nehemiah bible study

Neither did he immediately consult with Hanani and the others. The next gate is the Dung Gate – the place through which all the refuse of the city was carried; all the rubbish, all the filth was carried. That is truth. We pray that we, also, may learn as Nehemiah did to be disciplined, courageous, confident in you, and willing to say no, willing to be absolutely ruthless against the forces that would undermine and sap the vitality of our lives in you. (Nehemiah 6:15-16). Whenever you read of Ammonites, Amorites, Amalekites, Hittites, Jebusites, Perizzites, or any of the other "ites," you have a picture of the enemy of God -- the flesh. This heathen king gave the command for Nehemiah to return to Jerusalem to build up the walls of the city. These book-by-book studies will help participants— Nehemiah Images and Notes. $34.95. (Nehemiah 13:25 RSV). That is always the starting place for strength in your life. God raised Esther, a young Jewish maiden, to the throne of Persia as queen. He didn’t just have a pity party. When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, Nehemiah - Audio Sessions. Since he was brothers with Nehemiah and Nehemiah was the king’s cup-bearer it would seem likely that they were not born in Jerusalem. The city walls of Jerusalem had been in disrepair for over 140 years before Nehemiah came on the scene. The persecution revealed here can be summarized in three words -- contempt, conspiracy, and cunning. Download a PDF of the Bible study Nehemiah. Read . Nehemiah - A Free Christian Bible Study Resource We hope that this Nehemiah article will provide useful information and ideas for those following a Bible Study plan. When you hear about other people’s struggles are you indifferent? The name Nehemiah means "the comfort of Yahweh." Get this book on Amazon using its exact ISBN. We need to rebuild the old gates of truth. Most of them admit that they have sin. Nehemiah is the account of the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. That brings us around again in the last part of the chapter to the Sheep Gate, the gate of the cross. But this was his best recourse. Verses 6-7 – Starting in these verses we see one of the great prayers of confession in the Bible. BIBLE CHARACTER CARDS Nehemiah Bible Card Nehemiah’s example teaches us to put our trust in God in any situation. is about to do in us and through us as we study Nehemiah together! Westminster, 1985. We should mourn with those who mourn. I want to encourage you to open your Bible, gather with a group of friends, get outside the 4 walls of the congregation, and learn what God desires to teach you. So what did he do? "What's the good word for today?" The first thing he does is arise at night when no one else knows, ride around the walls of the city, and survey the ruins. - Wisely, Nehemiah did not come as if he was there to fix their problem: the distress that we are in. We are not to roll around on the ground all the time saying, “Woe is me.” We see that Nehemiah quotes God’s promise to bring them back to the land if they return to Him and keep His commandments (in other words, if they confess/repent.) EZRA AND NEHEMIAH BIBLE STUDY Hi. A. They lived with reproach, meaning their position was shameful. Second wave under Ezra (455 BC) is found in Ezra 7-10. We get concerned. 4. Then he begins to lay his plans. The book of Nehemiah falls into two divisions. filling the need for security and strength. True confession doesn’t minimize the sin. In verse 9 of chapter 2 we read: Then I came to the governors of the province Beyond the River, and gave them the king's letters. It was also true a hundred thousand years before it was uttered. Other people may influence us, but the final choice is our own. 5. Tweet. Truth will never change. Why or why not? Your strength will be maintained if you will take the attitude that Nehemiah took for God. He took a hammer and struck the tuning fork so that the note resounded through the room. Can you think of any examples where your own sin/mistakes caused you a trial or hardship? The Fountain Gate is next. They tried to involve the Israelites in a plot that would overthrow this work. Some of the key points we will study are: Nehemiah had concern for God’s family. (Nehemiah 6:15-16) The book of Nehemiah is designed to teach us that only with God's help can we actually change ourselves and recover from the damage and ruin of the past. Scripture is never concerned simply with chronology. Nehemiah heard about the pathetic situation in Jerusalem from his brother. What did Nehemiah do? (Nehemiah 13:21a). Bible > Geneva Study Bible > Nehemiah 10 Nehemiah 10 Geneva Study Bible. Has that gate broken down in your life? What can we learn about Nehemiah from his reaction? It was a big problem. Nehemiah is well aware of this -- God must move in the areas where Nehemiah cannot. In fact, the books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther all come out of the same general period of Israel's history. He already has a great concern and knowledge of the Jews' problems. He had allowed Tobiah to move right into the temple! E-book: If this study is helpful for you, get the whole Nehemiah study in one convenient e-book. We pray for our test. Pbk. We think that our sin is not serious. These were not the king's given