I wonder if I could tolerate this? You can check progress. But the truth is we are crawling every nook and cranny with trillions of microbes. That way I can completely ignore it all day, while the oven stays at a steady 110F. this would be a traditional 100W incandescent (Edison) bulb, which are getting hard to find. re: these Biogaia Gastrus tablets were not designed to make yogurts., They are indeed not. re: Do you refrigerate it at any point?. Heres the system I use. If my statement is correct.. which I am not sure if it is.. then isnt this a man made product from a lab and not the actual bacteria as it would occur in nature? re: Luvele machine, set at 40 degrees Celsius., re: One quart Organic Valley whole milk, pasteurized + homogenized. Did 4 more boil cycles but temp only raised to about 160 at highest. Greek yogurt because the whey contains the good bacteria., Could you post a link for that? Should I start over with a new batch? The last 3 hours, for example, doubles the number of microbes, e.g., 130 billion becomes 260 billiona considerable jump. Dee stated, That looks pretty darned delicious, Robert! To what temperature and for how long? Mix thoroughly and make sure the prebiotic and sugar are dissolved. Cheese cloth is generally preferred. re: I would like to participate in this L.reuteri experiment, but strongly suspect dairy as fuel for an auto-immune response., Dairy reactions broadly fall into several categories: lactose: largely metabolized whey: largely fractionates and could be discarded casein beta A1: use bovine A2 or non-bovine milk hormones: seek non-medicated herd, but we are talking about nursing female animals, after all, so theres a limit to what can be done about that ________ Blog Associate (click my user name for details). Not sure what to do. Some people even heat their materials, e.g., in the oven, to kill any contaminants. re: The top of the yogurt grew a pink bacteria and smelled.. The non-microbial ingredients in the tablets are irrelevant after the first batch of yogurt. Both my wife and I have noticed our hair getting thicker which is great but a blood test showed my red blood cells a bit out of whack. It may be too high, as the organisms die at 115 degrees F and higher. When you try the L.reuteri yogurt, the goal is to have only the strains found in the Gastrus tablets. Then put the goat milk mixture in yogurt jars into yogurt maker for 8 hrs. re: Potato starch was terrible. These are two of the potential issues with dairy (specifically random North American bovine diary, presumed to be casein betaA1, which is provocative to some people). Their growth rate appears to taper off dramatically above about 106F, and 106 is only suggested as a trade-off temp for the SIBO blend recipe. Do this by boiling a kettle and carefully pouring the hot water over the equipment. Daniel Sherman wrote: Did heat the milk firs.t. Dr. William Davis is a cardiologist and New York Times #1 bestselling author of the Wheat Belly book series. 1) The Goal Setting Guide: Learn how to set goals and actually accomplish them within 90 days! re: I decided on a whim to add a tablespoon of dextrose (glucose)., Please do report the results, success or fail. ________ Blog Associate (click my user name for details). Since reading about the wonders of homemade yogurt on this site, I have been doing a lot of it at home. If almost any of the MIT rodent results present in humans, its a pretty dramatic development. William Davis: People think of human bodies as being nothing more than human. There was a lot of good information in it but the focus was too much on SIBO and SIFO, and that wasn't clear until I started to red it. If I wanted to try using cream only, Id be tempted, as needed, to add some unmodified potato starch to make the net carbs equivalent to H&H. If the settings are inaccurate, you can probably still use it. re: Its just the yogurt. Our research into developing the, 2 tablespoons pure organic inulin powder (or prebiotic powder of your choice), , crushed or 1/3 cup of L.reuteri yogurt or whey from a previous batch, Before you begin it is important to sterilise the, Click here for our delicious, step by step. Dont know yet. Ive personally been making one or another of the program progurts for years now, and nothing has raised an eyebrow. It can be a challenge to hold the milk at a high temperature for so long. Had there been some odd colorations (e.g. What happened? Or what else would you suggest? No cream. So I guess Im coming at this from a different direction! (Take a look at your bowel flora analysis from Thryve, Viome, or Gut Zoomer, for instance, to see whether you have L. reuteriyou likely do not before consuming the yogurt.) ________ Blog Associate (click my user name for details). If store-bought, half and half milk is available in your area, we recommend you follow Dr Davisoriginal method that does not heat the milk. Other L. reuteri