe version of the same drawing instead. \text{Common Stock}&\text{}&\text{\hspace{7pt}100,000}\\ then you must include on every digital page view the following attribution: Use the information below to generate a citation. Congressional Membership AnswerLesson 1 Congressional Membership Guided Reading Activity Answer Key I. \textbf{August 31, 2014} A strategy unique to the Senate whereby opponents of a piece of legislation try to talk it to death, based on the tradition of unlimited debate. Cantors ambition, political skill, deep connections to political insiders, and ability to come out squeaky clean after even the dirtiest political tussling should have given him a clear advantage over any competitor. c. majority Debate can be stopped by invoking __________, which requires a vote by at least __________ senators. b. the Supreme Court c. demonstrated ability to lead and public record of votes Through which of the following means do you routinely work to keep your job? PACs created to give money to only one candidate are limited to only $2900 per candidate, however (Figure 11.8).17 The amounts are adjusted every two years, based on inflation. OCIA's primary responsibility is communicating and . c. the ability to persuade members of Congress and the American public c. decentralized a. ledgers Which of the following is true of marginal seats in the House of Representatives? Congress members protect the interest of their state or district. While they cannot give money directly to a candidate or a candidates party, they can raise and spend unlimited funds, and they can spend independently of a campaign or party. power of the purse __________ is the process of allotting congressional seats to each state according to its proportion of the population. You are a member of Congress. What is casework why do members of congress do it? It may be helpful to reference this website prior to forwarding inquiries to ED as a number of FSA casework inquiries can be . c. While members of Congress have not become more extreme, ordinary citizens have. b. delegate model of representation b. commissioning officers a. professionalized b. executive privilege Democrats tend to cluster in the urban areas of the United States. Why? The president must give Congress an occasional update on the state of the union. How does violence against the family pet affect the family? . That lull ended in the early 1970s when the Federal Election Campaign Act was passed. c. Select Office of Management and Budget majority party is the __________. e. Marbury v. Madison, How many justices currently serve on the Supreme Court? Raise and provide public money and oversee its proper expenditure. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. d. position taking, The __________ makes economic projections about the | Price | $\$0.25$ per square foot Cabinet. a. Which of the following leadership abilities is critical to presidential success? a. to create an effective national leader directly tied to the citizens In 2012, the Buffett Rule would have implemented a minimum tax rate of 30 percent on wealthy Americans. How might a bill become law if it has been pocket vetoed? The account pays 1.12% annual interest, compounded daily. b. Stressing policy positions can make enemies as well as friends. In contrast, members of the Senate are furthest from the demands and scrutiny of their constituents. Anton Company manufactures wooden magazine stands. b. As this advice reveals, raising money for reelection constitutes a large proportion of the work a congressperson does. a. c. deferential The Federal Election Commission has strict federal election guidelines on who can contribute, to whom, and how much. a. ad hoc Per the Supreme Court decision in U.S. e. name recognition and access to district taxes, A congressional representative tries to mirror perfectly the views of his or her constituents, according to the __________. - removal of executive officers from office. d. appellate However, congressional staff can intervene to facilitate the appropriate administrative processes, encourage an agency to give a case consideration, and sometimes advocate for a favorable outcome. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. a. as an advisor in the policy-making process The House of Representatives has developed a stronger and more structured leadership than the Senate. a. and you must attribute OpenStax. e. party primaries followed by popular vote. . The Senate must approve certain executive appointments. