Sororities often use Greek letters as their names, similar to fraternities. Social media is another relatively new tool in the recruitment process. Related, but separate. This isn't the Mafia where you get your own family after you whack enough people & have enough territory. At many colleges, the sororities give out formal bids on one special day, which is called bid day. A formal invitation to membership in a particular fraternity or sorority. Our line's name was the "5 Pearls of Distinction". Some sororities choose names that have a historical or cultural significance, while others choose names that are unique or memorable. I post NPHC advice videos every Tuesday. Anything unusual? For example, a new member might learn the history of the sorority and its values. If youre interested in joining a Fraternity or Sorority make sure to hit that subscribe button! Additionally, actresses like Blake Lively, Jessica Simpson, and Danica McKellar were all once members of Pi Beta Phi. But are you financially prepared? Its a Time-Consuming ProcessThough it varies from organization to organization, you will be on line anywhere from one to three months (and chances are, you will eat, sleep and breathe your soon-to-be sorority that semester). Use our t-shirt maker to design your own. At present, NPC-affiliated sororities usually refer to the pledging process as new member education. Its a Life-Long CommitmentYour sorority affiliations dont end on graduation day. If you're considering going through rush, there are some sorority recruitment terms you might want to know: Each sorority has a different private way of voting for new members. A member in good standing. For example, the name Lambda Phi Omega is composed of three separate terms: Lambda (Greek letter), Phi (an acronym for love and friendship) and Omega (last letter of the Greek alphabet). Hera (my line name) is the greek goddess of marriage, birth, and women. 6 August 2007. [2] Some sororities have rules about what a sister can and cannot do while wearing her letters. These nicknames can be easier to pronounce than the full Greek version and also serve to create a sense of camaraderie and pride among members of the organization. When you think of pledging, it's likely hazing is the next thing that pops into your mind. Poor thing was wearing braces at the time. The process chapters conduct to recruit, interview, choose, and educate new members. Probably the best way to go about this would be to get other sisters to latch onto the idea of making mini-families within each family so there won't be any hurt feelings. Additionally, once the name has been selected it should be legally protected and registered with the appropriate organizations in order to prevent others from using it. is using a security service for protection against online attacks. Recruitment event for culturally based groups. Sorority names are typically derived from Greek letters and can be words, acronyms or even a combination of both. Each of them were given to us for something that stood out about us. While that's what Hollywood would have you imagine, in reality, it's not exactly like that. "National History." Ever wondered we assign line numbers? Leaving your old family and creating a completely new one - even if your big has left school/graduated - is an incredibly disrespectful idea and bound to create TONS of hurt feelings. There are many celebrities who have been members of sororities over the years. Initiated fraternity or sorority members who have graduated from college. Additionally, the name and logo of the sorority should be protected through trademark registration. Is there some sort of theme for this years line? A formal presentation of a new line to campus. Make sure to check it out if you want to be well equipped on how to join an organization! Optional costs include buying sorority T-shirts, sorority jewelry, pictures and paying for activities like date nights. The umbrella organization for 26 women's fraternities. Others report dissatisfaction at their group's response to social unrest and the Black Lives Matter movement. You should probably keep it in line with the rest of your chapter- e.g. These sororities are well-known around the world. https://goo.g. Yes, lots and lots of secrets. Fraternities and sororities engage in philanthropic activities, host parties, provide "finishing" training for new members such as instruction on etiquette, dress and manners, and create networking opportunities for their newly graduated members. Additionally, many sisters of a particular sorority often use nicknames as social shorthand for their groups name. Many female students felt isolated, not just because the male students outnumbered them, but because this was a time when women were largely considered unsuited to higher education. So apologize to your bestie in advancethis experience has to remain between you and your sisters. Each (inter)national organization has its own policy regarding legacies. Alpha Delta Pi: The Greek letters represent the motto We Live for Each Other and symbolize the sororitys values of scholarship, leadership, service, and sisterhood. Your email address will not be published. The formal ceremony that marks the beginning of active membership. Another popular sorority is Kappa Delta which has a long-standing tradition of promoting friendship and scholarship amongst its members. Nobody had a degrading line name however some were less than desirable but only if you knew the "true" meaning, but to give someone an obviously disrespectful line name is out of order. The idea that sorority life is just about being social frustrates many sorority members, whose national chapters