strains may mimic these effects, but we simply dont know that for certain, as the studies have not been performed. Subsequent batches, made from saved-off solids or whey fraction of first batches, usually take on a more homogenous consistency. re: The Biogaia Gastrus tablets arent exactly given away at $27-$30/ box., True enough, but run the numbers on how many batches can be made from 30 tablets, if using saved-off yogurt as starter. One more question Bob, so if one uses the Gastrus tablets then 10 crushed into a powder now becomes the starter culture for this special type of yogurt? What is causing this? Above ideal, it also tapers off, to an irrecoverable cliff which is reportedly 122F (die-off). He uses 1 Tbls of inulin. I was really hoping for the yogurt maker to work. This discovery is quite new.. Just looked at the batch of yogurt [?] On the other hand, inulin has been trouble-free. (Just Google BioGaia Gastrus to find a retailer.) re: I will order through the US distributor and report back!, If you arent in the US, I dont actually know if they export. Some claim that 24 hour yogurt can contain ~700 billion CFUs per cup. So far it has made two excellent batches using the starter batch version, and four excellent (and one not so hot) batches using the subsequent batch version. Do not submerge equipmentin boilingwater. Since Im about to try this, Id like to see whats to be learned here. Just trued some and no amount of mixing could get rids of the clumps (curds). First batches (from tabs) frequently look like that. (Available on Stitcher, Podchaser, Spotify, Amazon Music, iHeart Radio, and Podcast Addict. How long is it safe to keep the yogurt in the fridge to eat? Do choose dairy with no added ingredients, i.e., no added gellan gum, xanthan gum, carrageenan, etc. (and in what month, to be delivered to what region). 1/2-cup serving size has more then 1000 times more CFU then what BioGaia recommends. Lactobacillus reuteri from the whey strained from each previous batch. Wow! Whether Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC PTA 6475 yogurt has specific benefit in unresolved SIBO is not yet clear. I used full fat 4% whole fat Chobani Greek yogurt as my starter. I dissolved the Gaia tabs and sugar in the goat milk after warmed to 110. http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh253/Gyrobob_theOriginal/Healthy%20Stuff/yogurt%20with%20whey%20in%20pan%2001a_zps1kjiuumr.jpg. So I have been amplifying bacterial counts by making yogurt. Do you refrigerate it at any point? This has been a success for me so far. what brand of milk, cream or half&half? Thanks for getting back to me! Sign up to get the latest on sales, new releases and more . The usual glycemic impact of oats would be blunted here, but the other hazards remain. I just wondered if I was losing the good stuff when I drain it to make it thicker. Heres what I did: * I quart of organic half-and-half (Stonyfield Farmsseems to be ultra pasturized, could that be the problem?) No one really wants to eat thin and separated yogurt, do they? Ive made maybe 12 batches of the stuff with varying degrees of success. Defiant Health Radio with Dr. William Davis William Davis, MD Health & Fitness 4.9 48 Ratings . If so, Id be inclined to use the 105F setting, rather than the 95, to discourage unwanted microbes. Dont forget to reserve a third of a cup of yogurt or whey for your next batch of yogurt! Danielle Rigney wrote: why dont you try making it again with a quart of coconut milk without sugar you can always add sweet drops once fermentation is done.. Dee wrote: My yogurt maker instructions say 8-10 hours is good, with 12 hours being the most you would need.. And 70% or so of US oats are also contaminated with OchratoxinA. Traditional yogurt making practises have always heated the milk first. I used my Instant Pot Ultra, with the custom setting. See if there are any clues in my checklists. The anorexigenic effect of a yogurt made with the Gastrus strain of L. Reuteri cultures is a very bold statement. An do you leave the lid on?. Your hair is getting thicker after a month or two? I dont know what effect that would have, if any. . The yogurt Ive made now embraces what Dr Jason Fung has been preaching that eating fat does not make one fat. It could mean that you have adverse microbes higher in the intestinal tract than they are supposed to be, and they arent happy about what youre eating. You might be the first to ask about the oil, so on we go. Danielle Rigney wrote: When is the ideal time to separate the whey from the curds? Joan wrote: Theres so much talk about yogurt being good for you but I have always found it makes me sick.. The trick is to wait long enough for nearly all of the simple sugars to be fermented, and much of the prebiotic substrate, but not to wait so long that the culture is largely dead (due to starvation by substrate exhaustion), and definitely not so long that