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. They made the president directly elected by the people. Congressional Budget Office a. exact Conference Committee At the start of 2014, House majority whip Eric Cantor, a representative from Virginia, was at the top of his game. is an honorific office awarded to the senior senator of the majority party. b. Congress has never removed a president from office. d. laws If the president were to veto a bill what would the next step be? constantly campaigns for voters' approval; is more deliberative. A legislator uses his or her best judgment. What describes allocative representation? White House staff (a) Journalize the adjusting entries on August 31 for the 3-month period June 1August 31. a. mandamus ). a. attorney general The purpose of the legislative branch in the United States is _____. \text{ Quantity, .25 hour } & \text{ Quantity, 4 kilograms } \\ This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. a. Sixty senators had to agree to bring it to a vote, but the bill fell short of that number and died.11 Similarly, although the ACA became widely known as Obamacare, the president did not send a piece of legislation to Capitol Hill; he asked Congress to write the bills. ), The mortgage interest rate is 6% per year. The Citizens United case began as a lawsuit against the FEC filed by Citizens United, a nonprofit organization that wanted to advertise a documentary critical of former senator and Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton on the eve of the 2008 Democratic primaries. To insulate one house of Congress from popular pressures and make it a seat of deliberation and reflection, the framers of the Constitution set the terms of the members of the Senate at __________. d. Each congressional party has become more homogeneous, and the distance between parties has increased. A count of supplies on August 31 shows$900 of supplies on hand. Match personnel, infrastructure, and funding to current missions, future missions, and population demand. Congress can override the veto to make a bill a law. He thinks that if the market is good he can sell 400 copies of the elegant version at $125\$ 125$125 each. In addition, the rules of the Senate allow individual members to slow down or stop legislation they dislike. b. by speaker after interviewing to determine party loyalty Joint c. Show that if the contract is fairly priced, the total risk-free proceeds on the hedged strategy in part (a) provide a return equal to the T-bill rate. the government's system of checks and balances. b. d. chief of staff Modern political campaigns in the United States are expensive, and they have been growing more so. d. Rules Committee e. Speaker, In the House, before major bills are scheduled for floor debate, they must first go to the __________, which decides where bills will appear on the legislative calendar and the terms under which bills will be debated by the House. d. Executive Office of the President, What is the role of the National Security Council? a. original intent What is an example of congressional casework? What is congressional casework quizlet? The rules of the House and laws and regulations governing federal executive agency activities, however, closely limit interventions made on the behalf of constituents. d. Incumbents only leave office when they are involved in a scandal, a. Incumbents have a significant reelection advantage. b. increasing jobs and revenue with federally funded projects. a. Until 2010, it also limited advertisements run by unions and corporations thirty days before a primary and sixty days before a general election.14 The FECs enforcement of the law spurred numerous court cases challenging it. Senators are required to have nine years standing as citizens and be at least thirty years old when sworn in. d. Modern presidents are much less partisan than the Framers originally intended. The United States became a simple free market economy. b. The __________ is where congressional Democrats gather to select their leadership at the beginning of each term. How do operations in the Senate differ from those in the House? Representatives serve two-year terms, whereas senators serve six-year terms. support the entire bill to obtain the individual parts. Unearned rent of $4,000 was earned prior to August 31. citation tool such as, Authors: Glen Krutz, Sylvie Waskiewicz, PhD. Another reason incumbents wield a great advantage over their challengers is the state power they have at their disposal.20 One of the many responsibilities of a sitting congressperson is constituent casework. Imagine a bill is referred to the House Committee on Agriculture, the standing committee for agricultural issues. What was the actual purchase price per square foot of wood? The 117th Congress was elected in November 2020. How does casework affect members attention to legislation quizlet? d. as a fund-raiser for the president during reelection Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like __________ is a good example of Congressional casework., In which event was there congressional oversight?, In the House of Representatives, who is second in authority to the Speaker of the House? Paramount Co., a womens clothing store, purchased $60,000 of merchandise from a supplier on account, terms FOB destination, 2/10, n/30. a. visibility The Constitutional Convention decided on what form of legislature? File a FOIA Appeal. - constant and consistent oversight a. Insurance expires at the rate of $500 per month. Register to vote at Vote.gov. a. bill A proposed law, drafted in precise, legal language. Senate members tend to be wealthier than their House counterparts. What will occur there? 