galatians chapter 4 summary

As with the preceding chapters, the primary theme of Galatians 4 is the contrast between Paul's original proclamation of salvation through faith and the new, false declarations by the Judaizers that Christians must also obey the Old Testament law in order to be saved. BEWARE OF DIFFERENT GOSPELS (Galatians 1:6-9) Before we begin our study let us pray, Dear Heavenly Father, Father we come before You in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (6) The lusts of the flesh, sins of body and mind are included, 5:19-21. A Roman father appointed guardians to manage his child’s affairs until 25 years of age, at which time the heir came of age. In Galatians Chapter 4, Paul also talked about the two sons that Abraham had. Cancel {{#items}} {{/items}} Galatians 4. Chapter 4. Comment. Use your freedom to love one another. The key personalities of this book are the Apostle Paul, Peter, Barnabas, Abraham, Titus, and false teachers. Specifically, Paul compared the lives of two women—Sarah  and Hagar from way back in Genesis—in order to make a point: Paul wasn't comparing Sarah and Hagar as individuals. The Jewish people had been following God for centuries, they claimed; therefore, they were the only ones qualified to determine the best methods for following God in their day. Chapter. 4. 7 Aug 2013. Biography of Paul of Tarsus. Chapter Contents. Let's dig in. The two covenants of works and grace, and legal and evangelical professors, are shadowed forth. And as always, it's a good idea to read the chapter before going any further. Sow to the Spirit and reap eternal life. 4 But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. Galatians 5. He compared his fear, anticipation, and desire to help the Galatians to a woman about to give birth. This chapter contains one of Paul's richest statements in Christology. Paul was deeply concerned that the Galatians avoid being pulled into a false expression of Christianity that would damage them spiritually. 2 The heir is subject to guardians and trustees until the time set by his father. [] 6 Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, [] Father. ) On the surface, this sounds like a simple reference to God-fearing Israelites. "THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS" Chapter Four OBJECTIVES IN STUDYING THIS CHAPTER 1) To appreciate the significance and blessedness of receiving the Spirit in our hearts (cf. Intro to Galatians: How to Be Free From the Burden of the Law. (3) The reasons Paul gives to show that his teaching is not of man, 1:11 end. Walk by the Spirit and not the flesh. He points back to his earlier relationship with the Galatian believers—a time in which they had cared for him physically even as he taught them spiritual truths. Paul pleads with the church not to turn back to the weak and miserable principles of the law to be enslaved by them again. Their freedom was a result of God's promise and faithfulness—God made a promise to Abraham and Sarah that they would have a son, and that all the nations of the earth would be blessed through him (see Genesis 12:3). But when the fulness of the time — Appointed by the Father, Galatians 4:2. Circumcision counts for nothing. (12-18) He expresses his earnest concern for them. GALATIANS TOTAL CHAPTERS: 6 GALATIANS TOTAL VERSES: 149 TOTAL WORDS: 3,098 DATE WRITTEN: 49 or 55 AD AUTHOR: Paul GALATIANS THEME: Divine Nature of Paul’s Gospel. Read this chapter in full. All Rights Reserved. 3 comments Gal5: Christ has set us free. Text. He said they went to Jerusalem because some people had sneaked in and told people things that were contrary to Paul’s message of freedom in Christ. The first section of this chapter concludes Paul's logical and theological arguments against the Judaizers—those who had falsely taught the Galatians to seek salvation through obedience to the law, rather than through Christ. Galatians 3 ends with Paul stating, once more, that those who are in Christ are Abraham's offspring, just as He is, making us heirs along with Him. Erasmus well says: “dato pretio assereret in libertatem.” As we move into chapter 4, however, we begin to see the apostle's care and concern for the Galatian believers to break through. Paul Corrects Peter. The 66 Books of the Bible. 4 But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, 5 To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. 3 So also, when we were underage, we were in slavery under the elemental spiritual forces[ a] of the world. Galatians 4: Chapter Summary. Paul made this distinction to demonstrate how sacred we are in the eyes of God. Legalism is almost always associated with some kind of religious bondage. The first one he mentioned was his journey to Jerusalem with Barnabas and Titus. Read this chapter in full. (Most scholars believe Paul had a difficult time seeing during his time with the Galatians; see v. 15). However, the phrase “you who fear God” can also identi… Galatians, Philippians, and Philemon Summary Galatians. It is authored by Paul the Apostle for the churches in Galatia, written between 49–58 CE. He is a former editor for Christianity Today and LifeWay Christian Resources. New International Version 4 What I am saying