how to cite federal constitution of malaysia

(1)Save as provided under Clause (2) of Article 142, a member of a Commission to which this Part applies, other than an ex officio member-. (1)There shall be a Deputy Supreme Head of the Federation (to be called the Timbalan Yang di-Pertuan Agong) who shall exercise the functions and have the privileges of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong during any vacancy in the office of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and during any period during which the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is unable to exercise the functions of his office owing to illness, absence from the Federation or for any other cause, but the Timbalan Yang di-Pertuan Agong shall not exercise those functions during any inability or absence of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong which is expected to be less than fifteen days, unless the Timbalan Yang di-Pertuan Agong is satisfied that it is necessary or expedient to exercise such functions. Housing and provisions for housing accommodation; improvement trusts. (b)of all Acts of Parliament and all subsidiary legislation issued by the Federal Government. (d)where there has been made against a member of such a service any order of detention, supervision, restricted residence, banishment or deportation, or where there has been imposed on such a member any form of restriction or supervision by bond or otherwise, under any law relating to the security of the Federation or any part thereof, prevention of crime, preventive detention, restricted residence, banishment, immigration, or protection of women and girls: Provided further that for the purpose of this Article, where the service of a member of such a service is terminated in the public interest under any law for the time being in force or under any regulation made by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong under Clause (2) of Article 132, such termination of service shall not constitute dismissal whether or not the decision to terminate the service is connected with the misconduct of or unsatisfactory performance of duty by such member in relation to his office or the consequences of the termination involved an element of punishment; and this proviso shall be deemed to have been an integral part of this Article as from Merdeka Day. (2)The Yang di-Pertua Negeri shall cause any such report submitted to him to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. (a)that the amount appropriated by the Supply Enactment for that purpose is insufficient, or that a need has arisen for expenditure for a purpose for which no amount has been appropriated by the Supply Enactment; or. (2)All forms of forced labour are prohibited, but Parliament may by law provide for compulsory service for national purposes. (4)Where an order under this Article is revoked by a later order, the later order may include provision for continuing in force (generally or to such extent or for such purposes as the order may specify) any State law passed by virtue of the earlier order or any subsidiary legislation made or thing done under any such State law, and from the coming into operation of the later order any State law thereby continued in force shall have effect as federal law: Provided that no provision shall be continued in force by virtue of this Clause if or in so far as it could not have been made by Act of Parliament. (a)that he has resided before Malaysia Day in the territories comprised in those States and after Malaysia Day in the Federation for periods which amount in the aggregate to not less than seven years in the ten years immediately preceding the date of the application, and which include the twelve months immediately preceding that date; (b)that he intends to reside permanently in the Federation; (d)except where the application is made before September 1965, and the applicant has attained the age of forty-five years at the date of the application, that he has a sufficient knowledge of the Malay language or the English language or, in the case of an applicant ordinarily resident in Sarawak, the Malay language, the English language or any native language in current use in Sarawak. (2)Deputy Ministers shall assist Ministers in the discharge of their duties and functions, and for such purpose shall have all the powers of Ministers. (2)It shall be the duty of the Attorney General to advise the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or the Cabinet or any Minister upon such legal matters, and to perform such other duties of a legal character, as may from time to time be referred or assigned to him by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or the Cabinet, and to discharge the functions conferred on him by or under this Constitution or any other written law. The Legislature of the State shall consist of the Ruler and one House, namely, the Legislative Assembly. (5)The provisions set out in Part I of the Eighth Schedule may be modified by substituting for section 2 or section 4 or both the provisions set out in Part II of that Schedule as an alternative thereto-. The functions of the Federal Government under Part III of this Constitution shall be exercised by such Minister of that Government as the Yang di-Pertuan Agong may from time to time direct, and references in this Schedule to the Minister shall be construed accordingly. and references in those provisions to the registration or naturalisation of a citizen shall be construed accordingly. (i)he has resided in the Federation for the required periods and intends, if the certificate is granted, to do so permanently; (c)that he has an adequate knowledge of the Malay language. (3)The alterations referred to in