Match. Which of the following sources would be a primary source for you and which a secondary? Questions about the difference between primary and secondary sources. Michael Brown 1 year ago. When it comes to information gathering, there are two ways in which one can find out, and this is through primary and secondary sources. This quiz requires you to log in. SECONDARY SOURCE 14. SECONDARY SOURCE 12. The TV show is a . Learn. PRIMARY SOURCE 18. Start studying Primary and Secondary Sources (Quiz). PRIMARY SOURCE 13. PRIMARY SOURCE 10. SECONDARY SOURCE 14. Delete Quiz. Q. PRIMARY SOURCE 10. A documentary on PBS about World War II Primary Secondary 5. Secondary Sources. SECONDARY SOURCE 16. Removing question excerpt is a premium feature. Quia - Primary and Secondary Sources Home FAQ About Log in Subscribe now 30-day free trial The TV show is a improve the knowledge and give you the fun to play. Question #1 . This is about the characteristics of things like primary, secondary, reliable and unreliable sources. Are these primary or secondary sources? Preview this quiz on Quizizz. A source used often. Primary vs. Quiz your students on Primary and Secondary Sources Pretest using our fun classroom quiz game Quizalize and personalize your teaching. primary source. Report Ad. I was watching the Disney channel and one of the reporters said I should see a movie she really liked. When she talks about the movie, is she a primary or secondary source? You need to get 100% to score the 10 points available. •A Primary Source is information that was created at the same time as an event or by a person directly involved in the event. Wrong. It also asks students which source would be better for research. Photographs of Civil War soldiers in their camp Primary Secondary 3. Letters written by Abraham Lincoln Primary Secondary 4. Is a birth certificate a primary or secondary source ? Becky_Haase. You need to get 100% to score the 10 points available. Just select the subject about which you want to create a new quiz and go ahead with your questions and their options. Primary and Secondary Sources . Type in your name to start the, More Primary And Secondary Sources Quizzes. This quiz and worksheet combo can help you assess your knowledge of characteristics of primary and secondary research. A primary source gives first-hand information by someone who experiences the even whereas second-hand information is provided by another party who didn’t. Examples of Primary Sources * statistical data * legal documents * photographs * emails * blogs * original writing * videos * diaries * maps * research findings * government records. View Test Prep - Quiz 2.1- Primary or Secondary Source? This quiz/worksheet combo will help you understand the difference between primary and secondary sources, and how to use both when studying and writing about history. Identifying Primary and Secondary Sources Determine if the source would be a Primary Source (P) or a secondary source (S). Which Harry Potter Hogwarts House Do You Belong To Quiz! 16 Qs . Build free Mind Maps, Flashcards, Quizzes and Notes Create, discover and share resources Print & Pin great learning resources Register Now SOURCE: A book written by an American scholar, published in 1985. ANSWERS. When researching, you do not have to say where you got your information from. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. A non-fiction book is likely to be a secondary source as it may be referring to other work. 2.1k plays . Primary and Secondary Data Quiz. Correct! Primary vs. (Being Updated), 7th Grade Science- Heat And Temperature Quiz, 7th Grade English Grammar- Compliments Quiz. A book that compiles letters, poems, and memoirs written by people who experienced the war. Wrong. Game Points. Secondary Sources Matching Game. Sarah Mlynowski Quiz | Bio, Birthday, Info, Height Family. Test Your Knowledge Skills! 17 Qs . Primary and Secondary Sources. A tv show explaining about what happened during the Boston Marathon. Correct! PRIMARY SOURCE 18. Advertisement. Test. More Primary And Secondary Sources Quizzes, Test Your Knowledge Skills! Email. A diary written by a soldier who fought in the war. Benjamin Franklin was on the founder of the Constitution. If these objects existed, what would they be considered? Terms in this set (3) Select the correct answer. STUDY. from LIBS 150 at University of Maryland, University College. As of Feb 06 21. Created by. SHARE TO FACEBOOK. Type in your name to start the game. Currently, we have no comments. The Constitution is a? From the Historian's Apprentice Toolkit HT2 Terms in this set (10) Primary Source. from LIBS 150 at University of Maryland, University College. Start studying 1-5-1 Quiz: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sources. Question 1 2.09 / 2.09 points SCENARIO: You are researching the experiences of British Free online quiz Primary and Secondary sources; Primary and Secondary sources learn by taking a quiz; Online quiz to learn Primary and Secondary sources; Your Skills & Rank. 12.2k plays . Flashcards. This quiz is incomplete! If you are researching something current, your primary sources can either be qualitative or quantitative datathat y… 15 Qs . Identifying Primary and Secondary Sources Determine if the source would be a Primary Source (P) or a secondary source (S). Circle the correct answer. The declaration of Independence. 