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PDF Workplace Etiquette Worksheet - Scenarios The purpose of this role play is to look at these differences and find a way to show common understanding and respect. Gina, one of the students in the other class The world over, there has been a clamour for diversity in the workplace. An angry customer is something just about every seasoned business owner has witnessed. Role Playing and role play games process and tips Anti-bias role plays | Understanding prejudice | Year 1 ... Since most small businesses don't typically have dedicated customer service reps, the person needing to know these customer management skills should also participate in the role-playing scenarios we'll cover later. Simon works as an engineer in a software firm and loves his job very much. Unlike teaching "hard" skills, delivering courses on employment equity and workplace diversity involve impacting upon belief systems that participants might hold. Summarise responses on the board or on butcher's paper. For decades, leaders have discussed the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Details CHCDIV001 Work with Diverse People Simulation Observation Answers . Role Plays - Impro Australia Role-play. Role Play It is divided into three main parts: the paper describes benefits of diversity management, leader's role and the challenges which leaders face while playing the role in the diverse management. We use these scenarios to practice role playing and confronting racism in conversation. Managers have a direct impact on the employee experience, so they must make inclusion a priority and demonstrate fairness in their management style. Role Play Three : Taylor is an employee at Arrows Supermarket and Peyton is the supervisor. Role playing games, exercises and activities help build teams, develop employee motivation, improve communications and are fun - for corporate organizations, groups of all sorts, and even children's development. It's hard to believe that in this day and age Gender Bias is still a big deal in the workplace. You can have the group elect a person to do the role play, or they can all act as one person and support each other through the scenario.! Jane works as a cashier at a small grocery store. 8 More Harassment Scenarios—What Would You Do? - HR Daily ... Stage 2: Indicate that you know what's going on by suggesting to focus on business. Don't feel intimidated by the word 'role-play', as it simply designates a training situation where an experienced member of a team plays the role of an angry (or . 33 2A Provide a role model for others that demonstrates respect for diversity 34. Diversity Training Role Play: Behind Closed Doors - The ... By illustrating the stakes of allyship as well as practical tools to achieve it, this training provides an optimal way to foster healthy workplaces for all. Interactive Scenes With Hot-Seating and Role Play — Impact ... General Instructions for Role Play Role plays are "what if" scenarios in which participants act out certain characters in certain situations. Role playing games, exercises and activities improve training, learning development, and liven up conferences and workshops. They were designed to work in pairs, but some of them can also be used in groups so that you can use them for different levels. The Advocate. If you think it's time your department tackles diversity training, these may provide you with a good start: Behind Closed Doors - Diversity-based Situations. CHCDIV001 Work with Diverse People Final Assessment-3 Answers 5 Ways to Ensure Your Company's DEI Training is Successful with lead learners role-playing a scenario (based on real instances that had been reported at UCAR), asking the . Taylor has been 40 Workplace Scenarios. Each participant, then, produces a mean perception of discrimination score for both the prototypical (i.e., White-executed) scenarios and the non-prototypical (i.e., Black-executed) scenarios. 1) A company that manufactures furniture increasingly finds that their workforce speaks Spanish fluently but not English. Implicit Bias in workplace scenarios - SlideShare Inappropriate management of conflict is attributed to decreased productivity, poor morale and financial loss for organisations. + Notes Feel free to add any scenarios that you think would be helpful to this list. Highly structured role-playing activities give your groups of actors lots of boundaries within which to work. Collaboration Role-Playing Scenarios Develop a plan to address one of the following situations that could arise during a collaborative project. In his mind, there is nothing in it for him. The Diversity Thumball is a fun training tool that tackles a difficult topic with smarts and sensitivity. Conflict in the workplace is an exercise in persuasion. Understand the issues the organization is facing by using the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Assessment to evaluate DEI data. Diversity Thumball. And a lot of corporations have raised red flags over the abysmal representation of women in the boardroom. and challenge each other on which of these is closer to their experience and belief. Learning how to manage it may reduce related adverse consequences. Implicit Bias in workplace scenarios 1. Scenario: Below is a scenario where you either develop a map by working in groups or role play accordingly as asked in the scenario. Mrs Nguyen has been placed in a high care facility for a respite care. Team dynamics and employees' sense of psychological safety play a big role in feeling respected and valued at work, and this is where management comes in. 13 The learner can then focus on this one . This tool will help you: Use this assessment to evaluate the current state of DEI and where the organization should focus efforts to improve. To use this technique, students act out skills after discussing them. (2000b), "The Neglected Element: Teaching Culture in the EFL Classroom", NovELTy , Vol. It's a lot different than teaching typing, where there is no emotional content or barriers to looking at things in a different way. cultural . Here are some reasons why workplace diversity training is essential right now. Most success stories show that women have had to make major sacrifices to reach the top. Type: Race Relations (Not to be disclosed to RA-in-training) 1. View BSBDIV301 Assessment Task 2.pdf from IS MISC at York College, CUNY. An angry customer is something just about every seasoned business owner has witnessed. GE Foundation Workplace Skills Program . A short extract from the Diversity Challenge a Skill Boosters video and e-learning training resource from Inclusive Learning. It demonstrates how the lack of knowledge of the politeness rules of others can lead to problems. Experiencing Diversity: Experiential Exercises for use in Multicultural and Diversity Workshops Edited by Jeff E. Brooks-Harris, Lori E. Davis, & Rosemary E. Simmons Circles of Diversity GOAL: The goal of this exercise is to look at the ways that individuals feel both included and marginalized based on various identities and to simulate the The expectations of top management will play a major role in managing workforce diversity well. A manager's or supervisor's role is to establish and maintain performance norms in the workplace. Scenario 1: Interpersonal Conflict. Since we're working together now, we should probably find a way to have some staff here on Fridays. You have been asked to create a diversity policy for the use of images in your advertising . Beyond diversity and inclusion. . In yesterday's Advisor, we presented several sexual harassment scenarios for training. Workplace conflict is common among nurses globally. Management does not know Spanish and this creates communication problems. Understanding the fine nuances of inclusion, equality and diversity in the modern workplace is challenging. 2B Assist colleagues to accept diversity of colleagues and clients 48 2C Develop and plan work practices that show respect for workplace diversity 55 Scene 1. They must learn to accept, value and work with diversity.. Assessment 2 Role play. Purpose: Teachers often are hesitant to raise topics such as racism, sexism, economic injustice, and heterosexism in the classroom because their training has not prepared them to handle the issues and exchanges that may result. . Activities for today: 1. This activity requires 60-90 minutes. Know your role: It is important not to make assumptions. Identify the performance issue: see scenario page including i.e tardiness, missing project deadlines, withdrawing from work, work with multiple mistakes, less engagement, performance issues, behavioral issues and not taking responsibility for mistakes. I presented them with the following scenarios and asked them to discuss (argue?) Objective for the day Develop better understanding of key concepts fundamental to fostering diversity and inclusion in work spaces. Diverse Role Play Ideas. This is a video proposal of a role-playing game made to teach diversity in the workplace.To get your own custom made game or other eLearning courses and mate. Access the online course now at. It is about ensuring justice, equality, accessibility, and a sense of belonging. With passionate speeches on gender equality from big names like Emma Watson and Victoria Beckham, last year saw the start of (hopefully) some big changes! Confront the white supremacist culture that created this type of environment, even when it means having to acknowledge the role you play. Below are some Diversity "Behind Closed Doors" or BCD scenarios that I wrote for my department's Fall Training. Nurse unit managers can play a key role by effectively managing workplace conflict in the units. For example, an external world event can have a negative psychological affect on your workers, even if it doesn't directly affect them. it affects the work environment or the employee's overall work performance. Invite members of underrepresented groups within your company to speak at staff meetings, write for company-wide newsletters, or take on other highly visible roles. From treating women equally to women-specific policies, there are various points of view. Mursion's actors, called "simulation specialists," work alone, playing all the roles in each simulation by using a voice modulator and remote controller to switch between characters. Being able to problem solve and find the best solution for both sides." Sharon fielded questions from the PowerToFly community about how to deal with a number of examples of conflict in the workplace. For instance, in my current position, we make a great effort to hire a diverse range of individuals with physical disabilities. A necessary component of workplace ethics training is allowing participants to work through hypothetical situations that are as close to reality as possible. Scenario 2 - Withdrawn Job Offer I applied for a job recently and was asked to attend for interview. But that's an important work day in America. Topic 2. During the role play, you must demonstrate the following communication skills and understanding of diversity. 