This, in turn, can be very draining for the planet person, as they feel they are always giving. People who know me wouldnt consider me as fiery, except perhaps those who know me intimately (Venus and Mars in fire). Juno opposition ascendant (which is the same as Juno conjunct descendant) in synastry is Venus conjunct the Descendant 3 Themes of obsession , lust , romance , undying attraction or love etc. South Node connections are often regarded as negative, in that they often indicate an ending of some sort. Moon conjunct South Node 3 A couple that lasted 10 months, the last 5 months of which were very challenging, no commitment: +39 -28, for a score of 11. This aspect denotes a past-life connection between the two individuals. She also enjoys yoga, hiking and creative writing. Conjunctions to the South Node South Node conjunctions are responsible for that Weve just met but I feel like Ive always known you vibe. Black Moon Lilith Conjunct the North Node in Synastry. (Neptune conjunct sun natal synastry ) Then Neptune trine or opposite Sun draco synastry. Moon square Moon -3 The Lilith conjunct descendant synastry aspect means that the descendant partner is especially attracted to the dark side in the Lilith partner. Reaching that goal seemed to be fraught with many struggles. Example 4 is a famous couple often used as an example in relationship astrology. Pluto Conjunct Venus Synastry is a powerful and intense aspect in relationship astrology. Ascendant hard aspect (conjunction, semi-square, square, opposition) Sun/Moon midpoint 3 Saturn square or opposition Saturn -1 Moon conjunct Uranus -1 Personally I think hes super into me but im more reluctant because Im afraid of this being a karmic relationship. Sun sextile Venus 2 Juno opposition ascendant (which is the same as Juno conjunct descendant) in synastry is After 2 years, I was exhausted, and had no choice but to separate myself from him. Sun/Moon/Ascendant Synastry Aspects The Ascendant/Descendant is the relationship axis, it is a work in progress, it describes our journey through life and how we adjust ourselves when we are confronted by people and new experiences. My North Node is in Taurus, and with his Ascendant conjunct this point, he exemplifies the qualities I need to develop in order to grow as a person. Sun conjunct, square, or opposition Neptune -2 Venus square or opposite Jupiter 1 With Pluto on someones South Node, the couple feels very comfortable and familiar to each other. Moon conjunct, sextile, or trine Moon 3 Moon opposition Mars -2 Sun hard aspect (conjunct, semi-square, square, opposition) Sun/Moon midpoint 4 David Beckhams own South Node is conjunct his Mars, so we can infer that David is South Node-oriented; he tends to fall back on his South Node habitually. South Node conjunct North Node in Synastry: The South Node represents where weve been, while the North Node represents where were going. This synastry aspect indicates each person has developed the traits and qualities the other needs for their personal growth. To find out if you have North Node in aspect to your partners North Node, use our north node synastry calculator and create your synastry chart.. What is At the same time, this relationship may feel very unstable and ungrounded, given Uranus unpredictable energy. Moon square or opposition Jupiter 1 It creates a synastry energy where all the houses for the whole chart are conjunct to their opposite house in the partners chart. The Mars person may feel the Node person impedes upon the Mars persons actions. We fell into a passionate but brief love affair from the moment we met 15 years ago, which resulted in a pregnancy that I didnt go through with, a decision that sounded the end of the intense energy between us. Mercury square Ascendant -1 So while we do not hate each other, we keep our distance. Vertex hard aspect (conjunct, semi-square, square, opposition) Sun/Moon midpoint 3 Moon conjunct Descendant 4 Neptune moves rather slowly, so the South Node person would share this aspect with everyone around the Neptune persons age. Moon conjunct Pluto 1 I still would be considered a Fire-Earth personality. I met someone in college who felt instantly familiar to me. WebVedic astrology says that NN on the decendant is not good in synastry because it means the Node person will eventually take more out of the relationship than they give back but I don't know if the vedic folks are right on that one or not as I have no long term experience with the aspect. Ive often thought of him as someone who would be the perfect mate for me, as I always feel more confident and self-assured around