native environmental microbes foul the product. Ive made this with coconut mild (full fat in the can). You might be the first person to ask on any of the blogs, or in the subscription forum. ________ Blog Associate (click for details), Hi there: I have tried twice to make this in my yogurt maker (Kinetic yogurt maker stays at 43 degree centigrade)- twice and it is totally liquid. If its based on trying this particular yogurt, thats a completely different situation. Robert Rominger wrote: What are the pros and cons of eating/drinking the whey?. Does this mean that you plan on having your yogurt analyzed at some point for species, strains, and CFUs? I read that you should not do. As it happens, Coagulans & Reuteri do coexist in the SIBO yogurt blend, for which a bargain temperature has been worked out, and relative population drift over a very few generations is not thought to be an issue. Bone is going to take some time. . Just yours, or was only yours tested? You may well be right. Should I buy a Sous Vide or yogurt maker?. Run that cycle unless you know you dont need to. In addition to this, the little bit of evaporation and concentration that occurs during the extended heating helps to improve the texture. Additionally, dont use any of the other grains. Biogaia may also only have tested doses to clinical effect for a specific benefit (that might not include oxytocin provocation, bacteriocins, etc). What did you use, if anything, for carbohydrate substrate, since coconut milk doesnt contain much sugar? To Maura: If your instant pot doesnt get it up to 180 you can set it on saute to get it to 180 but be sure to whisk it during and always right before taking the temp because it does get hotter on the bottom. I used Meyenburg goat milk from grocery. As you can see from that article, my personal process varies a bit. re: Does the 2 tbsp you reserve for future batches get refrigerated?, Absolutely. It seems as if BioGaia has changed the formula or a large batch of their stock has been exposed to heat and doesnt come alive. The method is below. Neutrophil % low at 32.4 and Lymphocyte% high at 55.6.. Dr Davis created his method using half and half milk, which is a full-fat milk commonly available in America (in the UK and Europe, its known as half cream). (If in doubt, just let it ferment a few more hours.) This is why we obtain greater than 200 billion CFUs (bacterial counts) per 1/2-cup serving. Dont use a blender with your yogurt, as this kills the living microbes. Or perhaps you took a courseor 5of antibiotics for ear infections as a kid. ________ Blog Associate (click my user name for details), It is the case that in making this recipe (with a dairy base), the resulting product (in my households experience so far) stratifies into about 50% yogurt and 50% whey (and the whey has the consistency of cream). I put the liquid in my Instant Pot and set it on the Boil setting for Yogurt. Also, I have no familiarity with how promptly reactions occur with the various common dairy intolerances (and search pulls up too many results not on topic). Jo-Anne stated: One last question do you put the pot that you showed us in the picture of your yogurt in the stove? Commercial yogurts are usually loaded with residual sugars (not just lactose), and may or may not have live cultures by the time you consume them. The Inner Circle site recipe has changed several times, and is presently using a common coconut milk base with [non-hydrolyzed] guargum and specific preparation (requiring a stick blender). And this yogurt is so much richer and better tasting than products you buy in grocery stores. Have you verified either of those temps by using a water-only batch? In the meantime, we have the empirical observations that, in consideration of published Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC PTA 6475 clinical effects: Merely ingesting the tablets appears to have subclinical effects in adults. as this will cause too much separation into curds and whey. Both samples were otherwise treated identically; they were heated and held for 20 minutes, had the same amount of prebiotic powder and were incubated for the same length of time. (I drink it, but . But frankly, when I cant find suitable H&H, Ijust use half cream + half milk. Have you validated that your incubator temps stays in the 95-105F (35-40.6C) range during the ferment? Dr. According to this data, L. reuteri ATCC PTA 6475 ferments prebiotic fructans very poorly: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3084715/. Even better, filter through a coffee filter or cheesecloth placed into a colander; place the setup into a large bowl or pan and allow the whey to drip out over 4-6 hours, lightly covered. Whitney Benefield wrote: I am having trouble getting my yogurt to be the right consistency., re: starter culture from Cultured Food Life by Cutting Edge Cultures. Dr. Davis teaches you how to implement REAL