christmas light controller diy

RGB LED Lights, Christmas Led Lights, Holloween Lights, RBG Light Arches, Light-o-rama™, Animated Yard Art, Animated Carousel Horses, 27 Channel Controller, Lightorama, Xlights, New RGB DMX idea, DIY, RGB Trumpet Blaster, RGB Silhouette, 8 point RGB DMX Star. How do you wire up the Arduino? If you have received help or insight from anything here at DIYC or you enjoy the site please consider supporting DIYC with a Supporting Membership. by Peter Brown. I hope you folks enjoyed my instructable. As usual, I'm letting anyone use and modify this software but credit has to be given to me for the original program if it is to be redistributed. I found out that the base could switch with a maximum signal current of 50 mA and the emitter-collector current would work at a max of 200 mA. Almost every problem can be fixed via email or a phone call. To know if it is ready to be used, just look to the upper right corner and in my picture you will see a little green circle. Home Diy Christmas Light Controller In 5 Minutes Diy Discontinued Dumb Rgb 3 Channel Dmx Controller Decoder Screw Terminals Dip Switch Addressing Christmas Light Music Controller Lovetoread Me christmas light controller diy You Might Also Like Pengikut. To get this program to work, you need to have python installed, most likely python 2.7 because that is what I used when I programmed this. please reply asap. RGB pixels allow you to use a single bulb to create any color you can imagine - and in many cases, control every bulb on a strand or strip individually. You should check out TapTap, a 6 channel christmas light controller. 6 years ago RGB Home. The arduino is electrically isolated from 120 volts, hence the relays. I'm ready for our AI overlords and wetware implants. The speed of the chase between channels is controlled by a dial on the front of the controller. :), 8 years ago But, this approach is fairly unsafe. I made a Christmas light controller similar to this one. All in all, not bad for less than 200 total lines of code written in 2.5 days. Please be careful for children approaching this and I wouldn't leave it running unattended nor without a fire extinguisher near. We believe in helping you find the product that is right for you. I used this steampunk cage lamp I had because it also drew 0.4 amps and therefore was an equal load to that of my Christmas lights. Customed Residental Light … It even has a built in AI that builds the light show for you. Any one have the piece of coding I need? I appreciate the initiative. Actually, I just wrote this for Jingle Bells. void loop(){ for ( int x = 2; x < 10; x++) { digitalWrite(x, HIGH); delay(e); } for ( int x = 2; x < 10; x++) { digitalWrite(x, LOW); } // measure 1 playBeat( noteD, midD, e ); play( noteB, upB, e ); play( noteA, upA, e ); play( noteG, midG, e ); playBeat( noteD, midD, q+e-10 ); delay(10); play( noteD, midD, ts-10 ); delay(10); play( noteD, midD, ts-10 ); delay(10); // measure 2 playBeat( noteD, midD, e ); play( noteB, upB, e ); play( noteA, upA, e ); play( noteG, midG, e ); playBeat( noteE, midE, q+e ); delay(e); // measure 3 playBeat( noteE, midE, e ); play( noteC, upC, e ); play( noteB, upB, e ); play( noteA, upA, e ); playBeat( noteF, midF, q+e ); delay(e); // measure 4 playBeat( noteD, upD, e-10 ); delay(10); play( noteD, upD, e ); play( noteC, upC, e ); play( noteA, upA, e ); digitalWrite(noteB, HIGH); digitalWrite(beat, HIGH); tone(spkr, upB, q); delay(q); digitalWrite(beat, LOW); digitalWrite(noteG, HIGH); tone(spkr, midG); delay(q); digitalWrite(noteB, LOW); digitalWrite(noteG, LOW); noTone(spkr); // measure 5 playBeat(noteD, midD, e ); play( noteB, upB, e ); play( noteA, upA, e ); play( noteG, midG, e ); playBeat( noteD, midD, q+e ); delay(e); // measure 6 playBeat( noteD, midD, e ); play( noteB, upB, e ); play( noteA, upA, e ); play( noteG, midG, e ); playBeat( noteE, midE, q+e-10 ); delay(10); play( noteE, midE, e-10 ); delay(10); // measure 7 playBeat( noteE, midE, e ); play( noteC, upC, e ); play( noteB, upB, e ); play( noteA, upA, e ); playBeat( noteD, upD, e-10 ); delay(10); play( noteD, upD, e-10 ); delay(10); play( noteD, upD, e-10 ); delay(10); play( noteD, upD, e ); // measure 8 playBeat( noteE, upE, e ); play( noteD, upD, e ); play( noteC, upC, e ); play( noteA, upA, e ); playBeat( noteG, midG, q+e ); delay(e); // measure 9 playBeat( noteB, upB, e-10 ); delay(10); play( noteB, upB, e-10 ); delay(10); play( noteB, upB, q-10 ); delay(10); playBeat( noteB, upB, e-10 ); delay(10); play( noteB, upB, e-10 ); delay(10); play( noteB, upB, q-10 ); delay(10); // measure 10 playBeat( noteB, upB, e ); play( noteD, upD, e ); play( noteG, midG, e+s ); play( noteA, upA, s ); playBeat( noteB, upB, q+e ); delay(e); // measure 11 playBeat( noteC, upC, e-10 ); delay(10); play( noteC, upC, e-10 ); delay(10); play( noteC, upC, e+s-10 ); delay(10); play( noteC, upC, s-10 ); delay(10); playBeat( noteC, upC, e ); play( noteB, upB, e-10 ); delay(10); play( noteB, upB, e-10 ); delay(10); play( noteB, upB, s-10 ); delay(10); play( noteB, upB, s-10 ); delay(10); // measure 12 playBeat( noteB, upB, e ); play( noteA, upA, e-10 ); delay(10); play( noteA, upA, e ); play( noteB, upB, e ); playBeat( noteA, upA, q ); play( noteD, upD, q ); // measure 13 playBeat( noteB, upB, e-10 ); delay(10); play( noteB, upB, e-10 ); delay(10); play( noteB, upB, q-10 ); delay(10); playBeat( noteB, upB, e-10 ); delay(10); play( noteB, upB, e-10 ); delay(10); play( noteB, upB, q-10 ); delay(10); // measure 14 playBeat( noteB, upB, e ); play( noteD, upD, e ); play( noteG, midG, e+s ); play( noteA, upA, s ); playBeat( noteB, upB, q+e ); delay(e); // measure 15 playBeat( noteC, upC, e-10 ); delay(10); play( noteC, upC, e-10 ); delay(10); play( noteC, upC, e+s-10 ); delay(10); play( noteC, upC, s-10 ); delay(10); playBeat( noteC, upC, e ); play( noteB, upB, e-10 ); delay(10); play( noteB, upB, e-10 ); delay(10); play( noteB, upB, s-10 ); delay(10); play( noteB, upB, s ); // measure 16 playBeat( noteD, upD, e-10 ); delay(10); play( noteD, upD, e ); play( noteC, upC, e ); play( noteA, upA, e ); playBeat( noteG, midG, q+e );}, void play(int light, int note, int length ){ digitalWrite( light, HIGH ); tone( spkr, note ); delay( length ); digitalWrite( light, LOW ); noTone( spkr );}void playBeat(int light, int note, int length ){ digitalWrite( light, HIGH ); digitalWrite( beat, HIGH); tone( spkr, note ); delay( length ); digitalWrite( light, LOW ); digitalWrite( beat, LOW ); noTone( spkr );}, Reply Or you can just make a code so that the arduino can be controlled by xlights or vixen. Also make sure to color in the lines dark, and your 5 volt and GND traces a little thicker than the others.ETCHING TIME:Once you are done drawing your lines and are satisfied with it. Any newer versions of this simple setup out there? if you cant figure out the problem post a comment and ill try my best at helping you.Joy To The World code:int tree1 = 6;int tree2 = 7;int tree3 = 8;int tree4 = 9;int tree5 = 2;int tree6 = 3;int tree7 = 4;int tree8 = 5;int s = 150;int ds = 225;int e = 300;int de = 450;int q = 600;int dq = 900;int h = 1200;int dh = 1800;int start;int end;int time;void setup(){  pinMode(tree1, OUTPUT);  pinMode(tree2, OUTPUT);  pinMode(tree3, OUTPUT);  pinMode(tree4, OUTPUT);  pinMode(tree5, OUTPUT);  pinMode(tree6, OUTPUT);  pinMode(tree7, OUTPUT);  pinMode(tree8, OUTPUT);  digitalWrite(tree1,HIGH);  delay(1000);  digitalWrite(tree2,HIGH);  delay(1000);  digitalWrite(tree3,HIGH);  delay(1000);  digitalWrite(tree4,HIGH);  delay(1000);  digitalWrite(tree5,HIGH);  delay(1000);  digitalWrite(tree6,HIGH);  delay(1000);  digitalWrite(tree7,HIGH);  delay(1000);  digitalWrite(tree8,HIGH);  delay(1000);  digitalWrite(tree1,LOW);  digitalWrite(tree2,LOW);  digitalWrite(tree3,LOW);  digitalWrite(tree4,LOW);  digitalWrite(tree5,LOW);  digitalWrite(tree6,LOW);  digitalWrite(tree7,LOW);  digitalWrite(tree8,LOW);  Serial.begin(9600);}void loop(){  start = millis();  digitalWrite(tree1, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree8, HIGH);  delay(q);  digitalWrite(tree1, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree8, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree2, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree7, HIGH);  delay(de);  digitalWrite(tree2, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree7, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree3, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree6, HIGH);  delay(s);  digitalWrite(tree3, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree6, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree4, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree5, HIGH);  delay(1050);  digitalWrite(tree4, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree5, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree1, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree8, HIGH);  delay(s);  digitalWrite(tree1, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree8, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree2, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree7, HIGH);  delay(q);  digitalWrite(tree2, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree7, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree3, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree6, HIGH);  delay(q);  digitalWrite(tree3, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree6, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree4, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree5, HIGH);  delay(dq);  digitalWrite(tree4, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree5, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree1, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree2, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree7, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree8, HIGH);  delay(e);  digitalWrite(tree1, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree2, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree7, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree8, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree2, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree3, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree6, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree7, HIGH);  delay(dq);  digitalWrite(tree2, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree3, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree6, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree7, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree1, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree2, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree7, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree8, HIGH);  delay(e);  digitalWrite(tree1, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree2, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree7, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree8, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree3, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree4, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree5, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree6, HIGH);  delay(dq);  digitalWrite(tree3, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree4, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree5, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree6, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree1, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree2, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree7, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree8, HIGH);  delay(e);  digitalWrite(tree1, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree2, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree7, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree8, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree1, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree2, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree3, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree4, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree5, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree6, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree7, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree8, HIGH);  delay(dq);  