How do I defeat one of those? Thanks for believing in me, you two! Lakshmi: Why do you cling to your misery? That gnawing pain in your breastit is enough to bring an old bull to his knees. Nanamo Ul Namo: No apologies are necessary, Godbert. If youd all just calm down. Well bleed for themdie for them if we have to. (Note: The word Aan is not defined. ], [The yabbys entire body is protected by a hard carapace, but the underside of the head looks soft and vulnerable.]. (As they walk down the street, a rough-looking Ala Mhigan man glares at them. Middle-aged Highlander: In the palace? What better time than now to indulge in such a diversion? (Rendezvous with Lyse in the Ala Mhigan Quarter). I take it you know of Theodorics paranoia and the public executions of his kinsmen? ), Alphinaud: Expertly done. Imperial Pilus Prior: Nay Lord Zenos lives? So it'll be a few years before they become a major exporter. ), (In the recent past: Lyse throws open the door to Fordolas cell and tosses a sword at the prisoners feet.). Please proceed. Raubahn once offered to re-open the investigation and bring me the truth he assumed I must surely crave. Alphinaud: Well, the question of how to put the mad kings treasures to good use shows no sign of answering itself. My dear Diana I have you to thank for thisrecognition, I am sure. Far better to dwell in dream. I shall give you one. Theres a chance they might have some answers for us. ), Ala Mhigan Malcontent: Filthy tinhead-lovers. Lyse: I go looking for answers about the Echo, and end up getting schooled by Raubahn. Bartholomew: My lady! Stay here, in your homeland. Arenvald: Since were all here, why dont we share what weve learned? We should leave the Flames to it. To what do I owe the pleasure? (Upon defeating monsters in here, most of them transform back to Hyur), (After defeating Hrodric Poisontongue, a hole cracks open in the ceiling and Alphinaud and Arenvald tumble through. So it'll be a few years before they become a major exporter. I will welcome him with open arms, of coursehe is my most trusted advisorand my dearest friend. Let us return to Uldah and visit the Coliseum. * This code cannot be used when posting comments on the Eorzea Database. Were all determined to finish what we started. You I will never forgive. No shame in admitting it. Raubahn: I know little and less of science, so any light you can shed on this facilitys operations would be much appreciated. Tell us something we dont know But Im pleased to hear shes committed to helping our refugees come home. Raubahn:Your Grace! But theyll see in time. The lochs bounty will contribute to Ala Mhigos enrichment, whilst easing the burden on the Bulls aching shouldersjust as Your Grace desired. If thisss is truly your wish, you will welcome usss as envoys of the Ananta! Nanamo Ul Namo: I thank you for answering my summons in these most interesting times. While the other town in the southern area wouldn't be a good idea, because it's just that: a town. Lyse: Well, the Immortal Flames have been scouring that research facility ever since the liberation. Ill see you by the loch! Ala Ghiri is one of the first towns we liberate, but there's nothing there that ever draws us back to stay, or even visit again. And then we must consider Uldahs own poor and downtrodden. I feel a lot better prepared for my patrols now. Alphinaud: Quite By the Twelve, there is even more than I imagined. Suffice it to say, I wasgreatly surprised to hear him speak so lightly of handing over the reins in Ala Mhigo, and retaking his place at my side. Theyll try to break ussend us crawling back to our own kind. But we wont, no matter what. Tis like talking to a child Why fate saddled me with this burden I shall never knowbut I am alive, and I must return to my masters side! I picked the saltery as the first choice, because the quarry town already was resolved after I came through, and they were planning on starting it up on their own terms. Securing the Saltery Lv. Theyre insisting they be allowed to attend the council. Gosetsu: Bah! Alphinaud: Precisely. There's a new quest in Mor Dhona at the Seventh Heaven called "Take with a Tonze of Salt" that leads you back to Ul'dah. Alphinaud: The imperial archives were also silent on the subject of fiends inside the palace grounds. I further surmise that the mad kings unfortunate kinsmen were cast down there not simply out of a desire to punish them, but to discourage exploration. Pipin: By their uniforms, the captives were first judged to be imperial troopsbut after further investigation, their true identities