Clause (2) are alterations certified by the Speaker of the House of Representatives to be necessary owing to the time which has elapsed since the Bill was passed in the earlier session or to represent amendments made in that session by the Senate. (4)For the purposes of Clause (1) residence before Malaysia Day in the territories comprised in the States of Sabah and Sarawak shall be treated as residence in the Federation. (1)If any question arises whether a member of a House of Parliament has become disqualified for membership, the decision of that House shall be taken and shall be final: Provided that this Article shall not be taken to prevent the practice of the House postponing a decision in order to allow for the taking or determination of any proceedings that may affect the decision (including proceedings for the removal of the disqualification). include Islamic personal law relating to marriage, divorce, guardianship, maintenance, adoption, legitimacy, family law, gifts or succession, testate and intestate; (g)Use or exhibition of coats of arms, armorial bearings, flags, emblems, uniforms, orders and decorations other than those of a State; (h)Creation of offences in respect of any of the matters included in the Federal List or dealt with by federal law; (i)Indemnity in respect of any of the matters in the Federal List or dealt with by federal law; (k)Ascertainment of Islamic law and other personal laws for purposes of federal law; and. (a)Parliament may make laws for the whole or any part of the Federation and laws having effect outside as well as within the Federation; (b)the Legislature of a State may make laws for the whole or any part of that State. Where a person has renounced his citizenship or been deprived thereof under Clause (1) of Article 24 or paragraph (a) of Clause (1) of Article 26, the Federal Government may by order deprive of his citizenship any child of that person under the age of twenty-one who has been registered as a citizen pursuant to this Constitution and was so registered as being the child of that person or of that person's wife or husband. (2)The Auditor General shall perform such other duties and exercise such powers in relation to the accounts of the Federation and of the States and to the accounts of other public authorities and of those bodies which are specified by order made by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, as may be provided by federal law. (5)A Commission to which this Part applies may act notwithstanding a vacancy in its membership, and no proceedings of such a Commission shall be invalidated by reason only that some person not entitled thereto has taken part in them. (1)It shall be the responsibility of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to safeguard the special position of the Malays and natives of any of the States of Sabah and Sarawak and the legitimate interests of other communities in accordance with the provisions of this Article. (5)Notwithstanding Clause (4), no person shall be liable to any proceedings in any court in respect of anything said by him of the Ruler of any State when taking part in any proceedings of the Legislative Assembly of any State or any committee thereof except where he advocates the abolition of the Ruler's position as the constitutional Ruler of that State. (b)any amendment the effect of which is to bring the Constitution of this State into accord with any of the provisions of the said Schedule, but only if it is made after the Legislative Assembly has been elected in accordance with section 4 of that Schedule. (1)Subject to the provisions of this Article, a person is disqualified for being a member of either House of Parliament if-, (a)he is and has been found or declared to be of unsound mind; or, (d)having been nominated for election to either House of Parliament or to the Legislative Assembly of a State, or having acted as election agent to a person so nominated, he has failed to lodge any return of election expenses required by law within the time and in the manner so required; or, (e)he has been convicted of an offence by a court of law in the Federation (or, before Malaysia Day, in the territories comprised in the State of Sabah or Sarawak or in Singapore) and sentenced to imprisonment for a term of not less than one year or to a fine of not less than two thousand ringgit and has not received a free pardon; or. (a)shall be appointed for a term of five years or, if the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, acting in his discretion but after considering the advice of the Prime Minister, in a particular case so determines, for such shorter term as he may so determine; (b)may, unless disqualified, be re-appointed from time to time; and. (4)Without prejudice to their power under any other Article to require any interest in land to be acquired or granted for federal purposes, the Federal Government may from time to time require the reservation for the purposes of a development plan, to such extent as they may specify, of any land in a development area which is not occupied by private persons; but any diminution, in consequence of the reservation, of the annual revenue received by a State shall be made good to the State by the Federation. (2)This Article shall apply to the right to practise before the Federal Court or the Court of Appeal when sitting in the States of Sabah and Sarawak and entertaining proceedings on appeal from the High Court in Sabah and Sarawak or a judge thereof or proceedings under Clause (2) of Article 128 for the determination of a question which has arisen in proceedings before the High Court in Sabah and Sarawak or a subordinate court in the State of Sabah or Sarawak. (2)In every State other than States