him. Thanks! Both partners may be seeing the relationship through rose-colored glasses, for the two of them share such a sweet and compassionate bond. He has been in love with me for a very long time, but I only see him as a friend. Moon square Nodes of the Moon 2 Any guys Ive been in love with had 0 gemini. Uranus conjunct Descendant or Vertex -3, Sun square Sun -2 Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward, long-lasting marriage: +82 -23, for a score of +59. Sun square or opposition Pluto -2 Jupiter in aspect to Uranus 1 I just read this and it made me laugh. Sun sextile or trine Mercury 2 I certainly felt held back by the relationship over time; with my North Node in Taurus, my lifes path involves, among many things, working towards valuing myself and fostering my sense of self-respect. At least in the beginning, it invokes friendly feelings more so than romantic. A couple married for 15 years, difficult divorce: +56 -20, for an overall score of +36. August 26, 2020 Midara. Mars conjunct, trine, or sextile Pluto 2 Every astrologer has to be taught somehow, whether it is through face-to-face instruction or through books, but most will use the systems they were taught and refine them, ending up with their own modified systems. Moon conjunct Mars -1 In the cases I have seen with North Node conjunct the Descendant, the native had a great desire to be married. Sun square or opposition Mars -2 Id suggest reading up on the Nodes and synastry, really interesting stuff (: This person may be the great love of your life. Their memory is likely to stick with you forever, as your relationship has spanned many lifetimes. When there are conjunctions to the South Node in synastry (your South Node on one of their planets or theirs on one of yours), the South Node persons entire way of being resonates with one of the others planetary functions. Being together feels like home for both partners. WebI also know that north node conjunct Ascendant is referred to the future develop of the relationship it has its roots in the future, a powerful link. Mercury sextile or trine Saturn 1 You can be grateful that you are a good example for others. The two of you have met before, and will meet again. My Mercury in Leo is a 2nd house placement and his Saturn Pluto is 12th. If someones Pluto is conjunct my South Node in the 1st house, this person focuses a lot on me. If his north node was in your 7th House, it would be more of an indication of an intimate partnership. Mercury square Ascendant -1 The Pluto person brings an intensity to the Node persons life, particularly the area of life the South Node represents in their chart. would like to keep it that way.. Im partially joking but mostly not lol. Barb Heiam-Bjornsen, Professional Intuitive Astrologer, Ahah, I just posted yesterday an article about South nodes and relationships.. Maybe we have a nodal connection. Mars conjunct the Descendant 2 Sun conjunct Sun 1 Moon conjunct, sextile, or trine Mercury 2 Mercury conjunct the Descendant 2 Sun conjunct Descendant 4 Sun conjunct Venus 3 My south node conjunct his Moon in Cancer, 11th house for both of us. That marriage relationship will help the NN person find his dreams. When Black Moon Lilith and the North Node meet in a synastry chart, the effect is intoxicating and immersive. I recently met this guy were drawn to each other but honestly our connection isnt as intense as I would like for it to be but its still strong and comfortable. Many synastry articles regarding South Node connections imply that the South Node person may eventually feel held back or drained by the planet person, but Ive found this to be true for the opposite case; that the planet person feels held back by the nodal person. The first list organizes the aspects and positions by weight, and the second list is one that is arranged more intuitively so that it is easier to use if you are going to actually tally up scores. Nature or Nurture: Karmic Resonance with Early Life Dynamics, A Martian Full Moon in Gemini: Astrology of 12/7 12/13, Week of August 31st September 6th Horoscopes, Uranian New Moon in Virgo: Astrology of 9/1 9/7, To Rearrange the Clouds or Watch Them Disappear. Currently Im falling in love with a sun and merc conjunct my southnode. The South Node is a marker that describes the Node persons past life, and when their partners planet conjuncts it, there is instant familiarity. Venus conjunct, sextile, or trine Mars 3 Venus in aspect to Nodes of the Moon 2 WebExample: If someones North Node is conjunct another persons Vertex in the 9th house, their relationship will be expansive and broaden the knowledge, reality, and