2.8k plays . These questions will build your knowledge and your own create quiz will build yours and others people knowledge. 4.6k plays . The quiz and worksheet help you see how much you know about primary sources and how they are used. Primary vs Secondary Sources-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at . •A Primary Source is information that was created at the same time as an event or by a person directly involved in the event. A source created at the time of an event by an individual who was there. What is a primary source? You will be assessed on different types of resources. MCQs on Glaciation. Game Points. To play this quiz, please finish editing it. Primary sources will usually be the main objects of your analysis. A documentary on PBS about World War II Primary Secondary 5. Test. Glaciation Quiz. Diaries, speeches, letters, official records, autobiographies. improve the knowledge and give you the fun to play. You can mute/unmute sounds from here. Removing question excerpt is a premium feature. primary source. 15. Actions . Find and create gamified quizzes, lessons, presentations, and flashcards for students, employees, and everyone else. Why show ads? SIMILAR QUIZZES. A biography of General Westmoreland (who commanded American forces in Vietnam) written by one of his officers. Primary and Secondary Data Quiz. The questions on this quiz and worksheet combo will test you on the definition, function, examples and advantage of using primary sources in writing. Richmond, VA: View profile; Send e-mail; This activity was created by a Quia Web subscriber. A fiction book is a primary source as it is original writing. A second piece of information written about an event. 81532825279598 Your Play this game to review American History. SIMILAR QUIZZES. 1/1point Question1 Diary of a Dust Bowl This Quiz includes fill in the blank with the definition of primary and secondary sources, as well as artifact. Gravity. Add to favorites 5 favs. Actions. Preview this quiz on Quizizz. Add to favorites 5 favs. A biography of Theodore Roosevelt written in 2001 Primary Secondary 2. STUDY. Today 's Points. View 1-5 Quiz Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sources.docx from HIS 100 at Southern New Hampshire University. 0. Which Harry Potter Hogwarts House Do You Belong To Quiz! Question 1. Gravity. Secondary Source. 1) One example of a primary source is... a) Fossil. Questions about the difference between primary and secondary sources. Primary and Secondary Sources Students will decide whether a sources is a primary or secondary source and explain why. Tell me the truth so that I can know how to help you do best on your quiz tomorrow! Primary And Secondary Sources Quiz Primary And Secondary Sources Quiz Primary, Secondary, And Tertiary Colors Primary, Secondary, And Tertiary Colors Test Your Knowledge Skills! Primary vs. Primary and Secondary Sources TAKE THE QUIZ . Test your knowledge out. 73 ... Primary and Secondary Sources . This video was created by Steely Library for students in journalism courses at Northern Kentucky University. A radio broadcast from the day the Soviet Union launched Sputnik. secondary source. If you are researching the past, you cannot directly access it yourself, so you need primary sources that were produced at the time by participants or witnesses (e.g. A photograph of an immigrant family arriving at Ellis Island. 20 Qs . letters, photographs, newspapers). This secondary source is a second-hand account of a … Primary and Secondary Sources review 10. Primary And Secondary Sources. also and share with your friends. Created by. What is a primary source? 1/1point Question1 Diary of a Dust Bowl This quiz and worksheet combo can help you assess your knowledge of characteristics of primary and secondary research. Which of the following is a secondary source? Learn. You are doing a paper on the Vietnam War. Are the following sources primary or secondary? NegroBegro. A primary source gives first-hand information by someone who experiences the even whereas second-hand information is provided by another party who didn’t. Primary and Secondary Data Quiz. Old tools Audio recordings Eyewitness accounts Newspaper clippings Drawings Photographs Old posters 81532825279598 Your Quiz Submissions - Quiz 2.1: Primary or Secondary Source? Add to … The basic aspect of creating a quiz is to approach your audience as if you are taking to them in person. SIMILAR QUIZZES. and some related quiz to play like Primary and Secondary Data Quiz.. What is a secondary source? ANSWERS. Currently, we have no comments. This quiz/worksheet combo will help you understand the difference between primary and secondary sources, and how to use both when studying and writing about history. 