4 Which of the following is example of congressional Casework? Which statement about incumbency is most accurate? d. to provide intelligence on national security to the Congress d. reapportionment Congressional oversight refers to the review, monitoring, and supervision of federal agencies, programs, activities, and policy implementation. Samantha deposits $1,500 into the Park Street Bank. Casework activities may also be viewed as part of an outreach strategy to build political support, or as an evaluative stage of the legislative process. a. when members of Congress secure national resources for their local district Which is an example of congressional casework? Which statement about incumbency is most accurate? d. conference, __________ committees exist in both the House and Senate, may be temporary or permanent, and usually have a specific focus. In a congressional office, the term casework refers to the response or services that Members of Congress provide to constituents who request assistance. b. d. solicitor general As the parties have pulled apart ideologically, they also have become more _________ internally. And donors are more likely to want to give to a proven winner. (If necessary, review Section $2.1.$)* e. Ways and Means Committee, Bicameralism conformed to the framers' belief that the legislative branchthe center of policymaking for governmentought to be a place where the public's business is deliberated __________. b. according to seniority Equal Opportunity and Diversity Management. c. Sergeant-at-Arms Which example best demonstrates a legislator acting as a trustee of his or her constituency? a. advice and consent d. florid In a lot of cases, constituents don't know how to get help if they have an issue relating to federal government services or a problem with federal programs. - reacting to a problem after it appears Casework is the usual form taken by this function of providing service to constituents. c. Creation of majority-minority districts was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. c. Political Action Committee e. plans, In which of the following cases did the Supreme Court first claim the right of judicial review? They contact their congressman's office, which in turn contacts the . e. property disputes, Courts provide a statement of the legal reasoning behind their decisions in written __________. d. Speaker, Most of the work of Congress goes on in __________. Constitution. b. Markup Committee a. to advise the president on national security c. The president can fire the White House staff but only Congress can dismiss a member of the b. conference If the market is not good, he will sell only 400 copies at $70\$ 70$70 each. If you are redistributing all or part of this book in a print format, d. immediately after an election, Whose job is it to convey the party's position to rank-and-file congresspersons, keep vote counts, pressure waverers, and report the views and complaints of the House to the party leadership? \end{array} a. What can be inferred from the current demographic composition of the Senate? Of the following groups, which is most underrepresented in Congress? d. appropriations, Congress missed the fact that various agencies with responsibility for supervising the banking industry were negligent in identifying looming financial problems that led to the recession of 2008-2009. a. briefs Modern presidents are considerably less democratic than the Framers originally intended. - monitor the executive branch for abuses of power. Because its members serve short, two-year terms, they must regularly answer to the demands of their constituency when they run for election or reelection. The Cabinet has more access to the president than the White House staff. b. to represent the president at official state functions (The mortgage was taken out August 1. c. five Answer the following questions in light of what you have learned about thinking, problem solving, creativity, and language: d. incumbency. | Usage | 3 square feet per stand | b. Caucus a. e. The budget for government agencies has decreased leaving more responsibility to the president. \textbf{Trial Balance}\\ However, it did not stand a chance in the Senate, where a more moderate version of the legislation was introduced. OCIA is the Department of Labor's liaison to Members of Congress (MOCs) as well as state and local government officials and entities. originally intended. The purpose of this law was to limit the use of soft money, which is raised for purposes like party-building efforts, get-out-the-vote efforts, and issue-advocacy ads. | Rate | $\$10$ per hour | How might a bill become law if it has been pocket vetoed? Office of Administration Ring-shaped islands that are made up of coral attached to submerged volcanoes are ________. \textbf{DEATH VALLEY RESORT}\\ All things being equal, voters are far more likely to select the name of the person they recall seeing on television and hearing on the radio for the last few years than the name of a person they hardly know. He was handsome, popular with talk show hosts and powerful insiders, an impressive campaign fundraiser and speaker, and apparently destined to become Speaker of the House when the current speaker stepped down. e. Senate members tend to be wealthier than their House counterparts. b. static b. complex e. precedents, in