names. He didn’t just weep. We are responsible for our own choices. He admits “We have acted very corruptly against You.” Every sin is a sin against God. (Nehemiah 13:8 RSV). Each one of us has a choice. He has learned one of the greatest lessons that the Spirit of God can ever teach anyone: to say no when it needs to be said. Peter […] In ancient cities the only real means of defense were the walls. Do you remember how the Lord Jesus said to his disciples, "Follow me and I will make you become fishers of men"? The problem was that they had as a nation specifically disobeyed many of the commands God had given to Moses. When God wants to use you in some capacity, the first thing He does is to burden your heart with the situation. Wherever you are. If you can never say a word for Christ, if there is never any witness in your life, then this wall is broken and the Fish Gate needs to be built again. The Book of Nehemiah. Originally many had been taken captive by the Babylonian kingdom. There is nothing gentle about that! … You will never rebuild the walls of your life until you first weep over the ruins. In this 7 session Bible study, Nehemiah’s heart for the oppressed, suffering and poor is a beacon of light that shines on the call of the church to be the hands and feet of Jesus. you have it in the next verse: Now I was cupbearer to the king. Well. In chapter 8 we have the great calling together of the people by Ezra the priest that is recorded also in the book of Ezra. This summary of the Book of Nehemiah will help with many different forms of Bible Study: The book of Nehemiah is clearly and certainly not all by the same hand. This was the first means of retaining the strength represented by the walls. Don’t be in a rush to take action. The Book of Nehemiah tells of God’s people returned from exile and rebuilding the broken-down city of Jerusalem. He says: "...and grant him [Nehemiah] mercy in the sight of this man." But I tried it and I saw that it worked. When had the first group of exiles gone back? Humility is the first step of true confession. Men are rapidly throwing away what the church has stood for. Now those that sealed were, Nehemiah, the Tirshatha, the son of Hachaliah, and Zidkijah, Now those that sealed were, Nehemiah, the Tirshatha, the son of Hachaliah, and Zidkijah, Nehemiah 10:2. Nehemiah had a high view of God. How did Nehemiah react? And it came to pass in the month Chisleu, in the twentieth year, as I was in Shushan the palace, That Hanani, one of my brethren, came, he and [certain] men of Judah; and I asked them concerning the Jews that had escaped, which were left of the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem. Tweet. What does the twentieth year refer to? Add to Cart View Cart. Just as with Samuel, Kings and Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah were originally one book in the Hebrew Bible. The account then moves to the Fish Gate. Another thing I noticed is that Nehemiah uses many personal pronouns. (Nehemiah 13:19a RSV). He is one of the great characters of the Old Testament, but perhaps not as well known as some others. Praying to God Nehemiah 1. Nehemiah prayed and acted upon his concerns. In this 7 session Bible study, Nehemiah’s heart for the oppressed, suffering and poor is a beacon of light that shines on the call of the church to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Neither Artaxerxes nor Ahasuerus are the names of this king. They are saying that we don't need these things anymore. Well, I suggest that it represents truth. 445 BC.) And it will be true a hundred thousand years from now. Nothing is known of Nehemiah except what is written in the book bearing his name. "Memory Trauma in Ezra-Nehemiah" in David Chalcraft, ed., Methods, Theories and Imagination: Social Scientific Approaches in Biblical Studies, Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2014, pp. The Christian's Life and Warfare . Now this is always how any return to the grace of God must begin. We pray for the lost. This five-session study looks at how Nehemiah and the nation of Israel prayed, worked, ... 9 Session Bible Study. The book of Nehemiah in the Bible tells the story of how Nehemiah and the people built the walls of Jerusalem again. Answer: Ezra and Nehemiah were contemporaries, and they both wrote about the rebuilding of Jerusalem, which occurred approximately seventy years after it was destroyed by the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar. In an individual life, then, the rebuilding of the walls would be a picture of re-establishing the strength of that life. What does this gate symbolize? It is not your bosses’ fault, your wife’s fault, or your friend’s fault. It was her husband, King Ahasuerus of Persia, who is the Artaxerxes of the opening chapters of Nehemiah. Man of prayer. It wasn’t even enough to pray about the problem. Here is a man who is thoroughly angry. Then we confess. David also admitted that his sin with Bathsheba was a sin against God alone, showing that our sins are primarily against God. Throughout the pages of this book, you’ll find a guidance on talking to God, receiving His instruction, and moving forward in life to accomplish His will. But maybe we should. He had a heart for others and hearing about the struggles others were having saddened him. The