srh hochschule berlin bachelor

Hochschule Berlin can be made either online or by sending us filled and signed hardcopies of the online application by mail. Nimm gerne mit uns Kontakt auf! Mit uns heute das studieren, was in Zukunft gefragt ist. You want to prove your love of foreign languages and your distinct management talent to the whole world. Development | Digital Products & Services, Berlin School of Design and Communication, Fill in your application and attach your documents. The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) gefunden. Here you can find details about the cookies on our website. Deine Vorliebe für Fremdsprachen und dein ausgeprägtes Management-Talent willst du der ganzen Welt beweisen. SRH Hochschule Berlin is the home of approximately 2000 students from 85 different countries. You know it's not only what you say, but how you say it and want to use your communication skills on all channels. Du willst Ohrwürmer produzieren und mit anderen Künstlern arbeiten, Filme vertonen und an digitalen Sounddesigns frickeln. About International Business Administration - Focus on Communication Management, Bachelor of Arts at SRH Hochschule Berlin. SRH Hochschule Berlin is a state-accredited university that offers Bachelor, Master and MBA programmes in English and German. Darüber hinaus verwenden wir einige Cookies, die uns helfen, diese Website und Ihre Erfahrung zu verbessern. Entdecke die Möglichkeiten und Deinen Weg zur Traumkarriere in der Kommunikations- und Kreativbranche, im Musik- und Filmbusiness, in der Wirtschaft oder im Technologiebereich. The university nurtures the future professionals of the world through advanced and qualitative education. The entertainment, recreation and leisure of other people should be part of your everyday work. SRH Hochschule Berlin (formerly known as OTA Hochschule) is a state-accredited private university in Berlin which is part of SRH Holding. Visual Communication (in accreditation/start: Oct 2021), B.A. Admission to the programmes is based on both national admission regulations and on personally conducted selection interviews. Unsere Studienberater*innen helfen dir gerne weiter und beantworten dir alle Fragen rund um Studium, Studienwahl, Karriereoptionen, Bewerbung und Studienfinanzierung. SRH Hochschule Berlin Location : Ernst-Reuter-Platz 10, 10587 Berlin, Germany , Berlin Country : Germany Type : Private Established : 2002 Photos & Videos Hier findest du Details zu den Cookies auf unserer Website. Nähere Infos dazu findest du in den Datenschutzrichtlinien und im Impressum. International Business Administration - Focus on Marketing (in accreditation/start: Oct 2021), B.A. Discover the opportunities and your path to a dream career in the communications and creative industries, in the music and film business, in business or in the technology sector. Bestelle kostenlos Infomaterial zu unseren Studiengängen und informiere dich ganz unverbindlich über: Du bist noch nicht sicher, welcher Studiengang zu dir passt oder hast andere Fragen zum Studium? SRH Hochschule Berlin is a private university in Germany that was established in 2002. Du willst die Prozesse hinter Controlling, Sales und Marketing verstehen und findest, ohne betriebswirtschaftliche Grundlagen geht nichts. New Fulltime Application to the Bachelor programmes at S.R.H. Join us and learn everything you need to know about SRH Berlin, our Engineering & Computer Science programmes, the application process, financing your studies and more! You want to produce catchy tunes and work with other artists or set films to music and work on digital sound designs. With a focus on both management and technology, we provide our students with a high-quality, international education […] TUHH (Technical University Hamburg) is like all of the TU9, centred around STEM programs, especially engineering. Die Rollen des Ingenieurs, des Ökonoms und Managers übernimmst du am liebsten alle gleichzeitig. Du willst Menschen dabei helfen, ihr volles Potential zu entfalten. About SRH Hochschule Berlin We are first provider of Bachelor Programmes in the Berlin area Accreditation by German Council of Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat) Renowned for International orientation Huge networking with partner universities and international companies You want to learn how to make companies unique through the right image and branding and how to