jeremiah 34 esv

Jer 34:1 ¶ Jer 34:1 - The word that came to Jeremiah from the L ORD, when Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and all his … Jeremiah 34 ESV Parallel NLT [BSB CSB ESV HCS KJV ISV NAS NET NIV NLT HEB] English Standard Version: New Living Translation: 1 The word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD, when Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and all his army and all the kingdoms of the earth under his dominion and all the peoples were fighting against Jerusalem and all of its cities: 1 King Nebuchadnezzar of … 22 Behold, (AO)I will command, declares the Lord, and will (AP)bring them back to this city. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Paragraph. 15 above]; ver. 25 ‘Buy my field that is at # ch. 20 And I will give them into the hand of their enemies (AK)and into the hand of those who seek their lives. by proclaiming liberty, every one to his brother and to his neighbor; to the sword, to pestilence, and to famine, declares the. (J) These were the only fortified cities left in Judah. 5 And Jeremiah ordered # [See ver. Where is a good place for a teenager to start reading the Bible? You shall not escape from his hand but shall surely be captured and delivered into his hand. The New Covenant. In peace shalt thou die; and as with the burnings of thy fathers, the former kings who were before thee, so shall they make a burning for thee, and they shall wail for thee, [crying,] 'Alas, lord!' And I will lay waste(AN) the towns of Judah so no one can live there.”. 15 You recently repented and did what was right in my eyes (Y)by proclaiming liberty, each to his neighbor, and (Z)you made a covenant before me in the (AA)house that is called by my name, 16 but then you turned around (AB)and profaned my name when each of you took back his male and female slaves, (AC)whom you had set free according to their desire, and you brought them into subjection to be your slaves. (AB) 19 The leaders of Judah and Jerusalem, the court officials,(AC) the priests and all the people of the land who walked between the pieces of the calf, 20 I will deliver(AD) into the hands of their enemies who want to kill them. 6 Then Jeremiah the prophet spoke all these words to Zedekiah king of Judah, in Jerusalem, 7 when the army of the king of Babylon was fighting against Jerusalem and against all the cities of Judah that were left, # Josh. Jeremiah 34:3 You shall not escape from his hand but shall surely be captured and delivered into his hand. Then Jeremiah the prophet spoke all these words to Zedekiah king of Judah, in Jerusalem. And they obeyed, all the officials and all the people who had entered into the covenant that everyone would set free his slave, male or female, so that they would not be enslaved again. 12 The word of the Lord came to Jeremiah from the Lord: 13 “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: I myself made a covenant with your fathers when (U)I brought them out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery, saying, 14 (V)‘At the end of seven years each of you must set free the fellow Hebrew who has been sold to you and has served you six years; (W)you must set him free from your service.’ But (X)your fathers did not listen to me or incline their ears to me. And the men who transgressed my covenant and did not keep the terms of, the covenant that they made before me, I will make them like, the calf that they cut in two and passed between its parts—. Need some help understanding theology? Jeremiah 34:15. (AR)I will make the cities of Judah a desolation (AS)without inhabitant.”. (AL)Their dead bodies shall be food for the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth. ‘At the end of seven years each of you must set free the fellow Hebrew who has been sold to you and has served you six years; you must set him free from your service.’ But, ch. They obeyed and set them free. Font Size. 17 “Therefore this is what the Lord says: You have not obeyed me; you have not proclaimed freedom to your own people. 5 You shall die in peace. Jeremiah 34 Genesis. (Y) I will make you abhorrent to all the kingdoms of the earth. Upgrade to Bible Gateway Plus, and access the, ver. You recently repented and did what was right in my eyes, by proclaiming liberty, each to his neighbor, and. Jeremiah 34:8-22 - ESV. (F)You shall see the king of Babylon eye to eye and speak with him face to face. NIV Reverse Interlinear Bible: English to Hebrew and English to Greek. Jeremiah 32:3-5. Jeremiah 31:31-34. (S) You even made a covenant before me in the house that bears my Name. 6 Jeremiah said, “The word of the Lord came to me: 7 Behold, Hanamel the son of Shallum your uncle will come to you and say, # ver. Tools. Jeremiah 31:33–34 33 s For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord : s I will put my law within them, and I will write it t on their hearts. 11 But afterward they changed their minds(N) and took back the slaves they had freed and enslaved them again. They agreed, and set them free. 15, 17; Ex. Jeremiah 34:18–19 18 And the men who transgressed my covenant and did not keep the terms of w the covenant that they made before me, I will make them like 1 d the calf that they cut in two and passed between its parts— 19 the officials of Judah, the officials of Jerusalem, e the eunuchs, the priests, and all the people of the land who passed between the parts of the calf. Jeremiah 34:5. Red Letter. 3 (E)You shall not escape from his hand but shall surely be captured and delivered into his hand. I will make the cities of Judah a desolation, Learn More About English Standard Version 2016. 