NWT Study Bible is complete with cross references, maps, and an accurate Bible dictionary. Discover practical insights into the Book of Nehemiah. Sign up for our newsletter to receive your free Bible study E-book of Hebrews. (Nehemiah 1:11b RSV). (Nehemiah 2:10b RSV). Where can we learn about that? Next was the remembrance of the lessons of the past. Since the Jews were living in a ruined city this visible picture of outward decay would seem to indicate that there were much worse spiritual problems as well. The NWT Study Bible is complete with cross references, maps, and an accurate Bible dictionary. Our Stand - The Armour of God . The full story is found in the book of Nehemiah. I was serving the king with … What are the lessons we can learn as a believer from the life of Nehemiah? (Nehemiah 13:7b RSV). I am glad to have discovered a great deal more about this man in the intervening years and I trust you have too. As we learn in the story of the blind man in John 9, not ever affliction is the result of sin. Like Nehemiah, you have received word, in some form or other, of the desolation and ruin there. Digital. Email. Do you perhaps feel empathy with them for a few minutes and then forget it? Subject to permissions policy, all rights reserved. Since this is the very king whose wife is Queen Esther. Along side Ezra, it records the fulfilment of God's promise to restore Israel to her land after the 70-year exile in Babylon. Let’s make a habit to confess to others when we wrong them and when we do make it clear what you are apologizing for. In chapter 1 is Nehemiah's wonderful prayer as he confesses that the nation has forsaken God, and acknowledges the justice of God's dealing with them. Believers are to get down on their knees to approach God and then get up from their knees to go out into the world to serve Him. It all centered on the ten gates of the city of Jerusalem. The people were still intermarrying with the forbidden races around them. Read the Bible free online. (Artaxerxes reign. He said, "I didn't think praying was the right thing to do at first. This week, we will study Nehemiah. 1 Corinthians 4:1 This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stew- ards of the mysteries of God. But, be careful. When Nehemiah hears this report about Jerusalem, he weeps and prays for days, showing his intense concern. Nehemiah. And my friend, if you do not have a dung gate in your life, you’re in bad shape because all the refuse in your life is accumulated and it will make you smell to high heaven in the sight of God and man. He had to face the king and get his help for the next step. Then comes the building of the walls, as we will see in the book of Nehemiah. Then he added, "The tenor across the hall sings off-key. Nehemiah 4 – Enemies Try to Stop the Work A. Sanballat and Tobiah ridicule the work of God. The historical times this book covers were extremely challenging. Notice the steps here. But when Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite... (Nehemiah 2:9-10a RSV), Do you recognize these names? Similarly, in the New Testament we are told to discover the gifts that the Spirit has given us and to put them to work. Where is Susa? What follows is a 6-session Bible study on the Book of Nehemiah. Ordinarily, though, a wall symbolizes strength and protection. Finally, the book of Esther comes as the revelation of the purpose of all this in the life of any individual. Next is the Horse Gate. The book of Nehemiah is designed to teach us that only with God's help can we actually change ourselves and The class book is suitable for teens and up. Many times in these types of situations people would grow bitter. From this prayer we see Ezra’s humility. Jan 24, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by Janine Taylor. As I have already suggested, when you start to rebuild the strength of your life you will find that a force immediately arouses itself, both within yourself and outside yourself, and that resists God's work in your life with every influence that can be used against you. Then we must study for our test. These are really titles. We have therefore created a library of almost one thousand (and growing) inductive Bible studies, which are available for free. Look at how Nehemiah describes God in this verse. And that isn't all. Here you have this same enmity; when the enemies of God, ...heard this, it displeased them greatly that some one had come to seek the welfare of the children of Israel. In keeping with God’s promise to return the Jews to the land He had given them, God worked through the Persian kings to allow the people to return to the land. 3. For a long, long time the only thing I knew about Nehemiah was that he was supposed to be the shortest man in the Bible -- through a wretched pun on his name, "knee-high-miah." Ezra wrote about the rebuilding of the temple under Zerubbabel, while Nehemiah wrote concerning the rebuilding of …, get the whole Nehemiah study in one convenient e-book, Study Nehemiah Ebook: A Practical Bible Study on Perseverance. What does Nehemiah remind the Lord of in verse 10? The restoration of the house of God is always the first thing in the way back to God. It is concerned with the teaching of each book. Nehemiah is the central figure of the Book of Nehemiah, ... Holman Bible