and mission statements stress the importance of scholarship and service. Here are some examples of sorority names and symbols: Thesesorority names were auto-generated. Black women who join NPC-affiliated sororities report rampant racism, from microaggressions like being referred to as "the Black girl," to the use of full-on racial slurs. However, the semester that youre on line might not be the best time to enroll in Organic Chemistry. Black sororities have also faced accusations of exclusionary behavior in the form of colorism discrimination against members of one's own ethnic group. My line's name is Diamonds Are Forever. Additionally, sororities also have symbols that represent their organization, such as badges, crests, and mascots. #3 Tateana "Phoenix" Cutter. Made me wonder. Fraternities and sororities can be tax-exempt 501 (c) (7) organizations in the United States. The University of Michigan says that hazing includes "willful acts, with or without the consent of the individual involved," that cause "physical injury; assault or battery; kidnapping or imprisonment; physical activity that knowingly or recklessly subjects a person or persons to an unreasonable risk of physical harm or to severe mental or emotional harm; degradation, humiliation, or compromising of moral or religious values; forced consumption of any substance; placing an individual in physical danger, which includes abandonment; and undue interference with academic endeavors." Along with the incredible time investment dedicated to studying, meetings and social events and learning the sorority's history and ideals, many pledges must also learn how to step. Informally, women's fraternities are called sororities. While colleges are cracking down on hazing, it also still happens, which is never a good experience and is quite problematic. 2012 (July 15, 2022), Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security, The University of Mississippi Panhellenic Council. Maybe the intake deadline passed. The specific line names used by each sorority can vary widely and are often unique to the individual chapter. Stories circulate about girls being told to bring markers with them to meetings. Group chat names can be a fun way to bring members of a sorority together and help foster a sense of community. If a potential new member accepts a sorority bid, she becomes a new member, more commonly known as a pledge. However, it seems that sorority hazing is getting more violent. Pledging Post-Grad is an OptionMaybe your finances werent right the first time around. These nicknames can be easier to pronounce than the full Greek version. Stepping began with black fraternities in much the same way the white fraternities' tradition of glee club-style singing sprang to life. Here is a list of 57 sorority names, in alphabetical order: Below are some ideas for sorority names that could reflect the values and goals of the organization: Its important to keep in mind that the name of a sorority should reflect the values, goals, and identity of the organization, and should serve as a symbol of unity and sisterhood among its members. However, its imperative that you take a step back and consider which sorority is a good fit for you. Kappa Kappa Gamma: The name is derived from the Greek words kappa and gamma, which symbolize the sororitys values of leadership, scholarship, and sisterhood. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (DST) Established in 1913, DSTs mission is to promote academic excellence, political awareness, and social action. Much like deciding which college to attend, deciding whether to rush is a personal decision. For example, 90s sitcoms, famous authors, etc. 45 Famous Black Sorority and Fraternity Members. #14. A national sorority has chapters all over the country that answer to a governing body. It just sounds like OP wants to start her own clique within the chapter with matching shirts/etc.--not good. Please copy/paste the following text to properly cite this article: A sorority is a group or a society for girls studying at an higher educational institute. Watch this video to find out!If you have video suggestions please click on the link below to submit them! An active member of a fraternity or sorority who serves as a mentor to a new member, guiding him or her through the new member program and initiation. Like are all the sisters in a big room and they just vote for who they want? Here are the names of some black sororities: Its important to avoid making generalizations based on race or ethnicity when referring to sororities. Inside Higher Ed. A term used by fraternity members to refer to one another. Shoot, maybe you just decided that you wanted to pledge yesterday. She was a strong goddess who even Zeus could not stand up to. Sometimes they will refer to someone as simply Frat. In order to choose a name for a new sorority, it is important to consider factors such as purpose, uniqueness, pronunciation, marketability, and history. Such hazing acts are done in order to pledge or otherwise be initiated into membership in any group. This is one instance where people get the idea that sororities can be superficial snap judgments may be made based purely on looks. What may be right for one woman may not be right for another even if you are a legacy with your mother and grandmother in good alumna standing with a certain sorority. Hence the line name, Location: Clarksville, way of TAMPA. "These Black Sorority Members Are Speaking Out Against The Racism They Faced In Their Chapters." Many Latino/Latina and Multicultural groups participate in stepping as well. Similar to a lavaliere but much larger and often made out of wood. One Black