Our Father doesnt want that for us. <> Are you a family woman? 16:38). Who was Obed-Edom? Whatever you say amen to will happen because you are proclaiming, so shall it be in your life. How can I connect you and learning more about Grace? you believe you will be blessed by God based on how well you keep the law), you have fallen from grace (Gal. Obed-Edom was a man lifted by affliction. 1045. 2. There had to be OBVIOUS..OUTWARD signs that were reported to King David. Wow! Instead of seeking the Lord and humbling himself to ask God where he missed the mark, David had a servile (slavish) fear of God. One of them is indeed a Levite. 1:20)! The Shofar is the horn made from a male sheep. Itallows the cursesto operate in the lives ofbelieversif they are trying to keep the law in order to be acceptable to God, which is righteousness by works. This teaching was an answer to prayer for me on both topics. He is holy and just, and we must approach Him in recognition of His holiness! What must also be present is an overwhelming consciousness of our eternal righteousness and a greater appreciation of THE BLOOD OF JESUS. You see, their god, Dagon, was a fish god; basically, a merman. They made a foolish, HUGE mistake and pushed aside the Mercy Seat. As we live out every moment of this year, lets be reminded that Jesus is always with us in the present and ready to help. that place is called Perez Uzza (breach of mans strength) to this day. 1 Chronicles 13:11 NKJV. This is what David did after he took the ark from Obed-Edoms house: And so it was, when those bearing the ark of the LORD had gone six paces, that he sacrificed oxen and fatted sheep. 2 Samuel 6:13 NKJV. Copyright JosephPrince.com 2022 Its the exact reason I started writing because I wanted to bless the Church with the real Jesus and seeing Him through all the scriptures concerning Himself. The Strange Case of Obed-Edom - Cornerstone Community Church Can't you hear him: "Hey, this is great! God showed his love for us, for he sent his only Son into the world that through him we might have life. True fear of the Lord is having a desire to please someone whom we know loves us. The sons of Shemaiah were . I believe you will have a heart to study. Is it this church is your affiliate church ? Doorkeeper of the Ark of the Covenant. When they found Jesus, He, of course, KNEW EVERYTHING. As for thetablets of sapphire, you may refer to the embedded ink above entitled, Ananias and Sapphire, for more on that topic. And the Bible said God blessed Obed-Edom. From here, we can make two observations first. THATS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN JESUS IS BROUGHT BACK TO THE CENTER OF THE CHURCH! Amen The word Amen in this verse is referring to the person of Jesus Himself. However, Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life (John 11:25), and raised Lazarus from the dead. From the Philistines, of course! Pastor Prince shares a word of wisdom for those concerned about growing older. Ibeg to differ. It just means that instead of using words of demand on them, we can correct our children with words that bring supply. When you keep being conscious that by Gods unmerited, unearned, and undeserved favor, Jesus Christ took your place and died for your sins on the cross, and you have taken His place as the righteousness of God in Christ, you will start to see bad habits drop off. Once again the answers are hiding in the meanings of names in Hebrew. When Lazarus died, Martha said to Jesus, If You had been here, my brother would not have died (John 11:21). It is the story about the woman of suffering for twelve long years. The Lesson of Uzza "And David and all Israel played before God with all their might, and with singing, and with harps, and with psalteries, and with timbrels, and with cymbals, and with trumpets." 1 Chron. The Chronicler naturally desired to think that only Levites could discharge such duties as Obed-edom performed, and hence, the references to him as a Levite. David learned from his mistake! The Bible tells us that sin shall not have dominion over us because we are not under the law but under grace (Rom. Sauls attitude certainly wasnt Davids. He has a sermon obed edom which almost identical with yours, I love reading and yes JP is one of the best if not the best! This is a promise for every household. It is overlaid with gold, which represents His deity. , 12b So David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of Obed-Edom to the City of David with gladness.13 And so it was, when those bearing the ark of the Lord had gone six paces, that he sacrificed oxen and fatted sheep.14 Then David danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was wearing a linen ephod.15 So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the Lord with shouting and with the sound of the trumpet.. Firstly, there is no apparent evidence that Obed Edom was appointed the gatekeeper because of his experience with the Ark. THATS WHY THE OXEN STUMBLED. He must have felt too personal or too common about it, that he forgot Gods commandments concerning it. What a great teaching. Well Isay, UZZAH NEEDS TO DIE!Bring Jesus once again back to His rightful place: AT THE CENTER of worship in the churchandLET THE OXEN STUMBLE! This demonstrates that David this time around had a greater revelation and appreciation of the blood of Jesus. They talk about laws, rules and regulations, how to be holy, Church growth and evangelism, blah blah blah. Cancel. wealth (chayil) The Hebrew word, chayil is translated many times in the Bible for wealth. So not only will you and your children have moral strength, but you will also have wealth! But it was not by thier might; it was in response to a revelation of Jesus! 2 0 obj Even those who look like they are keeping the law definitely have private struggles in their lives. "El Secreto de Obed Edom" //Pastor Abraham Perez - YouTube . We are not like slaves who dont want to displease their master in fear of being punished. 