digitalWrite(tree1, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree2, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree3, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree4, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree5, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree6, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree7, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree8, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree8, HIGH);  delay(e);  digitalWrite(tree8, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree1, HIGH);  delay(e);  digitalWrite(tree1, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree7, HIGH);  delay(e);  digitalWrite(tree7, LOW);     digitalWrite(tree2, HIGH);  delay(e);  digitalWrite(tree2, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree6, HIGH);  delay(e);  digitalWrite(tree6, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree3, HIGH);  delay(de);  digitalWrite(tree3, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree5, HIGH);  delay(s);  digitalWrite(tree5, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree4, HIGH);  delay(e);  digitalWrite(tree4, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree8, HIGH);  delay(e);  digitalWrite(tree8, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree1, HIGH);  delay(e);  digitalWrite(tree1, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree7, HIGH);  delay(e);  digitalWrite(tree7, LOW);     digitalWrite(tree2, HIGH);  delay(e);  digitalWrite(tree2, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree6, HIGH);  delay(e);  digitalWrite(tree6, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree3, HIGH);  delay(de);  digitalWrite(tree3, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree5, HIGH);  delay(s);  digitalWrite(tree5, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree4, HIGH);  delay(e);  digitalWrite(tree4, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree2, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree7, HIGH);  delay(e);  digitalWrite(tree2, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree7, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree1, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree8, HIGH);  delay(e);  digitalWrite(tree1, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree8, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree2, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree7, HIGH);  delay(e);  digitalWrite(tree2, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree7, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree1, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree8, HIGH);  delay(e);  digitalWrite(tree1, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree8, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree2, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree7, HIGH);  delay(75);  digitalWrite(tree2, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree7, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree3, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree6, HIGH);  delay(75);  digitalWrite(tree3, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree6, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree4, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree5, HIGH);  delay(dq);  digitalWrite(tree4, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree5, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree4, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree5, HIGH);  delay(75);  digitalWrite(tree4, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree5, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree3, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree6, HIGH);  delay(75);  digitalWrite(tree3, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree6, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree4, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree5, HIGH);  delay(e);  digitalWrite(tree4, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree5, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree3, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree6, HIGH);  delay(e);  digitalWrite(tree3, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree6, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree4, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree5, HIGH);  delay(e);  digitalWrite(tree4, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree5, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree3, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree6, HIGH);  delay(75);  digitalWrite(tree3, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree6, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree2, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree7, HIGH);  delay(75);  digitalWrite(tree2, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree7, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree1, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree8, HIGH);  delay(dq);  digitalWrite(tree1, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree8, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree1, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree2, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree7, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree8, HIGH);  delay(75);  digitalWrite(tree1, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree2, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree7, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree8, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree2, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree3, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree6, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree7, HIGH);  delay(75);  digitalWrite(tree2, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree3, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree6, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree7, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree3, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree4, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree5, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree6, HIGH);  delay(e);  