member said that a sign saying "Token" was held up as she played for her sorority's Intramural softball team, and there have been many reported instances of blackface and racially inappropriate dress and actions [source: Skinner]. These rituals often have ties to Greek secret society rituals and involve symbols, and perhaps even costumes. What happens if an active advocates highly for you but you are on the line/barely make the gpa cutoff? Call/Chant If you are posting a non-greek related message, please do so in one of the. The word "sorority" did not come into being until 1882 with the founding of Gamma Phi Beta, whose adviser suggested the word might be more appropriate than "fraternity" to describe the bond of sisterhood [source: ADPi]. Some of these sororities include Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Omicron Pi, Chi Omega, Kappa Delta, and Pi Beta Phi. At these schools, attending a rush party can be seen as an indication of your interest in joining that sorority. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. Sororities also organize date nights and semi-formal and formal dances (think prom for college). You will be redirected once the validation is complete. 2022 (July 18, 2022), Nuer Hank, "Hazing in Fraternities and Sororities." is part of ESSENCE Communications, Inc. In the same way females can rush a sorority, guys can join a fraternity. Sisters use the markers to circle areas of the pledge's body to indicate where they think the pledge needs to lose weight. Location: only the best city in the world, This forum is for various discussion topics regarding greek life. Updated January 8, 2023 Sorority and fraternity lines allow you the opportunity to build bonds with fellow new members who join the organization in the same semester. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (AKA) Founded in 1908, AKA stands for service to all mankind and emphasizes leadership, scholarship, and social responsibility. Gamma Phi Beta: The name represents the sororitys founding principles of love, labor, learning, and loyalty. A historically black tradition characterized by synchronized hand foot movements, along with singing, dancing, chanting, and acting. A local group of the larger (inter)national organization, designated by a special Greek name. Is your role model an AKA/Delta/Zeta/SGRho? Personally, I thought it was sick and not cute, but the girls were wearing their jackets with pride, - The Fraternity & Sorority Greek Chat Network. Sorority families may have their own special traditions like wearing a particular design of necklace with Greek letters. each sorority has different ways, but I doubt there are any that sit in a room and vote, because that would take literally all night- usually the girls that talk to you will advocate to those working behind the scenes for you to either be cut or asked back, and that might be through ballots or a points system or something different These organizations are often identified by their Greek letters and have distinct names and symbols. What are the pledges favorite fictional characters? Do you have the funds? i thought it was a cute topic and i'd certainly like to know what some of my sorors' lines' names were. This make it seem like your current family isn't good enough for you. Read on to find out. Dont get us wrong: Were not telling you to slack off for a semester. Each sorority prides itself on its own unique traditions, which means that all rituals are secret and must never be discussed with non-members. This isn't the Mafia where you get your own family after you whack enough people & have enough territory. There are even sorority rush coaching companies, such as Hiking in Heels, that help prospective members get their "rush packages" ready, provide fashion guidance and help them prepare for event conversations and situations [source: Lake]. Many schools have transitioned to at least one "virtual" round, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. One frat brother tells the story of how he and his friend from high school were. Required fields are marked *. Use our t-shirt maker to design your own. Term used to refer to an older brother/sister from your chapter. "About the NPHC." The mutual selection process that prospective members and chapter members go through during the recruitment period to get to know one another. Brother A term used by fraternity members to refer to one another. ** My advice has helped many people approach NPHC organizations the right way. Some sororities actually don't have houses and meet instead somewhere on campus or another facility. Fraternity and Sorority Definitions (Greek Dictionary). how do sororities pick who to ask back? Epsilon Kappa Soup Epsilon Kappa offers a sense of comfort with hot soup ready at all times! To end one's fraternity or sorority membership before initiation. Pearls and sweater sets? Are there any memorable or funny stories about the pledge floating around the group? What possessions does the pledge have? Sororities started calling it "recruitment" instead of "rush" to try to distance themselves from its hazing-heavy '80s-movie connotations. Big Brother or Sister An active member of a fraternity or sorority who serves as a mentor to a new member, guiding him or her through the new member program and initiation. Know Your HistoryRemember how we mentioned that a significant portion of your time on line would be spent studying? "What is stepping?" It sounds like everyone in her chapter basically fits into one of four "families" and she wants a smaller family unit. Delta Pi Latte Another coffee-based reference, this one is for those who like their drinks strong and creamy. All