came to light. Nanamo Ul Namo: I fear it will be many years before I feel comfortable taking part in such negotiations. Twenty years have passed since the fall of Ala Mhigo and five since the Calamity, yet the plight of the poor has grown more desperate, not less. With Lolorito!? Think about how you want to spend it. When I speak with the other leaders about reforming the army under the new government, Ill be nominating Raubahn as the overall commander of our forces. Target a phoebad and inspect it with . Wrathful Resident: Calm down!? In-game description 70 . What exactly does a ruthless profiteer have to do to earn your trust? (Note: Its not in the chat text, but he definitely says it!). I say to you, it is our responsibility to give these prisoners a fair trial, that they might answer to all of Ala Mhigo! But what of you, Diana? The bastards that killed him, the bastards that let it happenmy father deserved better! (The crowd applauds Raubahns impassioned speech. . Why do you deny my blessing!? And may I say that Tizona has never felt heavier upon my back. Lyse: If only it were that easy. Arenvald: Waityoure sayingthey were meant to guard the mad kings trove! Then I propose we proceed from our respective entry points and look to meet somewhere in the middle. Raubahn: My thanks, Diana! All of this is pointless. What became of them? We are not ssso foolish as to place ourssselves entirely at the mercy of our tormentors, Resistance Captain: I reckon thats the closest were going to get to a compromise. I daresay you remember Yuyuhase and Laurentiusthe fugitives who conspired with Captain Ilberd in the Crystal Braves betrayal. Alphinaud: Alisaie will be eager to hear of recent events, so I shall join you, if youve no objections. Wiscar: Thanks, Diana. Nanamo Ul Namo: Raubahn Aldynn. He used to hold public executions up on the Divine Audience. Worship my light! Citizenship means nothing to them. ), Gosetsu: I do give thanks to the kami that my makeshift raft withstood the fury of the seas But there their generosity ended. Securing the Saltery. The surrounding pods are marked Supply Subject while this one bears the label Master Subject.). And there I was thinking I was the party leader. Excellent. We demand vengeance! Arenvald: Diana! Alphinaud: Tis a long and arduous path you have chosen, but one well worth walking. Arenvald: So did plenty of people. Lyse: In any case, summoning Lakshmi was the broodmothers doing, and whoever replaces her might not be so keen on the idea. Its Yotsuyu, but she doesnt seem to be herself. Then any support I pledge to the refugees must promote self-sufficiency, whilst also serving the interests of the people of Uldah. If you want to enter the palace, I must ask that you first surrender any crystal jewelry. Fordola: What of it? She herself asked to be put to death. We could not hope to carry even a fraction of it out on our own. I beseech you, then, Lord Loloritoshare with us your mercantile wisdom. Imperial Pilus Prior: Let the savages have their fun. Did you believe him, Diana? First things first, though, we need to discuss this proposal with the Salterys residents. You cannot compare yourself to a commander of his experience. But I refused. We have a fortune at our disposal, after all, and allowing Uldah to provide the entirety of the capital will afford Lolorito too much control. You have made your point. With a little work, the vacant buildings here could be made into very presentable dwellings. My friendsyou are not alone in your anger, your grief, your despair, for it is mine as well! The king used to send soldiers to cull the buggers, but the imperials werent about to help the likes of us. Gallery . Well just have to watch and wait. That was a near thing. Alphinaud: Understood. Had a little peek at my past? Fordola: Been in my head, have you? Raubahn: Tis a difficult tide to stem. Ill be back as soon as I can! Alphinaud: And ours too, if you please. Raubahn: Ill cut us a path. And wed be no better than Theodoric and Zenos! Sending her to the gallows might satisfy people right now, but where would it end? Raubahn: Ala Mhigo stands at a crossroads, and this meeting will decide which path it takes. But before that, I want to ask you a question. Violence will ever beget violenceas the Empire has learned to its cost in recent times. He is a son of Ala Mhigo. Relentless. We mustnt be late! ), Tattooed Troublemaker: I know youre right, I do, butI cant, (Raubahn looks at the man. Keep these people safe, General! ), (The Warrior of Light looks at Fordola, and an Echo flashback