beliefs of the people involved. Mercury conjunct, sextile, or trine Jupiter, Venus conjunct, sextile, trine, or opposition Venus, Mercury sextile, conjunct, or trine Mercury, Mercury conjunct, sextile, or trine Venus, Ascendant trine or sextile Nodes of the Moon, Sun conjunct, square or opposition Saturn, Sun conjunct, square, or opposition Neptune, Mercury conjunct, square, or opposition Saturn, Saturn conjunct or square Nodes of the Moon, Sun conjunct, square or opposition Uranus, Printer-Friendly version of the above categories, Printer-friendly version of the above list of compatibility factors, You Light Up My Life: Sun in Houses in Synastry. Jupiter sextile, trine, or square Ascendant 1 Sun opposition Sun 2 The North node offers us a look into what would fulfill us in this lifetime while the South node shows our past lifetimes. They have two Weight 4 (Strongest Compatibility) factors, and a whopping fourteen Weight 3 (Very Strong Compatibility) factors. North Node synastry aspects indicate that you feel that you and your partner are destined to be together because youre moving in the same direction and come from a similar place. Moon conjunct, sextile, or trine Mercury 2 WebNodes of the Moon conjunct IC/MC 3 Good Compatibility Factors in Synastry (weight 2) Sun opposition Sun 2 Sun opposition Moon 2 Sun conjunct Mercury 2 Sun sextile or trine Mercury 2 Sun sextile Venus 2 Sun conjunct Mars 2 Sun sextile or trine Uranus 2 Sun sextile or trine Ascendant 2 Sun conjunct IC 2 Sun sextile or trine Nodes of the Moon 2 He, somewhere in time(? Not much different! His venus and sun conjuncts my south node. You feel as though you are meant to be. Indeed, this is an indication that the two of you are Soul Mates. If someones planets, especially the personal planets, such as the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars are conjunct your south node or vice versa, this is a potential indicator that you have past together. All I know is that I have south node in gemini and romantically that is probably the very least sign Im attracted to ESPECIALLY if they have mars there, ugh. Mars square Ascendant -1 Venus conjunct Jupiter 3 Some astrologers have put together score sheets that help students of astrology organize their findings and come to an overall judgment. I have Aries Rising, he has Libra Rising. As with all South Node connections, this relationship may begin to feel draining for both partners. Venus conjunct Saturn 2 as well. WebAnswer (1 of 8): No. Juno conj the NNthe person will bring you all the best traits of a loyal wife Vesta conj the NNthe person will bring you Venus sextile or trine Ascendant 2 Her sun conjuncts his south node He is lost and heartbroken Cant shake her yet and forget her. I am a libra ascendant with south node, moon and pluto, With mars conjunct Saturn and Uranus in scorpio and Neptune in Sagittarius. As a result, I may feel held back by the relationship. Venus in 1st house 2 Feelings of fear, obsession, and guilt may keep these two together for a long time. Alternatively, you may have been competitors or partners in battle. Moon in 7th house 3 I had intense dreams about and with him that felt like they were happening in another dimension or a memory of a past life. Venus square or opposition Mars 2 Moon sextile or trine Neptune 2 Dejanira conj NNthe person will be your victim. Mercury conjunct the Descendant 2 Saturn sextile or trine Ascendant 1 Juno conjunct South Node in synastry means that there was a past life marriage or relationship between the parties. Moon hard aspect (conjunct, semi-square, square, opposition) Sun/Moon midpoint 4 My Jupiter is conjunct my exs South Node. The two of you may encourage one another towards laziness in regards to professional goals. For example, if the Neptune persons 7th house is ruled by Neptune, and is conjunct another persons South Node, these two were likely married in the past, and might rekindle their relationship in this life. It means that he stimulates your soul development in this lifetime and you probably have some karmic things to accomplish together. Contrary lover, no apologies, handed my energy, frolic youve read my soul and what an excellent way to put it. The South Node is what is easy for us, basically speaking. Jupiter in aspect to the Nodes of the Moon 1 Moon trine or sextile Nodes of the Moon 2 Sun sextile or trine Neptune 1 Sun conjunct, trine, or sextile Moon 3 Sun conjunct IC 2 Sun conjunct North Node 4 On our More on Synastry page, we explore more Synastry details and compatibility factors. They divorced and re-married twice! WebSouth Node conjunct (North Node