As already announced in our Update 1 Bachelor: you are strongly recommended to keep studying – to keep the pace and in order to prevent study delays. Schriftelijk tentamens vervangen door andere toetsvormen Het is mogelijk dat er bij een vak dat aanvankelijk getoetst zou worden met een schriftelijk tentamen overgaan wordt op een andere toetsvorm, zonder schriftelijk tentamen. Roosters, course manuals We zullen jullie updaten over de roosters voor vakken van blok 4, trimester 6 en Trimester 9 in My Timetable zodra de informatie beschikbaar is. BSA yes or no? De schriftelijke tentamens die gepland waren voor week 24 (8 – 13 juni, voor B2 en B3) en week 25 (15 – 20 juni, voor B1, B2 en B3) worden, De herkansingen die oorspronkelijk gepland stonden voor week 27 (29 juni – 4 juli), week 28(6 -11 juli) en week 29 (13 – 18 juli) worden. Met vriendelijke groet, Adri Meijdam Executive Director BSc Programmes, Dear IBA students, As promised, we would get back to you today with further information on the assessment of the courses for which the assessment had to be cancelled due to Corona. Jullie hebben ook nog andere vragen gesteld. This is ⦠For the US and Canada this is more challenging, but we also have seen that we have just one student in the western part of the US, no one in Canada and some in Mexico, Brazil and Peru. apply to a relevant department covered by the agreement with your home institution We are confident that we will get through this lockdown as well. Your teachers will tell you how to complete these kinds of assignments. (*Note: If you have already started the survey and cannot continue, you can copy the link in an incognito window and start the survey again). Kind regards on behalf of MSc Programme Management. Dear students, Over the past 36 hours or so, the situation for higher education providers in the Netherlands and in countries around the world has changed dramatically. The first week of going online with your MSc classes is almost over. Opdrachten Als er nog opdrachten ingeleverd moeten worden, kan dat gewoon gebeuren – zo lang het maar digitaal gaat. Also, you may already have heard of the platform ‘are you OK out there?’ And did you already know that there will be a ‘Wellbeing Week at EUR’ 1-6 November? We hebben docenten geen toestemming gegeven om voor nog lopende vakken multiple choice te toetsen, omdat er nog voldoende mogelijkheden zijn om op andere vormen over te gaan. "Eenderde van de Rotterdammers geeft aan angstiger te zijn dan normaal. The University Council is an elected body of students and staff that represent the voice of the Erasmian community. Dieses Jahr sind es fünf. Hoe de precieze toetsregels (toegestane tijd, aard van de opdracht, percentages voor toetsgedeeltes en weging, slaagregels per vak) eruitzien wordt vanaf vandaag zo spoedig mogelijk door de docenten op Canvas gedeeld. Voor de herkansingen van blok 2 van zoeken we een nieuwe datum. We will all work from home unless you need to conduct on-location research/work. So please plan ahead: do not postpone working on an assignment of two weeks close to the deadline. Even our one student currently being in Japan might be fine with having the assessment at 20.30 hours local Japanese time. There will be no classes nor exams during this time. Support from BSc Programme Management We are here and ready to offer you all kinds of support. Climate, Nature and Design; ... On this page we regularly provide updates on the guidelines that apply at our university of applied sciences. For now, I wish you success in your studies and in your personal life – please stay safe and healthy! Please try to keep motivated and maintain your study pace. Ofwel, je maakt het tentamen thuis, op de PC, en er vindt met behulp van camera’s toezicht plaats (gebonden aan privacyregels). Dit betekent ook dat je ervan mag uitgaan dat de vragen en opdrachten van de aangepaste toetsvormen duidelijk boven het niveau kan kennis- en opzoekvragen zal liggen en dat de antwoorden niet of nauwelijks te googelen zullen zijn. Hence, in particular for our international students who have gone back to their home country or who are currently elsewhere, there is no reason to prepare for a return to Rotterdam to attend physical classes. Dit betekent dat je toetsen kunt afleggen zonder naar Rotterdam te komen en dat er geen cameratoezicht is. We hebben een groot aantal tentamens moeten annuleren aan het eind van blok 3 (Bachelor 1), trimester 5 (Bachelor 2) en trimester 8 (Bachelor 3). We want to emphasize that the current situation once again demands flexibility and resilience from all of us. Zodra hierover meer bekend is, zullen we jullie informeren. Until it opens again, we must change the way we do things so we can keep RSM – and your education – going. It is very likely that you will be taught online for the rest of the academic year. Please read it all carefully. A first condition is that in those exams still using MC, the share in the final grade is 50% maximum. We are all in this together, and we welcome your input and your willingness to find constructive solutions with us. message from Dean Ansgar Richter about the coronavirus and what it means for the RSM alumni community. Dear IBA students, As promised I would send you an update on the exams for the upcoming period. Kind regards, Adri Meijdam Executive Director BSc Programmes. We have seen at other schools that they even prohibit getting back to previous questions after every question, but we think this is too much of a good thing and puts unnecessary pressure