Dictionary, "Persia" Cataldo, Jeremiah. Patty Pell. This satanic agency within man inevitably resists the work and the will and the ways of God. It is interesting to compare Nehemiah 9 with Ezra 9 and Daniel 9. your own Pins on Pinterest It doesn't need to be repaired. Share Share The Walls of Jerusalem LESSONS YOU CAN LEARN FROM … (Nehemiah 1:11c RSV). Opening Thoughts/Questions (Because of the nature of the following two questions, leaders may want to share a personal story first and/or reword the questions to fit within the context of their particular group). The rest of the chapter describes how they went about building. When Nehemiah comes back to Jerusalem and rides about the city at night he doesn't just start putting bricks on top of one another. What man? Read More ⇨ Nehemiah and the Wall Bible Craft. Arise is a study of the book of Nehemiah. Introduction: Background to the Book. First wave under Zerubabbel (536 BC) is found in Ezra 1-6. 6. Nehemiah … Nehemiah Book Introduction. The book of Nehemiah was written by, wait for it, Nehemiah, between 445-425 BC. See 1 John 1:9. (John 4:14) It speaks of the Holy Spirit, which is the river of life in us -- the flowing of the Spirit of God in our lives, to enable us to obey his will and his word. The next necessary step in the program of reconstruction is courage. We learn, first of all, that the people were willing to work; second, that they became involved and immediately started doing something. They would complain, get depressed, grow angry at other people, or even lash out at God. Discover (and save!) Nothing is known about Nehemiah’s childhood, youth, or family backgrounds, except that his father’s name was Hacaliah (Nehemiah 1:1) and he had a brother named Hanani (Nehemiah 1:2). Their sin problem was not a little problem. directed the political and religious restoration of the Jews in their homeland after the Babylonian captivity I thought it was quite an unfair advantage over those poor heathen. Step one for getting things done for God is prayer. He prayed. Verse 10 – In this verse we see Nehemiah remind God of the relationship He has with His people. He doesn't rush out and get all the people excited to build the walls. Application: Prayer should become this natural to us. Nehemiah had a vision for rebuilding the walls. Nehemiah Bible Study Guide – 14 Online Lessons With Discussion Questions Nehemiah was a natural leader of men. McConville. It is the place of humility, isn't it? Question: "Who was Nehemiah in the Bible?" It was 'A' five thousand years ago and it will be 'A' five thousand years from now." And the piano in the next room is out of tune." Nehemiah (Nehemiah 1 & 2) Are you facing a challenge? Who came and talked with Nehemiah? I can tell you out of my own experience as well that you will never be able to retain the strength that God gives you until you are ready to be obedient to what he says. Problems common to the combined books Ezra-Nehemiah have been pointed out in the Introduction to the Book of Ezra. This is followed by the Water Gate. (Ephesians 6:12) This is the battle! He was an important official, one of the upper class. Confession restores our relationship to God and readies us to serve Him again. He has something definite he wants to ask. He said: I was very angry, and I threw all the household furniture of Tobiah out of the chamber. A student fails an exam and misses a chance to enter college because he didn’t study hard. In chapter 9 you have Ezra's tremendous prayer, when he recounted what God had done in the life of this people. But God in grace frequently reaches down and gets some of those people and brings them out to rebuild the walls. by I Gordon. And then, to add to the confusion, Artaxerxes in the book of Nehemiah is not the same Artaxerxes as in the book of Ezra. Don’t minimize it. In the latter part of the book, chapters 7 through 13, is the story of reinstruction. He looks for the lowly, the humble, the contrite, and those who have learned that they are not indispensable. N ehemiah is probably best known for rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem in 52 days, but beyond that, what do you know about this important Bible character? Buy … But here, you see, is a man who has learned that there can be no compromise with evil. Workbook on Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther Page #4 Bible Study Questions on Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther Introduction: This workbook was designed for Bible class study, family study, or personal study. But in the case with Israel, God had already told them that this was because of their sin He was disciplining them. True confession realizes that sin comes with consequences. The first six chapters cover the reconstruction of the wall, while chapters through 13 deal with the reinstruction of the people. Application: Do you have a heart for others? "And they said unto me, The remnant that are left of the captivity there in the province [are] in great … Shushan was one of the most ancient cities in the world; and is associated with the visions of Daniel, and with the feast of Ahasuerus. Water is always a symbol of the word of God. Nehemiah’s prayer (4-11). This was evidently the place where judgment was conducted. Have you ever taken a good look at the ruins in your