make people think with creative campaign ideas. SRH Hochschule Berlin, Berlin, Germany Introduction. Du triffst immer den richtigen Ton und willst deine Kommunikationsskills auf allen Kanälen einsetzen. SRH Hochschule Berlin is widely recognised for its international orientation. Du willst nachhaltige, sinnvolle digitale Lösungen für die Zukunft entwickeln. Today, in German and English with different business aspects, the university of applied sciences provides 28 Bachelor, Master and MBA programmes to its 1000 + students. Music was your first love and you understand it in all its facets: songwriting and performance, recording and production, sound engineering and sound design. „“. Die Unterhaltung, Erholung und Freizeit anderer Menschen sollen zu deinem Arbeitsalltag gehören. Es tut uns leid. Are you dreaming of a career in International Hotel Management? You prefer to take on the roles of engineer, economist and manager all at once. Studying worldwide, founding your own start-up or qualifying for the management trainees in your dream industry - with a master programme at SRH you can deepen your knowledge or take a new direction. Permanent change, increasing competition, digitalization and globalisation: the challenges for companies are immense. Hand in hand with industry and the creative economy, Confirmed quality in teaching and research, Representatives of SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences, B.A. Dein Innovationstrieb und deine Liebe zum Coden, Design und zu digitalen Meiden machen dir den Weg frei. Berlin, Germany The Berlin School of Management and the Berlin School of Technology (formerly SRH Hochschule Berlin) are part of SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences, a private, state-recognised and accredited university located in Berlin and Dresden. You want to develop viable technological solutions for the future. Wir haben leider keine Ergebnisse zu Das moderne Studienangebot der SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences hält für jedes Talent den richtigen Studiengang bereit. Film + Motion Design (in accreditation/start: Oct 2021), B.A. SRH Hochschule Berlin University now known as SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences was established in 2002 and is located in Berlin, Germany. Für Sie fortwährend erreichbar sind die Hochschulleitung, Ihr Studiengangsleiter, Ihre Professoren, die Lehrbeauftragten oder Ihre Verwaltungsmitarbeiter. About International Business Administration, Bachelor of Arts at SRH Hochschule Berlin. In addition, we use some cookies that serve to obtain information about user behavior on this website and to continuously improve our website on the basis of this information. What will tomorrow’s world look like, which trends will develop and how should we react to them? The modern range of courses offered by the SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences has the right degree programme for every talent. Cookies are important for a website to function properly. Bachelor’s degree or equivalent, proof of English language proficiency and successful participation in the selection process. 2. The advent of low cost and effective computing platforms and applications is changing the way we run our business processes. We use cookies to make your visit to our website as pleasant as possible. Du willst arbeiten, wo andere Urlaub machen. Zudem arbeitet die Hochschule eng mit ausländischen Hochschulen zusammen. SRH Hochschule Berlin was established in 2002 and was first Bachelor programmes provider in Berlin. Located in central Berlin, SRH Hochshule Berlin is a state-accredited university that offers Bachelor, Master and MBA programmes in English and German. Das moderne Studienangebot der SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences hält für jedes Talent den richtigen Studiengang bereit. Darüber hinaus verwenden wir einige Cookies, die dazu dienen, Informationen über das Benutzerverhalten auf dieser Webseite zu gewinnen und unsere Webseite auf Basis dieser Informationen stetig zu verbessern. This question asks to compare apples and oranges. Um Deinen Besuch auf unserer Website so angenehm wie möglich zu machen, verwenden wir Cookies. Studienzentrum Berlin der SRH Fernhochschule SRH Hochschule Berlin GmbH Ernst-Reuter-Platz 10 10587 Berlin Bei Fragen rund um ihr Studium neben dem Beruf und unser Studienzentrum in Berlin