change, master his collection of highly effective health practices, and sustain this new lifestyle over time. It's not yogurt. I use the whey, either stirring in some when I pull out a serving of yogurt, or putting some in icecube trays to use as starter later. First batch was thin but I consumed it just fine usually a few tablespoons in the morning. The thickness of this yogurt is evidence enough. Should I have left it going for another 12-24 hours, for 24-36 total, or was it right to pull the plug since the top was yellow and it smelled awful? Kimchi doesnt give me any reactions in my stomach, but I dont like the taste, its too spicy hot for me. Even though you may have been minding the temp, the bottom of that pot may have gotten hot enough to impair the culture. The second batch I tolerated just fine also until about half way through it and then I started getting bloating and gas pains. In general: because some of the strains being explored in the program express more bacteriocins than others, and might suppress the benefits of the other strain(s) present. Companies like BioGaia will perform clinical trials to make sure the CFU they are recommending are safe and does not cause any side effects down the line ( say 10 or 15 years later). Don't use a blender with your yogurt, as this kills the living microbes. We have experimented using fewer tablets and are pleased to say that we had significant results with only 3 tablets. I had to let it go for 2 days to try to get it to thicken but it remained very thin but tasted good. Once rolling, the economies improve a bit, as starter can be saved off (and apparently frozen). I am going to attempt making the yogurt today, I want to use my stove light the way you do it. I have just put the whey into ice cube trays to save the cultures for the next time Im making yogurt. did you run a pasteurization cycle? Once the culture has been added, I would suggest avoiding boil settings on these pots. The CEC recipe is going to make a yogurt, and not a progurt, so to speak. What happens if the culture is inadvertently killed is not clear to me. L. reuteri doubles (1 microbe becomes 2, 2 becomes 4, 4 becomes 8, etc.) I have started a second batch in the yogurt maker with the cup I drew off at the 12 hour mark. In the WB/Undoctored program, dairy elimination is one of the top options for addressing a weight loss stall. Ive been using 24-36 for dairy-based Gastrus yogurt. I agree with the 50:50 ratio. That is generally guessed to be a fungus, which would be some opportunistic organism from the local environment. As we always do, the, Half and half isnt available in Australia, so, in our, If store-bought, half and half milk is available in your area, we recommend you follow Dr Davis. TranscendingMS 131 subscribers Subscribe 8.3K views 7 months ago In this video we will make Dr William Davis yogurt in real time. I used 1 tablespoon of sugar also. To ensure the L reuteri strains stay pure and uncontaminated, we recommend re-inoculation not occur indefinitely. They just say to avoid yogurt. The first batch tends to be a bit thinner with curdles, but subsequent batches tend to be thicker and smoother. Okay. One with the recommended 10 tablets and one with only 3 tablets. The easiest way to keep it at 110F is to put a lit 100watt bulb in the oven. So 10 tablets is going to be less than 2.3g of the oil, and (assuming a cup serving) is then diluted across 12portions of 1st-batch progurt. Thanks for your input, I tried making yogurt previously and it didnt seem to work. If you dont want to use inulin, unmodified potato starch works. Dr William Davis' book Super Gut is a detailed explanation of what goes wrong with the gut microbiota and how to fix it. Amore interesting question is: what does the bacterial population and metabolite profile look like at various times during the ferment? Because I used a quart of half and half and ended up with about 1.5 cups og greek style yogurt. Here is a summary on the Lactobacillus reuteri yogurt that I have been talking about over several blog posts, all put together for ease. Put in machinepulled off cup after 12 hours [kinda resembled slightly thickened milk at that point] and let the machine go for another 12 hours. Super Gut: An Easy Approach to Healing SIBO | Dr. William Davis Lindsey Elmore 8.46K subscribers Subscribe 2.9K views 10 months ago Dr. William Davis, cardiologist, and author of the #1. I dissolved the Gaia tabs and sugar in the goat milk after warmed to 110. The yogurt I've made now embraces what Dr Jason Fung has been preaching that eating fat does not make one fat. I presume thats their Whole Goat Milk, and not the powdered or evaporated. Ill give it a few days and hopefully, someone else may come onto this blog and tell us about how they made Biogaia Gastrus yogurt I am particularly interested in the anorexigenic effect.. You stated, I steeped whole oats in this quart of