26:46) and able men with strength for the work (1 Chron. Open your homes. Obed edom - SlideShare If you desire to maintain the presence of God in your home, a certain attitude must be a part of maintaining it. This is why God called him A man after His own heart. Abba, too, desires that Jesus, His beloved Son, be THE CENTER OF WORSHIP..ALWAYS! Numbers 4:15 says, And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary, and all the vessels of the sanctuary, as the camp is to set forward; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it: but they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die. The Ark had been in their possession for years after the philistines returned it. Let the blessings that were on Obed-Edom and his household be upon you and your houses, upon your families, upon your little ones. In this year of Rest and Acceleration, God wants to accelerate His restoration in your family life. I looked up the article on Rahab that explains quite a lot and here is the link to it: https://emmausroadministries.wordpress.com/2017/04/17/the-gospels-part-3-genealogies/. However, back then, the people had to offer sacrifices to renew their sanctification yearly. may God continue to enrich you in Him. Though He suffered much because of His wounds, however, they didnt bring about His death. He also left Obed-Edom and his sixty-eight associates to minister with them. A burnt offering EVERY SIX PACES! It explained and confirmed a lot of things in my Spirit. The Philistines, on the other hand, were overjoyed to have gotten their hands on the Ark..well, at first anyway. Maybe he went back to church or read his Bible. The Ark demonstrates that Jesus is 100% Man (wood) and 100% God (gold.). But God didnt cut His own people any slack. Obed-Edom and his household had their eyes and hearts fixed on the Ark of God for three months. , The opening scripture is one of the most puzzling passages in the entire Bible for more than just a few, my self included. Self-righteousness: Thats what Uzzah represents. Who is Obed-Edom? - eBible To complete the subscription process, please click on the Jesus needs to be broughtBACK TO THE CENTER. The word for Ox, is Aleph. Aleph () is also the number 1, in Hebrew. Because of the ark, Obed-Edom saw blessings everywhere in his family, on his crops, and everyone felt peace and joy in his house. 31:10). A preacher in a conference I attended talked about Obed Edom being everywhere in the records of 1 Chronicles. As I also said, all names in the Bible have a meaning. And I am married to my pretty wife Angelina. Under no circumstance was the ark to be placed on a cart and moved by animals. Its because of His blood that we are brought near to God (Heb. Join Daniel King to learn how the remarkable story of a little-known Bible hero contains the key to releasing God's favor on you and your family. Today, we are in Christ Jesus, and we have His righteousness. Choices When I speak As a servant of the blood, Obed-Edom likely offered the blood of the sacrifice, and thats why he stood in the place of a righteous man. This year, may these family blessings manifest so evidently in your familys lives that people will talk about it. No man can look at the law and remain alive. Our text today records an event that transpired while David sought to move the ark of God back to Jerusalem, and place it within the Tabernacle. WHO WAS OBED-EDOM 1 Chronicles 13:13-14 (NKJV) 13 So David would not move the ark with him into the City of David, but took it aside into the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite. Without Jesus shed blood, there is no remission of sins (Heb. . Sermons and Outlines - Sermon Notebook Obed-Edom named each of his sons in honor of God's blessing on his household. I have written many posts on Mark 5:25-34 . Nevertheless, due to the lack of data point, it may be different persons as well. You saw how they fell before Him when He said, I Am He. Well, notice the word,He,is initalicsbecause it isnt in the original text but was added by translators to make the text flow better. Know how far it is from the house of Obed Edom to Jerusalem? Yep! Same thing, so they set him back up again. . Lessons from Jairus - Scott Cason Frazier Among all the furniture in the tabernacle, the ark of the covenant is the clearest representation of the person of Jesus and His presence. Even though Jerusalem was the CENTER of worship for the Jewish people, it never occurred to him to restore it to its rightful place. Thank You! Check well. This is a picture of having communion, in remembrance of the Lords death, every Sunday. Its not about how good we are but about how good our representative isand our representative is our Lord Jesus who is perfect in every way. Why was he bringing it back and why was is not there where it belonged? While it was found within its place, behind the veil in the Tabernacle, Gods presence dwelt there and the sacrifices were offered on the Day of Atonement. The Word speaks indeed. What have other preachers told you about Obed Edom? What do they know of the proper way tocarry the Ark? She needs a whole new appreciation of the BLOOD OF JESUS! You know, basically an ignorant nobody! Worship with us at No 15 Grey street, polokor market warri. 1 Cr. It lets me understand Bible more. But He chose to record it for us to drive home a very important point. (1) The Gittite to whose house the *Ark of the Lord was transferred after the death of Uzzah ( II Sam. All these point towards one direction, that we cannot see Obed Edoms name and simply conclude that he was there due to the presence of God. He put forth his hand to steady the ark, and God smote Uzzah, and he died. There was praise, worship, and music played skillfully on many instruments along with him. Can you imagine? 6 And when they came to Nachons threshing floor,Uzzahput outhis handto the ark of God and took hold of it, for the oxen stumbled. Many believers today are committing the sin of Beth Shemesh by trying to justify themselves by the law. Obed-Edom didn't miss a beat, but became a regular gatekeeper of the tabernacle ii. God has the right to take life, but He also has the power and loving desire to give life eternally. He died instantly. It was heartfelt and sincere no doubt, but they relied on their own reasoning, their own efforts. We found it in theFIELDS OF THE WOODS. <>>> From the moment He heard about where it was,he purposed in his heartto bring the Ark of the LORD back to Jerusalem; BACK TO THE CENTER OF WORSHIP! 2 Samuel - Lesson 7A | Verse By Verse Ministry International They had access to the scriptures and were without excuse.Now lets find out why the Ark wasnt in Jerusalem where it belonged. A Korhite Levite. Once the Ark of the Covenant was recovered, it was taken to the House of Abinadab and stayed there until David became king. Your email address will not be published. Remember Obed Edom? So they sent word to the men of Kirjath Jearim, begging them to takethe Arkoff their hands. Why did you say 70 years? In other words, if you pushJesus aside.What you are doing, in effect, is saying to God, I dont need your mercy. So David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of Obed-edom to the city of David with rejoicing; and when those who bore the ark of the Lord had gone six paces, he sacrificed an ox and a fatling.