is that as long as an heir is underage, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate. He has adopted Jews and Gentiles into His family on equal terms. Book of Galatians Chapter by Chapter Summary. Gal6: Restore anyone caught in sin. Finally, Galatians 4 spells out Paul's genuine care for the welfare of the Galatians. Paul brought it right down to the issues confronting the Galatian Christians. The relationship was entirely dependent on God choosing His people through grace. (7) The fruits of the spirit, 5:22-23. His Son, miraculously made of the substance of a woman - A virgin, without the concurrence of a man. And because Hagar was a slave, she was not part of the promise given to Abraham. Galatians 1. At the end of chapter 4, Paul used another illustration from the Old Testament to again reveal that we become connected with God through faith, not through obedience to the law or our own good works. A secondary theme (connected to the primary theme) is the dynamic between Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians. Understanding the Book of Acts. This chapter is divided into 31 verses. paul's good will to the galatians should lead them to the same good will to him as they had at first shown. Galatians 5. 8 Aug 2013. Both had been granted equal status as children of God (vv. It has become practically axiomatic since the appearance of Hans Dieter Betz's Hermeneia commentary that study of the argument and structure of Galatians begins with classical rhetoric. One of the main arguments of the Judaizers was that Jewish believers had a superior connection with God. 4:4 was correctly discerned by Pink who declared that "God must be the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, in order to be the God and Father of his people whom he chose in Christ." If a father dies and leaves an inheritance for his young children, those children are not much better off than slaves until they grow up, even though they actually own everything their father had. Galatians 4 is the fourth chapter of the Epistle to the Galatians in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. Read this chapter in full. Paul countered this argument by pointing out that the Galatians had been adopted into God's family. Galatians 4 - Children of the Promise. Freedom In Christ. Pastor Bob Yandian gives his summary of Galatians chapter 4 for the Fall Bible Study. 5 to redeem the subjects of the Law, so that we could receive adoption as sons.. 6 As you are sons, God has sent into our hearts the Spirit of his Son crying, 'Abba, Father';. Ritual-Based Religion is contrary to God’s Plan. He had lived among them during his earlier missionary journey, and he had a deep desire to see them retain a correct view of the gospel so that they would not be led astray. MIRACLES & WONDERS IN BIBLE. Galatians Summary by Jay Smith. Galatians 4 is a call to sonship in Christ. Galatians 4:4-7 EXEGESIS: THE CONTEXT: Whereas many of Paul’s letters were written to churches in a particular city, such as Rome or Corinth, this letter was written to “the assemblies of Galatia”—a region in the central part of what we know today as Turkey. Paul goes in a number of different directions throughout the chapter, as listed above; however, that comparison is his primary theme. This quite possibly could have been Paul’s first letter. He described them as one from a bondmaid while the other one was of a free woman. Galatians: Chapter 4 God's Little Heirs and Heiresses See, Paul's point (and he totally has one) is that we're all kind of like kids who are about to inherit a fortune. Let us not give up doing good. He points back to his earlier relationship with the Galatian believers—a time in which they had cared for him physically even as he taught them spiritual truths. Paul was the apostle to the gentiles, as noted in Galatians 2:7-9: “The gospel for the uncircumcised had been committed to me.” But it seems a group of individuals in the synagogues would play a major part in his work with gentiles. Galatians 4. Therefore, neither Jews nor Gentiles were superior to the other after receiving salvation through Christ. Those who attempt to define salvation by keeping the law were making themselves slaves to the law, just as Hagar was a slave. (4) The confirmation of Paul's divine call, 2:1-10. (5) Difference between one under law and under faith, 4:1-7. Both Jews and Gentiles were slaves to sin before the death and resurrection of Jesus opened the door for their inclusion in God's family. 