76-84. maledive.ecml.at | Teaching the language of schooling in the context of diversity It is an essential part of building awareness and a cohesive work environment. Use the Role-Play Scenario: Discrimination to practice being an ally in a discriminating workplace situation. ReadySet Ally Skills Workshop. Make your students use their imagination and have fun! He is hardworking and always on time at work. 4. Our customized, interactive scenes play a central role in many of our trainings. Your employee is […] 7, No.1, pp. These scenarios let you explore your understanding and beliefs about issues, as well as provide practical tips about inclusive practices in sport. All Students: Role Play . 6 examples of Unconscious Bias at work that you may not notice. Stage 3: Point to your own and the customer's professionalism and politely ask him to focus on topics related to your service and products. Many workplace diversity programs have focused only on bias reduction. First, is the value of recognizing and understanding generational and life-stage differences across your employee and customer populations, and the second is the increased impact and capabilities of deliberately building a generationally diverse team. I shared three scenarios and a moral compass technique September 5th, and three more scenarios last week. For this task, you are required to reflect on your own attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions of cultural diversity in the workplace (if you are a classroom-based student, think about your experiences so far while undertaking your work placement, or your experiences when working in a previous role). Workplace Etiquette Worksheet - Scenarios Case Scenarios for Discussion 1. IA can also provide facilitators to moderate role-play sessions and assist in the post-scenario assessment. And again, bringing such issues forward will need encouragement and support from top management. Diversity Training Case Scenarios Case 1 Andy Attitude is a white male agent who has made up his mind not to participate in the diversity training at staff. Create a code of conduct for meetings and any shared communication medium including email, chat, Slack, and so forth. 1 A variation on a role-play game from Holló, D. and Lázár, I. Workplace Ethics Training Activity #2: Role Play Touchy Situations and Crucial Conversations This activity is best suited for difficult situations that arise quickly and require a prompt response. Interactive Scenes With Hot-Seating and Role Play. Situation #1: Someone takes credit for your idea. These scenarios were generated from real life stories that happened to us or people we know. 7, No.1, pp. Assessment Task 2 Responding to diversity (Role Play) SMART TAFE Cultural competence is the ability to care for patients in a culturally sensitive and appropriate manner. Scenario 2 The key issue in this scenario is the meaning and the use of politeness rules among people of different cultures. Customer Service Scenario 1: Angry customer. Customer Service Scenario 1: Angry customer. Foster diversity . There are two important aspects of generational diversity to understand in evaluating the applicability to your organization or team. Leaders will use these role play scenarios to develop their skills in diversity and inclusion. They have made many of the same arguments year after year—mostly centred on the idea that increased diversity and inclusion leads to a greater ability to attract high-quality talent, serve Also - You can generate Scenarios from the Yo, is this Racist? This week, I'm sharing the last four ethics scenarios for discussing race and discrimination, completing a serialized list of ten. Found a mistake? At the end of each role play, ask the class to describe the type of discrimination illustrated and to report on the impact of this discrimination on the character(s) involved. from ours, your holy day is Friday. (2000b), "The Neglected Element: Teaching Culture in the EFL Classroom", NovELTy , Vol. The "how" can leverage empathy-building, role-playing, and perspective-taking scenarios showing interactions between managers and employees, employees and each other, and employees and customers can help illustrate both inclusive and exclusive behaviors and interactions. Diversity training for the workplace may at first seem confusing or unnecessary, but it can be the start of many positive things for a business. Follow-up training and an annual refresher is also recommended. In this technique, our trained performance educators portray believable characters in relateble situations, struggling to effectively navigate the pressures and decisions of living and working in a diverse world. Managers and Supervisors, What Do You Do When … A co-worker from another department keeps asking one of your people out, and brings candies. Diversity and inclusion is important, but allyship is more than that. Module Eight . When you think of workforce diversity, you probably think of the kind of diversity you can easily see — or at least that you can identify easily. The caller said that they would want me to start work at the beginning of April. Role-playing is a classic method for teaching communication skills. Interactive scenarios. Recognize common diversity and inclusion related misconceptions 2. 