yogurt. I also use 2 tbsp. It might contain more residual casein than the yogurt fraction. Making our Lactobacillus reuteri yogurt should be easy and require very little effort. A 100W equivalent LED bulb wont do, at all. Idont recall seeing any adverse reactions raised, other than perhaps the occasional person not being happy with specific dream content where vivid dreams have been restored. There is no harm leaving it in. If you choose a pasteurized dairy product, there is no need for pre-heating. And youre sure that these are live-culture fermented foods? Dr Davis's recommends L. reuteri yogurt ferment for 30 to 36 hours. Looks like instant pot (small one at 3 quarts) works well here. I wondered if making a half gallon if you need more. I am having trouble getting my yogurt to be the right consistency. Dr. William Davis, DIY Healthcare: How To Get Off Statins 264K views5 years ago The Four Dangers of Stopping a Statin Drug 210K views3 years ago Secrets Hidden in Your Resting Heart Rate 136K. (Our last flow cytometry run yielded a live count of 262 billion.) Depending on the device, when doing cold-start, checking for fatal warm-up hot spots is also worth a ponder, etc. And still do 14 hours. I have read that resistant starches are where when consumed the oats behave as fiber and not a carbohydrate. In our aim to replicate half and half milk, we considered non-whipping pouring cream (with a lower fat content), a better addition to milk. I only let it go 1 day and the taste was actually stronger although it was still rather thin. And because people have done it by mistake, dont use a commercial yogurt as the substrate. by directly consuming 100tablets per day, then yes indeed, these other ingredients might be a concern. Perhaps your mom lost this microbe and was thereby unable to provide it to you via passage through the birth canal and/or breastfeeding, or perhaps you were delivered by C-section and bottle-fed with little opportunity to obtain it. Take care removing it and allow the water to drip into the water bath, instead of your bench.14. John M wrote: now embraces what Dr Jason Fung has been preaching that eating fat does not make one fat.. I used the CEC LR Superfood Starter which can be found here: https://cuttingedgecultures.com/lr-superfood/ The recipe I used is included with the culture, but is the same recipe that Dr. Davis uses. . My production batches dont have enough to bother with. We produced a unique, yogurt-like end product but had our suspicions that it wasnt quite right. He is also author of the new Undoctored: Why Health Care Has Failed You and How You Can Become Smarter Than Your Doctor. Since our goats are out of milk now, once our frozen store is used up, Ill be trying mail-order powdered goat milk. With cows milk, Ive been using 24 to 36 hours. Barb has overcome her own gut health issues through healthy eating. Im really pleased with Chobani for putting the price up as it forced me to make a better product here at home. Were any other inflammation, immune or infection markers checked? This "yogurt" fermented with two unconventional strains of Lactobacillus reuteri achieve effects that include: Smoothing of skin wrinkles due to an explosion of dermal collagen Accelerated healing, cutting healing time in almost half As the milk cools, a layer ofskin will form on the top. Any thoughts on what Im doing wrong? Gently stirred that into rest of milk. The color does change a bit from the starting liquid, but is not an obvious yellow. Not sure if theres anything in itnothing on the label. I experimented with different amounts of the ingredients for a few weeks. re: I used my Instant Pot Ultra, with the custom setting. It appears that even a modest portion of saved starter has a massive number of CFUs. So I poured it off into a couple of ice cube trays, froze it, and plan to use it as starter for some coconut milk yogurt experiments. Anyway, it probably wont surprise you that yours is the first such report thats come to my attention, and without a clear picture of the overall dietary context, I probably cant speculate usefully. William Davis, MD, FACC is cardiologist and author of the #1 New York Times bestselling Wheat Belly series of books. Pour water slowly into the base. After further experimentation, the Luvele test kitchen has found a method thatresults in a creamy, consistent yogurt that tastes great. Both samples were otherwise treated identically; they had the same amount of probiotic culture, prebiotic powder and were incubated for the same length of time. ________ Blog Associate (click my user name for details). re: Is it possible to be allergic to yogurt but not other dairy?, I doubt anyone can guess usefully on that without more info. In order to maintain the two strains on an extended basis, how often must the dosages of the L. reuteri yogurt be taken? Our research into developing the best yogurt makers on the market together