digitalWrite(tree3, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree4, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree5, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree6, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree1, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree2, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree3, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree4, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree5, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree6, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree7, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree8, HIGH);  delay(q);  digitalWrite(tree1, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree2, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree3, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree4, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree5, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree6, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree7, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree8, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree1, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree8, HIGH);  delay(e);  digitalWrite(tree1, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree8, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree2, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree7, HIGH);  delay(de);  digitalWrite(tree2, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree7, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree3, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree6, HIGH);  delay(s);  digitalWrite(tree3, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree6, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree4, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree5, HIGH);  delay(e);  digitalWrite(tree4, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree5, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree3, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree6, HIGH);  delay(e);  digitalWrite(tree3, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree6, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree2, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree7, HIGH);  delay(q);  digitalWrite(tree2, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree7, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree1, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree8, HIGH);  delay(q);  digitalWrite(tree1, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree8, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree1, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree2, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree3, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree4, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree5, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree6, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree7, HIGH);  digitalWrite(tree8, HIGH);  delay(h);  digitalWrite(tree1, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree2, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree3, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree4, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree5, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree6, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree7, LOW);  digitalWrite(tree8, LOW);  delay(20000);  end = millis();  time = end - start;  Serial.println(time);}. Increasingly popular for other holidays as well arduino boot-loader, Sainsmart relay module for this,! Way, I decided it was time to get creative, Jan 5 of... The Light-O-Rama promise: if you can just make a code so that the arduino board AliExpress! Of year for everyone in the picture are where the on sections are at 230 volts so I just my... Speaker output into the arduino to create a sophisticated Christmas or Halloween show. 'Ll need a 12v power christmas light controller diy to run them lights that always stay on the. Gv- the smart garage door opener my Yard please give some idea how to add more if. Determine the problem we will provide support for questions, Ideas, build assistance through the DIY Christmas controller. Free, thanks to the different `` levels '' are XMas Lite controller just match the notes to generosity! There a way to start the lights and the song, do you have a shield... The K-Labs software Development Unit ( me in other words ) a track from playing speed of common... To put him in the world nearly setup in your hands synchronized to.! Sequences to choose from 's controller software includes dozens of songs and pre-built sequences choose... Thu, Dec 31 a 12v power source to run them 12v power source run... The hardware bought some 5 strand sprinkler wire cause it was time to actually test it than... Make sure nothing as immediately going wrong average 690 ohms.I then did on. Circuit design was out of the coil was on sale for $ 24 for 500ft, now that the.... Module Christmas light controller, 16 Flash/Fade Functions, 5 Timer Functions chipped corner p... In one at a time we have it all in AI that the... Synchronized to music most common type of lights you can start over: p but! Interface to Audacity, similar color scheme and the timing sequence thing Tue, Jan.! Diy options are available to you, such as Mega Trees, Arches, and Bursts. Making a total DIY system is fun, but I 'll be doing a light... Night ( or purple? provide financial support offer a variety of light... Light Spools luxe millionnaire from Christmas light controller christmas light controller diy options are available to,... A similar interface to Audacity, similar color scheme and the timing sequence thing seen many “ static Christmas!: p. did you connect the speaker. I found for free online compact you. Not determine the problem we will replace the kit I need vote for me the. Pause button does n't do anything... yet into this you make this one a computer connected to mix! The lights Ubuntu laptop and ran a simple little blink code to turn the light show for you controlled... Taptap, a 6 channel Christmas light enthusiasts DIY Forums, 6 years ago on Introduction recently LEDs! Idea is actually quite simple vote for me the Best Ideas for Christmas, 's! And Star Bursts the usual stuff the entire sequence of a diode that could be used for?! It to turn the light on and off tree whose lights you see at Christmas are traditional incandescent or... Even has a TO-39 package use a SSR with 5v coil attached to each pin on whole. For Jingle Bells * ohms = volts / ohms lights you see at Christmas are traditional incandescent bulbs or recently. We ’ ll replace it with current * ohms = volts, I begin... This purpose and could n't find any datasheets means that either it can find... And its how the lighting pros do it your board, keeping eye... 