how to become a barefoot trimmer uk

I have spent thousands of hours studying hoof care, attending seminars, reading texts and visiting hoof care practitioners websites. They are two different kinds of sciences, one for the convenience of the humans and because of improper living conditions shoes are sometimes needed. I wish that I could send you pictures terrible job. I’ve actually considered going to school myself to provide this service in my area. It’s about what suits you and your horse.” So many barefoot pages I have been on are dogmatically this way or no way. Does the structure have integrity to sustain that length? Thanks Michelle. My conscience wouldn’t let me ignore that barefoot produced healthier feet long term. Barefoot Hoofcare is focused on providing you with a high quality service involving not only hoof trimming but also nutritional advice and exercise regimes. i do not shoe stacked pads and am vehemently against it. When we kill fungus we weaken these secondary connections and causes wall flaring and thinner soles. Starting a foal from birth may offer the best opportunities to grow a pathogen free hoof and horse whose performance will exceed all expectations with little to no need for trimming. Below is a list of reasons why a horse may be sore out of shoes. Most consider their training ongoing until retirement. As a farmer and jack-of-all-trades (but master of none!) I was so brokenhearted thinking that euthanasia for “Eddie” was his best option. It doesn’t think about the ‘healing’ mechanisms of the hoof. Economics can be powerful force for good…it can also create resistance for change. For the third year in a row, (apart from one mare who we bought in) I have not had lameness or hoof complaints or soreness over winter. Their hooves are constantly growing and in the wild being trimmed by movement. Your article was inspiring and made me feel hopeful. When my husband and I decided to go professional coming up with a name was interesting. He also liked how challenging the work was as it requires a high level of skill. The shoes kept the sole off the ground a bit so they weren’t ouchy. i especially do not like people who put down farriers as if they only think one way…shoes. As you begin to care for the hoof on a daily basis, you will soon realize that all hooves are trying to grow the same, that’s not to say that all hooves are growing the same. Lymphatic system? Thanks Angie. The right photo shoes the hoof just after shoe removal, there is hole where the vet dug for an abscess in the white line, the hoof wall is non existent, the heels are slightly contracted. It can be difficult to address “husbandry” with owners and the market offers little help if the training demands the horse be confined to a stall for long periods of time. The arborist knows this, but he also must understand the soil, precipitation, wind direction, invasive plants, insects, and wildlife and how each of these will affect the tree. You’re the boss, but they tell you what to do , There is no right or wrong. Don’t forget, YOU employ THEM! Optimizing hoof performance means correcting growth direction before any hoof pathologies develop. Chapter Four… New Concept. But what they’re used to seeing; what looks right to them, is a shorter foot. Presently I am writing and gathering stories and especially articles from all I can for my book ironically called “The Hoof And I”. The barefoot crowd was definitely onto something. There’s lots of different ways in which farriers balance and trim hooves, just as there’s many different ways in which barefoot trimmers balance and trim hooves. I learned to shoe in 1972 and went full time in 1977. Safety, clearance, and compatibility with other components of a landscape are all major concerns. The focus is always what is going to work for you and your horse.. Barefoot trimming. Loved your article thank you as i was a little confused between the difference – I’m based in the UK and use a farrier for trimming all my horses and in my opinion he does what is right for the horse, my girl (been bare foot for 13 years) who is retired now has very long feet and some my say i don’t look after them but she has them trimmed every 6 – 8 weeks depending on the time of year and my farrier knows to take her feet right back to look how people think they should look would just make her extremely sore, she has no rounding off done as its to uncomfortable to hold her legs up for to long now so i praise my farrier for doing what is right for her. If your horse is to be kept barefoot, make sure they are getting a barefoot trim and not a pasture trim. Thanks Eric. Farriers tend to fear that barefooting will cut into their business, and there may be a period in the next decade where they try to legislate us out of business. The first year is the theory and practical modules and then students have an additional 12 months to complete a series of case histories which are assessed by your trainers. (NASCAR fan). The farrier can no longer be a carpenter where his job is to cut or mold using synthetic material to acquire the “right” measurement for the external shape. there are some horses that can not be ridden without shoes, they have very sensitive feet. Lee. Which, like I said, is much the same thing. My e-mail address is: hidden and I do sincerely hope you will contact me. A shoe is a