with our extensive experience making yogurthas us confident that a 24-hour incubation is sufficient. What culture? Dr. William Davis is responsible for exposing the incredible nutritional blunder made by "official" health agencies: Eat more "healthy whole grains." Today's wheat is different from the wheat of 1960, thanks to extensive genetic manipulations introduced to increase yield-per-acre. Dont put your fermentation setup near an air vent, as the high volume of air will cause fungal contamination. Is that the goal? Im keeping a log of all the traffic, and may generate an FAQ. So lets list some of the tripping points to help avoid ending up with a liquid mess that fails to yield all the wonderful benefits of this microbe when restored to your microbiome. Is it normal to have a YELLOW top layer? We have a different brand, but the Boil function appears to apply rapid high heat. We start with half-and-half with around 18% milk fat that yields a wonderful texture and mouthfeelno need to pre-heat. Hillary Anderson wrote: You can set the temp and time for either 6 or 8 hrs.. Maybe my Instant Pot is malfunctioning and temp is too high now. Pour the slurry into the jar with the milk and whisk to incorporate. Sorrymy additional info crossed your reply. Well, with my current process (using 2 thawed ice cubes worth of saved frozen yogurt or whey, per quart, as starter), Im getting almost zero whey to drain off. If it were possible for them to make a take-once preparation, their shareholders would freak out if they did. Its a go-to staple prebiotic fiber in support of gut flora cultivation. Just move the knob to some position that holds 110F and put a mark there. One of the challenges with coconut milk/cream-based recipes is that these dairy substitutes dont contain enough simple carbohydrate for the bacteria to metabolize to the desired degree. I dont understand the 24-36 hours mentioned here. Kathy Carlson wrote: using a new yogurt maker. Maybe I just need to regroup and purchase the tablets. Was 108-109 at that point. ________ Blog Associate (click for details). Yet Im in the process of straining it now. Add 'Luvele Life' to your social media today for the latest product releases & irresistible healthy recipe inspiration. Davis is a cardiologist, #1 New York Times best-selling author, and health crusader whose best-selling books include the Wheat Belly series, Undoctored, as well as his newest book Super Gut.We dig into some spicy and timely topics here today, including What it looks like when Doctors get blacklisted by corporate media and Big Pharma An easy way to drastically increase testosterone How to grow and treat your microbiome like a garden Restoring beneficial gut microbes with delicious homemade yogurt (I can vouch for this) The link between mental health and your gut How to minimize your exposure to glyphosate And tons moreRead the show notes: https://fatburningman.com/dr-william-davis-how-to-heal-your-gut-with-delicious-homemade-yogurt/Learn more and support Dr. William Davis at https://DrDavisInfiniteHealth.comJoin The Wild Guild and get freebies on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/abeljamesFollow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/fatburnmanLet's be friends on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fatburningman/Like the show on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/fatburningman And click here for your free Fat-Burning Kit: http://fatburningman.com/bonus It could be intermittent diarrhea. Hi Bob: the yogurt maker does not have a pasteurization feature. Meet with Dr. Davis . Cover the milk & let cool to below 42C (107 F). re: Once the process finishes,, how much yogurt did you end up with?. Mixed in the sugar and made a slurry with the goat milk. Making yogurt with the L Reuteri strain is unquestionably trying to get the tablets to do something they were never designed to do. After all, all of us have several strains of E. coli in our intestines that live quietly and dont bother anyone. Im about to try a coconut milk based run, and guess that it will take a full 36 hours. (Or do I need to worry about boiling the container in which I make the slurry?). The lack of CFU info in particular doesnt allow me to even guess on the likelihood of first batch syndrome. If I found myself in that situation, Id tend to run long. Its hard to deny its worth getting into you! How does adding 10 to the batch affect the flavor of plain yogurt? Robert Rominger wrote: In order to maintain the two strains on an extended basis, how often must the dosages of the L. reuteri yogurt be taken? . . https://cuttingedgecultures.com/lr-superfood/, Making L. reuteri yogurt with coconut milk, I was wrong: Young people SHOULD obtain L. reuteri. re: but it morphs into a cottage cheese consistency I dont like.. ________ Blog Associate (click for details), Ive ordered off of iHerb and I went through a few batches.