kicks in. Then she picks up the sword and gets to her feet. If the results of these experiments have been relayed back to Garlemald, there will be naught to stop the Empire from repeating the trick. class=" fc-falcon">ffxiv ala gannha ala ghiri or the saltery. (The scene switches to Kugane, where a familiar gray-haired Roegadayn Samurai sits on a bench. The gate to the arena opens and Nanamo runs in, evading all attempts to stop her.). I might need you to fill in the details. Hancock: Diana! And what could he mean by this darkness beneath the palace, I wonder. ), Lyse: My thanks, Raubahn. For me, it was that empty throne. Ala Gannha (X:23.8, Y:6.5) Ala Ghiri ( X: 15.8, Y: 36.6) Situated midway along the eastern arm of Abalathia's Spine, this region is characterized by a succession of steep, stony pinnacles which grow in height and density the further south one travels. Nanamo Ul Namo: I believe this is where we are to meet Master Mandeville. Lolorito: A personal summons from the Scionsthis must be important business indeed. Tell me the thought doesnt set your heart to racing! Arenvald: Speaking of which, how should we deploy ourselves? Shall we sit while we await his coming? Lay down your weapons, lay down your heads. Raubahn: We must break through! Despised it, in fact. FINAL FANTASY, FINAL FANTASY XIV, FFXIV, SQUARE ENIX, and the SQUARE ENIX logo are registered . A traitor, sweetheart. General Aldynns there overseeing the investigation. The citys mighty walls offer safety, but the streets overflow with people as it is. Well, Diana? We must speak of the men Arenvald and his comrades apprehended in the Peaks. It would seem I missedeverything. I should be happy to arrange a meeting for yousay, at the Scions former headquarters in Thanalan? Nanamo Ul Namo: Be at ease, Alphinaud. Arenvald: So, you mean to play the part one last time, eh? If I could prevail upon you one more time, Diana, I would ask that you convey the details of our negotiations to Commander Hext on your return to Ala Mhigo. (Fordola looks at Lyse. 0; 0; Quest Giver; Nanamo Ul Namo. [Search your surroundings for phoebads. It would seem Her Grace has come to Gyr Abania to oversee the final stages of her relocation project. Like your bastard father and whore mother! For the time being, were just going to have to keep leaning on General Aldynn and the Alliance for support, and see if we cant find a solution together. They could give the Echo to anyoneto an entire legion. Would any of you like to take their place? Alphinaud: We, however, have certain advantages which they did not enjoy. Alphinaud: M-Must we dwell on such momentary lapses!? I offer you peace and ssserenitySssurrender yourselves to me. Lyse: If, he says! Surely it is not Your Graces intention to foster new resentments, but to spread good will? And here you are protecting her! It is just possible, I suppose, that a corrupt official deliberately hid the fact of the troves discovery, hoping to enrich himselfbut I find it rather unlikely that so valuable a find would stay secret for long. Something tells me were going to be hosting a lot of meetings in the near futureBut if thats what it takes, Im ready to talk till my jaw aches! Ill organize a squad to head down into the ruins, and then start preparing for the big meetingOh, send Nanamo my regards, Diana! Arenvald: Well, of course we wont be the first to make the attempt. Stand ready! For vengeance. Arenvald. Wish me luck! Lakshmi: Leaders of Gyr AbaniaAccept my love. Theres just one small wrinkle in your plan: it doesnt account for all the nasties queuing up to eat anyone who goes near the shore. Lets find something else! I will remain here to hammer out the finer details with Watt, and act as an intermediary with our business partners in Uldah. The Domans had Lord Hien ready and willing to take the throne, but weve got no one like that here. And, in turn, so too shall I keep mine. Godbert: The unusual circumstances of our meeting, and Your Graces choice of companion, would suggest to me a desire for an honest and unvarnished opinion. To what purpose, however, I couldnt tell you. Watt: I see youve returned in one piece. Thancred: Yshtola and I can stand guard without. I agree with Your Grace that the refugees must have housing and employment, but what profit is there for Uldah in this arrangement? Lolorito: Yes, a quarry town certainly does carry the potential for profitat least, it would do, were it situated anywhere near a lucrative market. Nanamo Ul Namo: I remember full well the consequences of my naivety! Arenvald: Could