tool. Horses who have varied terrain and gravel where they run or move around will grow hooves accustomed to that terrain. Barefoot South has a very a strict code of ethics which puts your horse's welfare at the centre of any care recommendations. Domestic hooves must be cleaned and check daily by someone with hoof care knowledge. I expect the rider to condition the horse and hoof, and to train the look they expect in their discipline with their aids, not by creating imbalance in the horse’s hoof. As far as balance is concerned , there should be no difference in barefoot or shoeing. Its not OK to take the shoes off your horse and think him/her hobbling about is OK, that the hooves will toughen up. They are both scientific approached coming from two completely separate ideals and separate directions. Limited travel area. I trusted and never questioned my farrier/s. Clydesdales are work horses. And while a farrier (particularly a UK based one) might not do a mustang roll (because why would you in a country with so few mustangs – equine or automobile) they do very frequently round the foot off. We moved on from metal tyres on vehicles to rubber ones, yet horse owners are stuck in the dark ages when applying metal to their horses hooves. Is there any overgrowth causing over lapping of functions? Pathogens can tunnel deep into compromised tissue. There is a difference between hoof pain that passes quickly and chronic pain. Discussion in 'Introductions' started by horsman, Aug 2, 2008. Enough about me. It’s time they think like the arborist, with a better understanding that the hoof is growing tissue, and everything they do effects the growth direction and it’s relationship with the internal structures. Common reasons for pruning are to remove dead branches, to improve form, and to reduce risk. Should any structure temporarily be performing a function that it was not designed for? HAH! I also love your sense of humor! So of course we, (myself, vet and farrier) ran the gamut of pharmaceuticals and “traditional” shoeing methods and they would only work for short amounts of time. If im doing 10 miles on razor sharp forestry tracks then i put boots on as a preventive measure to excessive wear and possible bruised soles, this is common sense, many people who opt to go barefoot or people who are confused about what barefoot means think hoof boots are cheating, yes i have been told by fellow horse people that im not "properly" barefoot because i use hoof boots. Once we have identified each of the five basic hoof structures, then we determine how each is growing. What is good today on this horse may not be good tomorrow or with a different horse and owner. The other day my friend asked me why I wanted to learn, in her words “horse manicures”. It is 90-95% inherited. Well… Hold on to your unmentionables here but I’m about to blow your mind!! He was training for a barefoot trimming qualification. I’m glad your 3 are all doing well . That’s a pretty good pay raise That’s why a lot of farriers still defend fixed metal footwear. many of the aspects of some shoes can be translated to a trim, i learned a lot from shoes and i find a very real need for them to greatly increase the quality of life for a horse. The question caught me slightly off guard and I did not have a great response and chalked it up to my long time love for horses. If for no other reason, than that our horses must trot as well as gait in the show ring, and a sored horse would not trot square. These are what I term the five basic structures, heel, hoof wall, bar, sole and frog. Each is growing tissue with its own specific function and rate of growth. Also, the desire on the hoof care professional’s to continue to learn- the best trimmers/farriers will always consider themselves to be students of the hoof. The ultimate test always being 'Sound or lame?' But the external things I apply, aren’t what’s fixing the problem. Natural Hoofcare" or "Barefoot Hoofcare" are generic terms being used to describe the care and use of barefooted horses in all disciplines. Love that everyone is talking about going barefoot, and how artificial shoes are. It relies on applying an external support to replace what’s missing. I’d say low heels or thin soles would be more abscess inducing. My family had several “big lick” horses and the last time I went to the celebration I was holding a sign in protest. No one size fits all. I agree Dan, all feet aren’t created equal. Thanks for that story. It really is up to us as owners, to question what’s being done and learn ourselves about the way a hoof should look. We do not understand what the horse is asking for because we do not take the time to listen. Here is a list of trimmers based on the professional assocation they are a member of. A 1300# horse on a size 000 front foot may not be able to go barefoot outside the stall. I hope you find some food for thought on my website from which you will discover there is more to barefoot than removing the shoes. Finally the frog (and coronary band) the brains of the outfit the sensor filled “spring rubber”. There are horse owners who do great trims and there are horse owners who do horrible trims. This is yet another article to keep you thinking and on your toes ( catching puns!). If you’re unsure of where to look to find a barefoot trimmer in your area, or if you’re looking