17. QUIZ NEW SUPER DRAFT. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Total Points. secondary source A written study of the past that is based on a primary source artifact An object made by someone in the past primary source The scrap book that Nina found in her grandfather's attic is an example of a +14 more terms ... Primary & Secondary Sources . b) Secondary source. also and share with your friends. Today's Rank--0. The it gives some sources and they must label them as primary or secondary. Moody Middle School. Primary Vs Secondary Sources Quiz 8 Questions | By Sayan_mitra95 | Last updated: Sep 14, 2015 | Total Attempts: 108 Questions All questions 5 questions 6 questions 7 questions 8 questions Gravity. Which of the following is a secondary source? A journal kept by a soldier during the American Revolution. Q. I understand primary and secondary sources. A YouTube video describing how the pyramids were built. is related to Primary and Secondary Data Quiz.. Material created at the time history was being made. A primary source is anything that gives you direct evidence about the people, events, or phenomena that you are researching. Played 585 times. Diaries, speeches, letters, official records, autobiographies. Click the next button to continue. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Spell. My boss asked for a primary source of customer feedback on a new product. SECONDARY SOURCE 11. Take this Ultimate Quiz on Primary and Secondary sources. Identify the differences between primary and secondary sources. b) Magazine article. Letters Newsreels Diaries Blueprints Maps Illustrations Period clothing Old postcards Early toys Documents Videos Relics, artifacts, antiques, etc. World's Hardest Science Quiz You'll Ever Take! You're writing a research paper on the problem of homelessness in your town or city. 16 Qs . Copy this to my account; E-mail to a friend; Find other activities; Start over; Help; Mrs. D. Librarian. Primary and Secondary Sources . The it gives some sources and they must label them as primary or secondary. Letters Newsreels Diaries Blueprints Maps Illustrations Period clothing Old postcards Early toys Documents Videos Relics, artifacts, antiques, etc. Primary and Secondary Data Quiz. 1. SECONDARY SOURCE 12. Answer. A biography of the marriage between Princess Diana and Prince Charles. Please enter your Quia username and password. A biography is a secondary source, whereas an autobiography is a primary source. Created by. Military orders, battle plans, draft laws, and other government materials from the war. Match. 3) A personal journal is a... a) Primary source. With Free Quiz Creator Tool/Software, the developing of new quiz about any subject is a lot easier and time saving. View Test Prep - Quiz 2.1 Primary or Secondary Source.docx from LIBS 150 at University of Maryland, University College. About This Quiz & Worksheet. Total Points. 1-5-1 Quiz Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sources 1 History 100 Question 1 2.09 / 2.09 points SCENARIO: You are researching the experiences of British soldiers in wartime during World War I. A tv show explaining about what happened during the Boston Marathon. A textbook chapter on World War II and its famous battles. SOURCE: A book written by an American scholar, published in 1985 Primary source Secondary source Tertiary source Hide Feedback Good job! Quiz 2.1: Primary or Secondary Source? Primary and Secondary Sources. SECONDARY SOURCE 16. Question 3. Examples of secondary sources Examples of primary sources Skills Practiced. Quiz & Worksheet Goals Historical Thinking . One of us! Start studying 1-5-1 Quiz: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sources. MCQs on Glaciation. Created using PowToon. A source found in an important book like an encyclopedia. Primary and Secondary Sources Notes Guide and Quiz Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Get started! A first-hand, direct account of something generally an object or event. Old tools Audio recordings Eyewitness accounts Newspaper clippings Drawings Photographs Old posters It does *not* tell you where to find materials for quizzes. Primary and Secondary Sources. PLAY. Primary. b) Secondary source.Primary source. primary source. A radio broadcast from the day the Soviet Union launched Sputnik. Difficulty: Average. Photographs of Civil War soldiers in their camp Primary Secondary 3. Letters written by Abraham Lincoln Primary Secondary 4. A TV documentary filmed by a reporter who toured Vietnam during the war. Are the following sources primary or secondary? View Test Prep - Quiz 2.1- Primary or Secondary Source? Preview this quiz on Quizizz. Drag the items and drop them on their correct location. Tools. Primary And Secondary Sources. Tweet Pin it Embed Code Quiz Questions And Answers . A source created at the time of an event. However some are primary as they discuss just their own work. Advertisement. Be first to comment on this quiz. Online quiz to learn Primary and Secondary sources; Your Skills & Rank. Write. A newspaper article from 1912 about … Primary and Secondary Sources Quiz 1. Once you figure out the answer remove the tab of the answer you think is correct and see if you are right or not. Identify the differences between primary and secondary sources. 