steht Ihnen Christina Wierzimok gerne zur Verfügung. SRH Hochschule Berlin was founded in 2002 and was the first provider of Bachelor programmes in the Berlin area. Gerne helfen wir dir persönlich weiter. Die SRH Hochschule Berlin ist eine private, staatlich anerkannte Hochschule mit rund 900 Studierenden. Our Study Advisor will guide through the entire process and answer your questions 05.01.2021 online SRH Hochschule Berlin Location : Ernst-Reuter-Platz 10, 10587 Berlin, Germany , Berlin Country : Germany Type : Private Established : 2002 Photos & Videos Die SRH Hochschule Berlin zeichnet sich durch ihre individuelle Betreuung aus. We would be happy to help you personally. Today, the university of applied sciences offers Bachelor, Master and MBA programmes to its 1000 students - in German and … Communication is your strength, designing your language. The university is a part of SRH Higher Education Heidelberg, a leading private educational and health-care services provider. It offers bachelor, master, and MBA programs in both English and German languages. Musik war deine erste Liebe und du verstehst sie in all ihren Facetten: Songwriting und Performance, Aufnahme und Produktion, Tontechnik und Sounddesign. Illustration (ab Okt 2021 neben Deutsch auch auf Englisch), B.A. program is offered in International … The introduction of English-speaking academic programmes at Bachelor's and Master's level began in 2006. This is how you can reach us: Business and creative industries have never been so diverse. You want to make information more accessible with good design and use your creativity on all channels. The modern range of courses offered by the SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences has the right degree programme for every talent. Some of these cookies are technically essential to ensure certain functions of the website. Nothing is safe from your lens. International Business Administration, B.A. Today, the university of applied sciences offers 21 Bachelor, Master and MBA programmes to its 1000 students - in German and English and with different business focuses. Einige dieser Cookies sind technisch zwingend notwendig, um gewisse Funktionen der Webseite zu gewährleisten. Nimm gerne mit uns Kontakt auf! International Business Administration - Focus on Marketing (in Akkreditierung/Start: Okt 2021), Development | Digital Products and Services, Berlin School of Design and Communication, Fülle deine Bewerbung aus und hänge die Dokumente an, Wir melden uns zu allen weiteren Schritten bei dir. Du willst mit gutem Design Informationen zugänglicher machen und deine Kreativität auf allen Kanälen einsetzen. SRH Hochschule der populären Künste (hdpk) The hdpk is a leading private university for the creative industries, situated in one of Germany's creative hubs: in Berlin. With this degree you can expect international career prospects in Sales & Marketing, Accounting, Human Resources or Food & Beverage Management. Nichts ist vor deiner Linse sicher. Hauptsache auf die Ohren. The work which was previously done by employees and managers will either be automated or performed by robots. Film & Motion Design (ab Okt 2021 neben Deutsch auch auf Englisch), Internationales Tourismus- und Eventmanagement, B.A. Cookies sind für die korrekte Funktionsweise einer Website wichtig. About International Business Administration - Focus on E-Business, Bachelor of Arts at SRH Hochschule Berlin. Unsere Studienberater*innen helfen dir gerne weiter und beantworten dir alle Fragen rund um Studium, Studienwahl, Karriereoptionen, Bewerbung und Studienfinanzierung. You want to understand the processes behind controlling, sales and marketing and find that nothing works without a business management foundation. Please don't hesitate to contact the director of our Campus, your study programme director, your professors and lecturers or our administrational staff any time. SRH Hochschule Berlin. About International Hotel Management, Bachelor of Arts at SRH Hochschule Berlin. It maintains campuses in Berlin and Dresden. SRH is responding to this need with two Master's programmes in Berlin and Hamburg that linkd topics such as process management, international business and supply chain technology. Located in central Berlin, SRH Hochschule Berlin is an international university that is accredited by both the state and the German Council of Science and Humanities. Bachelor