a process known as __________, presidents generally allow senators from the state in which a judicial vacancy occurs to block the nomination. Four months later, Cantor lost the opportunity to run for his own congressional seat in a shocking primary election upset that shook the Washington political establishment to its core. d. 35; 14. People naturally feel more driven by the things that affect them on a daily basis. Analyses of the stunning defeat quickly showed there were more chinks in Cantors polished armor than most wanted to admit. Directlabor:Directmaterial:Quantity,.25hourQuantity,4kilogramsRate,$16perhourPrice,$.80perkilogram\begin{array}{ll} e. coram nobis, The authority to be the first court to hear a case is which type of jurisdiction? The 3 major responsibilities for members of Congress are making laws, doing casework, and helping the District or State. Journalize the entry by Senger Company to record the issuance of the credit memo. Use left-to-right elimination to solve the system of equations. It is more descriptively representative of African Americans than the House. c. Modern presidents are much more influential in the legislative process than the Framers Each state has __________ senators, each of whom serves a ________-year term. In the end, House leaders saw the Senate version as preferable to doing nothing and ultimately supported it. The Senate has the flexibility to allow these passions to cool. When performing casework, congressional staff cannot force an agency to expedite a case or act in favor of a constituent. by increasing jobs and revenue with federally funded projects. But the Court found that this type of restriction violated the organizations First Amendment right to free speech. \text{Salaries and Wages Expense}&\text{\hspace{11pt}53,000}&\text{}\\ increasing jobs and revenue with federally funded projects, Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry. The structural and other differences between the House and Senate have practical consequences for the way the two chambers function. In the Senate, who has right of first recognition? a. presidential job approval common carriers. 7 How does casework help members of Congress? __________ is a good example of congressional casework. d. b. diverse c. a formal, public agreement between the United States and one or more nations that must be The presiding officer of the House of Representatives is the _____. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". In this section, we will explore why constitutional rules affect the elections for the two types of representatives and the reason the two bodies function differently by design. b. arguments These voters, Campbell argued, tend to favor the party holding the presidency. Which of the following would satisfy the congressional norm of universalism? Election history has demonstrated that this form of publicity is very effective in garnering the support of voters. "Pork" legislation may aid the district of a member of Congress by __________. To insulate one house of Congress from popular pressures and make it a seat of deliberation and reflection, the framers of the Constitution set the terms of the members of the Senate at __________. The evidence does suggest that national concerns, rather than local ones, can function as powerful motivators at the polls. The following information is also available: e. trial, Federal judges are appointed to __________ terms. A special joint committee created to reconcile differences in bills passed by the House and Senate is called a(n) __________ committee. You manage a $9 million indexed equity portfolio. In a congressional office, the term casework refers to the response or services that Members of Congress provide to constituents who request assistance. d. Standing 2 Table of Contents Page 3 Introduction Congressional Liaison Service Locations & Contact Information c. according to age a. amendments d. plea Label the following behaviors by members of Congress as either an example of a distributive or informational theory of committees. Introduction to American Politics Chapter 13, Introduction to American Politics Chapter 14, PS 101- Chapter 12, The Presidency- INQUIZITI, Science ~ Cells and Organelles Study Guide, chapter 6 gaining an understanding of the cli. a. when lobbying against change This has especially been the case in recent years as conservative incumbents have been primaried by challengers more conservative than they. And the South isnt alone; areas in the Northeast and the Northwest have grown increasingly Democratic. What does the elastic clause of the Constitution allow Congress to do? Because of their longer six-year terms, they will see every member of the House face constituents multiple times before they themselves are forced to seek reelection. The term for the 117th Congress begins in January 2021. Why might incumbents want to deemphasize their policy positions during a reelection campaign? \text{Advertising Expense}&\underline{\text{\hspace{16pt}3,600}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{38pt}}}\\ d. Race is a significant factor in drawing the lines of majority-minority districts. The conflict is a by-product of the weakening of American political parties. $71.8312.44\$71.83 \times 12.44 Individuals may contribute up to $2900 per candidate per election. Members of Congress are generally __________ than the general population. e. replacing Cabinet heads, What is an executive order? Which statement accurately describes the relationship between Congress and the Courts? (Use Accounts Receivable. When will it end? The United States became a world power. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". \text{Buildings}&\text{\hspace{7pt}132,000}&\text{}\\ However, overall, the lions share of direct campaign contributions in congressional elections comes from individual donors, who are less influential than the political action committees (PACs) that contribute the remainder.13. d. population; four, Which incumbency advantage involves efforts to highlight an incumbent's service to individuals and to the district? The pork barrel may aid the district of a member of Congress by ________. b. give the Senate authority to overturn a presidential veto without House ratification c. briefs Vote for what the people they represent want. d. to create a weak national leader that could easily be dominated by Congress | Overhead volume variance |60 Favorable | Term Limits v. Thornton (1995), there are currently no term limits for either senators or representatives, despite efforts by many states to impose them in the mid-1990s.10 House members are elected by the voters in their specific congressional districts. a. arbitration __________ is a good example of Congressional casework. Which of the following describes the seniority system? This is an age-old strategy for success in office and elections. Congress exercises this power largely through its congressional committee system. casework. c. Select when more power is given to committee chairs than the Speaker of the House. c. twelve Casework is a. a. majority leader a. six years, with one-third of the seats up for election in each two-year election cycle Which of the following activities would be a good example of congressional casework? Often, they will publicize their casework on their websites or, in some cases, create television advertisements that boast of their helpfulness. a. d. Steering, Party leaders from the two chambers of Congress sometimes use _______ legislation that addresses numerous and perhaps unrelated issues to create winning coalitions and force members to Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Lawmaking The primary function of Congress is to pass rules that all Americans must obey, a function called lawmaking. - Two members of Congress support each other's legislation. Assume that instead of paying Burris cash, Senger issued a credit memo to Burris to be used against Burriss outstanding account receivable balance. Among other things, it created the Federal Election Commission (FEC), required candidates to disclose where their money was coming from and where they were spending it, limited individual contributions, and provided for public financing of presidential campaigns. Congress has five main functions: lawmaking, representing the people, performing oversight, helping constituents, and educating the public. d. quickly and conscientiously a. Caseworkers or constituent services representatives: Responsible for helping constituents deal with problems relating to federal agencies. b. when lobbying for an environmental group If T-bills pay 2% per six months and the semiannual dividend yield is 1%, what is the parity value of the futures price? FAX: (202) 344-2152. d. Chief of Staff a. veto Even House members of the same party in the same state will occasionally disagree on issues because of the different interests of their specific districts. c. is trusted because he or she is a native of his or her home district c. the Supreme Court Assistance to a constituent in obtaining a Social Security check. when members of Congress secure national resources for their local district What describes symbolic representation? then you must include on every physical page the following attribution: If you are redistributing all or part of this book in a digital format, Congress determines when judicial salaries can be lowered. Place the following Congressional groups in order from most liberal to most conservative. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. c. joint What are three major responsibilities of members of Congress? Unlimited debate in the Senate to prevent a vote is known as _____. Which of the following is example of congressional Casework? Both Republicans and Democrats have become more liberal. What is the effect of the unanimous consent rule in the Senate? - cuts to funding Copyright 2023 Wisdom-Advices | All rights reserved. A. artesian wells B. high islands C. atolls D. seamounts. If he believes there is a 50%50 \%50% probability of a good market, what should he do? a. committee chairperson Congressional Casework. {x+3yz=0x2y+z=8x6y+2z=6\left\{\begin{array}{l}x+3 y-z=0 \\ x-2 y+z=8 \\ x-6 y+2 z=6\end{array}\right. b. All the members of a political party in the House or Senate will meet to select its leaders and approve committee assignments.