on you. For the last five weeks, the Dutch government has announced stricter measures in the fight against the coronavirus. Following the announcement of our prime minister Mark Rutte last Monday, no group meetings will be allowed until 1 June, which automatically implies that no physical teaching will take place until 1 June. Just like in the fall semester, we will guarantee you that your full programme can be followed remotely, and that there is no requirement to be physically present in Rotterdam. We would like to clarify what has happened so far with respect to rescheduling exams and resits and what still needs to happen before we can communicate the exam dates for the remaining exam weeks of this academic year. Teaching in spring 2021 will be online. In voorkomend geval zou de tijd tussen toetsing en herkansing te kort worden: te kort voor het nakijken en becijferen van de toets en te kort om je goed te kunnen voorbereiden op de herkansing. We wensen jullie alle goeds! Dat creëert ruimte, maar gaat wel ten koste van een week van de zomervakantie. This is why I want to give you this information before the Easter break. Dat laten we tijdig weten. Keeping safe and keeping well The current situation is difficult and uncertain for the whole RSM community, including students, educators, and professional services staff. Dear students, First, we hope you are all safe and healthy. Nevertheless, we are aware that the current COVID-19 situation puts pressure not only on them, but also on you. We also need to make sure that technical support staff is available during all scheduled examination moments. Deze regel kan van invloed zijn op de wijze waarop jullie je voorbereiden voor tentamens, want je mag ervan uitgaan dat er niet of nauwelijks feitenkennis gevraagd wordt. Over the past few weeks, we have focused on moving the lecturing part of our programmes online, which has resulted in providing you with all the course content as envisaged, but in an online way. This is not an easy time, and we all need to take care of ourselves as well as each other. As most universities in the Erasmus area are closed, we ask all Erasmus students to contact their home university. Het totaalplaatje vind je in de bijgevoegde overzichten. Planning Als regel vindt de toetsing midden op de dag, om 13.30 uur plaats. Gegeven het feit dat we niet met online proctoring gaan werken (vanwege de grote studentenaantallen) is het controleren van de studenten op samenwerking, overleg en fraude feitelijk afwezig. BSc Programma Management staat voor je klaar, met de onderstaande teams: Je kunt met vragen die gaan over het onderwijs, het programma, de vakken, de roosters, tentamens rechtstreeks bij hen terecht. We zijn hard bezig daartoe allerlei online voorzieningen te treffen. We would then land in a situation in which the time between the first assessment and the re-sit would become too short: both with regard to grading the first assessment, and the amount of preparation time needed for the re-sit. All new international students admitted to the University of Bergen can apply for housing through the Student Welfare Organisation (Sammen). Many of you would love to get in touch with fellow students real-life and not online only. Facilities for digital assessments (examinations and resits) are also being explored, and by permitting remote thesis defences, students who are now abroad can in principle finish their master programme from home without further delay. This procedure applies to teachers recording their classes on campus, researchers carrying out site-specific research and to all other employees who carry out site-specific work. For Minors offered by RSM we will inform you on. Only for courses already terminated and for which the exam is still due, we have allowed to work with MC, but under strict conditions. We hebben besloten om de structuur van het komende blok en de komende trimesters intact te laten: die gaan dus gewoon op het aangekondigde moment van start. Op vrijdag 1 mei zetten we de volgende stap, want op die dag informeren we jullie over de precieze datum en tijd van de toetsmomenten per vak. Thank you for sharing your concerns and questions with us. Communication As said: full details will be revealed next Friday 1 May. Erasmus Mundus survey report. Probably some of you will (still) be too far away during te exam period to participate in exams starting at 13.30 hours CET. Please note: simply deciding early morning that you would like to go to a lecture or workshop on campus will not be feasible. Dit bericht is natuurlijk een bittere pil. Please be aware of the fact that classes could be scheduled at a rather unusual time of day for some of you, depending on the time-zone that you find yourself in. Godfried Engbersen is snel na de uitbraak van corona in Nederland met onderzoek begonnen naar de gevolgen hiervan op de ⦠If this is indeed the case: The text below is only relevant if we are not back to normal as per June. In some cases, you will need to do an assignment instead of an exam. Keep checking regularly for updates and complete FAQs. Some students suffer from stress, feel lonely, struggle with their motivation and complain about long and far from exciting days behind the computer screen. For this reason we have decided to add one extra week to the regular assessment period over summer, which is week 30 (20 – 25 July). Daarom hebben we voor de volgende aanpak gekozen: Als de tentamens in juni gewoon doorgaan houden we de oorspronkelijke planning vast van zowel tentamens