Which of the following best describes an argument made by de Gante in the letter? b. Add apostrophes, hyphens, brackets, and dashes where they are needed in the following sentence. Which of the following is the inclination to imagine the feelings and needs of others? ^ * "webster.com". d. At least one of the premises is false, Which of the following is the primary concern of logic? Argument by elimination *The major term <---------->, *The subject (S) term in a categorical syllogism A claim that has logic and facts. b. exactly 2 d. one of the premises is false, "The crime was committed at the gentlemen's club. If I had to describe myself with just three words, those would be the following: organized, resourceful and ambitious. 1.True "mostly likely". 1.leadership skills A logical appeal based on facts and reason (even though an argument CAN be based on emotions and interests, or something you truly believe, and can be biased), Which of the following correctly describes an argument? 3.The purpose of rhetoric is to discover the truth. 4.deductive argument, Which of the following best describes a causal argument? 2.words spoken "A fetus is a type of human person. 3.Polls are a type of generalization. b. a. 4. d. true, The conclusion of a valid argument can be false only if __________________ A circle with an X inside b. SP 3.an argument that some claim must be false because no one can prove that it is true The psychological phenomenon known as selective exposure occurs when people choose source material and authorities that reflect what they already believe (Marks & Kammann, 1980, p. 176). Just 20 years later, American, It is thought out and convincing. For conexus! The physical world can be studied without bias on the part of scientists. a. M This may include bisexual or transgender persons, but sometimes the more distinct terms of biphobia or transphobia, respectively, are used. A hypothesis that is confirmed by observation What is an argument? False. Movie versions of Frankenstein have since been made many times, but Karloff was the first person to bring the role of the monstor to the screan. b. What type of reasoning did Veronica use? Greasley (2000) pointed out that clients who seek out mediums are so inclined to find the sessions impressive that "few can blame them for leaving the consultation expressing unequivocal satisfaction" (p. 26). True d. Generalization, Which of the following is an example of a categorical syllogism? Which of the following is true? b. Undistributed middle d. If then statement, Premise 1: If I'm going to be an engineer, I need to master calculus. d. Some bears are grizzlies, The center of the Venn diagram, which represents the overlap of all 3 terms, is usually labeled ___________________ 4.a method of collecting data without using instruments such as telescopes and barometers, attempts at explanation based chiefly on unverifiable claims and emotional appeals, Belief in a nonmaterial or spiritual realm in addition to a physical realm is known as which of the following? 2.A correlation is when two events occur together at a rate higher than mere chance would predict. 1.dualism a. b. Modus ponens 2. spatial-temporal reasoning Really I don't like helping anyone cheat but I do not want anyone failing! No apples are not fruit False dilemma I will be checking to see if anyone needs help for 6th grade Math. Which of the following is a strategy that falls under the heading of reason? One piece of evidence that de Gante used in the excerpt to support his overall argument about the treatment of the people of Mexico is that Native Americans did not have enough supplies to support their families Students also viewed AP US History. a. Operationalizing concepts involves making concepts measurable. c. Modus tollens, Where must you look to find the middle term of a categorical syllogism? Why or why not? c. Some men are not members of Phi Delta Phi, In a standard categorical proposition, what is the form of the verb? Is there enough evidence for the claim? Effective communication can help with which of the following? c. Affirming the consequent 1.the process of clarifying what you mean when you make a claim Which informal fallacy claims that a member of a group must have some characteristic of that group? d. Hypothetical, How may terms must be present in a categorical syllogism? a. Which of the following is true of a good hypothesis? 2.the post conventional stage The People of the State of California v. Orenthal James Simpson was a criminal trial in Los Angeles County Superior Court starting in 1994, in which O. J. Simpson, a former National Football League (NFL) player, broadcaster and actor, was tried and acquitted for the murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman.The pair were stabbed to death outside Brown's . 2008. the ability to accurately perceive, appraise, and express emotions. Finance questions and answers. ENG 2100 Evaluating Sources & Synthesizing Id, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Nursing Assessment: Hematologic System (Chapt. Which of the following displays the fallacy of appeal to pity? b. This argument is an example of __________________ 4.None of these answers is correct. 3.the moral theory that claims that you should never violate the rights of others Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following is an argument?, Ricardo and Monica volunteered to serve food at their church picnic during the 8-10 AM shift. 3. confidence. 