1 Think of it this way. Let us not give up doing good. Father God, we ask You to please open our ears, eyes and heart so we can begin to understand the warnings You have written to us concerning false teachings about You and Your ways. galatians chapter 4 summary. He also spurned the Judaizers once again for attempting to derail the spiritual maturity of the Galatians simply to further their own agenda against him and his work. Sow to the Spirit and reap eternal life. (19,20) And then explains the difference between what is to be expected from the law, and from the gospel. Overview: the Epistles of the New Testament, Intro to Galatians: How to Be Free From the Burden of the Law, A Profile of Abraham of the Jewish Nation, M.A., Christian Studies, Union University, B.A., English Literature, Wheaton College. Paul makes it clear in this chapter that ethnicity does not play a factor in terms of our relationship with God. Made under the law— Both under the precept, and under the curse, of it. The folly of returning to legal observances for justification. Paul uses the Roman practice of tutela impuberes, “guardianship for a minor,” to illustrate man’s temporary subjection to the law. The book of Galatians is a Pauline Epistle (letter from Paul). The reason Paul stressed God's Fathership of the Lord Jesus Christ in Gal. But if arising from faith in Christ, they are evangelical. SUMMARY CHART: EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS: Gospel of Grace Defended: Gospel of Grace Explained: Gospel of Grace Applied: Defense of the Gospel Gal 1:1-2:21: Freedom from Legalism Gal 3:1-4:31: Freedom to Love and to Serve Gal 5:1-6:18: Labor: Liberty: Life: Authority Not Opinion: Freedom Not Bondage: Spirit Not Flesh: Personal Autobiography: Doctrinal Accuracy: Practical … Even though Paul founded the church there and explicitly told them everything they ever needed to know about Jesus, the Galatians haven't exactly been toeing the line. Notice how Paul addressed his audience in the synagogue in Acts 13: “Men of Israel, and you who fear God, listen” (verse 16, emphasis added throughout). Works and fruits brought forth in a man's own strength, are legal. 1 comment. Read in full These summaries are no substitute for the real thing! (1-7) The happy change made in the Gentile believers. It was written by the Apostle Paul about 49 A.D. prior to the Jerusalem Council which had taken place in 50 A.D. Galatians 3:25, Galatians 4:21, Galatians 5:18; Romans 6:14. ἐξαγοράσῃ] Namely, as follows from τοὺς ὑπὸ νόμον, from the dominion of the law, Galatians 4:1-3 (in which its curse, Galatians 3:11, is included), and that through His death, Galatians 3:13. Summary. Was come, God sent forth— From his own bosom. Your email address will not be published. we are justified by faith, and not by rituals. Paul's Road to … BIBLE SUMMARY MAIN PAGE. 1-7). Rather, he was showing that God's true children haven't always been free in their covenant relationship with God. Galatians 5: Bible Chapter Summary. Paul started Galatians Chapter 2 by discussing his journey to Jerusalem and what he experienced on during that time. The first covenant spirit is of bondage unto sin and death. The middle section of chapter 4 is where Paul softens his tone. Earliest Days of the Roman Christian Church . Introduction to the Book of Titus. 7 Aug 2013. (Most scholars believe Paul had a difficult time seeing during his time with the Galatians; see v. 15). Paul expressed his deep affection and care for the Galatians. Galatians 6. Sam O'Neal is the co-author of "Bible Stories You May Have Forgotten" and "The Bible Answer Book." 4 but when the completion of the time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born a subject of the Law,. The one born from the bondsmaid was born after the flesh, whereas the other one was born by God’s promise. When Paul sits down to put pen to parchment to write to his friends in Galatia, he's not exactly feeling the warm fuzzies for them. Galatians 4 continues that idea, showing how Christ's arrival signaled the moment all people could receive the inheritance with Him and be adopted as God's children. 7 and so you are no longer a slave, but a son; and if a son, then an heir, by God's own act. chapter 4. galatians 4:1-31. the same subject continued: illustration of our subjection to the law only till christ came, from the subjection of an heir to his guardian till he is of age. | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Contact Us | Sitemap. Jn 7:37-39; Ac 2:38; 5:32; Ro 5:5; 8:11-17; 15:13; 2Co 1:22; 5:5; Ep 1:13-14; 3:16; 4:30) 2) To understand Paul's concern over the Galatians' observance of holy days (cf. The middle section of chapter 4 is where Paul softens his tone. Posted on November 26, 2020 by November 26, 2020 by 6 And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. (8-11) The apostle reasons against following false teachers. Textual witnesses. … 2 comments Gal6: Restore anyone caught in sin. A Quick Outline of the Book of Romans. They pretended affection, but they were not sincere and upright. We've seen that the Book of Galatians was one of Paul's most intense epistles to the early church—probably in part because it was the first one he wrote. The original text was written in Koine Greek. Read this chapter in full. By proceeding, you consent to our cookie usage. What counts is the new creation. At the proper time God sent Jesus born under the law to redeem those living under it so we could receive the full rights of sonship. Apostle Paul - Christian Messenger. What counts is the new creation. galatians chapter 4 summary by on Thursday, November 26th, 2020. galatians chapter 4 summary. Pointing out that the Galatians avoid being pulled into a false expression Christianity. Answer book. returning to legal observances for justification change made in the Gentile believers 2 discussing! 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