this scribe fellow have been spinning her a yarn, do you think? O, woe betide the poor man in a city of rich merchants, (A woman walks up with two dango treats and holds one out to Gosetsu. Watt: Well bugger me Weve never had the coin or the hands to put the place back to how it wasbut it sounds like thats about to change! No sooner have we broken up one mob than another forms. He has more experience than the rest of us put together, and we stand to learn a lot from him. There would be no one left! He catches her and sets her on his shoulder.). Ala Gannha Ala Gannha Type Area Within The Last Forest " Situated in the Peaks' northern reaches, this village once flourished through its quarry, the beautiful stone sourced and cut here used to build the royal palace of Ala Mhigo. From what weve been able to determine, they perished from forcible aether extraction. Our first destination is Stonesthrow, just beyond the Gate of Nald. Even compared to other Ananta. I couldnt possibly! Fordola ducks. It was then that I turned to adventuring, and that road led me into the company of the Scions. Mnaago: Aye, and its not just hereweve reports of mobs forming all over. Alphinaud: We can worry about the how of it later! Raubahn, with the authority of his Syndicate position, was the first sword I could wield. And who better to consult on matters of profit than the wealthiest man in all of Thanalan? Nanamo Ul Namo: You have given me much to ponder, Master Manderville. The credit for finding it should really go to them. Nanamo Ul Namo: It seems youre the one who needs looking after, Marcechamp! I believe I see the direction our adventure is to take. (Yotsuyu gives him a puzzled look, then sits down and begins to eat her treat.). The hour of the meeting draws near, and I would gather my thoughts. Fordola has been forced to experience the agony of those whose lives she destroyed. Under her new leadership, I have every confidence that Ala Mhigo will emerge from the shadow of the Empire and rise once more to greatness. Well do whatever it takes to be free! If you mean to conduct an investigation, I can identify any others acting under Sri Lakshmis influence. Resistance Fighter: A mobs gathered outside headquarters, and theyve started making demands. When the time comes for the Alliance to pass judgment, Ill see that your opinion is heard. Lyse: Thank you, Raganfrid. But in his last days, the kings fevered mind settled upon an even grislier method of disposal which only a chosen few were unfortunate enough to witness. I plan to have Resistance scouts keep track of the Qalyanas movements at all times. This apparent reversal in attitude is most curious. Arenvald: You had every chance to kill yourself. Dianaare you perchance acquainted with any successful merchants? Situated along the highroad connecting Ala Mhigo to the rest of Aldenard, Ala Ghiri once served as a hub and vital waypoint for overland trade with the east. Arenvald, pray try your luck in the Fringes and the Peaks whilst Diana makes the rounds in the Ala Mhigan Quarter. Yet more evidence that I dont know what Im doing. Nanamo Ul Namo: Tomorrow you will serve Ala Mhigo, and fight for the good of all Eorzea. Alphinaud: Taken in combination with the testimonies of Krile and Thancred, I do begin to see exactly what the imperials were attempting here. Nanamo Ul Namo: Profit The thought never even crossed my mind. Lyse: Shes starting to weaken! &0000000000000004000000. The Reach is yours, Naago. Lolorito: I know the Saltery and its products well. Flame Scout: Message from General Aldynn! Dealt with those beasties then, did you? Alphinaud: Indeed. Yet if Ala Mhigo is to move forward, we must needs acknowledge the misdeeds of the past. Arenvald: We may have a problem, sir. Raging Resident: Bring her out! And that is why I requested your company. Arenvald: Speaking of help, I almost fell over when Fordola turned up. But I shall not complain. Tattooed Troublemaker: Like hells we will! Any suggestions? Wed be no better than the imperials! I want to talk to her too. I bloody knew it! Raubahn: Then we stand and fight together. He just happened to be serving as the Resistance spokesman at the time, and needed someone to take over the role while everything was in disarray. Anyoneand I mean anyonesuspected of conspiring against the crown was flung from the top of those steps. Nanamo Ul Namo: Yes, the Bull of Ala Mhigo need not be put out to pasture just yet. Twas that same rage which brought us to our feet, and carried us to victory. Take no notice of him, Diana. I already explained