programmes - Your start into an international career Business and creative industries have never been so diverse. Kommunikationsdesign (ab Okt 2021 neben Deutsch auch auf Englisch), B.A. Entdecke die Möglichkeiten und Deinen Weg zur Traumkarriere in der Kommunikations- und Kreativbranche, im Musik- und Filmbusiness, in der Wirtschaft oder im Technologiebereich. Bestätigte Qualität in Lehre und Forschung, B.A. History, Affiliations & Rankings. Illustration (in accreditation/start: Oct 2021), B.A. You want to work where others go on holiday. „“ Kommunikation ist deine Stärke, Gestalten deine Sprache. Sorry, we have not found any results for Marketing Communication (in accreditation/start: Oct 2021), B.A. Whether portraits, reports, editorials or advertising clips, your pictures and films must be seen and shown. Als internationale Managementhochschule werden deutsch- und englischsprachige Bachelor- und Master-Studiengänge mit wirtschaftswissenschaftlichem Schwerpunkt angeboten. Introduction. SRH Hochschule Berlin MBA International Human Resource Management course fees, scholarships, eligibility, application, ranking and more.Rate your chances of admission in SRH Hochschule Berlin MBA International Human Resource Management program and download course brochure. The university of applied sciences was founded in 2002. Egal ob Portraits, Reportagen, Editorial oder Werbeclips, deine Bilder und Filme müssen gesehen und gezeigt werden. You are passionate about topics such as Blogging, Cloud Computing and Data Mining? SRH Berlin Virtual Info Session - SPECIAL Engineering & Computer Science programmes Webinar auf Englisch | Join us and learn everything you need to know about SRH Berlin, our Engineering & Computer Science programmes, the application process, financing your studies and more! Your drive for innovation and your love of service design and technology will clear the way for you. Event SRH Berlin Virtual Info Session - SPECIAL Management & Hospitality programmes 26.01.2021 Join us and learn everything you need to know about SRH Berlin, our Management & Hospitality programmes, the application process, financing your studies and more! Du willst lernen, wie Unternehmen durch richtiges Image und passendes Branding einzigartig werden und wie du Menschen mit kreativen Kampagnenideen zum Nachdenken bewegst. Die menschliche Psyche ist dir kein Rätsel und du findest, körperliche Gesundheit fängt mit einem gesunden Umfeld an. You can find more information on this on our data protection site and imprint. Der Erfolg unserer Absolventen bestätigt es. 05.01.2021 online 7 Bachelors 1000 Students The SRH Hochschule Berlin is well known for its outstanding an individual counselling. SRH Hochschule Berlin offers 26 academic programs including Bachelor, Master and MBA programmes in German and English languages with different business focuses. Order information material on our degree programmes free of charge and find out about them without any obligation: Du bist noch nicht sicher, welcher Studiengang zu dir passt oder hast andere Fragen zum Studium? About Business Information Systems, Bachelor of Science at SRH Hochschule Berlin. SRH Hochschule Berlin- being as international as its location - is state-approved and accredited by the scientific advisory council. Your international career in the digital sector starts at SRH Hochschule Berlin. SRH Hochschule der populären Künste (hdpk) The hdpk is a leading private university for the creative industries, situated in one of Germany's creative hubs: in Berlin. Your professional success is inevitable. So erreichst du uns: Wirtschaft und Kreativindustrie waren noch nie so vielfältig. About SRH Hochschule Berlin SRH Hochschule Berlin was founded in 2002 and was the first provider of Bachelor programmes in the Berlin area. Arbeitsalltag gehören Arts at SRH Hochschule Berlin und managers übernimmst du am liebsten alle gleichzeitig in Datenschutzrichtlinien. Performed by robots on this on our Data protection site and imprint different countries Filme vertonen an. Visit to our Website as pleasant as possible SRH Higher education Heidelberg a! “ gefunden immer den richtigen Studiengang bereit offered by the SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences was established 2002! Marketing ( in accreditation/start: Oct 2021 ), Internationales Tourismus- und,! 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