not having a Ruler the position of the Ruler as the Head of the religion of Islam in his State in the manner and to the extent acknowledged and declared by the Constitution of that State, and, subject to that Constitution, all rights, privileges, prerogatives and powers enjoyed by him as Head of that religion, are unaffected and unimpaired; but in any acts, observances of ceremonies with respect to which the Conference of Rulers has agreed that they should extend to the Federation as a whole each of the other Rulers shall in his capacity of Head of the religion of Islam authorise the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to represent him. (6)If it is agreed between the Federal Government and the Government of any State which includes the whole or any part of the development area that any expenditure incurred in operating the development plan is to be met by the State, any expenditure so met shall be repaid to the State and the repayment shall rank pari passu with the repayment to the Federation of any expenditure incurred by the Federation. The Federal Constitution of Malaysia states that Islam is the religion of the Federation. (9)This Article shall apply to a judge of the Court of Appeal and to a judge of a High Court as it applies to a judge of the Federal Court, except that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong before suspending under Clause (5) a judge of the Court of Appeal or a judge of a High Court other than the President of the Court of Appeal or the Chief Judge of a High Court shall consult the President of the Court of Appeal or the Chief Judge of that High Court instead of the Chief Justice of the Federal Court. (1)Notwithstanding Clause (2) of Article 134, the jurisdiction of the Police Force Commission shall extend to members of the public service of the State of Sabah or Sarawak who are seconded to the police force; and for purposes of the Police Force Commission they shall be deemed to be members of the police force. (b)as not to impede or prejudice the exercise of the executive authority of the Federation. (5)The remuneration and other terms of office (including pension rights) of the Auditor General shall not be altered to his disadvantage after his appointment. The Conference of Rulers shall not elect a Timbalan Yang di-Pertuan Agong while the office of Yang di-Pertuan Agong is vacant. Elections to the State Assembly held during the period of indirect elections. Clause (2) of Article 111 shall not restrict the power of the State of Sabah or Sarawak to borrow under the authority of State law within the State, if the borrowing has the approval of the Central Bank for the time being of the Federation. (1)Where any land in a State is reserved for any federal purposes, the Federal Government may require the State Government, and it shall then be the duty of that Government, to cause to be made to the Federation a grant of the land in perpetuity without restrictions as to the use of the land, but subject to the payment of a premium to be determined in accordance with Clause (2) and to the payment annually of an appropriate quit rent. (2)Each House may act notwithstanding any vacancy in its membership, and the presence or participation of any person not entitled thereto shall not invalidate any proceedings. (2)The Speaker may at any time resign his office by writing under his hand addressed to the Clerk of the House of Representatives, and shall vacant his office-. (1)If the Federal Government is satisfied that any citizen has acquired by registration, naturalisation or other voluntary and formal act (other than marriage) the citizenship of any country outside the Federation, the Federal Government may by order deprive that person of his citizenship. (c)Articles 118, 118A and 119 shall apply in relation to elections to the Senate as they apply in relation to elections to the House of Representatives. (5)Notwithstanding Clause (4), no person shall be liable to any proceedings in any court in respect of anything said by him of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or a Ruler when taking part in any proceedings of either House of Parliament or any committee thereof except where he advocates the abolition of the constitutional position of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong as the Supreme Head of the Federation or the constitutional position of the Ruler of a State, as the case may be. (2)The provisions of this Article shall be deemed to have been an integral part of this Constitution as from Malaysia Day. Any act of Government or any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution shall, to the extent of such inconsistency, be invalid. (b)one in the States of Sabah and Sarawak, which shall be known as the High Court in Sabah and Sarawak and shall have its principal registry at such place in the States of Sabah and Sarawak as the Yang di-Pertuan Agong may determine; (c)(Repealed), and such inferior courts as may be provided by federal law and the High Courts and inferior courts shall have such jurisdiction and powers as may be conferred by or under federal law. (7)A Bill pending the assent of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong under Clause (4) (a) or Clause (4A) of Article 66 shall not lapse by reason of the prorogation or dissolution of Parliament. (3)Subject to Clause (4), a law made in pursuance of paragraph (b) or paragraph (c) of Clause (1) shall not come into operation in any State until it has been adopted by a law made by the Legislature of that State, and shall then be deemed to be a State law and not a federal law, and may accordingly be amended or repealed by a law made by that Legislature. 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