4. Stage 1: Pouch the flattery, act like you didn't notice it and continue with support. Enabling diversity in the workplace simply means making an effort to employ a broad cross-section of people from different demographics. Students are asked to first assume the role of a manager and confront . In India too, the story is no different. Role play is useful in developing cultural competence because participants may experience diverse roles. In a demonstration role-play, the learners can identify areas in which they would like to strengthen their observation skills, e.g., nonverbal communication, In dyad role-plays and in a hot-seat role-play, asking the learner to choose just one thing to work on today is a way to focus learner commitment. Our role-play program has the flexibility to be used in isolation or to complement other training programs. GE Foundation Workplace Skills Program - Module 6 2 Table of Contents . Intro to Implicit Bias in Workplace Scenarios 2. You get off on the wrong foot with a new coworker. Diversity of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, and age are all things that modern workplaces are striving to . 50 Activities for Diversity Training This book provides a series of activities which are carefully constructed to: • Introduce the topic of diversity • Increase awareness of the impact of culture in the workplace • Demonstrate skills for managing a culturally diverse workplace • Address the matter of gender in the workplace 76-84. maledive.ecml.at | Teaching the language of schooling in the context of diversity Usually such situations don't allow much time for deliberation, so it's important to have a set plan from the outset and to have walked through it. Play by the Rules have developed several short interactive scenarios on inclusion and diversity in sport. Role-play is an appropriate instructional strategy for this particular training topic, for the following reasons: • Bullying in the workplace education needs to promote learning in both the affective and cognitive domains, which role-play accomplishes. Today, more scenarios and an introduction to the best lawsuit-fighting tool of all, the annual HR audit. Having Difficult Conversations . I got a follow-up phone call to say that I had scored the highest marks and would be sent a written job offer. He sits with his arms folded and is rigid in his chair. ASSESSMENT 3: SIMULATION OBSERVATIONS . In a contentious moment, she recommends that the C-suite move toward a . The Scenarios. For example, appropriate posture or body language. Example #1: "Inclusion is taking a diversity plan and putting it into action. In this worksheet there are seven different role play ideas for students to perform in the classroom. Katie is the COO of a hospitality company. Irresponsible Team Mamber You are working with a team composed of students from your classroom and from a classroom in a school in another country. His co-worker Jimmy often comes late to . Ask each group to role play their scenario in front of the class. How to lead the topic. Role-playing should always focus on full group participation and mutual respect. If you're a small-business owner, there are are any number of unforeseen challenges you must prepare for. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Assessment. . Ten scenarios allow students to practice addressing employee issues ranging from suspected employee theft to personal hygiene. If you play sports, your team will have practices and scrimmage upcoming opponents. Try to remember that there Cognitive Diversity: Definition, Examples, and Scenarios in The Workplace. You are required to take 3 role plays with your clients (assessor) in the simulated workplace environment. Scenario 1. In this blog post, diversity and inclusion expert (and 2019 MBE) Joanna Abeyie explores the differences between each element and how they relate to all workplaces. Thumball™ is a soft 6″ stuffed vinyl ball that looks like a cool soccer ball and has 32 panels pre-printed with questions suited for adults and teens. Encourage Proactive Bystanders In role play, students may participate as culturally diverse patients or as nurses encountering patients from different cultures. If you have a role in a musical, your cast will hold rehearsals to get ready for the big show. She has a keen strategic mind. The ReadySet Ally Skills workshop positions people of all backgrounds, identities, and genders to successfully undertake allyship at work and beyond. And, if you're on a customer service team, your colleagues and manager will conduct role playing exercises to prepare you for potential questions that customers will ask. 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