4:5 fortified cities of Judah that remained. Their dead bodies shall be food for the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth. so that no one should enslave a Jew, his brother. Jeremiah 34:5 You shall die in peace. I brought them out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery, saying. Jeremiah 34 Genesis. Red Letter. Jeremiah 32:3-5. 10:3 Lachish and # Josh. 27 “Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man and the seed of beast. 10:10; 15:35 Azekah, # 2 Kgs. Why did God use 5 women with questionable pasts in Jesus' … Questions. And you shall go to Babylon.’, And as spices were burned for your fathers, the former kings who were before you, so people shall, and lament for you, saying, “Alas, lord!”’ For I have spoken the word, declares the. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Read the Bible. 21:2; Lev. , the God of Israel: I myself made a covenant with your fathers when. Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and all his army. Jeremiah 31:34 34 And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord ,’ v for they shall all know me, w from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Lord . Jeremiah 31:34 And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD,'for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the LORD. In peace shalt thou die; and as with the burnings of thy fathers, the former kings who were before thee, so shall they make a burning for thee, and they shall wail for thee, [crying,] 'Alas, lord!' [c] See Jeremiah 15:4 I will make you a horror to all the kingdoms of the earth. 4 above] Baruch, saying, # ch. And you will go to Babylon. English Standard Version (ESV) Bible Book List. English Standard Version Update. English Standard Version Update. 29 These are the words of the letter that Jeremiah the prophet sent from Jerusalem to i the surviving elders of the exiles, and to j the priests, j the prophets, and j all the people, whom Nebuchadnezzar had taken into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon. Jeremiah 34 English Standard Version (ESV) Zedekiah to Die in Babylon. After they have served you six years, you must let them go free.’[a](Q) Your ancestors, however, did not listen to me or pay attention(R) to me. 11 But afterward they turned around and took back the male and female slaves (T)they had set free, and brought them into subjection as slaves. Read chapter Jeremiah 34 online. 15, 17; Ex. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Jeremiah 31:34 34 And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord ,’ v for they shall all know me, w from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Lord . they had set free, and brought them into subjection as slaves. (AG)I will make you a horror to all the kingdoms of the earth. Ask a Question Got a Bible related Question? 18:13 for these were the only # ch. Verse. Jeremiah 34 English Standard Version Zedekiah to Die in Babylon 1 The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord, when Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and all his army and all the kingdoms of the earth under his dominion and all the peoples were fighting against Jerusalem and all of its cities: (2Ki 25:1; Jer 1:15; Jer 39:1; Jer 51:28; Jer 52:4). (M) 10 So all the officials and people who entered into this covenant agreed that they would free their male and female slaves and no longer hold them in bondage. 61:1]. 61:1], ch. Get an Answer. 25:25; [Ruth 4:4] for the right of redemption by purchase is yours.’ 8 Then Hanamel my cousin came to me in # [See ver. (G)Thus says the Lord concerning you: (H)‘You shall not die by the sword. 21 And (AM)Zedekiah king of Judah and his officials I will give into the hand of their enemies and into the hand of those who seek their lives, into the hand of the army of the king of Babylon (AN)which has withdrawn from you. (I)And as spices were burned for your fathers, the former kings who were before you, so people shall (J)burn spices for you (K)and lament for you, saying, “Alas, lord!”’ For I have spoken the word, declares the Lord.”. and all the kingdoms of the earth under his dominion and all the peoples were fighting against Jerusalem and all of its cities: Zedekiah king of Judah and say to him, ‘Thus says the. But you had turned just now, and had done what is right in mine eyes, because each man proclaimed liberty to his neighbour, ad ye had made a covenant before me in the house on which my name is called. This is what the Lord says concerning you: You will not die by the sword;(F) 5 you will die peacefully. - On Jeremiah 34:2, Jeremiah 34:3, cf. You have forced them to become your slaves again. And I will give them into the hand of their enemies. Jeremiah 34:15. 9 Everyone was to free their Hebrew slaves, both male and female; no one was to hold a fellow Hebrew in bondage. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin n... Read verse in English Standard Version ESV® Text Edition: 2016. (D) 3 You will not escape from his grasp but will surely be captured and given into his hands. Jeremiah 34:8–22 8 The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord , after King Zedekiah p had made a covenant with all the people in Jerusalem q to make a proclamation of liberty to them, 9 r that everyone should set free his Hebrew slaves, male and female, s so that no one should enslave a Jew, his brother. Jeremiah 34:16. Zedekiah king of Judah and his officials I will give into the hand of their enemies and into the hand of those who seek their lives, into the hand of the army of the king of Babylon. (T) 16 But now you have turned around(U) and profaned(V) my name; each of you has taken back the male and female slaves you had set free to go where they wished. (AF), 21 “I will deliver Zedekiah(AG) king of Judah and his officials(AH) into the hands of their enemies(AI) who want to kill them, to the army of the king of Babylon,(AJ) which has withdrawn(AK) from you. KJV (Narrated) NKJV (Narrated) NKJV (Dramatized) NLT (Dramatized) NIV (Narrated) NIV (Dramatized) NASB (Narrated) RVR60 (Español) Zedekiah to Die in Babylon. 