als herkansingen. For any on-campus teaching we will be required to work with pre-registration. Quite some of them will still be offered within a limited time-slot, in order to increase the reliability and the validity of the exam. Visit the BSc and premaster FAQ via this link. Exacte data volgen nog. However, you will not be in the classroom. Maar we gaan ervan uit dat we moeten annuleren. Je hoort vanaf december per vak hoe dit georganiseerd zal worden. We will need to know beforehand how many students will actually participate in order to properly plan and to comply with regulations. Also the questions in the MC part should be clearly above ‘knowledge’ level (which is the lowest level in the so-called Bloom taxonomy of learning goals). Prof. Eric Waarts, Dean of Education Adri Meijdam, Executive Director BSc Programmes Prof. Lucas Meijs, Chair Examination Board Prof. Erik van Raaij, Academic Director BSc Bedrijfskunde Dr. Mirko Benischke, Academic Director BSc International Business Administration. RSM uses cookies to measure website statistics, enable social media sharing and for marketing purposes. Today, at 16.30 hours, the exam schedule will be published (with the restriction of some minor changes) for all courses for which the original written exams has been replaced by an online exam. 1.5K likes. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Please be sure that programme management, the examination board and all involved are working extremely hard to find or develop appropriate solutions that address your needs, and that at the same time are realistic and meet examination requirements. Erasmus Österreich / Erasmus Austria December 21 at 2:42 AM ERASMUS+ ERFAHRUNGEN WÄHREND DER CORONA-PANDEMIE Nach langem Überl ... egen ð¤ entschied sich eine österreichische ð¦ð¹ Studentin ð©âð , ein Auslandssemester auf Teneriffa ðªð¸ zu verbringen. Er wordt thans zowel binnen de Erasmus Universiteit als landelijk nog overlegd of de’ harde knip’ (gehele Bachelor af alvorens je aan het Master mag beginnen) dit jaar vervangen zal worden door een ‘zachte knip’: in dat geval zou je nog een beperkt aantal vakken mogen hebben openstaan in de Bachelor, maar mag je toch alvast beginnen aan je Master. Together, let’s make the most of this situation. In the meantime, please keep up with your coursework and assignments, and please check out the communicated resources in case you need help with any issues you may encounter with remote education or with your physical or mental well-being. We zullen nauw samenwerken met jullie studentenvertegenwoordigers (SR) zodat we jullie zorgen kennen en begrijpen, en we zullen er snel op reageren. You can still hand in any assignments that are due, but you must do it online. For those assignments offered within a limited timeslot we will also offer a re-sit option. The option to already start with the Master before having entirely completed the Bachelor (‘soft cut’) is now debated. Tuesday's liveblog: Corona and Erasmus University - Erasmus ⦠ÖÄrenciler. De komende twee weken zullen we beslissen welke soort toetsing voor welk vak zal worden gebruikt. Children of teachers and staff who support them in education (as crucial professions, see a list on, can continue to attend childcare, elementary school and extracurricular care. Vergeet jezelf niet in te schrijven voor jouw vakken via Osiris Student (voor Bachelor 2, 3 en premaster studenten). Information for international exchange students planning to study at NTNU: We remain hopeful we will be able to welcome exchange students in the spring semester of 2021. In many cases the written exam has been replaced by assignments, which are less question oriented, but require you to elaborate on certain situations, or to liaise theories e.g. This information will be made available for you per year and per course and will be communicated to you by Programme Management and teaching staff and will be consolidated in the updated course manuals. If you would need to start before 06.30 hours AM or if the exam would terminate after 24.00 hours PM (midnight) your local time, including provisions , you can send a request to take the exam on a different moment to the Examination Board up and until May 17, using the online form that can be found on To conclude As indicated: in many cases the way of assessment will differ from the originally planned one. Dear BSc student community, Thank you for your petition we received today. Together with the SR we will start working on an FAQ, to further guide you through these times. We expect the month of June is too soon for conducting the written exams in physical form already, but we keep the option open of having physical exams in July and August and even in June if the situation improves faster than expected. Instead, all of our Bachelor courses will be delivered entirely online, including these one or two weeks in June. Nonetheless, we hope everyone in our community can find the time to recuperate and to take care of themselves and each other. Dear MSc course instructors, academic directors, thesis coordinators, thesis coaches, and examiners. We hebben er welbewust op aangestuurd MC tentamens tot het minimum te beperken. Working from home is and remains the starting point. Mocht je je onverhoopt in het buitenland bevinden: er is geen reden om voor deze één of twee weken terug te komen. Neem contact met ze op via e-mail, niet per telefoon. als er bij studenten een duidelijke behoefte is aan on-campus onderwijs. 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