Looking to maximize your performance at work? On top of that, Professor Trelawneys no slouch in the eccentric department. The Harry Potter franchise is hugecording to JK Rowlings site Pottermore, over half a billion Harry Potter books have been sold worldwide. At least some content in this article is derived from information featured in: Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery& Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells& Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore& Harry Potter: Magic Awakened& Hogwarts Legacy.As such, spoilers will be present within the article. This can make them come across as cool and a bit uncaring. So it goes to show how big a perfectionist Ravenclaws can be. Millicent Bagnold Since Ravenclaws are not strict moralists in the same way that Gryffindors are, it can give leeway to less savory acts from Ravenclaw wizards, though certainly not outright evil. Ravenclaws are seen as clever. Hufflepuff is where you will find the most trustworthy and hardworking students. ), Whether your medium is pen and paper, oil paints, sculpture, or complex nanorobotics, you think differently and use that talent to making beautiful, complex, and/or revolutionary things. In Lockhart's case, he's so self-obsessed that he doesn't even notice anything else going on around him, like the fact that Hogwarts is in danger and Harry can hear snakes in detention. According to J.K. Rowling, Hufflepuff corresponds to the element of earth. A perfect examples of this is when Harry and Ron are disguised as Crabbe and Goyle, and ask someone where the common room is. Community content is available under. House Ghost: The Grey Lady Geminis, Libras, Cancers, and Ravenclaws are all open-minded and creative intellectuals. Plus, since they had pretty good reasoning and intuition. Related: Harry Potter: The 10 Richest Ravenclaw Characters. Why be boring? Shouldnt Ravenclaws be open-minded because theyre creative?. Gryffindor house is where you would find the pluckiest and most daring students (theres a reason the house symbol is the brave lion). This doesnt mean that all Ravenclaws are self-important, but some of them are, like Professor Lockhart. What does that even entail? Introduced in The Sorcerer's Stone, the four Hogwarts houses were founded by Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin, and named based on the founder's surname. The Ravenclaw common room was in one of the castle's towers and was wide and circular. Ravenclaws are generally level-headed and think logically rather than emotionally, unlike Gryffindors. Well, when Marietta ratted out the secret organization, Dumbledores Army. A thirteenth-century witch and celebrated inventor of Floo powder. Ravenclaws would resort to some of the worst tactics. Helena Ravenclaw, for example, stole her mother's diadem to bring perfection to her intellect and outperform her own mother. As one might expect of their creative natures, the Hogwarts house Ravenclaw traits show they are also original and independent. And can you guess who pieced the clues together? Gilderoy Lockhart Ravenclaws are famous for being the smartest bunch in Hogwarts. Rowena Ravenclaw[1] Then Harry started dating Cho Chang, seeker for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team and it was like, "Yes! House information Ravenclaws are often known for being quite eccentric and most of the great wizarding inventors and innovators have come from this house. Traits 1 of the powerful magical artifacts that made Voldemort immortal. Sign up below and receive new posts directly in your email. Slytherin house has an unfortunate reputation. So are you a Gilderoy or a Luna? Because she also had the traits of a Ravenclaw. They had some of the biggest perfectionists in the wizarding world. Tables, chairs, and bookcases covered the expanse of the floor, and a white marble statue of Rowena Ravenclaw sat next to the door that led to the dormitories above. She's so dedicated to expanding her knowledge of the lesser-known magics that she even notice that she doesn't fit in. [23] Hermione Granger was also considered for Ravenclaw due to her intelligence, but the hat ultimately decided on Gryffindor once again. Harry Potter Ravenclaw The Head of House before and during Harry Potter's time was Filius Flitwick. For example, Ravenclaws are proud of Bridget Wenlock. When your friend says, "When I read, or watch a movie or TV, I like to just kind turn off and not think, so I pick fluffy crap," this legitimately blows your mind. Cunning and resourceful intelligence has more relation to Slytherin. And no other house embodied this more than Ravenclaws. [26][27] However, during the 1994 Triwizard Tournament, most Ravenclaws supported Hufflepuff champion Cedric Diggory over Harry. A view of the entrance from within the common room. They are the ones you go to when you need some good advice from a friend or a great tutor. Its founder was the medieval witch Helga Hufflepuff. Garrick Ollivander, for example, possessed an eidetic memory and can remember every wand he has sold,[21] and Gilderoy Lockhart had an exceptional talent in the Memory Charm.[22]. The emblematic animal was a badger, and yellow and And did Filius Flitwick push Harry Potter aside because he was preoccupied? Have you got any idea where the diadem of Ravenclaw is?. But youll be surprised at how strong and independent you can really be. And if you need someone who can blend good reasoning with a hilarious comeback. Examples of such individuals included Gilderoy Lockhart and Cho Chang, both of whom sought to use the good name and renown of their house, the inherent expectations of certain academic prowess that came with being sorted into it as well as the often somewhat natural ability of its members to gain popularity among their peers, which particularly was the case of the former, proving true the fact that a good student did not necessarily make a good witch or wizard. As a result, they didnt just want to beat other houses. Hufflepuffs are just the most humble of all the houses and dont feel the need to shout about their achievements in the same way as the others. What Traits Describe a Ravenclaw? [10], Ravenclaw corresponded roughly to the element of air,[17] and it was for that reason that the House colours were chosen; blue and bronze represented the sky and eagle feathers respectively, both having much to do with air. Especially if you were talking about something boring. On top of that, Ravenclaws also do it to other people. Exceedingly accomplished at