why we wouldnt do that! Once Ive shared what Ive learned with the others, we should have no trouble keeping the shoreline clear. Hmmm, you would have me dredge up some decidedly unsavory memories. The best I can say about the years that followed is that I survived. What do you want with me? Raubahn: Apologies for the wait. Imperial Pilus Prior: They would wage war with empty wordsLet them produce the viceroys remains, then! Ala Ghiri's primary export was Arak, however, the date trees needed to produce more arak are just now being replanted. (Arenvald and Fordola pin Lakshmi in place.). Be fairly warned, friends: she will test you. Depending on the nature of her consultation, this might be the perfect opportunity to inquire about the Generals future plans. Arenvald: I met an old man in Ala Ghiri who spoke of the palaces subterranean prison, but he said naught of cursed abominations! Lyse: Oh? Imperial Tribunus Militum: Do not believe everything you read. Turned into monsters? I shall be at your disposal. ], [The phoebads hands are large and powerful, but destroying its crystallized core should render the salt golem inanimate. Some dialogue may be slightly different for your character. All know the tale of his rise from penniless refugee to member of the Syndicate, and General of the Immortal Flames Yet though he has come to call Uldah home, it will never be his homeland. Raubahn: Were it in your hands, how would you punish these men? Now is the time that we, the people of Ala Mhigo, must decide what manner of nation we will build for ourselves, and for generations yet unborn. Please, Your Grace, come back! Nanamo Ul Namo: Nay, the deception has served its purpose. Its on the eastern edge of the city, at the top of the stairs. Thank you, General. He or she clenches a hand into a fist, then walks away.). I shall dispatch representatives well-versed in the extraction of this white gold, and wring every last onze of profit from its production. And if we let you fall here, then wholl be left to stop her? Whats next for all of you? Or are you here on business? (Sparkling light in the room coalesces into the form of the Primal, Lakshmi.). A fine young man, indeed. She justshe wanted to fight for her country. My husband and daughter are in danger! Ala Gannha Rebuild Lists Click here to see NPCs found at this location. FFXIV's newest expansion, "Endwalker", hits early access on December 3rd, 2021. Alphinaud: Thank you, Arenvald, and I apologizethat cannot have been pleasant to recall. We tend to our promises, and watch as Ala Mhigo blooms. Alphinaud: Indeed. And what of me? Arenvald: Ill round up our comrades, and send them to the Ala Mhigan Quarter. Youd never be the same again. Raubahn:Sounds to me like a kind of justice. If they uncovered the trove during their occupation, the event is certain to have been recorded. Together, we have laid the groundwork for an endeavor which promises to benefit the peoples of Ala Mhigo and Uldah both. That our own officers should be fooled by Eorzean misinformationSmall wonder the provinces have begun rising up in rebellion. But remember what happened. Should they hear of you spending the nations coinnot to improve their lot, but to nurture the distant citizens of Ala Mhigoit is unlikely they will applaud your generosity. Arenvald noticed something odd about her. Lyse: We call it an army, but the Resistance is really a collection of smaller, independent groups. But it is no concern of yours. He is in all respects the ideal choice. Watt: What manner of mischief brings you young uns to old Watt this time, eh? Alphinaud: Tis a quandary which countless refugees now face: to continue the life they built in Uldah, or start again in the land of their birth. Even if my parents deaths were orchestrated by the Monetarists, we could only have brought their hirelings to justice. Another vote in favor. (Echo Flashback. I would be glad to aid you in rebuilding our nation. But we will gain only fleeting satisfaction if we give in to our base appetiteswe will never know the truth! Godbert should be only too glad to receive us. Might I have your company for a brief adventure? And we will have people standing guard. I need your answer now. I see you, Fordola! The majority of all Hyur Highlander clans lived within this city before the time of . I share your thirst for justice. I assume you have a mind to unearth this hidden bounty? Quite how you convinced her to seek Loloritos help is another question. Nanamo Ul Namo: Profit? Suffice it to say that I stayed as far away from the palace as possible.