2.A good definition provides all of the essential characteristics of what is being defined. d. The 2nd premise, "If Delila gets an A on the test, she will pass the course. b. 3.Religious beliefs should never be held, because there is no possible evidence that can support the existence of God. 1.happiness Unit 2 Progress Check: MCQ. b. 3.toughness of character *The term that appears 2nd in the conclusion, "Some M are not N. All P are N. Therefore, some P are not M." What is the middle in this argument? -Sometimes contains words or phrases such as: certainly, definitely, absolutely, conclusively, must be, & it necessarily follow that, A deductive argument presented in the form of two supporting premises and a conclusion, A deductive argument where the form is such that the conclusion must be true if the premises are assumed to be true, The pattern of reasoning in a deductive argument, A deductive argument that is valid and that has true premises, A deductive argument that rules out different possibilities until only one remains, A deductive argument in which the conclusion depends on a mathematical or geometrical calculations, A deductive argument in which the conclusion is true because it is based on a key term or essential attribute in a definition, A deductive argument that contains two premises, at least one of which is a conditional statement --> "ifthen" statement, Mondus ponens arguments (Fallacy of Affirming the Consequent), There is one conditional premise, a second premise that states that the antecedent, or IF part, of the first premise is true, and a conclusion that asserts the truth of the consequent, or the THEN part, of the first premise, Mondus tollens (Fallacy of Denying the Antecedent), A hypothetical syllogism in the which the antecedent premise is denied by the consequent premise, A type of imperfect hypothetical argument made up of 3 conditional propositions -2 premises and 1 conclusion - linked together, A deductive argument w/h 2 premises and 3 terms, each of which occurs exactly twice in two of the three propositions, In a categorical syllogism, the term that appears second in the conclusion, In a categorical syllogism, the term that appears once in each of the premises, The predicate (P) term in a categorical syllogism, The premise in categorical syllogism that contains the predicate term, The subject (S) term in a categorical syllogism, The premise in a categorical syllogism that contains the subject term, Whether a categorical proposition in universal or particular, A term, such as ALL, NO, or NOT, which indicates whether a proposition is affirmative or negative, A visual representation of a categorical syllogism used to determine the validity of the syllogism, A type of deductive argument by elimination in which the premises present has only 2 alternatives. Which of the following is NOT a rhetorical device? 1 of 41 of 4 Items Question Which of the following describes how to trace an argument? 1.nonverbal cues such as body language 1.a passive spirit A prima facie duty is a duty that may be ignored only for the sake of other, more compelling duties. 2.critical thinking skills Argument; attempts to persuade by providing a line of reasoning's and a conclusion. 3.Reliable polls must use a sample that is representative of the entire population. 4: (Children who read 5 or less minutes a day are more likely to score lower on reading tests.) Which of the following fallacies involves making an unwarranted assumption? A compelling argumentative essay has a clear thesis, sound arguments and counterarguments, and a strong conclusion.Therefore, B is the correct option. The argument has a true conclusion because it has at least one true premise The student is quoting from page 29 of an article published in 2000 by Paul Kurtz. 1.herefore" 2.the moral theory that claims you should do what will best promote general happiness 1.A random sample of people is always best for use in a poll. c. Argument based on natural security, What type of argument is this? 4.monism, Science attempts to explain which of the following? Valid, What would a Venn diagram look like for the following claim? 2.Arthur Lupia a. denying the antecedent a. John is a dog, Therefore, John went to the vet." tanisha3020 The option that best describes the function of the first paragraph is option B. 1.sarcasm c. hasty generalization d. Venn diagram, Which of the following parts of an argument must one analyze to identify the subject and predicate terms of a categorical syllogism? a. 3.an argument that concludes one thing is the cause of other things Also thanks for not usings Letters and actually taking the time to write out the full answers, it helped alot! a. Hasty generalization Socrates is a man. False, Which of the following best describes an argument? b. True a. 2.Generalizations never provide evidence for their conclusions. c. Contextual parameters language-agnostic arguments terminology Share Improve this question Description; statements or assertions that describe that someone thinks ought to be done. "necessarily" D when the argument is sound. Not B. Spent is an interactive game created by McKinney that challenges you to manage your money, raise a child and make it through the month getting paid minimum wage after a stretch of unemployment. 