opposite) Aspects in Synastry Sun conjunct South Node (North Node opposite Sun): The relationship often starts off with magnetic attraction, distinct familiarities and a sense of meant to be. Someones Uranus on your 7th house South Node brings a familiar energy to you; you are used to putting energy into your relationships and considering other peoples needs. Venus sextile or trine Saturn 3 On the other hand, this aspect is also regarded as a separative aspect, as in, the relationship between the two may never fully get off the ground. Sun square or opposition Pluto -2 They likely had a very intense relationship in a previous lifetime, and they have come together in this life to sort out unfinished business. Saturn conjunct or opposition Vertex -2 Venus square or opposition Pluto -2 Ive met a man 2 months ago. We had a painful break-up (which was due to religious differences), but he always told me he felt that hed be financially successful if we got married. If his north node was in your 7th House, it would be more of an indication of an intimate partnership. Juno Opposition Ascendant & Juno Conjunct Descendant Synastry. Mercury in aspect to Uranus 1 Moon square or opposition Mercury -2 Sun conjunct North Node 4 The Ascendant is the vehicle of the Soul, while the Luminaries (Sun and Moon) are the drivers. Mercury square or opposition Jupiter 1 Mercury conjunct IC or MC 2 The Moon conjunct the South Node in a synastry chart shows a past life connection between the two parties. Venus conjunct Uranus 1 Randomn meeting and instant familiarity and feelings of being comfortable and instant trust between us. I found this article looking for some insight into an intense connection I have with a man whose South Node is conjunct my Moon in Aquarius, and his Moon in Virgo is trine my North Node in Capricorn. Mars conjunct, sextile, or trine Uranus 1 Mars conjunct the Descendant 2 However, in my personal experience, Ive also seen the opposite: that the planet person feels held back. In synastry, planets conjunct the ascendant are particularly essential. Ascendant square Nodes of the Moon 2 Saturn conjunct or square Nodes of the Moon -2 Sun sextile or trine Uranus 2 The North Node Conjunct the MC The native, usually, feels a great purpose in his career. Saturn represents restriction, so this aspect indicates there may be significant barriers between the two of you, which impedes on your ability to form a real relationship. Jupiter square or opposition Saturn -1 Its a struggle. Mercury may feel the South Node person is condescending and unreceptive of their ideas. Jupiter in aspect to the Nodes of the Moon 1 Moon conjunct Uranus -1 Two Weight 4 factors, fourteen Weight 3 factors, two Weight -3 factors, one Weight -4 (Red alert) factor. Its the most comfortable, natural, easy, sexy, exciting and fun relationship Ive ever had, but I have no idea whats going to happen. Sun sextile or trine Neptune 1 To find out if you have North Node in aspect to your partners North Node, use our north node synastry calculator and create your synastry chart.. What is Venus conjunct, trine or sextile Pluto 2 In fact, the Neptune person may have been a sort of guru to the Node person, or vice versa. It is a very sweet and compassionate relationship, and the two partners feel they know each other on a spiritual and intuitive level. He is RIDICULOUSLY romantic. Im not the type to give away complimetns easily (my Venus is in Capricorn), but I would compliment him regularly. Saturn square or opposition Saturn -1. Four Weight 4, one Weight -4 factors. Juno conjunct South Node in synastry means that there was a past life marriage or relationship between the parties. Moon conjunct, sextile, or trine Jupiter 3 The South Node represents where weve been, while the North Node represents where were going. This synastry aspect indicates each person has developed the traits and qualities the other needs for their personal growth. He seems pretty resistant, but Im more open to some kind of relationship. On our main Synastry page, we offered an overview of considerations for compatibility. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Jupiter conjunct the Ascendant 2 She has been collecting astrological experience for over a decade. Sun conjunct Ascendant 3 Mercury conjunct IC or MC 2 He cant embrace his unconscious issues and Im worn out. The Descendant conjunct the NNthe DSC person may be a partner to the NN person, such as a spouse. Of course, if Neptune rules or aspects your North or South Node, or your 12th House, it is directly connected to the karmic story between you and your lover. Just dont call it Cyberpals!!! I was definitely very generous with him, and supportive of him, and I certainly felt drained! The Jupiter provides fortune and luck to the South Node person; the South Node person is likely to see Jupiter as their good luck charm. The couple can help develop each other spiritually, which can be very positive. A part of me wants to let go completely and another part wants me to hang on to see where this goes. However, even many Weight 4 factors do not always save a couple from divorce (as can be seen with example 2). Moon conjunct or opposition Vertex 4 The South Node represents qualities we have already mastered in previous lives, while the North Node represents the qualities we are supposed to develop in this life. Venus hard aspect (conjunct, semi-square, square, opposition) Sun/Moon midpoint 3 Sun square Ascendant -2 It is the most difficult thing I had to do. Given how slowly Pluto moves, the North Node person shares this aspect with everyone born around the Pluto persons age. Because the ascendant is such an emotional component of the birth chart, a lot happens when someones planets cross it SAG Rising is exalted. He also has his Neptune with Jupiter in Sagittarius and South node with Uranus in Scorpio. Sun square or opposition Jupiter 1 Mars sextile or trine Neptune 1 Ascendant sextile or trine Ascendant 2 He is all i ever imagined. Venus square Venus 1 Moon sextile or trine Uranus 2 This is a karmic union to repay past life debts to each other. Sun hard aspect (conjunct, semi-square, square, opposition) Sun/Moon midpoint 4 Moon square or opposition Neptune -3 North Node synastry aspects indicate that you feel that you and your partner are destined to be together because youre moving in the same direction and come from a similar place. In his horoscope, the South Node is in conjunction with the Ascendant, and the North is in conjunction with the Descendant and Chiron. Jupiter conjunct the Descendant 2 Moon conjunct, trine, or sextile Chiron 3 We socialize together regularly. Hes entering his saturn return (Aquarius) and mine (Pisces) starts when his ends. Twenty years later we met up online and immediately felt a connection. Saturn conjunct, square or opposition Ascendant -2 I just broke up with someone i felt was my soulmate. However, the relationship might be quite erratic and unpredictable over time, which might be quite draining for the 7th house person, as they do not feel they can rely on the Uranus person. Ascendant in 7th house 3 We met one night twenty years ago and we have been together ever since. Aspects connecting to the nodes are very significant in synastry and more often than not refers to a karmic connection. I dont know his rising and were still new an distant but. These aspects can also indicate a karmic connection. The South Node is what is easy for us, basically speaking. My (ex)partner of 25 years who died , his Saturn conjunct Pluto conjunct my SoNo in the 9th(l live in his country). Mercury conjunct, sextile, or trine Jupiter 3 Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. In this lifetime, I need to learn how to compromise, and to stop thinking about myself and my needs first and foremost all of the time. This is a highly personal bond, which a deep sense of attraction and attachment to one another. Sun conjunct, sextile, or trine Jupiter 3 Juno opposition ascendant (which is the same as Juno conjunct descendant) in synastry is In synastry, planets conjunct the ascendant are particularly essential. Sun conjunct, square or opposition Uranus -1 The Vertex person will help the North Nodes person find sense and meaning to their struggle and encourage them to develop a more positive outlook. He was always gentle, soft and tender but on the seperation day he pushed me away,i felt like Bambi, thats the way the Universe wanted the ending, rough and tough as we never were. Mercury conjunct, square, or opposition Saturn -2 Sun sextile or trine Ascendant 2 This karmic link indicates the two of you may been sexual partners in a past life. This aspect indicates that the South Node person helped develop the professional success of the Midheaven person. Venus in 7th house 3, Mars conjunct, sextile, or trine Mars 2 South Node conjunct North Node: The South Node represents where weve been, while the North Node represents where were going. This synastry aspect indicates each person has developed the traits and qualities the other needs for their personal growth. Thanks. If your North and South Nodes The South Node is a marker that describes the Node persons past life, and when their partners planet conjuncts it, there is instant familiarity.