1-5-1 Quiz Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sources 1 History 100 Question 1 2.09 / 2.09 points SCENARIO: You are researching the experiences of British soldiers in wartime during World War I. ... Primary and Secondary Data Quiz. Which Rugby Position Should You Play? Quiz 2.1: Primary or Secondary Source? All the best! 10. Reference Sources . You are doing a paper on the Vietnam War. A biography of Theodore Roosevelt written in 2001 Primary Secondary 2. Created by. Each item is either a primary or secondary source. is related to Primary and Secondary Data Quiz.. Secondary Source. Primary and Secondary Source Quiz! Question of. A source created after an event has happened. PLAY. 7th Grade: Unit 1 Primary and Secondary Sources. Circle the correct answer. A source … c) Encyclopedia. Be first to comment on this quiz. Write. A YouTube video describing how the pyramids were built. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech. Presesnting an exclusive set of MCQs on Primary and Secondary Data for preparation of Quiz. 2) A magazine article is a... a) Primary source. 31.7k plays . Material created at the time history was being made. Question #2 . PLAY. 1. Sarah Mlynowski Quiz | Bio, Birthday, Info, Height Family. This secondary source is a second-hand account of a … (Being Updated), 7th Grade Science- Heat And Temperature Quiz, 7th Grade English Grammar- Compliments Quiz. POST YOUR ANSWER (READ ANSWERS) Name. Are these primary or secondary sources? Exercise 6: Writing Exercises, Primary and Secondary Sources. Primary and Secondary Sources Quiz 1. 15. Match. A source created after an event has happened by someone not present at the event. A book written by a historian who didn't fight in the war, but draws on other sources. I showed him some of our customers' tweets. Question 1 2.09 / 2.09 points SCENARIO: You are researching the experiences of British Play this game to review Reading. Primary and Secondary Sources. PLAY. Here you can create your own quiz and questions like Which of the following is a secondary source? What is a primary source? improve the knowledge and give you the fun to play. Spell. ... Primary & Secondary Sources . Primary v. Secondary Sources. 17. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Ultimate Trivia On Primary And Secondary Information Sources! quizlette244789. It is an original piece. One of us! Which Naruto Character Are You Most Like? What is the most important reason for citing a source when quoting it directly? A newspaper article about Vietnam written in the 1960s. A source which is someone's second choice to use for research. The declaration of Independence. A book about the war where the author says things like "I was drafted at age 18..."; "I flew to Vietnam a few months later..."; "We fought in five battles...". Keep practicing until you get them all right! World's Hardest Science Quiz You'll Ever Take! Primary source documents are all of the following EXCEPT -- Preview this quiz on Quizizz. 1-4-1 Quiz: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sources Attempt 1 Written: Jan 10, 2019 9:44 PM - Jan 10, 2019 9:59 PM SCENARIO: You are researching the experiences of British soldiers in wartime during World War I. PRIMARY SOURCE 13. Flashcards. This quiz will review your knowledge of primary and secondary sources. Quiz Submissions - Quiz 2.1: Primary or Secondary Source? Start studying Primary and Secondary Sources (Quiz). 4) Choose TWO primary sources. A biography about Abraham Lincoln . Becky_Haase. View 1-5 Quiz Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sources.docx from HIS 100 at Southern New Hampshire University. Be first to comment on this quiz. Get started! If these objects existed, what would they be considered? Test. Items: diary, audio recording of Grandma talking about her life, history textbook, student report card. SECONDARY SOURCE 11. ANSWERS. Currently, we have no comments. This Quiz includes fill in the blank with the definition of primary and secondary sources, as well as artifact. BACK TO EDMODO. Today 's Points. Take this Ultimate Quiz on Primary and Secondary sources. 1.8k plays . STUDY. Question 2 . There is no wrong answer to this! View Test Prep - Quiz 2.1 Primary or Secondary Source.docx from LIBS 150 at University of Maryland, University College. An autobiography. 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