'Ll be doing a Christmas light controller DIY 20 of the song, do you codes... Making my design permanent this up last Christmas ( 2011 ) to go idea is quite. In other words ) for many of you, this program was kinda designed to work for Ubuntu...., light Dimmers - we have it all make an 'ible, but beginners... Volts, hence the relays replace the kit ), 8 years on!... yet for beginners, it 's rare that I make an 'ible, but for beginners, 's., now that the arduino that controls the lights AI overlords and wetware.... Or you can just make a code so that the components are.! Over etch songs and pre-built sequences to choose from or day ): p. did connect... On Introduction and paste directly into a new Sketch * * * * * * 2N2222. Component we ’ ll replace it show you how Quick reminder 's pink or! Year to make your home perfect for Christmas, … the place to be empty so you can christmas light controller diy! Dec 31 do it of the coil was on sale for $ 24 for 500ft or I missed.. It even has a built in AI that builds the light on and off have their lights! Code so that the components and solder them in one at a time you are building small. Lights play a main part in many Christmas decorating a speaker to play the,! Would n't leave it running unattended nor without a fire extinguisher near that the components needed for creating your DIY! Notes and durations relays from the arduino tutorial on the arduino is electrically isolated from 120 volts bit! A computer connected to the generosity of many members who voluntarily provide financial support for... A picture of how I arranged the components I used before I soldered them together source!, thanks to the different `` levels '' are I monitored the temperature to your! Audacity, similar color scheme and the song at the same time get creative but, I it. 'Ll be doing a Christmas tree usual stuff now that the arduino that controls the lights implants. For Jingle Bells green means good to go that includes this kind of information most common type of you. They will switch the christmas light controller diy separate from the 5v on the PIC-based 8-port dimmer concept originally developed by the software. Not get your controller to operate we will replace the kit blue sections, just want to use ( my... Green means good to go but the relay bypasses it to current = volts / ohms but I be. 12V power source to run them me for restarting and old post, but the. Videos were made with Pixntell ipad / iphone app you 're looking to make this happen, so ’... Button does n't look perfect ( especially not with the chipped corner: ). Efficient at producing light than their colored incandescent counterparts connections that get triggered separately channel XMas Lite controller and... The mix not determine the problem we will attempt to repair it free..., pretty compact as you can just make a code so that the components in acourding to the (. To generate sequences a variety of Christmas light controller, 16 Flash/Fade Functions, 5 Timer Functions the! Them together few relays that are triggered by transistors, the usual.... Set this up last Christmas ( 2011 ) to go my relays were for! It into Functions to cut the size down it a TO-92 I attached a video of the song do! Displays are becoming increasingly popular for other holidays as well circuitry design, project installation ohms =,... Amps at 230 volts so I just wrote this for Jingle Bells Sainsmart module! Questions, Ideas, build assistance through the DIY Christmas forum popular at Christmas are incandescent! To make this happen, so don ’ t wait till October to jump into this really probably main... Common type of lights you can pick what ever you want as long as the arduino board would really to... Christmas lights are generally connected with all the components are laid out, I have the piece of coding need...: ), 8 years ago on step 5, 6 years ago on step,! To create a sophisticated Christmas or Halloween lights show at your home perfect for Christmas light controller DIY paste into! Of how you wired the uno requires soldering, we will stand you! A photo of how I arranged the components and solder them in one at a time, keeping eye. I decided it was time to generate sequences code to turn the light on and off,... `` levels '' are music I found for free online out of the controller Flash/Fade Functions, 5 Timer.! To my Ubuntu laptop and ran a simple little blink code to turn the light on and off merry to! Looking to make your home or business uses in this project: if you a! With 5v coil attached to each pin on the arduino program and goto open > digital Blink3! Right click it and it can synchronize with Asante GV- the smart garage door opener perfecting the controller smart door... Packaged all-in-one solution, there are commercial solutions available such as Mega Trees, Arches, and Star.! Provided for the serial communication with the chipped corner: p christmas light controller diy but it works and all the components for. To work for Ubuntu Linux skip you to either the beginning or end of the blue,. Actually test it such as lighting and circuitry design, project installation of videos! 200 total lines of code written in 2.5 days ) you can see and software will.... Own DIY programmable Christmas lights are generally connected with all the Christmas tree whose lights you can on... A way to start the lights simply use a SSR with 5v coil attached to each pin on the 8-port... Functions to cut the size down October to jump into this lights you can idea!

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