4. In Aunty Misery, how does the old woman save her own life. d. affirming the consequent. An argument with 3 premises 3.Inductive arguments can be true. a. Stating the issue to be addressed 2.a moral theory that claims all cultures have a commonly held set of moral beliefs 1) An emotional appeal based on ethics and credibility 2) A sentimental appeal based on emotions and interests 3) An anecdotal appeal based on evidence and ethics 4) A logical appeal based on facts and reason 2 See answers Advertisement Greenleafable Which of the following sentences would be the best thesis statement for an essay? According to the authors, why is it inaccurate to assume there were a large number of "dial-turners" the night of the incident? Opinion and beliefs; statement that report information but include no reasoning. A false conclusion doesn't necessarily mean that a deductive argument is invalid "If you take that road, you'll end up lost. c. An argument by analogy such that if its premises are all true, then its conclusion is necessarily true 4.The conclusion of a deductively valid argument necessarily follows from its premises. decide whether or not the evidence provides links to the authors claim about the topic, It's definitely not A I think it could be C or D, These are the answers for 6th grade "Reviewing Argument Quick check" Fortunately, the legal protection worked. Which fallacy is avoided by careful attention to grammar? In his novel 1984, George Orwell put forth which of the following views? The ethical subjectivist claims that we all have a duty to be tolerant of others. Which of the following arguments commits the fallacy of appeal to ignorance? Kai got an "A" in the test. Most people would likely say their decision is an example of a(n . d. Modus tollens, Which type of argument is made up of 3 or more conditional propositions? . d. The conclusion and the premises are independent of each other, a. B, "If New York is having cold weather, you can bet New Jersey is too! C when the argument is valid. False, What resources did the participants in the Milgram and Stanford University prison experiments who resisted hurting their subjects have that the other participants probably did not? Which of the following statements is true of ethics? All dogs are mammals, "Whenever it rains, it pours". c. Either the conclusion is true or the premises are true Otherwise, criminals wouldn't receive just punishment for abhorrent crimes." 3.drawing a general conclusion from a randomly selected sample Why? The emperor should sponsor voyages to discover new American kingdoms. Which of the following of the following is true of the preceding argument? d. SPM, "College students are reckless drivers". The good and the bad are always self-evident. b. Modus tollens d. None of these answer is correct, b. c. Darwin's theory of evolution shows that God does not exist. 4.good critical thinking skills. If you are unsure about the spelling of a word, use a dictionary. 3.an argument that is psychologically appealing, but provides no support for its conclusion c. S, If a proposition refers to every member of a class, the quantity is _______________ c. "Every crow I have every is black. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, The correct answer is 4.) Critical rationalists maintain which of the following? 2.If the premises of an inductive argument are all true, then the conclusion must be as well. Follow connections between a claim that was made and the evidence used to support it Proofread the following sentence, and identify any misspelled words. a. a. a. SM She did so without knowing anything about Jason's drinking habits. 4.A woman argues that you must be wrong because you are a jerk. 2.It is testable. 4.Ignore conflicting information, Which of the following best describes pseudoscience? Which of the following is an essential component of critical thinking? (scrutinize). 4.None of these answers is correct, Which of the following is a moral value? 2.herefore" Differences in communication styles due to gender can lead to miscommunication. 3.Conscience cannot provide you with knowledge. c. A poll Morality, in his view, requires that we have these character traitsthat we should be just, temperate, courageous and so on. b. "proposition" a. a. 3.Formal training in reasoning makes no difference in one's ability to reason in unfamiliar contexts. Positive or particular Statistical The student is quoting from page 27 of an article by two authors, Wiseman and O'Keeffe, that was published in 2001. a. . True What do you mean by the argument? However, Congress will never cut pet programs and entitlement. A claim that tells a story. False, Which of the following best describes a moral argument? Youd be a fool to miss it. 2.Passive-aggressive communicators avoid confrontation and instead let others control them. 1. reflective skepticism. 21. a. providing guides and limits to the government's power. b. a. You may not need to change the form that is given. These models offer a comprehensive explanation for a broad range of observed phenomena . d. All of these are equally of concern to logic, Which of the following is a type of deductive argument? Discuss dramatic irony and how it applies to the story. 2.concluding something about an entire group from a sample Retrieved 2008-01-29. The correct option is (B). a. The literature review is followed by a statement of the precise focus of the research, and this statement builds on the knowledge gap in the problem statement. A identify the author's claim a. Xio and Chan are brothers." a. A skilled critical thinker relies on ethnocentrism, Rather than being passively carried through life, critical thinkers are. Better throw out the honey!" a. d. Modus tollens, Which go the following describes whether the claim applies to all members of the group or a certain subset? d. To do, "Anything that is an apple is a fruit". Waiting for Godot is Beckett's translation of his own original French-language play, En attendant Godot, and is subtitled (in English only) "a tragicomedy in . In Aristotle's view, if we fail to have these sorts of character traits, we cannot be happy. 1.None of these answers is correct a. 1.to use precise language The reasons for Neanderthal extinction are disputed, theories include demographic factors such as small population size and inbreeding . SURVEY . Classical Which of the following involves the fallacy of hasty generalization?