for a second opinion on your horse’s trims, here are some options for you to try. So that’s all about me, and I should be talking about barefoot trimmers in general, just as I did with farriers. When we keep a hoof locked into a situation that the terrain, age or lifestyle is trying to adapt away from, we create lameness. With the proper aplication of a corrective shoe and occupational therapy the atrophy can be rehabilitated and thus improving the performance of the horse. What may appear sound to the hoof care practitioner and veterinarian might be problematic to the trainer and owner or just the opposite. I’ve always been of the traditional mindset and in 2009 I sadly had to put my Anglo down who foundered quite rapidly due to a foot abscess that went systemic. Thanks so much and still waiting for the day I can come to the homeland of my grandparents! There’s a list of some schools here, Having a hard time finding someone that trims in Lisle Broome County NY. To train as a simple farrier, with an ordinary black and white licence, will take you at least three years. However, hooves are not designed to load peripherally, Joints suffer harm from the concussion forced up through the leg by wearing metal shoes. Being a farrier or a barefoot trimmer really doesn’t determine how open minded you are, or how big your ego is. I know I have farriers who read this blog, so feel free to enlighten me (and the rest of us) in the comments. A couple years ago my gelding was abcessing, and the veterinarian advised our farrier, but he didn’t really listen. Using an approach to change hoof growth direction can be the most positive thing you change in your hoof care. It’s an aid to direct flight and landing path, much as a rocker shoe or shoes with trailers help correct and direct traveling issues with other horses. Find a Barefoot Trimmer Based on Their Professional Association. I now realise, just because you have your horses hooves done every 8 weeks – if it’s not done correctly – it’s pointless. I want to be asked what I feed my horse, and why, and how I keep her, I want discussion.. if I don’t get that the farrier /trimmer doesn’t get my business. Personally, I feel that anytime you can avoid nailing rigid metal to a dynamic, flexible structure, you’re doing better than what tradition tells us we can do. There is good and bad everywhere. The use of the word patient will pertain to the equine to which the trim is being provided. Boy am I glad this article came to me on Facebook! We love it. It’s simply to provide you with a way to find information so you can make your own decision. I’m curious to know if a horse with flat soles can ever develop more concave soles. I suppose it’s possible that a farrier is so used to not rolling that they don’t do it when trimming a shoeless horse, but I’m not sure whether that’s a sign of adhering to farriery sciences or just laziness. It’s been stupid here-in America-with most all natural horse practitioners, now they call themselves, and many doing the Mustang roll! Most now recognize the metabolic conditions that cause lamina failure during laminitis, and have learned ways to help keep this under control using diet and exercise. Too often the hoof is thought of as a block that is molded into a uniform shape needed for function. Mind set determines whether someone can see they’ve made a mistake, or if there’s a flaw in the method they’re following. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. We can’t even agree on hoof-fall, is it heel first…flat with slight heel first that can’t be seen…flat…toe first. You may have a farrier who’s done barefoot training. No amount of trimming is going to give that horse the 14″ foot it needs. And also whether any particular product / ingredient seems to be better than others? My goal is to get more minds thinking about the basic hoof structures in a different way… to better define growing in the correct direction with no over lapping of growth or function…how each of the basic structures affects the internal structures. The saddlebreds who do have any weight added to the shoe itself (not huge packages) have only 8 to 12 ounces added, and then only during training. I started educating myself and took over, finding his bars completely laid over to his walls. We now have laminated photographs after a “benchmark” professional trim that I can use to compare and contrast my work, and have key measurements to indicate the need for a trim. One of the benefits of certification is that you are more connected with other trimmers and can join with them if the farrier organizations begin to cause legal troubles for barefooters. Is your horse trying to cope with stumbling, slipping, tripping, overreach injuries or swollen legs? I realized it wasn’t just the trimming that needed to change, everything else had to follow suit. If you have a farrier who works with a lot of barefoot horses, they may not have this perspective issue. The trunk tries to grow high and straight to the light. Well he wasn’t born with a saddle on either or a bit in his mouth but that doesn’t stop as slapping one on even if the horse runs away when he/she hears us coming with the bridle, or flinches when we put the saddle on or do up the girth and they jump, oh they are just girthy, someone must have yanked on it. The branches have leaves wanting to bask in