own life? Read . In other words, Esther actually happened when God first began to move in the midst of Israel's captivity to return this nation to the land. Next God required action. This is the way to retain strength once it is rebuilt. When they failed, they attempted a conspiracy. This 13 part expository study of Nehemiah was preached at Flagstaff Christian Fellowship in 2002-2003. To do what? The cross is that instrument in God's program that puts the ego to death. Truth is always the same. This article about Nehemiah, together with other tools, activities, aids and materials and are designed to be used by an individual or a … But that still isn't all. Many of us have not. He spent a lot of time before the Lord praying about it and searching for God’s will about what he could do. Lester Grabbe. In verse 25 he says: I contended with them and cursed them and beat some of them and pulled out their hair [What a man! True confession will cause us to ask the question, “what next?” A righteous person falls seven times and rises again. The interesting thing about this Water Gate (as opposed to the one in our nation's capitol) is that it did not need to be repaired. The questions contain minimal human commentary, but instead urge students to study to understand Scripture. NEHEMIAH 6-SESSION BIBLE STUDY With Explore the Bible, groups can expect to engage Scripture in its proper context and be better prepared to live it out in their own context. It is a story of God’s sovereignty and the power of prayer. Though the people had returned 90 years before, the wall was still not rebuilt. I often think of a story about the fellow who one day went to visit an old musician. He wept/mourned/fasted/prayed for days. The prayer would also not seem nearly as genuine if he kept saying how evil the other Israelites were. It is the gate of anticipation of what is yet to come when all the trials of life and all the struggles of earth will end and the glorious new sun will rise on the new day of God. He is identifying himself as linked to the group. But then you hear about the specifics of it or you see it firsthand and you can’t put it out of your mind. Nehemiah began the work of rebuilding the city of Jerusalem. Therefore, the city of Babylon considered itself very safe. Nehemiah: A Heart That Can Break - Bible Study Book by Kelly Minter is a 7-session Bible study for women. Daily Study Bible. And if this gate is broken down so none of the rubbish can be cleansed away, this needs to be repaired. The enemies tried to mock or heap contempt on what God was doing. 445 BC.) Bible Study on the Book of Nehemiah. He turned to the Lord. (2 Timothy 1:6) If you want to retain your strength, start using what God has given you. This is nothing more or less than expository preaching. Nehemiah's wise approach gives us an example to follow. Artaxerxes means "the great king" and Ahasuerus means "the venerable father." Here is the outline and video of my very powerful, down-to-earth teaching on the books of EZRA AND NEHEMIAH (Lesson 13 of our 52-week/part series). The Sheep Gate, of course, signifies the Lamb of God, whose blood was shed on the cross for us, and, therefore, it reveals the principle of the cross. Third wave under Nehemiah (445 BC) is found in Nehemiah 1-3. The word of God never breaks down. The next chapters, four through six, cover the persecution that arose from building the city walls. What news did he bring? Nehemiah showed us how to pray to God and listen for his answers. Have you ever mourned/fasted/prayed for days? Bible Study Questions on Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther Introduction: This workbook was designed for Bible class study, family study, or personal study. They both tell one story which covers a period of around a century. ( Upgrade, and get the most out of your new account. His prayer life, faith, and boldness in the face of extreme duress is remarkable and an inspiration. We will see in the next chapter how God answers his prayer. The name is pronounced / ˌ n iː ə ˈ m aɪ ə / or / ˌ n iː h ə ˈ m aɪ ə / in English. Since our sins are against God confession is not complete until we ask God to forgive us. 2 In the month of Nisan in the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes, when wine was brought for him, I took the wine and gave it to the king. He sat down and he prayed. He knocked on the musician's door and said. It’s unclear whether Hanani was a resident of Judah or if he was just visiting. First of all is the Sheep Gate. In chapter one … Nehemiah heard about … Nehemiah chapter 4:16-23 Bible study but in the tells... About other people ’ s family our relationship to God ways by which strength is maintained our. God gives you a quick survey of these three books we have the story of Nehemiah. Will about what he wants Persian court, alternating with Persepolis, the people or... That you prayed about it for days, showing his intense concern continues. Destroyed by Babylon fork was hanging does is to burden your heart the. In one convenient e-book use you in the streets of our large cities absolutely. Through the book of Ezra need these things anymore furniture of Tobiah out of the most out the!, please review that is always the first means of retaining strength. 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