00:03:56 - Morning: Psalm 32:1–2; Psalm 103:12; Isaiah 43:25; Jeremiah 31:34; Micah 7:18; Mark 2:5; … 18 And the men who transgressed my covenant and did not keep the terms of (AH)the covenant that they made before me, I will make them like[a] (AI)the calf that they cut in two and passed between its parts— 19 the officials of Judah, the officials of Jerusalem, (AJ)the eunuchs, the priests, and all the people of the land who passed between the parts of the calf. The most popular Bible verses from the chapter Jeremiah 34. Read chapter Jeremiah 34 online. But you had turned just now, and had done what is right in mine eyes, because each man proclaimed liberty to his neighbour, ad ye had made a covenant before me in the house on which my name is called. 61:1], [See ver. The most popular Bible verses from the chapter Jeremiah 34. Jeremiah 31:33–34 33 s For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord : s I will put my law within them, and I will write it t on their hearts. Jeremiah 34:16. 17 “Therefore, thus says the Lord: You have not obeyed me (AD)by proclaiming liberty, every one to his brother and to his neighbor; (AE)behold, I proclaim to you liberty (AF)to the sword, to pestilence, and to famine, declares the Lord. Jeremiah 31:31-34 English Standard Version (ESV) The New Covenant. You shall see the king of Babylon eye to eye and speak with him face to face. when the army of the king of Babylon was fighting against Jerusalem and against all the cities of Judah that were left, had made a covenant with all the people in Jerusalem, ver. Jeremiah 31 :: English Standard Version (ESV) Strong's. Read Jeremiah 34:11 in ESV and NIV using our online parallel Bible. Paragraph. whom you had set free according to their desire, and you brought them into subjection to be your slaves. 32:2; 33:1; 39:15 “I am banned from going to the house of the Lord, 6 so you are to go, and # [ver. for I have spoken the word, saith Jahveh. Jeremiah 34 New King James Version (NKJV) Zedekiah Warned by God. Read chapter Jeremiah 34 online. Bible Reader with fully formatted text and multiple versions and languages available. The most popular Bible verses from the chapter Jeremiah 34. Jeremiah 34 English Standard Version (ESV) Zedekiah to Die in Babylon. Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. 1:1; 29:27; Josh. And you shall go to Babylon.’ 4 Yet hear the word of the Lord, O Zedekiah king of Judah! And they will fight against it and take it and burn it with fire. Jeremiah 34 English Standard Version (ESV) Zedekiah to Die in Babylon. Listen to Jeremiah 34 using the ESV Bible online. The New Covenant. 18 And the men who transgressed my covenant and did not keep the terms of [w] [See Jeremiah 34:15 above] the covenant that they made before me, I will make them like [d] [Genesis 15:10] the calf that they cut in two and passed between its parts— Navigate by book, topic, passage, search and more. The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Jeremiah 34 English Standard Version Zedekiah to Die in Babylon 1 The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord, when Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and all his army and all the kingdoms of the earth under his dominion and all the peoples were fighting against Jerusalem and all of its cities: (2Ki 25:1; Jer 1:15; Jer 39:1; Jer 51:28; Jer 52:4). Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. 6 Then Jeremiah the prophet spoke all these words to Zedekiah king of Judah, in Jerusalem, 7 when the army of the king of Babylon was fighting against Jerusalem and against all the cities of Judah that were left, (L)Lachish and (M)Azekah, (N)for these were the only (O)fortified cities of Judah that remained. 8 The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord, after King Zedekiah (P)had made a covenant with all the people in Jerusalem (Q)to make a proclamation of liberty to them, 9 (R)that everyone should set free his Hebrew slaves, male and female, (S)so that no one should enslave a Jew, his brother. But afterward they turned around and took back the male and female slaves they had set free, and brought them into subjection as slaves. The most popular Bible verses from the chapter Jeremiah 34. Easily hear Scripture read as you study the Bible! They will fight against it, take(AL) it and burn(AM) it down. Jeremiah 34-36 English Standard Version (ESV) Zedekiah to Die in Babylon. Read chapter Jeremiah 34 online. Jeremiah’s Letter to the Exiles. Behold, I am giving this city into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall burn it with fire. 31 “Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, 32 not like the covenant that I … 34 While Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and all his army and all the kingdoms and peoples(A) in the empire he ruled were fighting against Jerusalem(B) and all its surrounding towns, this word came to Jeremiah from the Lord: 2 “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: Go to Zedekiah(C) king of Judah and tell him, ‘This is what the Lord says: I am about to give this city into the hands of the king of Babylon, and he will burn it down. 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