Charms, Professor Flitwick was reportedly also a duelling champion in his youth. RavenclawTraits. Ravenclaws possess the traits of cleverness, wisdom, wit, intellectual ability and creativity. Notable Alumni. Rowena Ravenclaw founded Ravenclaw House. Ravenclaw Tower. The Ravenclaw common room and dormitories are located in Ravenclaw Tower on the west side of the castle.Welcome Message. Old Pottermore. Behind the ScenesReferencesSee Also Slytherin. You see, Ravenclaws thrived in academic success. He is the Charms professor at Hogwarts and the most knowledgeable Charms master alive today. Extroversion is one of the Big Five personality traits, and it describes outgoingness and drawing energy from being around other people. any real difference between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw For example, do you remember when Harry Potter searched for Rowena Ravenclaws Diadem? But this also means they never go out of their way to take risks. We tend to rely too much on the first piece of information given to us, almost like our mind is anchored and we int, On the Psychology of Your Harry Potter House, On Why Its Annoying When People Copy You. No, they didnt. But you dont have to flaunt it everywhere, right? While Hufflepuff prefect Gabriel Truman noted that they were so proud of the success of famous members, such as Laverne de Montmorency, that they claimed any intelligent wizard as a member of Ravenclaw House, such as Bridget Wenlock, who was, in fact, a Hufflepuff. Why on Earth would you want to not think? According to Slytherin prefect Gemma Farley, Ravenclaws were so competitive when it came to academic success that they were known to backstab each other, and likely other students, in order to get top marks. It's not about what you love, so much as it's how you love it. Unfortunately, one of the lesser Ravenclaw traits is they can come off as self-important. Because it taught a lot of fans to be confident about themselves. Ravenclaw is the opposite house of Gryffindor, so they're the wisest, but also the timidest and most apprehensive. [6] The Head of Ravenclaw was Filius Flitwick,[7][9] and the House ghost was the Grey Lady,[6] real name Helena Ravenclaw, daughter of Rowena. Harry Potter: The 8 Most Admirable Ravenclaw Traits "Another cool thing about Ravenclaw is that our people are the most individual some might even call them eccentrics. It has no handle, but an enchanted bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle. Harry Potter believed that they tended to side with Gryffindor in its rivalry with Slytherin, as did Hufflepuff house. In this situation, her intuition told her it might be better to give the Boy who lived a bit of space. Noted cool human Wil Wheaton defines a nerd as "a person who loves something to its greatest extent, and then looks for other people who love it in the same way, so they can celebrate loving it together." The ghost of Ravenclaw tower is called the Grey Lady a beautiful but haughty young woman with waist-length hair, decked in a cloak. Ravenclaws can come across as a bit stuck-up and full of themselves because they often know just how smart they are! All the different ways you can be a Ravenclaw | Wizarding World So theres nothing wrong with not blending in with the crowd. While intelligence may seem pretty straight-forward, it's actually a whole spectrum. They rose at almost the exact moment as the Hufflepuffs and turned their wands upon Pansy Parkinson and Slytherin House in Harry Potter's defence when the former wished to hand Harry over to Lord Voldemort and his army of Death Eaters.[10]. In fact, sometimes keeping a secret is important. Because their intelligence comes with a sense of duty to prove things too. However, vain and prone to baseless bragging, Lockharts chief achievement was showing his students how not to behave. You may be surprised that Hermione Grainger was sorted into Gryffindor when these traits seem to describe her. And her arrogance really showed earlier in the story. Filius Flitwick is the Head of Ravenclaw House. Youve probably heard someone say that learning isnt just within the 4 corners of the school. 1. But did it stop him from reaching his goals? Fancy getting sorted into your own Hogwarts house? When you rap on the door, this knocker will ask you a question, and if you can answer it correctly, you are allowed in. After all, it was she who said, "Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end. The emblematic animal symbol was an eagle, and blue and bronze were its colours. When Harry said that Voldemort was back after Cedric Diggory died, many people did not believe him, even calling him crazy. Our dormitories are in turrets off the main tower; our four-poster beds are covered in sky blue silk eiderdowns and the sound of the wind whistling around the windows is very relaxing. And youd need to grasp how memory works to make good use of that spell. Harry Potter: 14 Prolific Ravenclaws, Ranked By Intelligence The Ravenclaw common room and dormitories are located in Ravenclaw Tower on the west side of the castle. However, many other Ravenclaws, such as Cho Chang, also display their individualism. If not always in the way we expect.". Delivering the latest news and official products from the Wizarding World and our partners. Since Ravenclaws are academically motivated and tend to excel in this area, they sometimes look down on the other witches and wizards that are not as smart as them. And everybody deserves to be proud of their accomplishments. Eternal believer in Blibbering Humdingers and Crumple-Horned Snorkacks, this enigmatic Ravenclaw is one of the best friends anyone could wish for. If I had a criticism, Id say Gryffindors tend to be show-offs. While a Ravenclaw dedicates their life to studying the most elusive secrets of the wizarding world, they aren't keen to share their most precious knowledge all of the time. Ravenclaws appreciated fellow creative free spirits (think: Luna Lovegood, perhaps the most famous Ravenclaw in the Harry Potter series). Some people think sugarcoating harsh truths is good. Its actually a great trait that many Ravenclaws share and should be proud of. "As for our relationship with the other three houses: well, youve probably heard about the Slytherins. Some people believe that being eccentric is bad. 11 Signs You're A Ravenclaw, Which You Were Obviously Smart Sometimes they think that only a fellow Ravenclaw can understand their ambition for academic success. RELATED: The 5 Most Admirable Gryffindor Traits In Harry Potter (& The 5 Worst).