the light. Most now recognize overgrowth on the hoof wall especially at the toe, but most methods for correcting this condition does not prevent the reoccurrence of overgrowth. Farriers reach for metal, “barefooters” want to know the cause and use things besides metal to fix it. When I started it was about 2 months between shoes so you trimmed close. continued education is important to our industry. The result? I qualified in 2011. Is barehoof trimming based on science, you betcha. Again this is down to mind set. Thankfully, we were to meet another barefoot trimmer who was able to put us back on course. Had to drop it to an F when you decided you were neurologist, gastroenterologist, lymphologist, and musculoskeletal physician. We can also make them for any purpose. I accidentally became a trimmer after my Fell Pony Prince transitioned to Barefoot. One big factor is left out of most barefoot-only arguments- genetics. “Because each cut has the potential to change the growth of the tree, no branch should be removed without a reason. There is a wealth of knowledge in the understanding of the internal structures that make-up the hoof, the nervous system and the role blood flow has in shock absorption within the hoof and I urge you to do more research on your own. 2012 I became a PHCP Mentor. Sometimes it’s like the hooves heaven’t read the text book on how they’re supposed to look , I am a natural horsemanship trainer, a barefoot horse owner, and an American Saddlebred owner and enthusiast. A mustang roll is little more than rounding off the outside of the wall in most cases. i often see them wearing gloves and using angle grinders, which i find unnatural. I could make a lot of money shoeing. However, I can trim and put front shoes on that same horse for $70. Before we can better define each of the five basic structures we must first define hoof soundness. Copyright 2020 © Hoof Geek Ltd. All rights reserved,, I am constantly learning about the remodeling properties of the hoof, how changes in diet, trimming protocols and lifestyle can make positive or negative changes in soundness and hoof quality. I have been blessed, to be able to work and do research with some of the top researchers and farriers in the world. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > horsman PetForums Newbie. Rule of thumb: if you want a barehoof horse to be sound walking across gravel then they must have gravel in their corral, their hooves soundness and strength grow according to the environment and lifestyle they live when you are not with them, this is not accounting for previous internal hoof damage before you bought the horse or from years of improper lifestyle or hoof deformities. That sounds awesome Sorry you had some trouble, but I’m glad you have another farrier coming out to help. Launched in April 2006, the Equine Podiatry Association (UK) exists as a self-regulating professional body for Equine Podiatrists practicing in the UK. Metal shoes is middle ages science and the only improvement is that you can now buy shoes off the shelf. They encourage continued education. In my opinion, one can not call oneself a farrier if the rig lacks a forge and at least a couple pieces of bar stock. New standards for barefoot trimmers, drawn up by farriers, vets and trimmers, will be out for public consultation next month Barefoot riders to tackle 260-mile ride I do shoe horses with a bit more wall than some farriers as i shoe hunter/jumpers which require that extra support and i feel all horses do. One is holistic, the other is conventional. It’s a fair question, but it’s also a question that makes my brain melt a little bit. Several universities have done studies on the practice of soring. Photo on the left; a new client right out of shoes, the horse was sore, so we have scoots boots with pads on the front and second hand odd cavallos on back that cost £20. Two extremes of the Big Lick industry, Your article was very good, but I would like to expand on your comments on soring as I felt they left a misconception on soring. Saddlebred horses (while they do carry a lot of foot during show season, which I don’t particularly care for) are NOT sored. His Navicular bone literally looks like Swiss cheese. The anatomy study that farriers do at college is intensive and thorough. Routine thinning does not necessarily improve the health of a tree. It determines whether you continue to study and train after you’ve qualified. . People who apply shoes should. They don’t call me when everything is as it should be. An experienced barefoot trimmer or farrier will know by examining the hooves if they will be sore or not. My personal opinion is that teaming the environment with trimming will get results faster, and require less effort. Everything. I NEVER looked back and honestly I WILL NEVER put another show on any horse I ever own again. He’s been barefoot ever since. barefoot trimmers seem uneducated and poorly trained in hoof science but really good at selling the idea. ), support, or therapeutic needs. I think about how the body functions to create this result and what stimulus does the body need so it grows stronger, healthier, more balanced structure. Thanks for your input. Money was a concern for most horse owners so 2 months was a good compromise. Before any trimming can begin, the good arborist knows that every cut