four organizations provide strong foundations from which students can develop into successful individuals capable of achieving great things within society today and tomorrow. Pi Phi Pie A sweet reference to the classic dessert, this sorority name suggests that its members have a sweet tooth. Like, really expensive. (Singular is alumnus) Alumnae - Members of a sorority who have graduated. Have there been other members of the pledges family in this frat/sorority before? Some black sororities used to use a "brown paper bag test" if a potential new member's skin was darker than a paper bag, she would be ineligible to join [source: Pilgrim]. A charitable fundraiser or service project sponsored by a fraternity or sorority. The pledge class practices together to perform a stepping routine during a campus step show. My individual line name was chosen because I was the one who always asked questions, and more questions. ** IF YOU FOUND THIS VIDEO HELPFUL PLEASE SHARE IT ON SOCIAL MEDIA OR WITH A FRIEND**..CHECK OUT MY NPHC ADVICE PLAYLIST I have a whole playlist dedicated to giving you advice on NPHC Fraternities \u0026 Sororities. When I pledged, we were given a swahili line name and I was given a swahili line name. A sister who falls below the established GPA might be required to attend study sessions or even have social privileges revoked. Is that woman at church who youve always admired in a sorority? Most universities and colleges define hazing in a similar way. . There might be mandated study times, weekly meetings and optional social events. What do the pledges tastes in music look like? Does the pledge remind you of someone on sight alone for example, a character from a book or TV series? You may be used to telling your girlfriends everything and then some, but youre going to have to remain mum on this area of your life. Many sorority members participate in campus philanthropy organizations as well. Your email address will not be published. That would make anyone chuckle! Sometimes these students will band together and form an interest group. Gamma Phi Beta offers a similar commitment to service and leadership opportunities. Now what? Stepping is a dance that involves using the body as a percussive instrument steppers stomp, clap their hands together and against their bodies to make a rhythm for sorority chants and songs. Alpha Phi is one of the most elite sororities and is considered to be the hardest to get into. Phi Mu: The name represents the sororitys founding principles of love, honor, and truth. When sororities were founded, college campuses were dominated by men. In this article, we'll discuss the sorority recruitment process, what pledging is like and what to expect from life as a member of a sorority. . Hera (my line name) is the greek goddess of marriage, birth, and women. Sororities began as a way for women to find intellectual and social companionship with one another. Kappa Alpha Theta (Theta) Founded in 1870, Thetas mission is to offer lifelong opportunities for womens friendship, personal growth, and leadership development. Answer: Each sorority is different, and each college has a different view on sororities. Macon, Georgia, saw the first secret society for women in 1851: the Adelphean Society (now called Alpha Delta Pi). The second you walk out the door the actives who talked to you vote. Sigma Kappa is another prominent sorority with an emphasis on personal growth through meaningful friendships and philanthropic activities such as Alzheimers awareness campaigns or Walk to End Alzheimers events held across the country every year. 2022 (July 18, 2022), National Pan-Hellenic Council. Sororities often have distinct names and symbols, including specific colors, that help to identify and distinguish them from other organizations. I can't imagine how a chapter would all be in one of four. Sororities with houses usually have a house mom, who coordinates the day-to-day affairs of the sorority from meals to maintenance and enforces house rules, like no alcohol. What kinds of clothes does the pledge usually wear? For example, the Big Sis of your Big Sis would be your Grand Big Sis. My Fraternity:**DISCLAIMER: All thoughts and opinions are my own and are not a reflection of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated. Yes, there are certain social aspects to each organization, but each of the Divine Nine sororities put an emphasis on community and service (Seriously! Potential new members commonly known as rushees must go through a recruitment process, traditionally known as rush. Didn't find your school?Request for your school to be featured on GreekRank. Make Sure Youre Financially PreparedBefore you jump into any intake process, slow your roll, and take a long, hard look at your finances. Alpha Phi: The name is derived from the Greek words alpha meaning first and phi meaning friendship, representing the sororitys values of sisterhood, scholarship, service, leadership, loyalty, and character development. A percentage of your time might be spent planning parties and rehearsing for step shows, but the majority of members time is spent giving back to localand national and internationalcommunities. Because of negative associations with words like "pledge," many sororities have chosen to adopt new language. Grade risks etc come into play and they make their list, each sorority has different ways, but I doubt there are any that sit in a room and vote, because that would take literally all night- usually the girls that talk to you will advocate to those working behind the scenes for you to either be cut or asked back, and that might be through ballots or a points system or something different.