he makes has the potential to improve or destroy the tree. Free Adverts from New Rider. One of the most important things for me is that when I ask them a question, I want it answered, I don’t want an over simplified half-answer, because that tells me either they assume that I know nothing, or they don’t know why they’re doing a particular thing! You betcha! I have been around horses my whole life and was trained and certified over ten years ago in barehoof trimming and lifestyle with continued education consistently, and it is both of these. Really great and timely information. There is a place in our industry for all different kinds of farriers barefoot and iron. Find a Barefoot Trimmer Any UK based trimmer is welcome to be listed on this website. The Association’s aim is to regulate and support Equine Podiatrists working in the UK, promoting responsible shoeless hoofcare and providing information to anybody wishing to find out more about Equine Podiatry. To determine and repair hoof soundness we must first learn to identify each of the five basic hoof structures. You don’t have a clue about what a barefoot trim is or the reasons behind it. The horse is walking on its soles. concepts or “barefoot trimming” and “natural balance” trimming and shoeing were also addressed. Not just in terms of right side equals left side, but if you have a very strong wall, but weak bars or weak frog, then it’s not in balance. Her feet are now much more balanced and she is moving well. Home. The listing of trimmers on this site is neither approval nor recommendation. What I hear and see from all points of the industry is everybody is on their own soap box. I can’t wait to have pony, I’ll finally be able to hack out again. Great reading, makes a lot of sense. Now this question does have a straight answer, the answer is "Yes". Don’t get me wrong, I mustang roll all over the place, there’s good reasons to do so, but it’s not the difference between a barefoot trim and a farrier trim. We make it easy for your customers to pay you at very competitive rates. The time is now for change at our universities so that hoof care can evolve for the betterment of our equine sports. You should be receiving an order confirmation from Paypal shortly. I am also, to my knowledge, the only person who is riding out and working them for the coming season and not either off lame or waiting for the farrier to come and put a shoe back on. I’ve only ever had one person call me to tell me how great her farrier was (and she seemed somewhat put out by my advice to make sure she always has the kettle on for his arrival, and to buy him a bottle of whisky for Christmas). This can be difficult when there is overlapping growth and function, especially when pathogen infection makes it difficult to identify bars and heel wall that have been growing over the sole. This is crazy! BAREFOOT WHEN POSSIBLE, SHOD WHEN NECESSARY. Most hoof deformities that cause lameness seen later in life are the result of overgrowth from lack of movement or overprotecting the internal structures of the hoof. I’m so glad this blog has helped Good luck with your appointment next week! Yes I’ve heard of them, but in the UK I’d need a farrier to put them on . I realise that they may have made mistakes, or taken a wrong path somewhere along the line, but I don’t think anyone consciously sets out to harm horses. I am an Equine Podiatrist (ie a highly qualified 'barefoot trimmer') based in the New Forest, Hampshire, UK. The Hoof Health Laid Bare course takes the big puzzle that is whole horse hoof health and presents one small piece of that puzzle at a time. We started late with horses, me at 56 and the grandaughter at 10. And that’s great. Sometimes the best thought is…”if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it” or better yet fix it slowly. I can trim a horse for $30. I trim a limited number of horses in addition to my regular job, and I’ve been trimming for 15 years. At the same time, in 2001, my horse foundered. He’s now out 24/7 with a run in, over various surfaces and has had processed feeds cut out of his diet. I’m guessing flat feet develop more abscesses? Hoof lameness is any inability of the horse to move comfortably on the lifestyle terrain that is caused by any issue rooted in the hoof. Each structure has its own unique cellular design forming different degrees of hardness and flexibility. I also think farriers got a bad wrap by trimming a horse for shoes and then using the same trim for a barefoot ‘pasture’ trim. Some of the best barehoof books I studied were written by an equine veterinary scientist. We augment this with a natural hoof oil on the soles, frogs and white lines. That ’ s back to my question `` can any horse owner who wants to comfortable! Function than just fitting shoes healthy horses while making them feel confident and in tool. He needs to get a Household Cavalry-trained senior farrier from the trunk, crown branches... Professional coming up with a lot of research and development of cutting edge.. Needed to change something bruising, ouchy feet the sensor filled “ spring rubber ” monster... Yard to shoe in 1972 and went barefoot with its own specific and! With horses, me at 56 how to become a barefoot trimmer uk the sole off the ground or destroy the tree to grow in body! 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